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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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What are your thoughts about Obama being lame-ducked this year? Also I missed the point why democrats are loosing seats in the Senate while winning the same amount in the HoR.
What are your thoughts about Obama being lame-ducked this year? Also I missed the point why democrats are loosing seats in the Senate while winning the same amount in the HoR.

I think his presidency is virtually over in terms of future legislation; immigration reform will be killed, or Boehner will play games (pass border security and nothing else). Obviously Boehner has made some moves that suggest he's about to get serious about reform, but I think he'll essentially be a lame duck Speaker after he caves on the debt ceiling next month.

Democrats might keep the senate by 1 or 2 seats IMO. I don't any sure bet pick up opportunities for democrats; Kentucky is a possibility, but McConnell has a bunch of money and endless slime to throw, plus Obama is less popular than cancer in the south.

2013 was a historically bad year for a president. An improving economy will fix things to a degree this year, but ultimately I think Obamacare will remain unpopular and the drip drip of NSA news will continue to hold him down. And as he goes down, so go democrats in the House.


Scott Walker is an idiot, but that's like saying grass in green in the summer and water is wet. Of course, Candy Crowley asks the million dollar question that people have wondered for years: Why would someone be against their best interest?

Candy Crowley to Scott Walker: If GOP Opposes Benefits, Why Would Unemployed ‘Become a Republican?’

CNN anchor Candy Crowley sat down for a lengthy interview with Wisconsin’s Republican Gov. Scott Walker on Sunday morning’s State of the Union on CNN. There, she asked Walker about the Republican Party’s opposition to an extension of long-term unemployment benefits without a spending offset and an increase in the federal minimum wage. She asked how the GOP expects to expand its ranks given its opposition to these and other programs that are enjoyed primarily by low-income Americans.

Crowley asked Walker about the GOP’s positions on both minimum wage and unemployment benefits. Taking on the persona of an American who takes advantage of these programs, Crowley asked, “Why would I become a Republican?”

“How do you message that in any way to reach out to those who are disinclined to sign up for the Republican Party?” she asked.

“Because, in the end, what people want is freedom and opportunity,” Walker replied. “You don’t get that through the mighty hand of the government.”

“That’s not an uncommon argument for many Republicans,” Crowley followed up. “What makes this expand the Republican Party which desperately needs to bring in something other than what’s really been a shirking base in your party? How do you re-sell that message?”

Walker replied that the reforms he has supported in his state have resulted in people going back to work which is true freedom, and that message is what will resonate with the voting public.

Also, did Link really get himself banned by arguing with that uninformed conservative junior in the middle america thread?
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Sunday said he could support extending the longterm unemployment benefits that expired at the end of 2013 if the program is paid for.

"I'm not against having unemployment insurance," he said on ABC's "This Week." "It needs to be payed for."

Paul has previously expressed caution about extending the longterm benefits. But he said that if Congress came up with a way to pay for the benefits, and if Paul could add a provision about economic freedom zones, he may support reinstating the benefits.

The 2012 extension cost 30b, which ironically is about how much the government shutdown farce cost taxpayers.
Scott Walker is an idiot, but that's like saying grass in green in the summer and water is wet. Of course, Candy Crowley asks the million dollar question that people have wondered for years: Why would someone be against their best interest?

Candy Crowley to Scott Walker: If GOP Opposes Benefits, Why Would Unemployed ‘Become a Republican?’

Also, did Link really get himself banned by arguing with that uninformed conservative junior in the middle america thread?
And yet, there are many unemployed who vote Republican and consider themselves special snowflakes. Everyone else is the moocher, but they've actually come across some hard times! And if the GOP decides to punish the unemployed, they'll go down with the ship.

Similar to when Romney made that 47% crack. Ignoring the outright stupidity of that statement, he couldn't honestly believe that Obama had 47% of the country in his pocket just because they didn't pay income tax. What an idiot, I can't believe he ran The Perfect Campaign.
Scott Walker is on CNN. He has the perfect face that makes you want to falcon punch.

If Wisconsinites dont boot this asshole, they deserve whatever fate befalls them.

I would be very surprised. Again he's worshipped like Jesus in the suburbs and the sticks.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Jebus motherluvin' Christ...Mittens was on Fox News today to talk about..stuff, and right off the bat he comes out with a whopper. He said that he's angry at the idea that Obama thinks he knows better than "the American people" by forcing them to buy health insurance.



Even for the Mittster this is takes a lot of chootzpah.


Jebus motherluvin' Christ...Mittens was on Fox News today to talk about..stuff, and right off the bat he comes out with a whopper. He said that he's angry at the idea that Obama thinks he knows better than "the American people" by forcing them to buy health insurance.



Even for the Mittster this is takes a lot of chootzpah.

I guess someone forgot to change out the campaign Mittens program with the defeated program.

