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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale


Armor bug still appears to be present

Dude stormed a house I was in, he had a level helmet and level 3 vest. Died to a short burst from my M16 and when I went to loot him both his armors were pristine
This game seems to know when I've made a stupid mistake. I have an M16, 8x scope and red dot. I see someone off in the distance. I put on my 8x. Before I take a shot, I hear someone moving behind me. I turn around and he's pretty close. So I zoom in but the 8x is way too big and I can't keep my gun on him. And he destroys me. If I had my red dot... that's an easy kill.


This game is so fucking buggy and poorly designed. It's fun when it works but there are so many bugs and issues that can ruin a match and I've seen so little progress. They aren't even fixing the simplest bugs.

At almost 2 hours in I was really considering refunding it. For some reason I decided keep it instead though.

I honestly regret that decision.

Lately the game is more infuriating than its ever been fun for me. Sad!


For you.
Some people say that having foliage on is a disadvantage. Is this even possible because that would be awful if someone could see me easier because the foliage covered my vision....

Right there I would never play this competitively unless they segregated servers on PC. I don't even see the point. How could you compete against low graphics users? I remember people used to do this in old BF games lol.

I mean it didn't look too bad on Ultra, but it took a big PC and still looked pretty lifeless to me. I could see it warping into some kind of Last of Us type thing in artstyle I guess. It just seems really early.

But hey they should have some mad money to pump into this right? I hope a PS4 Pro version eventually comes out as that would make matches a lot more even.

Edit: yeah googling this issue brings up tons of complaints. Well that sucks.

To be honest this is absolutely hilarious. People with expensive PCs playing a game that looks like nearly PS2 upscaled because of an advantage issue. I wonder how you could solve this on PC.
Just deal with it? There won't ever be a "solution" to it. Not even on consoles.


This game seems to know when I've made a stupid mistake. I have an M16, 8x scope and red dot. I see someone off in the distance. I put on my 8x. Before I take a shot, I hear someone moving behind me. I turn around and he's pretty close. So I zoom in but the 8x is way too big and I can't keep my gun on him. And he destroys me. If I had my red dot... that's an easy kill.

why would you ever put an 8x on an m16, i mean i know why but...why
why would you ever put an 8x on an m16, i mean i know why but...why

It's all I had, and the M16 is pretty great at range. It's the best AR for "sniping" and I didn't have an actual sniper rifle.

Had a bad night. 7 rounds, 1 win, and my rating dropped due to not getting kills in a couple of the rounds. Boooo.
This game seems to know when I've made a stupid mistake. I have an M16, 8x scope and red dot. I see someone off in the distance. I put on my 8x. Before I take a shot, I hear someone moving behind me. I turn around and he's pretty close. So I zoom in but the 8x is way too big and I can't keep my gun on him. And he destroys me. If I had my red dot... that's an easy kill.


I did the opposite yesterday. Had a AWM with an 8x. Swapped to my M16 w/red dot after getting pegged a couple times and lost a burst-battle with the guy. If I'd kept the AWM I could've 1-shotted him to the face.



I did the opposite yesterday. Had a AWM with an 8x. Swapped to my M16 w/red dot after getting pegged a couple times and lost a burst-battle with the guy. If I'd kept the AWM I could've 1-shotted him to the face.
Today I did it completely right for a win in duos. Took out 4 people with 4x on my Mini 14, was in top 3 knocked out the guy at around 100 m to my left then immediately switched to vector with red dot and got the final guy who was rushing my little hill when I was shooting his teammate. Feels great when you use your arsenal just right and win :)

Also got a nice satisfying frag grenade kill when I had no ammo on my weapon and the guy would've killed me easily. Those are always great.


I think I just had 4 red zones spawn on me consecutively in a squad game. That was not fun.

Also I have 2 phonetic mandarin chinese tabs open. Playing squads on NA is good for international practice.


I dont get it also why the fuck is he looking so freaky in the camera?

Man I really dont get streamer culture

He was making a joke about "streamer perks" not being enabled and that's why his prediction of a level 3 helmet showing up was incorrect. He then says he is going to enable streamer perks and right as he does it a level 3 helmet appears.. It's based on the idea that when you watch a streamer they seem to always get the best loot, positioning, circles etc.


