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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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The very selective main quote from the article is:

If she ever claimed that what she did was indeed more secure, that was indeed completely ridiculous. Undeniably so.

Did she?
That's all ignoring that we discussing choice quotes from a huffpost article without observing the source to check for context. Dear god are some here always ready to try to bash Snowden.

I will say that Snowden is not a very good messenger for security of government documents.


The media is doing the republican party's work for them by trying to pit Carson and Trump against each other. The GOP would be so happy to have these 2 "not serious" candidates attacking each other. Of course candidates would immediately back Carson, help take out Trump, then watch Carson fade as he is sure to do anyways.


No Scrubs
The media is doing the republican party's work for them by trying to pit Carson and Trump against each other. The GOP would be so happy to have these 2 "not serious" candidates attacking each other. Of course candidates would immediately back Carson, help take out Trump, then watch Carson fade as he is sure to do anyways.

This assumes Trump isn't able to just brush Carson aside like a piece of lint or that Carson won't just implode under the increased scrutiny without Trump needing to do anything. If everyone is too obvious with their attacks of Trump he'll just hit the counterpunch and KO a whole slew of candidates at once.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I notice a lot of conservative media pushing Carson as able to beat Trump now. I think people are starting to worry.

Carson isn't the guy they should be pushing.


Junior Member
Who else is going?


Fucking disgusting.

Huck's comments comparing Kim Davis to a jailed Civil Rights leader is even more disgusting.
I can't fucking believe Kasich and O'Malley are the only candidates who have said "yes, we need to bring in more refugees from Syria."

Our populace is made of cowards right now. We're made of people that would have called for immigration limits on the Jews in the 1930s.

I notice a lot of conservative media pushing Carson as able to beat Trump now. I think people are starting to worry.

Carson isn't the guy they should be pushing.

Yeah, he's really a weird fucker. That being said, he was super attractive back in the day:

The National Review backlash is glorious.

Full disclosure, in my younger and more conservative days I would have respected the hell out of NR, not being quite so conscious of the racism. And seeing the constant pandering to the anti-intellectual side of the GOP result in them tearing down their own supposed intellectuals is pretty sweet.


Over on NYTimes they have an article up about the tech volunteering going into Bernie's campaign (not exactly sure if it counts as "going into", since they're technically operating separately?).

Legion of Tech Volunteers Lead a Charge for Bernie Sanders
While every political campaign relies on the enthusiasm of youthful volunteers, Mr. Sanders has quickly, and effortlessly, tapped into an unexpectedly large and capable cadre of computer jockeys with years and years of experience.

They came forward of their own volition, with hundreds joining a Coders for Sanders thread on Reddit.

And they organized themselves so thoroughly that one built an Internet “bot” to help match newcomers to tasks appropriate to their skills.

They are a diverse bunch, too: Ms. Perdomo said FeeltheBern.org had grown to 125 volunteers “from every demographic I could imagine.”

They include former aides to Mitt Romney, self-described libertarians, high school students (“Because I’m young, I can’t vote, so this is a great way to get involved,” said Justin Zheng, 14, of San Mateo, Calif.) and even an Australian programmer, Jordie Bodlay, who said a Sanders administration would indirectly improve his own life in Sydney.


They are a diverse bunch, too: Ms. Perdomo said FeeltheBern.org had grown to 125 volunteers “from every demographic I could imagine.”

They include former aides to Mitt Romney, self-described libertarians, high school students (“Because I’m young, I can’t vote, so this is a great way to get involved,” said Justin Zheng, 14, of San Mateo, Calif.) and even an Australian programmer, Jordie Bodlay, who said a Sanders administration would indirectly improve his own life in Sydney.

Is... that supposed to be the example of diversity?
I have a feeling Zheng is not a white guy, but that's a guess.

Hey, I know Bernie fans are annoying, but are we at auto-snark levels about anything Bernie related?


He has so many white men between the ages of 18 and 25 on his roster and they're all so unique.
Hey. Justin Zheng is 14 and probably an Asian. Just saying.

Reminds me of that thread on the OT about tech monkeys and their inability to understand politics.
Well, the reason I think the article is something to consider is less about the people behind the tech, and more about whether or not the tech itself is something worth taking a look at.

I do think that it's lamentable that that time, effort, and tech isn't going to be offered freely and generously to non-Sanders low-level candidates. The article repeatedly mentions how expensive some of the stuff his campaign gets is on the market. I guess it's kind of irritating how bright young minds can only be arsed to do this for presidential campaigns. If possible, maybe the DNC could subsidize those things for local races.
Well, the reason I think the article is something to consider is less about the people behind the tech, and more about whether or not the tech itself is something worth taking a look at.

I do think that it's lamentable that that time, effort, and tech isn't going to be offered freely and generously to non-Sanders low-level candidates. The article repeatedly mentions how expensive some of the stuff his campaign gets is on the market. I guess it's kind of irritating how bright young minds can only be arsed to do this for presidential campaigns. If possible, maybe the DNC could subsidize those things for local races.
That's the problem with the national media and probably why midterm election turnout is so disastrous. The media only covers presidential politics because whether you're in a big state like California or in bumfuck Wyoming, everyone is expected to make a decision between (for example) Obama or Romney. Gubernatorial and Senate elections are occasionally covered but usually only if one of the candidates is a complete disaster like Christine O'Donnell or Todd Akin, and even then it's always framed in the larger context of "Well this will help the Democrats/Republicans in their national race for the majority" because otherwise why would anyone care about what's going on in Delaware or Missouri?

