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Playing BotW feels like my first real next gen experience. What was your own?


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Agree with Titanfall too.

Just got EA Access and played this last week, its amazing.



The Witcher 3

Does Zelda go from an 8 to GOAT just because it's Zelda? Does it stand up to the Witcher in polish, content and feels? I am really wanting to play it, but the need for a switch has faded and my PC runs the emulation at 12-20 fps so I am just curious...is it really the most amazing experience ever or can I let the need for it die?

Oh if you like MGSV, I'm sure it's at least a 9 for you



The Witcher 3

Does Zelda go from an 8 to GOAT just because it's Zelda? Does it stand up to the Witcher in polish, content and feels? I am really wanting to play it, but the need for a switch has faded and my PC runs the emulation at 12-20 fps so I am just curious...is it really the most amazing experience ever or can I let the need for it die?

Everyone says it's amazing, I'm finding it a little dull. Seems to be just me though.



The Witcher 3

Does Zelda go from an 8 to GOAT just because it's Zelda? Does it stand up to the Witcher in polish, content and feels? I am really wanting to play it, but the need for a switch has faded and my PC runs the emulation at 12-20 fps so I am just curious...is it really the most amazing experience ever or can I let the need for it die?

BotW felt like a 10 from the moment I booted it. It's a remarkable experience, and if you loved MGSV for the inventiveness the sandbox allowed I think you'll find BotW a great experience.

I would definitely play it at some point, it's one of those landmark games that deserves to be tried.


Trying to think of all of my experiences when I felt I was playing something next gen. I am sure I left some out.

The first is defenitely Super Mario on the NES. Going from the Atari and early 80s arcade games to that almost melted my 8 year old brain. Such an impressive leap for the time.

After that it was probably the 16bit consoles, the first one I played was the Genesis. I felt like I was getting arcade quality graphics and sound at home. This is my favorite gen but it became normal after awhile. The first games I played on Genesis really impressed me.

DOOM felt like something new on the PC. Missing a lot of PC titles I am sure but that is one that sticks out to me.

Mario 64 was probably the next and biggest leap for me. For its time it really blew my mind.

Online games on the PC. The first I really played was Warcraft 2. That seemed magical at the time at college.

I was really blown away by MGS2 when it came out. After that I have not been blown away by much (did have a gaming PC so that probably means something).

I also had the same experience as the OP with BOTW. I was just blown away by the game at times and wondering how the fuck they made it.
Yeah because having that lighting, shaders, polygonal interactive grass in that amount that reacts to wind/characters/fire/etc, all those animations for every character/monster/animal, the hair tech for the horses etc on top of the physics engine used in an open world with that scale that runs on a fucking tablet or a console with 2008 hardware inside is totally not impressive

Not sure why you are getting so defensive. I'm not attacking the game. Technically it's pretty inpressives for the hardware but it looks rough. I just wish we could get a game like BOTW with the engine used for Horizon Zero Dawn. Wishful thinking I know. But I think it's weird to praise the graphics and saying it's impressive for a 2008 console hardware when in 2008 there were already a lot of great looking games on the Ps3 and Xbox 360. I just think the graphics are a bit dated for a 2017 game. Maybe cause it cross gen. We'll see what the next game looks like when it's not developed for the WiiU also.
Does Zelda go from an 8 to GOAT just because it's Zelda?

What makes you think Zelda is otherwise an 8? I don't understand what this is intended to mean. To be honest, I wasn't all that hyped for the game but I'm 100 hours in and I can't put it down. It's a game that compels you to play it. For reference, I've had Fallout 4 since release in fall 2015 and I just hit the 100 hour mark. (And I generally liked it!)

On topic, as for this gen—

- Watch Dogs (not the greatest game, but felt compelling and offered some really interesting emergent gameplay when I first played it)
- Breath of the Wild

Still haven't played Horizon or The Last Guardian yet but I wouldn't be surprised if they make the list too.


Definitely BOTW, i haven't been enamored and wowed with a game since the first time i booted up Ocarina of time.

Unfortunately i made the mistake of playing BOTW right after putting 20 hours into Horizon and now i got absolutely no desire to go back to it now.


Oh if you like MGSV, I'm sure it's at least a 9 for you

Everyone says it's amazing, I'm finding it a little dull. Seems to be just me though.

BotW felt like a 10 from the moment I booted it. It's a remarkable experience, and if you loved MGSV for the inventiveness the sandbox allowed I think you'll find BotW a great experience.