Neo Member
Edit: yeah googling this issue brings up tons of complaints. Well that sucks.

To be honest this is absolutely hilarious. People with expensive PCs playing a game that looks like nearly PS2 upscaled because of an advantage issue. I wonder how you could solve this on PC.

People play on low settings to keep framerate up to maximum. Have you ever seen pro quake? Pro SC2? Pro CS:GO? (from the players perspective)

Most pro players will play those games at the lowest settings possible and often in very weird resolutions with everything from squashed 4:3 on a widescreen or with black bars. Its all about the framerate and seeing exactly whats infront of you not the game looking good.

Quake 3

Framerate and image clarity is the only thing that matters.

Are they ever gonna nerf the AWM?

What part of that video shows it needs a nerf? You hit the guy behind the tree 2 times to kill him and the last shot was a headshot. The only nerf i could see for the AWM is remove support for suppressors really

why would you ever put an 8x on an m16, i mean i know why but...why

Because the M16 is the second best DMR in the game? (only bested by mini-14)
People play on low settings to keep framerate up to maximum. Have you ever seen pro quake? Pro SC2? Pro CS:GO? (from the players perspective)

Most pro players will play those games at the lowest settings possible and often in very weird resolutions with everything from squashed 4:3 on a widescreen or with black bars. Its all about the framerate and seeing exactly whats infront of you not the game looking good.

Framerate and image clarity is the only thing that matters.

So because you can do it in those games, it's ok to do it in a stealth/military/hunting/foilage game? That's some messed up logic.

This type of lowering the settings to dog shit for giving you massive advantages in spotting camouflaged enemies needs to stop, and I'm glad Bluehole have increased the rendering quality of low/ultra-low in the latest update, particularly shadows.(I know people are still 'hacking' configs to get around this though, but hopefully they take a hard line on this, and start warning people not to do it).

I'm 100% for an equal visual experience for everyone. Lower your anti-aliasing, resolution, texture res, particle effects, etc for better framerate, sure, whatever, but stop messing with the fundamentals of the visuals.
Just deal with it? There won't ever be a "solution" to it. Not even on consoles.

I haven't played a console game where people tweak settings to remove foliage or shadow detail, so i'm going to say your statement is false. It's a problem on PC, and it's a problem that there are solutions to, considering they are already bumping the detail of low/ultra-low.


I just had my highest kill game ever. I dropped into Georgopol in a squad game, immediately found a M416 and AKM with a 4x scope, and got 7 kills by the time the circle reached us. It was a bunch of squads running between warehouses and great sniping practice.

I had zero meds and no helmet.

Sadly the very last guy headshot me with an M4 due to the lack of helmet, or I could have even escaped after all the squads died. At least I killed all his teammates.


if anyone is interested I am doing custom 8 man squads for the next 4-5 hours or so. Look for the title 8s | 3xLoot under the custom game tab in the home menu no password.


For you.
I haven't played a console game where people tweak settings to remove foliage or shadow detail, so i'm going to say your statement is false. It's a problem on PC, and it's a problem that there are solutions to, considering they are already bumping the detail of low/ultra-low.

Base PS4 will likely have less foliage than PS4 pro, so my statement is true.


The amount of times I've died in the blue due to vehicles being stuck on geometry is ludicrous.

Just came out of a game where i killed a guy on a bike on the outer edges of the zone. Cool I thought, i have time to loot and then i can grab his bike afterwards. I go loot for a couple of minutes but lo and behold, the bike is stuck. There was nothing visual that would indicate why it was stuck, it wasn't wedged inbetween rocks or something, it just plain old didn't want to move. I decide to leg it to the safe zone but I end up dying ranked 7th due to not being fast enough at running.

Another reminder that Shroud is.... just bullshit.

I dont get it also why the fuck is he looking so freaky in the camera?

Man I really dont get streamer culture

It was a joke. He said "enabling streamer perks" and 5 seconds later, a level 3 helmet shows up. Then stairs at the camera like he's a fucking magician or something. It was a pretty damn funny coincidence, hence the X-files music.

Never watched him before, but now I might. Seems like a funny dude.

The way Nvidia automatically records kills and deaths is so fucking cool.

