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Please don't spoil games for others.


I don't quite understand people who play action-adventure games for the story. I mean, I understand that the story is an important part of the whole package as it motivates the action of the protagonist, but you're playing a videogame. The key word here being 'play'.


I don't quite understand people who play action-adventure games for the story. I mean, I understand that the story is an important part of the whole package as it motivates the action of the protagonist, but you're playing a videogame. The key word here being 'play'.
Maybe it's because as gaming continues to evolve developers try putting more of an emphasis on story.
I just used an ad blocker to hide the suggestion side bar element. Leaves an odd white space on the page, but it's better than nothing.

Seriously, YouTubers are the worst. In the past you could kind of excuse things like the auto generated thumbnail, but now, even that's all custom meaning they are deliberately choosing to advertise the spoiler.

Yeah, this is a biggie. There are some explicit dullards out there who put it in the title. You can tell there's no maliciousness there, they just gotta be VERY EXPLICIT ABOUT A WEEKOLD GAME CUZ THEY LOVE IT SO MUCH. /shrug
I don't quite understand people who play action-adventure games for the story. I mean, I understand that the story is an important part of the whole package as it motivates the action of the protagonist, but you're playing a videogame. The key word here being 'play'.
For a lot of games, I wonder the same thing. But it's just a matter of preference, like with any other aspect of a game, and it becomes a moot point as far one's posting goes. Whether stuff slike ndiscussed in or outside of spoiler threads/tags depends more on the individual game rather than its genre.

I don't care at all about the twists of Vaquish's story, and didn't during a first playthrough, and if someone really wanted to avoid spoilers for it, I'd probably say it's not worth the trouble and that the game is much more about exploring its gameplay—I still can't refute that they can't unlearn something about the story. If that's how they want it, go for it.

I can't think of a comparable situation, but if me doing something—that's within my right to do—can irreparably disrupt something someone else wants, I just see little reason to err on the side of ruining their thing, no matter how small. i don't always agree with individuals' stances on spoilers, but it's never been worth me fighting them over it (and I sometimes realize stuff I don't think is a spoiler can really affect someone's playthrough, like when I found out halfway through Firewatch that
you can't die/get a game over
). And the smaller it is, the less effort it takes me to leave it alone.

True spoiler stans are never able to grasp that concept and, on principle, can't accept sharing space with those who value games differently.


I love you.

As for basically everyone on the opposite side of the argument, well. I have the opposite feeling for you, honestly. Because you represent that significant percentage of humanity that straight-up doesn't care about considering other people, and would prefer to just be assholes because you're allowed to.

Earlier, someone mentioned that the "statute of limitations on spoilers" hadn't been brought up in the thread, but my very first post ITT was talking about just that, though that aspect of it was largely ignored.

I actually made a thread about that very issue almost 3 years ago. I'm not gonna read all 11 pages to verify this, but as I recall, it was basically me vs everyone else saying "what? that's stupid. I'm gonna just spoil shit. fuck you." As a result of that thread, for a time, I had honestly given up on the concept of avoiding spoilers, instead preferring to dive headlong into them in an effort to rip the bandages off quickly to lessen the likely-inevitable pain.

I didn't really harp on this much in the post, but when I watched the film I was talking about after reading the synopsis, it fucking sucked. Not because the film was bad, but because my enjoyment of it was definitely lessened by foreknowledge of its plot. I never did that shit to myself again.

Anyway, this thread is sad. Compared to mine, it's arguably worse, since you have people practically admitting to conducting themselves like complete assholes, I suppose once they realized that the mods were clearly aware of their behavior and definitely letting them get away with it. As an aside, it's interesting to me that a number of the people that were on that same side of the debate 3 years ago are currently banned.

But, in its own way, this thread is heartening, because of the number of people (like the good folks I mentioned earlier) who are actually speaking up for the side of consideration of the people you share air with. I just wish we weren't such a small minority.

In a way, this thread is a microcosm for Trump's America. Most people are assholes, and have become less afraid to say so and conduct themselves in that way, loud and proud. Then you have a tiny fraction of people who say "no, fuck that!" To those fighting the good fight: keep on keeping on. Everyone else can go take a long walk off a short pier, for all I care.

Or maybe sometimes people are asking too much from others when it's their own responsibility to look after themselves. You want to participate in discussion, you want to use the Internet, you go to the OT and oops, you are spoiled. How about not participate in discussion? How about not go to the OT? How about media blackout? No one's gonna knock on your door in the morning just to tell you the ending of a game. If you really don't want to hear it, you always have the option to shut your ears and let other people say what they want to say.

I think this "pointing fingers at others immediately" problem is what gets America into what it is now. Nobody looks at themselves and asks what he can do to avoid it, instead, everyone just say: "hey, you should spoiler tag it".
Let me try to summarise current wisdom.

Only you can control what you know. If you have decided that certain kinds of knowledge might harm you, you thereby take on the responsibility for maintaining your state of ignorance.

You may be able to persuade friends and others to preserve your state of ignorance. But that costs them a lot of effort.

It's probably a bad idea to demand that everybody else, including people who don't even know you exist, cease talking in public about things you, personally, want to remain ignorant about. Just stop reading public discussions if it matters to you.

Finally: why would anybody feel they had a right to control public discussion on a topic of public interest, in which they have no personal stake?
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