I would definitely play it at some point, it's one of those landmark games that deserves to be tried.

What makes you think Zelda is otherwise an 8? I don't understand what this is intended to mean. To be honest, I wasn't all that hyped for the game but I'm 100 hours in and I can't put it down. It's a game that compels you to play it. For reference, I've had Fallout 4 since release in fall 2015 and I just hit the 100 hour mark.

On topic—

- Watch Dogs (not the greatest game, but felt compelling and offered some really interesting emergent gameplay when I first played it)
- Breath of the Wild

Still haven't played Horizon yet but I wouldn't be surprised if it makes the list too.

Thanks for the replies. Didn't really mean anything bad. The Hype train is just immense and I am skeptical is all. Forget the numbers. Is it amazing on merit or is there a nostalgia factor playing into it. I haven't played much Zelda in my lifetime and I am curious if this is worth buying a system for...

I alos forgot to mention Horizon...my brain left it out for some reason, but that game has a crazy Next Gen feel from top to bottom in my opinion.(15 hours in)


Gold Member
BotW felt like a 10 from the moment I booted it. It's a remarkable experience, and if you loved MGSV for the inventiveness the sandbox allowed I think you'll find BotW a great experience.

I would definitely play it at some point, it's one of those landmark games that deserves to be tried.
Agreed. It's the first game in ages i feel like, yeah, thí is an instant classic.
Evolve was it for me. When you landed on a team that knew wtf they were doing, fighting against a monster that knew wtf they were supposed to do, it blew my mind.

The coordination between the team was essential, with each person using their characters abilities to their fullest. Properly splitting the team up, properly flanking the monster and driving it places that you could set a trap was unmatched. Then, as the monster, baiting and setting traps for those poor poor hunters, ahhh it was fantastic. Add in the sixth player, the environments, and that truly made every world, every map, every match feel special. I saw the ecosystem at work when running around, with larger creatures hunting out smaller ones.

To this day, I have not found anything that tops it, or even comes close. And we never will see anything like it again :(


Thanks for the replies. Didn't really mean anything bad. The Hype train is just immense and I am skeptical is all. Forget the numbers. Is it amazing on merit or is there a nostalgia factor playing into it. I haven't played much Zelda in my lifetime and I am curious if this is worth buying a system for...

I alos forgot to mention Horizon...my brain left it out for some reason, but that game has a crazy Next Gen feel from top to bottom in my opinion.(15 hours in)

Not to push you buy a system, you can always wait until the time is good
It's a game really hard to explain to people, all you need is to get a chance and play it : )


Not sure why you are getting so defensive. I'm not attacking the game. Technically it's pretty inpressives for the hardware but it looks rough. I just wish we could get a game like BOTW with the engine used for Horizon Zero Dawn. Wishful thinking I know. But I think it's weird to praise the graphics and saying it's impressive for a 2008 console hardware when in 2008 there were already a lot of great looking games on the Ps3 and Xbox 360. I just think the graphics are a bit dated for a 2017 game. Maybe cause it cross gen. We'll see what the next game looks like when it's not developed for the WiiU also.

If the answer was defensive it was only because you approached it with "I just don't get why people think Zelda looks great", which isn't a particularly productive way to start an exchange.

This is getting a little OT again, but I'd just like to say I think BotW looks leagues better than Horizon. If you'd like to continue this discussion by making a new threas I'd gladly contribute and explain why.

Thanks for the replies. Didn't really mean anything bad. The Hype train is just immense and I am skeptical is all. Forget the numbers. Is it amazing on merit or is there a nostalgia factor playing into it. I haven't played much Zelda in my lifetime and I am curious if this is worth buying a system for...

I alos forgot to mention Horizon...my brain left it out for some reason, but that game has a crazy Next Gen feel from top to bottom in my opinion.(15 hours in)

I bought a Switch to play Zelda and it was fully worth it. It's a killer app for sure, imo.


Thanks for the replies. Didn't really mean anything bad. The Hype train is just immense and I am skeptical is all. Forget the numbers. Is it amazing on merit or is there a nostalgia factor playing into it. I haven't played much Zelda in my lifetime and I am curious if this is worth buying a system for...

I alos forgot to mention Horizon...my brain left it out for some reason, but that game has a crazy Next Gen feel from top to bottom in my opinion.(15 hours in)

From what I've gathered from others who have liked it more and from what I've played, it is a GOTY contender (and likely winner) and one of the best Zelda games.

