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PS5 Pro Pricing Discussion Thread


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Hopefully day one. It's still too cheap

rich donald duck GIF
They won't. It's not like they make a big margin on it and can just lower the price. I see the normal PS5 dropping in price sooner. Much older hardware, more volume.
Why? This is for their enthusiastic crowd. Most people will always buy a slim PS5. They knew what they were doing with this.

Sony has made it perfectly clear this gen that they would rather sacrifice some units and not sell these consoles at a loss. They are making some money on those Pro units for sure.


Won't be for another couple years until PS6 starts hitting the rumor cycles and the gen starts winding down. It's gonna be a long generation, buckle in.


Why? This is for their enthusiastic crowd. Most people will always buy a slim PS5. They knew what they were doing with this.

Sony has made it perfectly clear this gen that they would rather sacrifice some units and not sell these consoles at a loss. They are making some money on those Pro units for sure.
To be honest even though I'm buying the pro they're not going to move a lot of units with that price. I doubt it'll sell half as well as the PS4 Pro.


Gold Member

PS5 Pro, 2TB, at 699$ on one hand, Series X, 2TB, at 599$ on the other. Series X comes with a disc drive, PS5 Pro doesn't.

PS5 Pro is currently marketed as a 4k, 60fps, RT machine, twice as powerful as a base PS5.

Reading the first pages of this Thread, as well as the results of the "Sony can screw itself" option in this poll, left me wondering.. can "high end console gaming" ever be a thing?

Or should every machine within the Console realm be imperatively as affordable as possible to the masses?
Should the option of playing current generation games at 60fps with high resolution and pristine IQ, along with higher settings, remain an unattainable dream for every kind of individual willing to purchase a console, if it traslates into $699?

GAF, please help me understand.


That’s a bs apples to apples. That Xbox is a limited edition console. Proper would be comparing the Series X digital vs the PS5 pro. $450vs$700


Except that you can buy Series X new at 500$€, even less.

Your picture is for the 2TB Galaxy limited edition.
The PS5 Pro is 2TB same as this Series X that's the point. It's $100 more to get PS5 Pro power instead of Series X Power. The pricing on the PS5 Pro is awful, but the pricing on the Xbox Series 2TB is also awful.

They should have gone with 1TB on the PS5 Pro and kept the price down. A 1TB PS5 Pro for the same price as the 2TB Series X would have been killer. As it is they're both terrible options lol.
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The PS5 Pro is 2TB same as this Series X that's the point. It's $100 more to get PS5 Pro power instead of Series X Power. The pricing on the PS5 Pro is awful, but the pricing on the Xbox Series 2TB is also awful.

They should have gone with 1TB on the PS5 Pro and kept the price down.
You can get a proper Xbox Series X with disc drive and 1 TB for less than 500$. This is the entry price.

Where is the PS5 Pro disc drive and 1 TB option already ? It doesn't exist. The entry price is 700$/800€.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
PS5 Pro is currently marketed as a 4k, 60fps, RT machine, twice as powerful as a base PS5.
That’s the keyword here.

Did we go backwards? From 8K to 4K? Or do we all know marketing is full of shit? The RTX 3090 was also marketed as an 8K GPU.
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Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member
Anyone who has followed consoles for a while has probably noticed some cyclical trends in the industry. For example, Nintendo releasing blockbuster consoles one gen followed by far more modest sales the next. Or Sony releasing peripherals and sending them out to die. For whatever reason, these types of patterns seem to reoccur over and over again.

The PS5 Pro announcement in some ways reminded me of the PS3 announcement. And it echoes what we've seen recently with them chasing the GaaS unicorn to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Right now, I think Sony believes that people will buy whatever they put out just because it has the word PlayStation on it. They seem incredibly out of touch with their customer base, sacrificing good ideas and putting out either products that no one asked for or, in the case of the PS5 Pro, a value proposition that's so bad it seems insulting.

The PS5 Pro:
  1. $700+ tax U.S. (our poor European members are getting reamed even worse than that)
  2. $80 extra for a disc drive (with tax, this console is now over $800)
  3. Not even a STAND included so you can buy that separately, too
To demonstrate how abysmal this value proposition is, the PS4 Pro, which increased output from 1080p to 4k, was priced at $400, which was the launch price of the original PS4. AND, the PS4 got a price cut.

This is the height of arrogance. Midway through the PS3 generation, Sony seemed to acknowledge their missteps in thinking they were assured people's purchases and made a strong pivot from an arrogant position to a humbler one. From that point on, PlayStation entered a golden age of gaming quality and diversity that lasted through the entire generation of the PS4.

I hope this pro console bombs so it sends them a message. They need to listen to what their customers want, not what they want their customers to want.

Does anyone agree, or do you think I'm being too harsh here?
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