So you have no reliable news outlets explaining local and state politics to people so they don't care, even though your town/city council, the mayor of your town/city, the governor of your state, your state's legislature etc. etc. etc. will likely have a far more direct effect on your livelihood than who the president is. Look at Ferguson.

The problem too is there's not really any way to solve this other than like, compulsory voting. How do you make people care?

This by the way is also my biggest beef with third parties in this country. They pour all their money and resources into presidential candidates who if they're lucky will scrape 1% of the overall vote. They're not serious, they're vanity runs. They need to re-focus their efforts on running for local offices which are imminently more winnable and often nonpartisan anyway. I'd say the Libertarians are a bit better about this than the Green Party but it's still a joke.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think most people understand basic rule of law. Especially old white people.

"Supreme Court can't make a law" nonsense is the most hilarious bullshit I've seen any of these idiots peddle.


I have a feeling Zheng is not a white guy, but that's a guess.

Hey, I know Bernie fans are annoying, but are we at auto-snark levels about anything Bernie related?

I'm legitimately wondering if that's what the woman quoted meant by “from every demographic I could imagine", since the following paragraph would point to a lot of the problems within Bernie's own campaign and his inability to reach a bigger demographic.

Also, I'm voting for him.


Unconfirmed Member
That's the problem with the national media and probably why midterm election turnout is so disastrous. The media only covers presidential politics because whether you're in a big state like California or in bumfuck Wyoming, everyone is expected to make a decision between (for example) Obama or Romney. Gubernatorial and Senate elections are occasionally covered but usually only if one of the candidates is a complete disaster like Christine O'Donnell or Todd Akin, and even then it's always framed in the larger context of "Well this will help the Democrats/Republicans in their national race for the majority" because otherwise why would anyone care about what's going on in Delaware or Missouri?

So you have no reliable news outlets explaining local and state politics to people so they don't care, even though your town/city council, the mayor of your town/city, the governor of your state, your state's legislature etc. etc. etc. will likely have a far more direct effect on your livelihood than who the president is. Look at Ferguson.

The problem too is there's not really any way to solve this other than like, compulsory voting. How do you make people care?

This by the way is also my biggest beef with third parties in this country. They pour all their money and resources into presidential candidates who if they're lucky will scrape 1% of the overall vote. They're not serious, they're vanity runs. They need to re-focus their efforts on running for local offices which are imminently more winnable and often nonpartisan anyway. I'd say the Libertarians are a bit better about this than the Green Party but it's still a joke.

It's not just election coverage either, but the general coverage of what the local governments are even doing. You don't hear about what bills the legislator are passing and blocking, or what bills the governor is signing and vetoing. You only get that stuff for the national coverage.

You think it would be more interesting to cover too, now that almost all ideas for the national level are attached with "but it will never pass". I've been more interested in Kansas and Wisconsin politics because stuff is actually happening there.
The problem too is there's not really any way to solve this other than like, compulsory voting. How do you make people care?

Fear, hate and religion seem to do the trick.


Would be interesting to see what would happen if y'all restructured midterms and made, say, gov/HoR/prez happen on the same day throughout the country, and then 2 years later, mayor/sen.

Or just stack all in the same damn day every 4 years and que sera sera. Do it for science.
Minnesota politics have been pretty soothing to follow ever since Dayton got a trifecta. The GOP did get the House again in 2014 but it's not like they can do anything with it and they'll probably be shown the door again in 2016 anyway.

And yes every election should happen in the same year. Give congresscritters four year terms. Having shorter terms and more frequent elections might have been admirable once but now it just means they're constantly campaigning and the president always has to worry about midterm elections and protecting vulnerable incumbents by not bringing up anything controversial.


oh ho ho


WASHINGTON — Republicans are growing increasingly concerned that Donald J. Trump’s inflammatory language is damaging the party, fearing that his remarks are hardening the tone of other candidates on racial issues in ways that could repel the voters they need to take back the White House.

Some party leaders worry that the favorable response Mr. Trump has received from the Republican electorate is luring other candidates to adopt or echo his remarks. It is a pattern, they say, that could tarnish the party’s image among minority voters.

“Any candidate that allows Trump to dictate the conversation about what they’re campaigning on is going to be harmed irreparably,” said Josh Holmes, a Republican strategist and the architect of Senator Mitch McConnell’s re-election campaign last year. “And to the extent that there are mainstream candidates dragged into the musings of Trump on a day-to-day basis is really bad news for us.”

Since he entered the race in June with a declaration that Mexican immigrants were rapists and drug traffickers, Mr. Trump has given voice to conservative activists’ unease with America’s changing demography. But his attack last week on Jeb Bush for speaking Spanish on the campaign trail set off a new, more intense wave of anger from Republicans who say they believe that Mr. Trump’s widely covered provocations are becoming toxic for a party struggling to appeal to nonwhite voters.

"could tarnish"


I don't think Trump will influence things such that we'll see huge swings.. but we might see changes around the margins, which could make all the difference in the world in a close race. He could be the difference between the Democrat winning Florida by a few hundred thousand or losing by a few hundred thousand, for instance.


I don't think Trump will influence things such that we'll see huge swings.. but we might see changes around the margins, which could make all the difference in the world in a close race. He could be the difference between the Democrat winning Florida by a few hundred thousand or losing by a few hundred thousand, for instance.

Yeah, but if a Democrat wins Florida, they've probably already won the election.
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