This was a promoted tweet in my feed. PD stop promoting your fan fiction



oh my god, freedomofspeech, firstamendment, chickfila!!!!


In late October, Mr. Metcalf wrote a column that the magazine titled “Let’s Talk Limits,” which debated gun laws. “The fact is,” wrote Mr. Metcalf, who has taught history at Cornell and Yale, “all constitutional rights are regulated, always have been, and need to be.”

The backlash was swift, and fierce. Readers threatened to cancel their subscriptions. Death threats poured in by email. His television program was pulled from the air.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Have any of you been watching 60 Minutes? I haven't, but according to the Twitters, they were doing a hit piece on green energy. What the fuck is going on over there?


No Scrubs
Yup. I'd be fine with the general idea if corporations had to team with local institutions, and it wasn't just a ploy to siphon money out of areas. Detroit has seen enough of that type of behavior, to its detriment.

So Rand's proposal is just a give away to big business? Shocking.
So Rand's proposal is just a give away to big business? Shocking.

Pretty much. It would basically re-create what we saw with the auto industry in Detroit, and why the city is fucked: corporations paying low taxes while their workers move out to the suburbs (and thus pay taxes outside of Detroit).

I'd love to see this idea expanded somehow, but it's probably a pipe dream. If you bulldoze some of Detroit's vacant houses, start building affordable houses/apartments within the "freedom zones" to entice workers to keep their tax dollars in Detroit...maybe that would work. But it would be very expensive.


Pretty much. It would basically re-create what we saw with the auto industry in Detroit, and why the city is fucked: corporations paying low taxes while their workers move out to the suburbs (and thus pay taxes outside of Detroit).

I'd love to see this idea expanded somehow, but it's probably a pipe dream. If you bulldoze some of Detroit's vacant houses, start building affordable houses/apartments within the "freedom zones" to entice workers to keep their tax dollars in Detroit...maybe that would work. But it would be very expensive.

Detroit doesn't have a tax-base sharing program? No wonder they got fucked over. That seems pretty essential for a metropolis


So, I started my first quarter of college last week, and one of my courses in Political Science 101. I've been studying the first chapter of our book "Why Does Politics Matter", and I took some notes on the terminology that is used to describe different forms of government.

Now that I know what these terms mean, it's kinda funny when I watch the news, and see people in politics throw around terms without providing any context to the actual meaning of said word. For instance, whenever a Republican uses the term "socialism" or "communism" to describe something more along the lines of autocracy, or totalitarianism. While none of those things are necessarily exclusive from one another, the way these terms tend to get thrown around is ridiculous. I don't know if they actually know the meaning of these terms and are just taking advantage of the uneducated American by using scary buzzwords, or if they are truly oblivious to what these terms actually mean.

Either way, it's hilarious...
I don't know if they actually know the meaning of these terms and are just taking advantage of the uneducated American by using scary buzzwords, or if they are truly oblivious to what these terms actually mean.

Either way, it's hilarious...

Though its more praying on American's fear of the cold war.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

hopeful she can be a little nicer to her sister and her family now.

Maybe now she admit to everyone that it was all an act and she was just simply trying to appeal to the bigots and so there should be no hard feelings.
Detroit doesn't have a tax-base sharing program? No wonder they got fucked over. That seems pretty essential for a metropolis

Detroit's taxes have been getting fucked over for decades. The city doesn't have a local sales tax, that's handled by the state's sales tax (6%). Last time I checked (2012), Detroit received about 11% of the total tax revenue generated in the entire state. It's ridiculous, and getting worse under Snyder, who has funneled revenue to surrounding (white republican) suburbs.

So what we've essentially had is decades of the city being starved, and profits from the auto industry being dumped into surrounding suburbs due to the workers driving in and out on highways/white flight.
Detroit is so sad. Hard to believe it is an American city.
Believe it or not Flint is way worse and just as much 'merkin as Detroit. The scary thing is Flint never recovered from the 80s' plant closings, and even more scary is that Snyder wants Detroit to end up like Flint.


For instance, whenever a Republican uses the term "socialism" or "communism" to describe something more along the lines of autocracy, or totalitarianism. While none of those things are necessarily exclusive from one another, the way these terms tend to get thrown around is ridiculous. I don't know if they actually know the meaning of these terms and are just taking advantage of the uneducated American by using scary buzzwords, or if they are truly oblivious to what these terms actually mean.
It's weird because I'm pretty sure most politicians have had some form of university education (probably more-so than us even) and yet a number of them come off as more uneducated than the average citizen.. or maybe that's what they want you to think.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It's weird because I'm pretty sure most politicians have had some form of university education (probably more-so than us even) and yet a number of them come off as more uneducated than the average citizen.. or maybe that's what they want you to think.

Upton Sinclair said:
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!"

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