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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

Shenmue has not fared well against the ravages of time, my friend. Its unique feel is tarnished by its jank-ass gameplay and early 3d graphics. It's more joke than game, now.

I mean, Shenmue still looks great (much like Soul Calibur, both of which might have aged better than any other games in the polygon era), but I've never been a huge fan. My issue is more with the other stuff about the Dreamcast's library, which might be the best one ever, being terrible and Sega never having a good console with games that are all "shallow." Like, what the fuck does that even mean? Is it because Sega specializes in arcade-style games? Arcade-style gaming is not inherently shallow.

Also, since this post brought it up, the Dreamcast and OG Xbox have an inordinate amount of games that have aged really, really well.


You'll have to make a defense of that.

I can see people not liking it, but I think from a less preferential standpoint, it's pretty damn impressive.

It's pretty uninteresting and bland, the characters and story are extremely boring and the gameplay feels like a tech demo. Also QTEs are never fun.

The game's overall vibe would've been better if it even had any remotely interesting characters or plot.
The Wii U was a much better console than the Wii in terms of games. The only games I liked on the Wii were Xenoblade, the Mario Galaxy games, Skyward Sword, MadWorld, Zack and Wiki, and Wii Sports Resort. By contrast the Wii U had Bayonetta 2 (One of my favourite games ever made), Super Smash Bros for Wii U, Super Mario 3D World, The Wonderful 101, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Nintendo Land (Criminally underrated, though most of the singleplayer stuff is lame), New Super Mario Bros U (People would've loved this game if it didn't come out in the same year as NSMB2), Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, Pikmin 3, Lego City Undercover, Mario Kart 8, and Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. It also has the best versions of Rayman Legends, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. The eShop has quite a few solid and unique games like Affordable Space Adventures and Spin The Bottle: Bumpie's Party. All in all, I loved the console in spite of the major flaws (No really good games released after Super Mario Maker, weird Miiverse BS, lack of third party support, slightly too expensive cost, increasingly agressive Amiibo integration), and would consider it the most fun I've had with a modern console
though the PS4 is getting there. Bloodborne was phenomenal, Until Dawn and Ratchet and Clank were pleasant surprises, and the incoming lineup looks killer.


The original Xbox is one of my fav consoles out there, I even like it more than the PS2 at times.

I can't be the only one who prefers shorter games to longer ones, right?

I don't mind playing the inferior version of a game as long as it's still fun to play.

Sega Dreamcast is better than most Nintendo consoles IMO.
Agree to all of these.

On the subject of Shenmue I think it still has one of the best 3D hand to hand combat systems even now. Though with most of it's competition using the boring Batman style combat these days that's not too difficult.


Because I value experiences that are heavily focused on gameplay mechanics, and don't care about narrative or story, Nintendo and MS have way better first party exclusives than Sony.

And to further that a little bit more, I don't subscribe to the narrative on gaf that Sony exclusives are more "artistic" or "creative" than MS or Nintendo's offerings. I would expand on this, but I don't want to write an entire essay.

Nintendo certainly has more exclusives, that focus more on gameplay than story, but I don't really see much of a difference between MS and Sony.

As for artistic and unique games, Sony certainly offers more of them than MS, even when they don't often make that much profit, if you don't exclude smaller titles for some arbitrary reason.


Not directly my idea but I thought about this before seeing it was talked about before lol ;)

Having the single player portion of a game available digitally online at a lower price...best example for me,the new Doom game,I have no interest in the multi but love the single player campaign,yet I will have to pay 80 bucks(CAD) to play it...so it becomes a rental or wait till its cheaper deal for me...half price at 40 I would buy digitally for the campain only.

Lux R7

Not directly my idea but I thought about this before seeing it was talked about before lol ;)

Having the single player portion of a game available digitally online at a lower price...best example for me,the new Doom game,I have no interest in the multi but love the single player campaign,yet I will have to pay 80 bucks(CAD) to play it...so it becomes a rental or wait till its cheaper deal for me...half price at 40 I would buy digitally for the campain only.