Anything above that is pure fanboyism.
He isn't wrong you know. All of those graphical touches have been in games for a long time now. Maybe not in a Nintendo console as much though.

That's not the point. It's the synergy of the tech and the overall impression their implementation make on me that I'm impressed with. BotW is art to me.

Don't have time to waste engaging people who take pride in being jaded. Ya'll can have fun with that.


Thanks for the replies. Didn't really mean anything bad. The Hype train is just immense and I am skeptical is all. Forget the numbers. Is it amazing on merit or is there a nostalgia factor playing into it. I haven't played much Zelda in my lifetime and I am curious if this is worth buying a system for...

From the design of the open world, where you're about to never need to look at the map to find something interesting to do or your bearing because there are always landmarks visible to Ubisoft-like towers that surprisingly all present a unique challenge instead of repetitious tasks you have to grind it feels at times like an angry Nintendo gave Ubisoft and Bethesda a master class.
As a fan of the elder scrolls games definitely they take notes.

It has very little nostalgia, if anything of the NES original.


He isn't wrong you know. All of those graphical touches have been in games for a long time now. Maybe not in a Nintendo console as much though.

It's a "more than the sum" thing.

Horizon isn't doing anything new really, for example, it's just taken a pretty big step forward in terms of graphics, but to some people the sum adds up to an experience greater than you might think its parts would allow.

This is kind of inherent ot the idea in the OP, these things are very subjective. I think Prism explained him/her self perfectly well, and I agree that Zelda is very impressive visually, especially in handheld mode, and it's a huge part of the reason why it gave me the feeling I explained in the OP.
Thanks for the replies. Didn't really mean anything bad. The Hype train is just immense and I am skeptical is all. Forget the numbers. Is it amazing on merit or is there a nostalgia factor playing into it. I haven't played much Zelda in my lifetime and I am curious if this is worth buying a system for...

The game's been out for almost two months. The hype would have died down by now if it weren't a truly great game .


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
From what I've gathered from others who have liked it more and from what I've played, it is a GOTY contender (and likely winner) and one of the best Zelda games.

Anything above that is pure fanboyism.

Oh, you know, just someone else's opinion. Don't be that guy.

To the OP, I would say Horizon because it's the first game that impressed my GF.


Oh, you know, just someone else's opinion. Don't be that guy.

To the OP, I would say Horizon because it's the first game that impressed my GF.

The thing is, the only thing above that is just hyperbole (because the level which I set was already incredibly high), which no game deserves this soon after release. So I stand by my statement.


Actually I think I have a better one than Oblivion maxed out for the first time on PC.

The first time I went round to my mate's house and had a go on his Occulus Rift with Elite Dangerous and proper flightstick. That absolutely blew my mind and felt "next gen" in a way nothing else has. Beyond just simple resolution / textures, it really felt like a unique experience.


The thing is, the only thing above that is just hyperbole (because the level which I set was already incredibly high), which no game deserves this soon after release. So I stand by my statement.

I think there are levels that exist beyond GOTY before we get anywhere near fanboyism and hyperbole.

Playing a game is a deeply personal experience, and there are myriad ways in which a person could adore a game beyond it being their GOTY.

And I don't think it's too early at all to say BotW is your personal GOAT.


I think there are levels that exist beyond GOTY before we get anywhere near fanboyism and hyperbole.

Playing a game is a deeply personal experience, and there are myriad ways in which a person could adore a game beyond it being their GOTY.

And I don't think it's too early at all to say BotW is your personal GOAT.
It definitely is too early to say that.

Having said that I'd be interested to hear the levels between GOTY and GOAT. That's not bait at all, genuinely interested. When I said anything above that is pure fanboyism I meant exactly that, GOAT.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
The thing is, the only thing above that is just hyperbole (because the level which I set was already incredibly high), which no game deserves this soon after release. So I stand by my statement.

Have you played Breath of the Wild?

Im no Zelda fan and even I recognize how brilliant it is. The amount of detail and care put into the game is astounding. The way each different mechanic intertwines and works together behind the scenes not to mention its fully physics based without feeling unresponsive.

Its honestly a monumental accomplishment as far as video games go.


It definitely is too early to say that.

Having said that I'd be interested to hear the levels between GOTY and GOAT. That's not bait at all, genuinely interested. When I said anything above that is pure fanboyism I meant exactly that, GOAT.

This is a debate for another topic, Jack, I'd be happy to debate with you further if you create it.


