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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

Video games should be easy. I thank whoever created detective mode and made it actually enjoyable for me to play games. I'm busy all week, I get about 1~4 hours at most a week to play, please don't make my video games stressful like the rest of my life.
Easiest mode: watch it on YouTube.


Hah, mine was shortly after Bayonetta came out and I imported it from Japan on PS3. I swore, and still do to this day, that the game was completely playable and wasn't a horrible way to play the game...


I think I disagree with everything you said (apart from RE because I don't bother with those games).

Well done, haha.
Haha! I really wasn't trying to do it on purpose. :p
One day this will be a known fact. One day.
Dual smg was about the only thing a liked about the game.

I like you RootCause.

Here's one of mine: Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a top 5 FF game. Maybe top 3.
I think you might stop liking me now... I've never played a final fantasy game. D:
I'm interested, but there's so many games in the series. :O


Just been playing the Phantom Pain so I've got a new one. HUGE spoilers for TPP follow:

I've grown really sick and tired of Kojima's storytelling. Having Venom Snake be an imposter is bad enough, but a random fucking medic from GZ?!?!? What in the fuck was Kojima thinking? It's really ruined the game for me now and I'm actually really glad that Kojima won't be involved in the series anymore because I'm done with his shit. I'm looking forward to what Konami are going to do with the series from this point on (God fucking help me if it's pachinko related) but I've lost a lot of respect and admiration for Kojima after this twist. He's ruined a really good game for me with his bullshit. All in all I think this one of the worst Metal Gear's of all time and I would like nothing more to erase it from my memory. In a way I'm glad Silent Hills is cancelled because I just don't have it in me to deal with any more of his so called 'twists'.
While it didn't ruin the game for me. It was too silly to have a damn medic become as good as the legendary soldier. All through the power of hypnotic suggestions. The Gray Fox theory would've been more enjoyable, though it would messed things up too. Just less silly. :p
I moved from PC to consoles because I was tired to upgrading hardware, software and drivers. An ever increasing minimum requirements for a PC port coupled with shitty ports that did not work properly with any hardware were the last straw.
I moved from PC to consoles because I was tired to upgrading hardware, software and drivers. An ever increasing minimum requirements for a PC port coupled with shitty ports that did not work properly with any hardware were the last straw.

Yeah, this was a huge part of what drove me from PC, too. We aren't alone either. We're just a very small minority.

I look at it like having a car. There are some people who like buying a car and then customizing the hell out it. They tweak performance so they can squeeze every bit of speed and power out of it they can, and they are often willing and able to spend hours in the garage just getting in there, getting their hands dirty and scraping their knuckles on bolts that just won't budge. Maybe they like showing off to their friends, or maybe they just like having a beast that roars.

But there are some people that just want a nice car that gets them where they want to go. It may be last year's model, it may not break 170 on straightaways, and it may not make everyone turn their heads when it goes by, but it absolutely works like it is supposed to, is clean and shiny, and goes from point A to point B in a smooth and absolutely enjoyable ride.

Unfortunately, there are huge swaths of folks from the former group that insist that if you aren't buying cars like they do, every car in the latter group is a rusted junk bucket that barely starts, has ripped seats, an 8-track player, and is missing important things like doors or spark plugs, even if it isn't really.
Yeah, this was a huge part of what drove me from PC, too. We aren't alone either. We're just a very small minority.

I look at it like having a car. There are some people who like buying a car and then customizing the hell out it. They tweak performance so they can squeeze every bit of speed and power out of it they can, and they are often willing and able to spend hours in the garage just getting in there, getting their hands dirty and scraping their knuckles on bolts that just won't budge. Maybe they like showing off to their friends, or maybe they just like having a beast that roars.

But there are some people that just want a nice car that gets them where they want to go. It may be last year's model, it may not break 170 on straightaways, and it may not make everyone turn their heads when it goes by, but it absolutely works like it is supposed to, is clean and shiny, and goes from point A to point B in a smooth and absolutely enjoyable ride.

Unfortunately, there are huge swaths of folks from the former group that insist that if you aren't buying cars like they do, every car in the latter group is a rusted junk bucket that barely starts, has ripped seats, an 8-track player, and is missing important things like doors or spark plugs, even if it isn't really.

