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Polygon: Nintendo Switch will launch with fewer games than the Wii, Wii U or 3DS


Am I missing something here, or is there a reason why people think that Zelda would put up bigger numbers than Mario Kart if both came out at the same time?


Great, but this has nothing except a game that you can get on Wii U.

I know, but the title says "fewer than Wii/Wii U/3DS" like a low number of launch games is inherently a bad thing.

I'd take a launch with 2 or 3 awesome games over a launch with like 32 random ass multiplat and shovelware releases any day.

Switch launch is terrible because, as you said, the only notable game is also available on a console that many of us on GAF already own. It's the reason why I'm not getting a Switch at launch.


This anemic release schedule just boggles the mind. Skyrim angling for a fall release? Are they waiting so they can market it as a retro virtual console release?

What happened to all the rumors of unprecedented support?


Luckily there's about 1,000 other games coming out in Q1 2017 to keep us busy. Seriously, the amount of games in Q1 is enough to keep me busy into Q3.
Zelda and Mario Kart within the first 2 months is fine by me, but Nintendo really need to play nice with indies and 3rd parties if they're gonna get people interested in their console.
The initial launch lineup is pretty bad as well as 3rd party support. However, in terms of major releases in the first 9 months it is probably the best in a long time. They are releasing Zelda, Mario Kart, Splatoon, 3D Mario, Xenoblade, and "their next big ip, ARMS"- Nintendo in the first 9 months of launch. Comparatively in the first 9 months of Wii U we got 2D Mario, Pikmin, Nintendoland and Game & Wario. I imagine there are still a fair amount of games we don't know about releasing in 2017 as well.


Zelda and Mario Kart within the first 2 months is fine by me, but Nintendo really need to play nice with indies and 3rd parties if they're gonna get people interested in their console.

If Nicalis have already lined up Redout and Isaac Afterbirth + for a Spring launch then indies ought to be fine on the console. It wouldn't surprise me if Switch gets a bit of a Vita effect in this regard.
The Xbox 360 and PS3 didn't have a major games drought before coming to market. I'll go one step further, neither the 360 nor the PS3 had ANY game droughts whereas the Wii U was plagued with them from launch, even from its own creator.

Other than Zelda, ports of Wii U titles should have been ready to go at launch. MK8 Deluxe is going to be a great port, sure... but it should be launching beside the system because MK8 is a three year old game this May. Pokken Tournament should have been pushed as a launch port. Maybe even Hyrule Warriors, although I can imagine they wouldn't want to interfere with Zelda BotW - but a port of HW with all DLC would have likely sold ridiculously well side by side with BotW if available.

There's no excuse for such a pathetic launch lineup with many of the games being trickled out throughout the year when they all but abandoned their previous console a year prior. What the hell were they doing on the software side this last year? Not much, apparently.

?? The common meme for PS3 was its lack of games the first year.

Anyway don't know why people think Nintendo has been sitting on their hands. You have them converting BOTW to Switch, MK8, ARMs, 1,2 Switch, Splatoon 2, and Mario all coming in 2017. Xenoblade has 2017 listed as its release date on Nintendo's website in Japan I believe. That's 5 new first party games and 2 ports/remasters all in 2017 (span of 9 months), and we haven't even gotten to E3 yet where we will probably hear about Pokémon Stars, Smash, some other portable franchises, and maybe even Retro's game (been three years since their last game). Seems like a ton of output to me.

If by the end of the year we have gotten Zelda, MK8, Splatoon 2, Mario, and Pokémon all on one system..I don't even know how anyone could say that is a drought. That is pretty crazy output for one publisher in 9 months. If Xenoblade actually hits holiday 2017 or very early 2018? That would just be even more insane obviously. I wouldn't even know the last time any console received that much high end first party support in such a short period of time.

If some still think that is a drought, expectations, IMO, are way out of whack.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Only one of those games you mentioned is an actual LAUNCH game. The other three are late April, "Summer", "Holiday", respectively. You didn't buy into four launch games, you bought into one and preordered three others with vague release dates.

I thought I was clear on that? I've rarely bought more than 5 games a year on Nintendo platforms from GC on as they're secondary for me and few of their games take precedent over the mutliplats and Sony/MS exclusives for me.

Best version of Zelda is enough for me to get it day one instead of playing on Wii U. MK8, Splatoon 2 and Mario are plenty rest of year for me as I'll have difficulty making time for them with all the stuff I want to buy in PS4/PC. Again, even in mid generation years I've rarely played more than a handful of Nintendo games in any one year so it's a pretty normal year. Hell in 2016 all I bought for Wii U/3DS was Star Fox Zero, Twilight Princess HD and Monster Hunter Generations.