I agree with this.


This is the worst fucking console generation ever.

"0.5 increment point release" consoles are a stupid idea. They're just an admission that launch hardware was half assed and under-par and they're going for a do-over that will leave one group of owners dissatisfied with the disproportionate treatment they receive.

Games aren't any better than they were last gen, they just look a bit better - the most ambitious titles released so far like Destiny and MGS5 being cross generation puts paid to the old lie about how 'new generation' brings experiences never possible on older tech.

Games take too long to make, so there's less games being released, so the games that do get released play it so safe that if you aren't wowed by the spectacle of their fancy graphics you are being bored going through the padding they stuck in to justify that price tag.


The Wii U was a much better console than the Wii in terms of games.

I'm glad someone mentioned this opinion. Though I feel both consoles pale in comparison to the likes of the Gamecube, the Wii had very few decent titles outside of Super Mario Galaxy 1/2, possibly worse than the Wii U overall. Seeing Mario Kart and Bayonetta reach new levels is enough for me to give the Wii U the edge.


I've always felt that most console gamers have very specific taste and are a little closer minded on what games they pursue. While PC gamers are wiling to try different types of games. I say this being primarily a console person that only plays about 10% of his games on PC.
I've always felt that most console gamers have very specific taste and are a little closer minded on what games they pursue. While PC gamers are wiling to try different types of games. I say this being primarily a console person that only plays about 10% of his games on PC.

I feel like the exact opposite. I realize it's anecdotal, so I can't speak definitively about it, but my kids (two of which are already adults) really only stick to the same handful of genres on PC, but get fairly experimental with console games. The youngest will play anything from consoles I throw at him, regardless of age. He just started playing the original Tomb Raider last week. His first time with it. Hasn't griped about the controls or lack of analog or graphic problems once. But when he's on a PC, he only really cares about stuff like Diablo 2 or Torchlight.


Oblivion and skyrim are mad overrated, both are 7/10 at best without mods

World at war was the last quality call of duty game.

These opinions might be commonplace, but im not very up to date with gaming and others opinions on games anymore


I've always felt that most console gamers have very specific taste and are a little closer minded on what games they pursue. While PC gamers are wiling to try different types of games. I say this being primarily a console person that only plays about 10% of his games on PC.

This is sort of the wrong way to look at it.

Despite hardcore gamers being within the demographic, a large portion of console gamers are made up of casuals. People who will only play COD, the odd racing game and an EA Sports Franchise. Whereas to play games on PC, you're usually pretty dedicated, more up-to-date on gaming trends and therefore more likely to try out different genres.
NCAA College Basketball 2K8 is the greatest basketball game of all time and is a top three sports game all time at worst.

The amount that you can do to direct the scouting, recruitment, and developing of your players is overwhelming, the game plays well, and the music is really fucking good too. Perfect game. Tecmo Super Bowl and ESPN NFL 2K5 are better, but that's about it.

Dr. Buni

"eSports" are a joke as is the idea of "professional" gamers. While I do enjoy watching high level of play of my favorite multiplayer games, calling the games "eSports" and the players "professionals" is laughable.
Wii U Zelda should have been 2D.
I just think the main character should be Young Link again for that game. I am tired of Adult Link.


Mobile is better than portable. It's stupid to buy a $250~$300 portable gaming device when you already have a phone that can pay games just fine.

Any multiplayer game that isn't supported by indefinite "games-as-a-service" support (LoL, Dota, GS:GO, HS...etc), is a waste of time.


It's odd how Nintendo fans only compare exclusives when talking about the consoles line up and not the wide range of other games available on all platforms except Nintendo's.