Glad to know I am not the only one...


I'm fine with developers putting more effort &/or content into one platforms version of a game than another. As long as the product isn't incorrectly advertised on the content-inferior platform, and works well from a technical POV, then that's all that matters.


I love Hearthstone, but sometimes I wish there were more communication options. Something like "Go fuck yourself" would be nice when dealing with cocky players who think their win had anything to do with skill, and not luck of the deal, or all of those fancy Legrndary cards they bought.
I'm sure i'm not the first/only but I'm new here and my controversial opinion is that the internet got the initial xbox release wrong based on bad communication from MS and malicious rumor mongering by certain media sites.


Not sure if this is really a minority opinion or not, but I can't stand any kind of voice chat in games. I know people hate hearing guys blaring music through voice chat or arguing with their moms, but I hate ANY voice chat. It kills any kind of immersion for me and I like to hear the sounds and music from the game itself. Given the option, I'll mute all voice chat.
Gamers are responsible for "greedy" industry monetization schemes (dlc/microtrans) by way of thinking that 59.99 is a lot to pay for a AAA experience.


Neo Member
I love Hearthstone, but sometimes I wish there were more communication options. Something like "Go fuck yourself" would be nice when dealing with cocky players who think their win had anything to do with skill, and not luck of the deal, or all of those fancy Legrndary cards they bought.

League of Legends allows players to report others for being "Unskilled". Such reports are completely disregarded, but it gives players an outlet for their frustration. An emote designed to express anger, that isn't broadcast to the opposing player, could be a good idea. Players can think that they've expressed their feelings without actually bothering their opponent.

Dr. Buni

Not sure if this is really a minority opinion or not, but I can't stand any kind of voice chat in games. I know people hate hearing guys blaring music through voice chat or arguing with their moms, but I hate ANY voice chat. It kills any kind of immersion for me and I like to hear the sounds and music from the game itself. Given the option, I'll mute all voice chat.
F2P games don't deserve the hate. Yes there are terrible ones out there but there are also terrible retail games that you have to put out $60 before you realize you got a incomplete turd while f2p you don't have to pay a dime to know if its a good game or not.

completely agree. I go by the thinking of "you pay what you think its worth"... I have spent £20 on Candy Crush (On level 1020) in total and it has been totally worth it, great game. Obviously some levels are impossible without powerups.

Likewise Fallout Shelter, put a lot of time in to that game!
Alfred in Code Veronica is a top tier villain.

Agreed. The Hitchcockian Psycho influence in Code Veronica is strong and it really suited the series nicely to dip into that horror well. Alfred was one of the few game villains to really creep me out, and I usually don't have that kind of reaction to, well, pretty much anything.

I think p.n. 03 deserves a remake over that resident evil game.

If you mean Resident Evil 0, agreed. If you mean Resident Evil 2, also agreed.
This years COD looks just as awful as the last three years. Future warfare is the worst thing that happened to the series. Its so far gone from its roots, it makes me sick.

It will be the first time I skip since COD 2.
i enjoy Fallout 3 way more than New Vegas, just much better atmosphere.

Witcher 1=2>>>>>Witcher 3 in most things other than game mechanics.

Grand Theft Auto V was a huge stepdown from IV, which to date is my favourite GTA. The "humor and satire" is complete wannabe South Park bullshit and formed a hivemind that circle-jerk in the thought that they're playing some intellectual art with controversial and thoughtful points. I can say that i enjoy the script in the game between characters until Trevor was introduced and had to be fucking everywhere, but everything "satire" related in GTA is and has always been fucking awful. IV survived with this cause they went with the gritty route and it wasn't as noticable unless you listened to the radio all the time. Trevor is a disaster for a character (so cuhraaaazyy!!!XDD), Franklin is wasted as a character and has basically no point in his story other than saying some gangster shit after Trevor is introduced, Michael is also just a boring bastard with no personality what so ever.
Hand to hand combat was made shittier and the ragdoll/euphoria engine was stripped down as hell compared to IV/RDR/MP.