The initial launch lineup is pretty bad as well as 3rd party support. However, in terms of major releases in the first 9 months it is probably the best in a long time. They are releasing Zelda, Mario Kart, Splatoon, 3D Mario, Xenoblade, and "their next big ip, ARMS"- Nintendo in the first 9 months of launch. Comparatively in the first 9 months of Wii U we got 2D Mario, Pikmin, Nintendoland and Game & Wario. I imagine there are still a fair amount of games we don't know about releasing in 2017 as well.

Mario Kart and Zelda are Wii U games and I'll eat a spicy hot dog if Xenoblade actually releases this year.


Luckily there's about 1,000 other games coming out in Q1 2017 to keep us busy. Seriously, the amount of games in Q1 is enough to keep me busy into Q3.

That's a pretty silly justification. You're saying it worth the price right now with these titles because you will also have other games to play on other platforms. What?


I think this is the argument against buying a Switch at launch though.

True, but I see it as let me enjoy Zelda and by the time i'm done with other stuff there's more available on the Switch. Not saying that everyone would like that approach though.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
While this is true - Zelda alone beats everything that DS, 3DS and WiiU had at launch. Not Wii since it had Wii Sports and TP lol.
Not true. Unless by loves you mean, thinks it's kind of fun for about five minutes.

I dont believe you. You need more people.


My issue isn't the quantity but the severe lack of quality launch titles.

Its honestly only a Zelda machine for launch (for me at least)

While I appreciate most launches lack games I've always bought at least 3. Nothing other than Zelda looks like a must buy.
Wii U failed and barely anyone has it though. It might as well be exclusive. Launch hardware will sell out regardless.

Is selling out launch hardware much of an accomplishment? It's a high profile new console. The Wii U sold out its launch hardware. The real measure of success is what happens after launch.

Also, for all the "nobody has a Wii U" comments, consider the millions who do have them, and that they're probably pretty hardcore Nintendo fans, and Zelda's announcement years ago likely helped many of them make that decision. Many are also probably a little disappointed on the quantity of the Wii U games library, so I don't think it's unreasonable to consider that Wii U owners may be more cautious about buying into the next Nintendo console at launch, and may instead want to save a bunch of money and get Zelda for the console they already own and partially bought in anticipation for Zelda anyway.

D i Z

Hardly. With a Zelda game at launch (particularly this particular game), they would be killing off anything that attempted to launch against it. All of those other games would sell like shit and be counted as failures, and they'd all in the bargain bin in six months.

It's like trying to have a big opening weekend in the theater by releasing your movie the same week as Star Wars.

I've already got a pre-order in for the console, and exactly one game. And I'm good. So are many, many others. My eventual Switch library will probably be tiny compared to other platforms, with a handful of exclusives and a bunch of older VC titles.

The hole in that logic is that Zelda isn't even exclusive on one platform. That's like a big movie opening day and date showing on CBS.
Sales will drop, and there's a good chance that for the launch week Zelda could sell more on Wii U than Switch simply because it's 300 buck cheaper.
There needs to be more than that to get people to perform another leap of faith.

Oddly enough, given enough time with Switch games that have been worn out and played to completion, we'll see people crying about the 3ds being neglected for their favorite titles.


Zelda and Mario Kart within the first 2 months is fine by me, but Nintendo really need to play nice with indies and 3rd parties if they're gonna get people interested in their console.

quite frankly this system imo was rushed to launch. With MK8 coming out over a month later and Splatoon only being given a Summer 2017 release window. I think they should have launched this when when Zelda AND MK8 could be had. ARMS would have been great at launch as well.

And to me the 3rd party situation isn't something anyone should be boasting about either.


Then maybe if you're Nintendo, you could wait before you put out an image like this and let a narrative form:


Wii U launched with more games than Nintendo Switch has all year...


I'd argue the PS4 had the worst launch line up, especially if you own a PC, which is incredibly common unlike the very few with a WiiU. There was Resogun for good exclusive games and that was it.... Any other quality title was a multi platform game that played better on PC.

Yes, Zelda is technically multiplatform but again how many people actually still have a WiiU? I got rid of mine about a year ago. And the WiiU version will perform noticeably worse.
Yeah, it's look pretty great. I would say I hope it has a healthy online userbase but I'm not even sure I'm going to subscribe to Nintendo's yet.:(

Luckily, their online service is the easiest disastrous decision surrounding the Switch to fix. Backlash, lackluster sales and a low number of subscriptions will probably make Nintendo rethink their value proposition. Scrapping the whole idea would be even better but that doesn't seem likely. I hope they do rethink things, because there's no way I can justify to my wife (or to myself) spending money to play games like Mario Kart and Splatoon online that we already play online on Wii U for free.
Iam still not big on the new Zelda, yeah I know Iam the worst, but if it launched with 1 game and it was Mario Odyssey I'd say it was the best launch lineup ever

Dr. Buni

It launches with Zelda. What more do you need?
A game I care about.