It would be if IT FUCKING WORKED. It just stopped working all the sudden for me out of the blue. Highlights enabled in Experience and in-game. Instant replay is on as well but not even that works. Stupid Shadowplay piece of shit.

May have to try reinstalling it because I keep having cool moments ruined by not being able to record them.
The amount of times I've died in the blue due to vehicles being stuck on geometry is ludicrous.

If you have grenades, you can try and dislodge stuck vehicles. I did it once when I had a vehicle stuck on a fence. Tossed a grenade at it. It moved the vehicle enough for me to be able to drive it again.
What's the specific change for that?

edit: Can't try it now but I guess this is it:
Ohh, thanks for this. Yeah, there is a bit of a delay in getting to it, but the game doesn't have the kind of breakneck pace where that's much of an issue, it just feels a lot more natural even with that little snag and after trying it out I've been having much better FPP shootouts.
What part of that video shows it needs a nerf? You hit the guy behind the tree 2 times to kill him and the last shot was a headshot. The only nerf i could see for the AWM is remove support for suppressors really

It's almost an instant win weapon. The suppressor takes it over the top.

Maybe remove suppressor support and drop with 10 rounds instead of 20


Neo Member
It's almost an instant win weapon. The suppressor takes it over the top.

Maybe remove suppressor support and drop with 10 rounds instead of 20

None of those kills was due to the AWP being any sort of i-win button.The AWM doesn't even oneshot to the body if you have lvl 1 armor and full health. Its main power is oneshotting through lvl 2 and lvl 3 helmets.


Another reminder that Shroud is.... just bullshit.

It was a joke. He said "enabling streamer perks" and 5 seconds later, a level 3 helmet shows up. Then stairs at the camera like he's a fucking magician or something. It was a pretty damn funny coincidence, hence the X-files music.

Never watched him before, but now I might. Seems like a funny dude.

It would be if IT FUCKING WORKED. It just stopped working all the sudden for me out of the blue. Highlights enabled in Experience and in-game. Instant replay is on as well but not even that works. Stupid Shadowplay piece of shit.

May have to try reinstalling it because I keep having cool moments ruined by not being able to record them.

It could be that the folder your clips are saving to hit the limit you set.

It's kinda wonky but it's been pretty good for me, amazing feature.
It could be that the folder your clips are saving to hit the limit you set.

It's kinda wonky but it's been pretty good for me, amazing feature.

I constantly move videos out of that folder to prevent that, though. It's currently empty amd I have plenty of Hard Drive space.

It's amazing... when it works.
Base PS4 will likely have less foliage than PS4 pro, so my statement is true.

That's not how that works. Unless you have a source for that

If Bluehole's design choices are consistent then they will be forcing a minimum foliage distance and density the same way they have for shadows and post-processing.

I highly, highly doubt that PS4 Pro owners are going to be put at a forced disadvantage vs base PS4 in terms of foliage density unless Bluehole are even less competent than I think they are.

That said, different graphics settings conferring potential advantages or disadvantages on PC is just a fact of life of the platform. It's been around for the lifetime of the platform, PUBG is certainly not the first and it won't be the last.

If you want to play it safe and make sure you have the cleanest sight-lines possible, turn everything to low and turn the render scale up to 120% if your GPU can handle it. Simple.


My god, game has been super desync mess today. I have seen enemies teleporting/warping, really delayed item picking or door openings and so on.
Even streamers have been experiencing that today, so I'm not the only one.

It even got me killed, cuz my guy refused to pick up weapon from the ground and guy next to me killed me while I was spamming "F" million times and trying to drag loot.


Gamescom crates are steadily increasing in value as the supply goes down. Almost up to $3 now and barely 100k sellers now. There were 150k+ sellers not long ago.

My game is a few $ short of already paying for itself just from selling the generic crates. I could sell my 9 Gamescom crates now and turn a profit but I may as well sit on them. Also could have made more $ off the generic crates if I had been allowed to sell them sooner but I had to wait the 30 days because I'd never made a Steam purchase before, and then I had to wait another couple weeks because I didn't have the mobile authenticator set up yet, and those crates lose value every week. Still, never actually made $ playing a game, though I've been out of the PC scene for quite a while until PUBG came along.
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