I also want to say that Bioshock: Infinite is fucking terrible in essentially all areas but it seems to be regarded as such by quite a few of users here. Accidentaly broke my friend's heart when he heard it, though. (but he thinks Silent hill is shit so fuck his feelings).
Fuck steampunk, man.

Dishonored was kinda shitty too, but i didn't hate the artstyle as much even if it was steampunk (unless i'm mistaken). teleport made the game too eezpeez.

Assassin's Creed 3 is probably the AC game.

The 3d person Resident Evil games are way better than the ps1 games. 4 is of course like one of the best games of all time and RE5 was mechanically just a copy paste of RE4. RE6 also has fucking amazing gunplay.
Never bothered to finish either RE2 or RE3, zombies aren't spooky so i couldn't get into them at all.



Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I'm seeing this more and more.
A class based shooter where you have cooldowns or unique classes that stand out doesn't make that game a MOBA
I don't really know where this trend of calling class based shooters FPS MOBAs started but it needs to stop.
TF2, Overwatch, and now recently Star Wars Battlefront are not FPS MOBAs, don't understand why people consider them that

Late Flag

but everything "satire" related in GTA is and has always been fucking awful.

I agree strongly on this one. Satire is hard to get right, and GTA very rarely succeeds. I've enjoyed this series from GTA3 on, but their humor is pretty shrill even when they're agreeing with you.


Having just finished it, the Last of Us is a mediocre game. *light spoilers follow*

It does several things very well.

  • It's definitely one of the best looking PS3 games, even with the fps dips.
  • The score is good and complements the mood of the environments well.
  • The voice acting and character facial animations are excellent throughout.
  • Joel is an excellent villain. The story develops that he's a selfishly motivated person throughout the whole game, so I think there's good consistency between his motives and actions. By the end, Ellie has been developed enough to be more than a Juno clone, though at the beginning it seemed inevitable she would talk on a hamburger phone at some point.

But it's mediocre more often than not, especially as it pertains to the gameplay. I think its fundamental problem is that it can't decide what it wants to be: a cover shooter or a stealth game.

You never have enough ammo to go straight up guns blazing and the enemies can definitely take more bullets than you can. So, despite all the guns you get, most of the time they're best reserved for when your cover is blown and you're sprinting to the next triangle prompt that will end the encounter. It's actually too bad, since I think the set piece in winter where you're trapped and forced into a shootout was the most fun I had playing the game.

While you think stealth'd be the way to go, the triangle prompts for takedowns are finicky and chokeouts are slow, so silently eliminating the enemy is tedious. And, without a good indicator for the enemy's awareness of you (combined with typical sticking to cover issues), cover is often inadvertently blown and you're sprinting to the next triangle prompt that ends the encounter. Listen mode works better with the zombies, so stealth does seem more viable with them. The molotovs and bombs added a little variety and were probably more effective than they ought to have been, but I think they facilitated my sprinting to the next triangle prompt more than they facilitated thorough stealth takedowns in my experience.

In between encounters, there's a lot of looking for shiny objects and pressing triangle and listening to logs and reading journals that people in every video game apocalypse seem intent on recording. I don't think the ladder, plank, and pallet sections are ever complex enough to qualify as puzzles or platforming. They are just mindless filler to keep the hands occupied while the characters banter.

The plot is a simple zombie plot. Cannibalism, loved ones getting infected, yadda yadda yadda...TLOU's wrinkles are barely enough to keep it from being straight up boring.


In conclusion, TLOU is a real mixed bag. The best parts of the game are the least interactive ones. I can't help but think this would have been better off as a Telltale style adventure like TWD.

edit: I forgot one thing. This is probably colored somewhat by my playing after the DLC came out, but the Riley name drop at the end feels like a cheap plug. IIRC, Ellie doesn't say shit about survivor's guilt or Riley at any point earlier in the game, even where it would have been appropriate. It definitely took away from what I thought what a pretty solid, if abrupt, conclusion to Joel's story.


The Kingdom Hearts storyline makes perfect sense.

I'm not saying it's always good, but if you play every game in the series, then it's really pretty straightforward and trope-y, in a JRPG kind of way.