I like Zelda, but that is not the kind of Zelda I like. If that game was on the vein of Ocarina, Majora or the top down games, I'd be hype.
Nintendo really should have canceled the Wii U version of Zelda. It would have shut all these kinds of comments down.
So you wanted Nintendo to give people yet another reason to not give them money anymore?


I dunno how quickly you all play games.

But most launches, one game is plenty for me, maybe even too much ahahaha.

A whole bevy of titles would be great.

But starting with Zelda. Then Mario coming up, Splatoon 2 coming up, stuff like DQ 11 coming up, gonna be fine.

As much as people complain about like Wii U and games, I've built up a library thats stellar as hell and made the console worth it a million times over.

Now doubts the Switch will be the same.


Unconfirmed Member
Nintendo is obviously holding Mario Kart back so they'll have something for April, which is just dumb (it should have been a pack-in, in my opinion).

If they are that short on titles, they should have delayed until late April and then e3 announcements/excitement could have carried them thru any software droughts.
quite frankly this system imo was rushed to launch. With MK8 coming out over a month later and Splatoon only being given a Summer 2017 release window. I think they should have launched this when when Zelda AND MK8 could be had. ARMS would have been great at launch as well.

And to me the 3rd party situation isn't something anyone should be boasting about either.

Exactly, yet some people are still in denial. The fact that Kart, Splatoon, and Skyrim are so far out is mind boggling. Mario and Xenoblade could easily be pushed into 2018.


Goes to show that all the haters on GAF represent such a small number of the population interested in Nintendos new system. Reality check.
Exactly, yet some people are still in denial. The fact that Kart, Splatoon, and Skyrim are so far out is mind boggling. Mario and Xenoblade could easily be pushed into 2018.

I'd prefer Kart and ARMs at launch but it seems clear Nintendo is trying to spread it out a bit to get something out there every month or two to avoid droughts. Would have been nice to have Kart and ARMs at launch but then you wouldn't have Splatoon 2 until summer. As sparse as the day 1 lineup looks, a 3-4 month drought would have looked far worse and been slammed in the media even harder.

I truly believe that even if Nintendo released during the holidays, they would have spread out their titles similarly. Pushing this system to the fall or launch wouldn't have gotten us those games at launch necessarily. It'd still be a month to month thing, IMO.

The quantity might not be there, but 2017 is looking to be the best first year from a Nintendo console since the GameCube. Some seem to forget how bad the first year was for DS and 3DS.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Something that's exclusive only to the new hardware?

Super Bomberman R and 1-2 Switch fit that bill.

Something to play two weeks later.

Later that same month, SnipperClips, Fast Racing Remix and Has Been Heroes arrives.

Then, Mario Kart hits in April.

As someone that was there for the 3DS and Wii U launch, this article is laughable. The Switch dumps on both from a great height. I never thought I'd see someone long for the apparently halcyon days of Steel Diver and Nintendogs.


It's because they know persona 5 comes out in march for the US too.

Zelda. P5. That's all I need until the end of spring / summer.


I'd argue the PS4 had the worst launch line up, especially if you own a PC, which is incredibly common unlike the very few with a WiiU. There was Resogun for good exclusive games and that was it.... Any other quality title was a multi platform game that played better on PC.

Yes, Zelda is technically multiplatform but again how many people actually still have a WiiU? I got rid of mine about a year ago. And the WiiU version will perform noticeably worse.

PS4 and Xbox one had the better launch lineup than the Switch.

Switch has Zelda. A game that will be amazing, but that's it really. It's the game most everyone will buy.

For PS4 you have the exclusives, and then you had AC, COD, Madden, Battlefield, etc. It had much better 3rd party support from franchises that totally eclipse Zelda.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I have a pre-order in, but I am damn disappointed with the lineup. My fear is I'm going to beat Zelda, get bored as it gathers dust, and sell all of it within the first month.

Which is what I hope many will do, because I'm going to play Zelda on Wii U ;).

And to the question whar Switch needed: One game exclusive to itself.

Well maybe I'll be lucky and can get into the situation of becoming a Switch Ambassador and get it for a cheaper price as well :D.


DS launch and first year was abysmal aside from Mario 64

Switch will have Zelda, Splatoon 2, Mario, and puyo puyo Tetris by Christmas. Sounds like a better proposition tbh
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