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Quality of Films from the year 2000-2015

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Been wanting to discuss this for years. I was very much into films up until the year 2000 but since then I just don't rate what has come through. Mostly I'm talking about action films, general obvious stuff I guess but I would say before the year 2000 we had a lot of general films of very high quality. Of course there's lots of bad films throughout the 70/80/90s.

This isn't a nostalgic trip. Every film stands out still watching them today and I'm talking about:

Deer Hunter
Terminator 2
Blade Runner
Back to the Future
Back to the Future II
Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones Temple of Doom
Star Wars
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Return of the Jedi
Planes Trains and Automobiles
Weekend at Bernie's
2001 Space Odyssey
The Shining
Assault on Precinct 13
Taxi Driver
Usual Suspects
Silence of the Lambs
Matrix (1999) Last good film imo

I can't think of any film since 2000 that comes anywhere near these films. I understand there's some I haven't even posted that will be highly revered and there's high brow films dotted around throughout the years and some will have at least one recent fav.

What film in the modern era in your opinion comes close to Blade Runner, or has the charm and actors of Ghostbusters.

Some of it is down to actors but I'm looking for the replacement actors, a new wave, Robert DeNiro is past it now as are all these guys and gals, amazing in their prime. Who is todays young hungry James Cameron or Ridley Scott, dare I say Stanley Kubrick.

Even just things like Beverly Hills Cop is a classic not touched, and down to a Eddie Murphy in his prime. Robocop and Predator such iconic films I can watch today. Where's the new idea that takes over? The new HR Giger. It's sad we have Alien and Predator re-used over and over.

Would like some film suggestions that you genuinely feel is of the overall quality and acting charisma of pre 2000 best films. It's almost like Matrix was a bookend and we're done.

Edit: This is a pretty ridiculous thread. I mean, just this year we got Mad Max: Fury Road which is the best action film in a long time. I can see making an argument saying that 2015 has been a weak year for film so far but to say there hasn't been a great film in 15 years in absurd. Where have you been living? Also, LOL at the Matrix being the last great film.


Those have been in our culture for a long time + repeated viewings on cable.

There are plenty of quality works like No Country for Old Men, Lord of the Rings, Spider-Man, etc..
I think there are still some excellent films from this period, it may be nostalgia plus the whole "classic" angle that gives older films more weight.
You put Weekend at Bernie's in your list. Judgment in question right off the bat.

In all seriousness, there are plenty of great movies after 2000. But if you don't think any of them get to the level of earlier great films, then that's okay. It's your opinion.

PS. Go see Mad Max: Fury Road. It's a total anomaly but it is as good as any 80s action film.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'd take Her and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind over most of those, frankly.

Oh, and In the Mood for Love is 2000, so there you go.

Just speaking of sci-fi, because it's a genre I'm familiar with in multiple mediums, I was never too fond the grunge space/cyberpunk aesthetic of the 80s and 90s. Of your list, the only standouts on this front are:

2001 Space Odyssey
Even The Matrix was just a poor man's Ghost in the Shell (1997).


Children of Men
City of God
Elite Squad
Pan's Labyrinth

Those 5 share some similarities to at least one of the films you listed and are all worth watching.
Guardians of the Galaxy

Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Rise/Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Dredd 3D


Batman Begins and The Dark Knight


Mad Max: Fury Road

Iron Man


Captain America Winter Soldier



Spider-man 2

John Wick

Taken (And only the first one!)

Django Unchained

12 Years a Slave

Shaun of the Dead

Hot Fuzz


I actually don't think this ignorance should be acknowledged. There are honestly hundreds of movies that are great. From independent to more acknowledged/critically acclaimed.

Dude, I don't see how you can just say there haven't been classics for 15 years. Naw.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
That is a pretty bold idea. And quite frankly just flat out wrong. There have been plenty of films that are as good as or better than the films you listed.

I'll try to name a few that in my opinion are same or better quality:
Nolan's Batman Trilogy
Dallas Buyers Club
There will be blood
No Country for old men
Eternal Sunshine


There's plenty of good movies since 2000.

Lord of the Rings trilogy
Children of Men
The Incredibles
Inside Out
The Dark Knight
Kill Bill
Shaun of The Dead
City of God
There Will Be Blood
Eternal Sunshine
Spritied Away
Batman Begins
The Raid
The Prestige
The Royal Tenenumbaums
Life Aquatic
Toy Story 3
28 days Later
Mad Max Fury Road



this masterpiece came out in 2011 so no you're wrong op

~real human bean and a real heroooo~

anyway op you're sort of crazy

you're like the opposite of that poster that claimed they didn't watch films from before 2000


OP I don't watch films that often and even I know your statement is crazy. Sounds like you just lost interest in watching movies.


That is a pretty bold idea. And quite frankly just flat out wrong. There have been plenty of films that are as good as or better than the films you listed.

I'll try to name a few that in my opinion are same or better quality:
Nolan's Batman Trilogy
Dallas Buyers Club
There will be blood
No Country for old men
Eternal Sunshine

This guys got it right here, with big ups for Inception and No Country for Old Men from me.