"eSports" are a joke as is the idea of "professional" gamers. While I do enjoy watching high level of play of my favorite multiplayer games, calling the games "eSports" and the players "professionals" is laughable.
Players have contracts that pay them to play x game full time. What would you call them then?
I don't think most of the people who want Nintendo to compete with Sony and MS head on will buy the NX, even if it does everything they ask--i.e. matches/exceeds the other consoles in performance, network functionality, controller design, third party support (from the West, particularly), and so on.

For 15 years, Sony and MS have been the go-to's for core gaming on console. People have been embedded in those ecosystems for 3 generations. Those who really wanted Nintendo games simply got Nintendo consoles/handhelds and played them. If multiple generations of great first party games on cheaper consoles didn't convince people to buy Nintendo platforms--even as a secondary option--I seriously doubt they'd switch entirely. Especially now, with the prospect of backwards compatible mid-gen upgrades becoming the norm.

That, I think, is the big reason Nintendo hasn't been all in on going after the core market. No generation has had 3 consoles aimed at the same market selling well. In fact, last generation was the only one where more than 2 consoles sold well at all.
The ,,fuck Konami" narrative was/is an embarrassment. First off, Konami's been doing questionable things with their properties and developers for half a decade or so. Yet outside of minorities, there never was much outcry until Kojima's firing. Which makes it seem like that the mob shitting on Konami doesn't even consist of actual Konami fans, but mostly butthurt Kojima fanboys who probably never gave a damn about anything other than MGS.

Secondly, it's okay if they want to leave the videogame market. They absolutely deserve flack for things like the bad Silent Hill collection or trashing Hudson Soft, but again, there never seemed that big of an outcry for any of these (since, surprise, people probably only care about MGS). Leaving the games market (with their IPs) on the other hand is disappointing, but it's already been happening for many years - where has the mob been then?
Additionally, what are they supposed to do - continue to fund super expensive, overrated Kojima titles until they go bankrupt in a few years? They simply don't make money in this industry anymore, so it's been such a ridiculous reaction/bandwagon by gamers. Which became even more ridiculous, when people tried to gullibly justify their hate speech with unverified fairytales about how Konami puts their employees into torture chambers or something (while in reality, they probably work like most Japanese vg publishers).

And I guess there was P.T. Which honestly wasn't promising. The tech demo was a typical indie-esque walking simulator aiming for YT fame, whose concept (at this stage) could barely hold up for an entire game on par with Team Silent titles. The fact that Kojima dropped Hollywood names also shows that he probably didn't understand the series anyway. Otherwise people like Akira Yamaoka would have been confirmed long before c-tier celebrities.


The ,,fuck Konami" narrative was/is an embarassment. First off, Konami's been doing questionable things with their properties and developers for half a decade or so. Yet outside of minorities, there never was much outcry until Kojima's firing. Which makes it seem like that the mob shitting on Konami doesn't even consist of actual Konami fans, but mostly butthurt Kojima fanboys who probably never gave a damn about anything other than MGS.

Secondly, it's okay if they want to leave the videogame market. They absolutely deserve flack for things like the bad Silent Hill collection or trashing Hudson Soft, but again, there never seemed that big of an outcry for any of these (since, surprise, people probably only care about MGS). Leaving the games market (with their IPs) on the other hand is disappointing, but it's already been happening for many years - where has the mob been then?
Additionally, what are they supposed to do - continue to fund super expensive, overrated Kojima titles until they go bankrupt in a few years? They simply don't make money in this industry anymore, so it's been such a ridiculous reaction/bandwagon by gamers. Which became even more ridiculous, when people tried to gullibly justify their hate speech with unverified fairytales about how Konami puts their employees into torture chambers or something (while in reality, they probably work like most Japanese vg publishers).

And I guess there was P.T. Which honestly wasn't promising. The tech demo was a typical indie-esque walking simulator aiming for YT fame, whose concept (at this stage) could barely hold up for an entire game on par with Team Silent titles. The fact that Kojima dropped Hollywood names also shows that he probably didn't understand the series anyway. Otherwise people like Akira Yamaoka would have been confirmed long before c-tier celebrities.