Have you played Breath of the Wild?

Im no Zelda fan and even I recognize how brilliant it is. The amount of detail and care put into the game is astounding. The way each different mechanic intertwines and works together behind the scenes not to mention its fully physics based without feeling unresponsive.

Its honestly a monumental accomplishment as far as video games go.
I have, if course. I'm putting real effort to get through it because I can see all the great things about it.

But overblown phrases like "monumental achievement" are exactly the problem. It's hyperbole. It's an emotional reaction to a game that is new and different.

Tell me how much you love the game now by all means, but if you want to describe it as one of the very greatest games of all time? Come back to me in a year when the hype settles.


I have, if course. I'm putting real effort to get through it because I can see all the great things about it.

But overblown phrases like "monumental achievement" are exactly the problem. It's hyperbole. It's an emotional reaction to a game that is new and different.

Tell me how much you love the game now by all means, but if you want to describe it as one of the very greatest games of all time? Come back to me in a year when the hype settles.

It's one of the greatest games I've ever played, and I've had it for 1 day exactly.

Make the topic or PM me and I'll reason why that's a perfectly valid opinion. Otherwise, can we please stay on topic?
Not getting why people keep acting like BotW has done something new and innovative. It's new for the Zelda series, but that open world design was around back in the PS3/X360 era.


Well to me, I'd say Gears of War on Xbox 360 for that gen. IT was the first xbox 360 game I played and I was floored by it... back then. MGS2 also amazed me when it released. It was magnificent.

BOTW is truly a game that wowed me. I have never played a game ever, as long as I have played BOTW. My playtime is like 240 hours and I haven't finished it yet. It's truly the best open world game I've played. No game has ever made me want to explore every part of it.


Not getting why people keep acting like BotW has done something new and innovative. It's new for the Zelda series, but that open world design was around back in the PS3/X360 era.

It's the way things are implemented as an overall package.

Zelda is giving me a bunch of next-gen feels even if I've played the same mechanics countless times before.


Gold Member

The Witcher 3

Does Zelda go from an 8 to GOAT just because it's Zelda? Does it stand up to the Witcher in polish, content and feels? I am really wanting to play it, but the need for a switch has faded and my PC runs the emulation at 12-20 fps so I am just curious...is it really the most amazing experience ever or can I let the need for it die?

TW3 was my favourite game of the generation by far and one of my top 10 games of all time (been gaming for 30+ years). I usually like to play single player games for 12-15 hours but I loved TW3 so much I played for 49 hours.

I've played BotW for 80+ hours so yea... It's an incredible game and truly one of the greatest ever made imo.

On topic my 'next gen' moment was definitely BF4 64MP at 60fps on PS4 (it ran closer to 45fps but it was still a massive leap over the 30fps BF3 on PS3).

AC Unity, Arkham Knight and The Order were also pretty incredible looking games and massive leaps in terms of the scale of the cities and getting that CGI look over last gen.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
I have, if course. I'm putting real effort to get through it because I can see all the great things about it.

But overblown phrases like "monumental achievement" are exactly the problem. It's hyperbole. It's an emotional reaction to a game that is new and different.

Tell me how much you love the game now by all means, but if you want to describe it as one of the very greatest games of all time? Come back to me in a year when the hype settles.

I mean theres no other game that does things quite like it. Being able to go climb anywhere, do missions in any order, getting lost for hours just exploring. The way the elements intertwine (creating fires to create drafts in order to glide higher or all the way you can mess with the physics: rolling boulders or logs down cliffs into goblin camps, etc). Theres a thread here with thousands of posts about people discovering new and little details.

I actually think the love and praise will only increase as time goes on, the opposite of the Zelda effect (where people trash the latest game and praise older entries)

If you dont share the same enthusiasm for it thats fair. Not everything is for everyone after all (I hated Uncharted 4, GAFs GotY last year so what do I know)
This gen? Killzone Shadowfall. The visuals were just amazing at the time. I remember a scene ended and I was confused for a second before I realised I could control the character and it wasn't a prerendered scene. Blew my mind.


never left the stone age
As a PC gamer, either Witcher 3 or DOOM. The latter is so distractingly good looking that I just look at the environments lol. The IQ is so damn nice too.


Fair point sorry for derailing.

I'd say..i still haven't got to that point. Even the Witcher felt like last gen with pretty graphics. But maybe that's because diminishing returns means it'll take another generation before I start feeling a tangible difference?
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