I would add

Any Quentin Tarantino Film (I just love his work)
Mad Max Fury Road

I could go deeper but there's been plenty of films recently.


Films Ive watched in the last few weeks - Whiplash, Foxcatcher, Skeleton Twins - prove that there is always interesting recent film out there.

Also, I don't care how they made Mad Max's effects, it was only an okay film.

Ghostbusters - good
Alien - overrated - invasion of the body snatchers 1978 does the idea better
Aliens - good
Deer Hunter - never seen it
Scarface - trash
Terminator - good
Terminator 2 - good
Blade Runner - only like the tears in the rain scene
Back to the Future - good
Back to the Future II - bad
Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark - good
Indiana Jones Temple of Doom - i enjoy the fact that people don't
Diehard - overrated
Star Wars - good
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back - overrated
Star Wars Return of the Jedi - boring
Planes Trains and Automobiles - john hughes garbage
Weekend at Bernie's - what?
Godfather - obviously
2001 Space Odyssey - must be 25 or older to not fall asleep by it
The Shining - amazing
Assault on Precinct 13 - zzzz
Duel - zzzzz
Taxi Driver - Scorsese is overrated
Usual Suspects - this film is overrated
Goodfellas - it's not nearly as good as the fans would have you believe
Heat - snooze city
Silence of the Lambs - good
Matrix (1999) Last good film imo - really? REALLY?


You have missed out on a ton of great movies. From the top of my head, I would recommend: The Royal Tenenbaums, Catch Me If You Can, Children of Men, The Departed, No Country For Old Men, Zodiac, There Will Be Blood, The Road, Inglorious Basterds, The Master, The Impossible, Django Unchained, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Birdman, Whiplash aaaand probably a bunch of others I'm totally blanking on. Like dozens.


Films Ive watched in the last few weeks - Whiplash, Foxcatcher, Skeleton Twins - prove that there is always interesting recent film out there.

Also, I don't care how they made Mad Max's effects, it was only an okay film.

superb modern action film

2015 has been pretty damned good for action. Kingsman, Fury Road and John Wick (it released in 2015 over here so it counts for me ok)

it's best we forget that Taken 3 exists tho ok


This isn't a nostalgic trip. Every film stands out still watching them today and I'm talking about:

Indiana Jones Temple of Doom
I could humor you and list all the classics that have come out in the last 15 years but they're too many to count. Have fun living in your pre-2000's movie bunker and leave all the trash movies to us.
I could humor you and list all the classics that have come out in the last 15 years but they're too many to count. Have fun living in your pre-2000's movie bunker.
Temple of Doom is a legit classic. Calling that one out is silly. Go for the Weekend low hanging fruit.



superb modern action film

2015 has been pretty damned good for action. Kingsman, Fury Road and John Wick (it released in 2015 over here so it counts for me ok)

it's best we forget that Taken 3 exists tho ok

Did you really like your pracktocul offackts in Mad Bore Fury Snooze?

Also, yes, I forgot about Kingsman - really great action film and reminds me of why I love matthew vaughn. I'll check out Wick.


Seems more like you have just lifted those films you listed on a high-beyond-logic pedestal that no modern movie can live up to no matter of their quality. I personally think there are many films in 2000-2015 that are far better than many of the films you listed and a lot of the movies in your list aren't some kind of flawless masterpieces that can never be exceeded.

It's similarly shortsighted, nostalgia-blinded, ignorant drivel that statements like "there's no good music since the 90s" and "the best music was composed in the 80s" are.


Temple of Doom is a legit classic. Calling that one out is silly. Go for the Weekend low hanging fruit.

I was calling out the fact that he said the list wasn't influenced by nostalgia. Temple of Doom is the weakest of the original three and has only recently got a boost when comparing it to Crystal Skull. Listing Temple as a non-nostalgia influenced classic is the same as including Godfather 3 on the list because the first two were great.


Did you really like your pracktocul offackts?

i don't care if it was mostly practical effects or not, it was an incredibly well orchestrated, shot and edited action film with some great visual storytelling

you do realise the reason that people love the film isn't just because of practical effects, mr snarkypants.

i feel like you're only trying to dismiss the film in this way since they released a behind the scenes stunts video recently and people are calling shit in a film you clearly don't like impressive
You put Weekend at Bernie's in your list. Judgment in question right off the bat.

In all seriousness, there are plenty of great movies after 2000. But if you don't think any of them get to the level of earlier great films, then that's okay. It's your opinion.

PS. Go see Mad Max: Fury Road. It's a total anomaly but it is as good as any 80s action film.

I put Weekend at Bernie's just to test you guys. :)

Honestly, it feels like the real talent is in television. It's been that way for the last decade.

I actually feel this is probably true. Breaking Bad is something modern that I really like.

Except it is.

Except it isn't.

I was expecting LOTR. I'm too familiar with the book and original film to consider it a more of a product of the modern era.

Dark Night was expecting, I'm sorry but not really digging this and Spiderman suggestions
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