There absolutely was an outcry over the Silent Hill HD Collection.

Your comments on P.T is a complete joke. "Walking simulator aiming for YT fame", seriously?

Silent Hills wasn't even meant to be based on P.T. You are very misinformed.
There absolutely was an outcry over the Silent Hill HD Collection.

Not nearly as big as this fuckkonami-,,movement" since last year. Some niches were also disappointed how they were treating Castlevania, Contra and such. But not until Konami ,,dared" to touch the holy Kojima, people started going apeshit. It's completely overblown and simply hypocritical to start trashing the company now (i.e. last year). And even before that, the current reaction would have been beyond childish.

Your comments on P.T is a complete joke. "Walking simulator aiming for YT fame", seriously?

Silent Hills wasn't even meant to be based on P.T. You are very misinformed.

P.T. was following the same stupid trends as Slender and others. Low-tier horror that relies on YT videos with cheaply startled people going viral. It wasn't decided what Silent Hills was going to be, but that thing sure wasn't auspicious. Neither was the promise of random Hollywood names taking the initial spotlight over actual game talent. And inherently Kojima himself. His work does the complete opposite of what made Silent Hill great (good and subtle story telling, often within actual gameplay).


You can't hate people for hating Konami. They fired Kojima, attempted to scrub his name off of his work, filled MGSV with shitty micro transactions, canceled Silent Hills who Kojima AND Del Toro were working on, and turned it into pachinko.

While you may haven't had any affinity towards PT, a lot of people did and are still really pissed.


Not nearly as big as this fuckkonami-,,movement" since last year. Some niches were also disappointed how they were treating Castlevania, Contra and such. But not until Konami ,,dared" to touch the holy Kojima, people started going apeshit. It's completely overblown and simply hypocritical to start trashing the company now (i.e. last year). And even before that, the current reaction would have been beyond childish.

MGS is the most popular series Konami has, so yes of course the most people would be affected by them messing with it.

It's childish? Fuck you. This is what they did, and it's not cool:

You can't hate people for hating Konami. They fired Kojima, attempted to scrub his name off of his work, filled MGSV with shitty micro transactions, canceled Silent Hills who Kojima AND Del Toro were working on, and turned it into pachinko.

While you may haven't had any affinity towards PT, a lot of people did and are still really pissed.

Describing P.T as "Low-tier horror that relies on YT videos with cheaply startled people going viral." makes me question if you even played it.

Either way, your opinion isn't worth anyone's time.


I didn't say that at all...I loved P.T.

I know you didn't, I used your post as an example for the other post I quoted to show what Konami did.

Read what I said just before I quoted you.

What I said after your quote is still directed at the other guy I quoted.
so sick of the anti-konami crap. imo by the time MGSV was released many people were ready to hate the game in order to support their anti-konami narrative. one of the reasons people think it has a "bad story" is that gaming sites would rather report on political industry gossip than analyze the actual work itself. hey whatever gets clicks.


For what its worth, I don't care about Kojima anymore than about any other developer, nor was I ready to hate MGSV (which I happened to like quite a bit).

But #FucKonami so, so much. Other publishers also fuck up from time to time but nobody else is a trainwreck on every level: Mistreating their employees (again, not just Kojima), targeting gamblers, sitting on valuable IPs, claiming youtube content as theirs to monetize... They are on a whole different league.
Some people are missing the point of this thread: the opinions written here are supposed to be controversial. Even if you dont like them those opinions have their place here.


More of an observation. The amount of upset that occurred when FROM said after Dark Souls 1 that they were going to make the series more accessible and people got scared that the series would cater to a more casual audience. Yet the series did exactly that with BB and Souls 3, those games being the most streamlined and accessible Souls game ever and they became fan favourites. Bloodborne especially being feverishly popular on here.

