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Profile that claimed purchase of Take-Two by Sony, has already spread false acquisitions


Gold Member
Uh ok.....so those guys are giving that dude every bit of the attention he was seeking.



Gold Member
It was.
Sony is multi company division. They are not stupid to spend that much money on a gaming company during this period.
They need to keep their business afloat.


Gold Member
Blocked that guy a while ago. It was pretty much almost every day a new "insider scoop". Dude acted like he had more knowledge of Sony's workings than Jim Ryan himself. Look more into his history and you find out he's a thieving scumbag who has been lying about more than just leaks for years.


Gold Member
Uh ok.....so those guys are giving that dude every bit of the attention he was seeking.

I had that guy on mute when I was using twitter.
I was very suspicious about his rumors, considering Sony is very tight lips just like that Bungie deal.
That guys always been full of shit. Watch a couple months from now someone else post one of his tweets anyway

Its funny that people here give more shit to schreire than they do these fake insiders
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Reminds me of the infamous PS5 teraflop leaks before the system specs were revealed. New rumour every other week.

The new trend of fake leaks have now moved onto "acquisitions", because of course some dickhead on the internet is claiming to know the inner-workings and secret deals/talks/discussions of multiple multi-billion dollar corporations.
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Way too many idiots on the internet. Learned a long time ago don't listen to rumors no matter how big, small, level of interest in them being true or false. Just don't partake.


Well finally someone with some credibility (not discussing about whether people like him or not) stood up to expose this clown. Too bad that fanboys tend to love those kind of accounts and keep circlejerking and giving them attention.
I wonder what narratives will be used to fulfill the five stages of grief:

Denial: Is not going to be approved 🙅

Anger: is a monopoly, MS buying its way to the industry, is not fair!!!😡

Bargaining: Sony buying T2,Capcom,S-E, Ubisoft, EA, CDProject Red anything to teach MS not to mess with team blue!!🙏

Depression: Acquisitions and Consolidation are truly bad and the industry is going to suffer and videogames are not fun anymore.😭

Acceptance: whatever....it is what it is. but i am still mad at MS🤷


Gold Member
Wait, people actually thought that Sony could purchase T2? I mean, the same GTA company? Like... For real? Lmao I thought it was a YouTubers meme in the thumbnails
The other thread went 10 pages and probably 50 or 60 pages on that crazy forum that split from this place.

That twitter guy should make a rumor that Sony is about to buy Nintendo, just watch the internet explode.
Amusing how widely the [snip] rumor has spread, given that it originated from a single Twitter account.
--- J.Schrier

Says the dude who regularly originates rumors from his singular Twitter account.

Look, I know this T2 Twitter goon is BS, but Schrier calling him out for attention whoring is the pot calling the kettle black.


Take Two had no rumors of being acquired before this. Usually a wave of rumors happen at once. Sony doesn’t really have anyone willing to sell, especially at their current budget.

Most likely case is square enix splits, and Sony buys the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts half. But even then, don’t think Sony cares enough.
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I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
i mean....a person with common sense would know its fake.

Tbh....is take two really worth the acquisition? how long for them to churn out an actual good game? Their workforce is quite large as well isnt it?
Always thought some behind the scenes marketing deal got spun into something it isn't. No idea how it reached the level of an acquisition.


Amazing we have to have Schreier to debunk that nonsense rumor in order for it to go away. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a less credible source for a rumor.


Gold Member
Amazing we have to have Schreier to debunk that nonsense rumor in order for it to go away. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a less credible source for a rumor.

When it comes to PlayStation, it's this guy, Roberto Serrano, and FoxyGamesUK that are the trifecta of fuckery.


Gold Member
Perhaps, but waaayyy too many financial news outlets picked it up. I don't source my news from Benzinga, but they are influential enough to get an SMH response from me over the current state of journalism with this garbage.

News outlets have sucked at sourcing forever and are exceedingly gullible. Look at the people who perpetrated the Wikipedia hoax about the inventor of the toaster.

Media and academia ate it right up without bothering to ensure that it was accurate. Media consistently runs with whatever they read whether it's true or not because they're chasing ad revenue. I don't blame the moron who made up the rumor. I blame the moron games journalist who would rather be first than be right.
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Guy shouldn't of been getting any attention whatsoever. he puts out a bunch of vague, tales from of his ass hints and rumors. 100% they all turn out to be bs. there was a twitter thread, one called "jack of all controllers exposed" the so called lumberjack or whatever his name is, was the founder of that site. from countless lies, to threats of firing his employees if they called in sick, to holding contests only, to never award the winner what they won. to racism and more.
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There's only actually been one legit leaker and that was someone who was most likely a youtube employee who could see the trailers go up on the backend,the other 99% are just making anything up to see what will stick
Guy shouldn't of been getting any attention whatsoever. he puts out a bunch of vague, tales from of his ass hints and rumors. 100% they all turn out to be bs. there was a twitter thread, one called "jack of all controllers exposed" the so called lumberjack or whatever his name is, was the founder of that site. from countless lies, to threats of firing his employees if they called in sick, to holding contests only, to never award the winner what they won. to racism and more.

What the fuck?


Gold Member
You would have to be an absolute idiot to:

1. Follow this clout chaser.

2. Believe the shit he spouts.

I'll honestly never understand why a news site used this random twitter person as a news source, it's genuinely embarrassing imo.
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