Piggybacking on the above poster, I recently started a new playthrough of The Last of Us after not having touched it since beating it on release a couple years ago.
I had nothing but good things to say about the game after my first time through with it.
Right off the bat this time I was struck by how floaty and remote-control the character movement is. Joel has no weight to him. He seems to move oddly fast and covers more ground than his animation cycle would imply.
I want to keep going because I know there are parts of the game that are just objectively "fun," but when something so prevalent and basic as character movement feels so "off" in a game that's supposed to be all "immersive" and "cinematic," then I struggle to find the motivation to keep playing. (Again.)
I wish I liked Uncharted more than I do but I just hate its floating aiming/controls and I'm not overly fond of the characters either.

Technically they were impressive games on PS3 but the aiming, platforming etc I just can't be bothered with. I have played through all 4 though (inc Golden Abyss), I have tried.

I played the Uncharted Collection demo to see if maybe I would change my mind and immediately I was like "nope" (I did finish the demo though). I'll get UC4 to see what the hype is about when its like £20 or less, I don't hate the games I just find lots I find annoying about them to the point where I'm not interested in getting them day 1.

I loved The Last of Us fwiw, sooner they get UC4 out they go back to TLOU and hopefully another new IP the better for me.


The Kingdom Hearts storyline makes perfect sense.

I'm not saying it's always good, but if you play every game in the series, then it's really pretty straightforward and trope-y, in a JRPG kind of way.


Piggybacking on the above poster, I recently started a new playthrough of The Last of Us after not having touched it since beating it on release a couple years ago.
I had nothing but good things to say about the game after my first time through with it.
Right off the bat this time I was struck by how floaty and remote-control the character movement is. Joel has no weight to him. He seems to move oddly fast and covers more ground than his animation cycle would imply.

I want to keep going because I know there are parts of the game that are just objectively "fun," but when something so prevalent and basic as character movement feels so "off" in a game that's supposed to be all "immersive" and "cinematic," then I struggle to find the motivation to keep playing. (Again.)

I think playing this right after MGS V definitely hurt my impression of it.


GTAV is just an okay game. The world Rockstar created may be impressive, but when the game isn't fun to play, it's not worth a damn.
I do not like open world games anymore. Even MGSV seems like a chore wherein you have to travel long distances to start the actual mission.

I'm still of the firm belief that MGSV would've been a better game without the open world elements. This is the first MGS game I've played where I don't feel fully rewarded for completing entire mission in total stealth. Not to mention the myriad of tedious side ops that can just get bent at this point.


I do not like open world games anymore. Even MGSV seems like a chore wherein you have to travel long distances to start the actual mission.

Yeah, really feels like many of the open-world games I play are open-world just for the sake of being, well, open-world. Like, it doesn't make any sense in the context of the game, and really brings the overall experience down.
i really liked splinter cell conviction.

no really, i was fine with the move away from pure stealth and loved the predator like nature of that game.
the co-op in particular was a blast.

hated blacklist weirdly enough.


Yeah, really feels like many of the open-world games I play are open-world just for the sake of being, well, open-world. Like, it doesn't make any sense in the context of the game, and really brings the overall experience down.

I haven't played MGSV, but I agree with the sentiment. It's really disappointing, that outside of indies and a couple of FPS titles, the only closed-world games this gen have been Bloodborne and Lords of the Fallen (EDIT: + The Order: 1886). The situation is particularly depressing when it comes to 3rd person games, which I mostly play. I guess my "controversial" opinion would be, that I just hope the open-world fad would die out, but unfortunately it seems people like their trivial sidequests, and want their games bigger instead of being better.

Lux R7

With few exceptions, I think that the FPS genre died many years ago. And that all the first person "let's go to war" games are nothing like the sci-fi/fantasy masterpieces of the 90s.


With few exceptions, I think that the FPS genre died many years ago. And that all the first person "let's go to war" games are nothing like the sci-fi/fantasy masterpieces of the 90s.
You played Shadow Warrior? It's loads of fun and might scratch that itch for an oldschool FPS.


Ooh, this thread is back again!

I've always found Mario 3 kinda meh, but revisiting it after playing all the NSMB's and 3D World, I actually find it even more meh. It's not the fault of the game itself, but I just find it kinda boring because of how often Nintendo have reused its ideas and I'd rather play the NSMB's because their controls make them more fun
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