Some people are missing the point of this thread: the opinions written here are supposed to be controversial. Even if you dont like them those opinions have their place here.



Witcher 3 has an amazing gameplay.

Though it's really only controversial here on NeoGAF


I think Witcher 3 plays really well and hits the feel of being a Witcher succinctly (and I also think Witcher 1 does this really well even if it's... clunkier).


Super Mario Sunshine is the best 3D mario and Galaxy 1 and 2 were severely disappointing as follow ups to Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine.

Aaron D.

This is the worst fucking console generation ever.

"0.5 increment point release" consoles are a stupid idea. They're just an admission that launch hardware was half assed and under-par and they're going for a do-over that will leave one group of owners dissatisfied with the disproportionate treatment they receive.

Games aren't any better than they were last gen, they just look a bit better - the most ambitious titles released so far like Destiny and MGS5 being cross generation puts paid to the old lie about how 'new generation' brings experiences never possible on older tech.

Games take too long to make, so there's less games being released, so the games that do get released play it so safe that if you aren't wowed by the spectacle of their fancy graphics you are being bored going through the padding they stuck in to justify that price tag.

I guess if all you're into is AAA you'd have a point, but indies & mid-tier on PC & mobile have made this the best gen to date (and I've been there since 2600).

Digital distribution have eradicated gatekeeper big-name, low risk publishers. Dev tools like Unity are cheap, powerful & easy to use, making game development by small teams incredibly viable. Varying pricing models means that games don't have to be AAA size & scope, giving way to creative & innovative ideas.

In short game development has become democratized and anyone with a fresh idea and a little talent can break into the business and deliver straight to the consumer. There's never been more creativity and choice that what we have right HERE right NOW.

It's a FANTASTIC time to be a gamer.
Some games are better without music. Not because the music is bad, but because I think a game without music can pull me deeper in the game.

Games you should try out without music:

The Witcher 3,
Fallout 4,
The Division.
Some games are better without music. Not because the music is bad, but because I think a game without music can pull me deeper in the game.

Games you should try out without music:

The Witcher 3,
Fallout 4,
The Division.

Is that controversial? With how big immersion gaming has become, I would've thought that was a common thought among those types of players.
I'm not saying they can't. All I'm saying is that "your opinion isn't worth anyone's' time" do not encourage discussion.

agreed. though in my case it is the amount of discussion i find controversial. i think it was too much anti-konami stories too little focus on the game, the series as a whole, the farewell of kojima, etc. it is the amount of stories on konami that rubs me the wrong way. there was so much to talk about. the end of the series w original creator kojima. the way he uses the meta story to comment on that. even the way the konami situation could have affected the story in the final game. none of that was discussed? none of it was explored? it was just whatever the day's 5 Minute's Hate was, on a blog post or youtube video, then refracted across message boards and social media, like a mind-clouding noise virus.
Either way, your opinion isn't worth anyone's time.

Thanks for confirming the picture I have of ,,fuckkonami"-people.

[...] attempted to scrub his name off of his work, filled MGSV with shitty micro transactions, canceled Silent Hills who Kojima AND Del Toro were working on, and turned it into pachinko.

The one where you see his name credited 50 times, i.e. every time you load a level? They obviously couldn't afford Kojima's overbudget game projects anymore. Should they have gone bankrupt just not to piss off some internet trolls? They also didn't turn the game into a pachinko machine. It's a completely different product. It sucks to see many of their franchises now being gone from the traditional market, but again, otherwise they probably ain't being profitable with their IP anymore. It has been absolutely cringeworthy how some people were raging over this reality, with such extent the fuckkonami-bandwagon has (and how hypocritical it was, considering that the outrage only started with MGS).


Unconfirmed Member
I like Team Chaotix 10x more than Sonic or any of his other primary colored friends. Sonic Heroes was one of the best games of the 3D generation during the PS2/GC/XBOX era for reintroducing them.
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