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Private prisons and Trump's immigrant detention plans

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Courtesy the LA Time's Private prison companies likely to be big beneficiaries of Trump's plan to detain more border crossers.

LA Times said:
Stocks for private prison companies have surged in the two weeks since President Trump signed an executive order calling for expansion of immigrant detention facilities at or near the border with Mexico, specifically authorizing the use of private contractors “to construct, operate, or control facilities” in what is expected to be a substantial ramp-up of the massive detention system that thrived under the Obama administration.


With the number of immigrant detainees already at historic levels, critics warn that rapidly expanding prisons will only exacerbate squalid living conditions and substandard medical care. The big beneficiaries, they say, will be stockholders and executives of for-profit prison companies.


The idea for an immigrant detention center was born 15 years ago, when a large construction company approached local officials with a pitch to revitalize their economy: borrow $65 million from the public debt markets to build prisons.

In 2006, as President George W. Bush pushed to crack down on illegal immigration, the county hired a Texas construction company to build the detention center on a cotton field on the outskirts of town. It then contracted with a Utah-based company, Management & Training Corp., to run the complex.

This has become a common arrangement. As ICE detention has exploded in recent years — reaching more than 41,000 beds last November — about 65% of ICE detainees are now held in facilities operated by private, for-profit contractors.


In December, Willacy County sued Management & Training Corp., claiming its “abysmal management” cost the county tens of millions of dollars in damages. In its lawsuit, the county claims MTC was “only interested in the money” and “turned a blind eye to the enormous problems that plagued the prison.”

It was a message that critics of private prisons and detention centers had pushed for years, and it came after activists had managed to win a string of victories across the country: Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who previously had accepted donations from private prison lobbyists, had pledged to end for-profit prisons and detention centers; the Department of Justice had announced it would begin phasing out the Board of Prisons’ use of for-profit prisons; stock prices plunged for prison contractors.

Trump, though, had spoken highly of for-profit prisons. And in December, a Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council subcommittee recommended continuing to use of private detention facilities for immigrant detainees because they’re cheaper and allow officials to adapt to sudden surges in immigrant detention.

The administration of justice should never be left to those with profit motive.


They are going to turn in to slave labor camps.

I've been saying this for a while now. Its already been done here and there. Inmates get like 1 dollar a day, to 3. For field work....
Now you've got a bunch of "illegals" in prisons, likely held indefinitely...

They will be leased out to farms.
I've been saying this for a while now. Its already been done here and there. Inmates get like 1 dollar a day, to 3. For field work....
Now you've got a bunch of "illegals" in prisons, likely held indefinitely...

They will be leased out to farms.



Just continuing what is already going on



They are going to turn in to slave labor camps.

Of course now that weed is legal in a lot of states and there are not that many regular slave workers available anymore the private prison industry has to find another source for new slaves. And if we are honest, the US would collapse without the slave labor in prisons, whole industries are only competitive because they use this system.


Wow, this is unbelievable... or rather it was. I remember hearing that for-profit prisons were on the decline last year and now it's looking to not only do a 180 but also thrive.

I, for one, have little trouble with the idea of prison labour when the idea is them paying their dues to society but for profit prisons have shown how abused that system can get. And now, given the types of people they'll be shoving in these prisons, this will become a straight up slave labour concentration camp.


Oh goodie, one of the most horrible systems in the USA are at least gonna profit from this asshole of a President!

Last Week Tonight - Prisons

Adam Ruins Everything - The Shocking Way Private Prisons Make Money
Combine it with the piece about Solitary Confinement:

Kurzgesagt - Why the War on Drugs is a Huge Failure (regarding why America has such a gigantic prison population)

Some things for people to watch who are not up to speed how fucked up the US. prison system is.
Wouldn't it be cheaper in the short and long term to fund infrastructure projects in countries where immigrants are coming from? The majority of people leaving a country are doing it out of economical necessity. How about instead of spending literally billions of dollars holding onto these people, you spend a few million on companies in that country. Spend the money on companies and projects that are going to keep people employed and improve the standard of living.

It's backwards thinking that screws us all over in the long term. Just take the Iraq War. We could have been in and out within three years, but the guys running it kept making stupid short term decisions that turned it to a decade plus long occupation.
Modern day slavery just got a lot better when it comes to money. Jesus Christ............

The owners of privatized prisons are some of the biggest pieces of shit on the planet.


I've been saying this for a while now. Its already been done here and there. Inmates get like 1 dollar a day, to 3. For field work....
Now you've got a bunch of "illegals" in prisons, likely held indefinitely...

They will be leased out to farms.
Just like how the blacks were given their freedom and then corralled into prisons en masse for horrible crimes like loitering and being black in the wrong place at the wrong time so those cotton fields would continue to get picked.

Illegals aren't going to get deported so their manufacturing jobs go back to white rural America.
They're going to get detained so they do the exact same manufacturing jobs for free and the government gets a cut of the revenue via the deals they cut with private sector prisons.

Wouldn't it be cheaper in the short and long term to fund infrastructure projects in countries where immigrants are coming from? The majority of people leaving a country are doing it out of economical necessity. How about instead of spending literally billions of dollars holding onto these people, you spend a few million on companies in that country. Spend the money on companies and projects that are going to keep people employed and improve the standard of living.
Yeah, but the problem with that idea is that you then allow these people to vote. Can't have that.
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