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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


Corporate Apologist
That you are better off reading the Suikoden III manga then playing the game, since the Story is the only thing the game has going for it. Oh, youtube the opening also, that is the best part of the game.


i don't like popular game, it's badgame

i like unpopular game, it's goodgame

I don't know, man. Popular game might not be your cup of tea, but a lot of people probably have good reasons for liking it more than unpopular game. Also, I can't help but think you're a bit of an idiot for thinking that unpopular game was goodgame. It was badgame for so many reasons, that's why people like popular game better.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
The God of War series is boring, repetitive, childish, corny, and overall shity.

After the awe-effect Bioshock is an average game and a poor man's version of the vastly superior Metroid Prime.

Bioware has sucked ass after KOTOR

Yoshi's Island and Majora's Mask are vastly overrated

Every Zelda from here on out should have Motion Controls

Oblivion is the "RPGS for dummies" version of Morrowind

The Gamecube shits all over the Nintendo 64

Feels good!
Grand Theft Auto is well designed, but not worthy of the critical acclaim it garners.

Bethesda's games are worthy of respect for their ambition, but their moment to moment gameplay, narrative, and exploration elements are extremely sub-par.

The Witcher games are better at storytelling than both of Bioware's current major franchises.

The 3D versions of Legend of Zelda have always been inferior with extremely lacking overworlds.

Final Fantasy XIII was a great game wrapped in a bad story and a slow start.

Outside of the Mario series, Nintendo has really lost their touch as has Miyamoto.

Enslaved apes the Uncharted series, but it's a better game; the story, combat and atmosphere are all better.

The analog sticks on the PS3 are almost redeemable bad compared to the 360, Wii or even the N64.

Unless you are 13 and can't afford better, portable gaming is waste of your time.

Fun is not the most important barometer for measuring a videogame; a though provoking game is more interesting than a fun game.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Mega man 8 is one of the best mega man games ever and is much better than mega man and bass.
I hate NSMBW. I don't care how good the level design is - bad physics ruin the overall package.

Shake to roll in DKCR did not bother me in the least. I've beaten the game 4 times and two of those were 100%. It's so blown out of proportion.


The God of War series is boring, repetitive, childish, corny, and overall shity.

After the awe-effect Bioshock is an average game and a poor man's version of the vastly superior Metroid Prime.

Bioware has sucked ass after KOTOR

Yoshi's Island and Majora's Mask are vastly overrated

Every Zelda from here on out should have Motion Controls

Oblivion is the "RPGS for dummies" version of Morrowind

The Gamecube shits all over the Nintendo 64

Feels good!

Though I already stated my feelings on Bioshock, this is exactly why I didn't enjoy it. I expected an HD Metroid Prime and was horribly disappointed.

Doesn't help that Metroid Prime is one of the greatest games to come out of the past decade, easily.


Final Fantasy 9 is worst mid era Final Fantasy.

I like the music and don't mind most of it but the story and the characters are really bad IMO.


Ico is a poor game. It is designed almost entirely as half an art direction showpiece and half an interactive experience which hinges on the player forming an emotional bond with Yorda. If that bond does not exist, the entire "game" falls apart. The combat is bad, the puzzles are simplistic, and there's no real appeal or drive to the gameplay other than the supposed motivation to help a girl escape from this castle. You can't even leave her behind. I hated Yorda and I found the game terribly average. Couldn't even beat it. Pretty to look at, but that's about it.


Bethesda doesn't make good games. In fact, they're quite awful. Bad enough that I wouldn't pay more than $3 or so for Skyrim, and even then I'd only get it to benchmark a new PC with.


A deep rooted hatred of Nintendo Obsessive fans who basically :

1) base their opinions on what they like based on what nintendo do
2) cheer sales/profit figures in Japan like they some how had something to do with it
3) moan about 3rd parties then ignore games like Shinobi

If you feel yourself getting upset when you read this then, yeah, i'm talking about YOU.

(other <plat> obsessive fans are bad of course, but Nintendo fans are by far the worst)

Oh ... gaming related? Oh err.... *whistles*


The God of War series is boring, repetitive, childish, corny, and overall shity.

After the awe-effect Bioshock is an average game and a poor man's version of the vastly superior Metroid Prime.

Bioware has sucked ass after KOTOR

Yoshi's Island and Majora's Mask are vastly overrated

Every Zelda from here on out should have Motion Controls

Oblivion is the "RPGS for dummies" version of Morrowind

The Gamecube shits all over the Nintendo 64

Feels good!
Ok now you are just trolling. All of those things are true, and some are sugar coated.
I don't know, man. Popular game might not be your cup of tea, but a lot of people probably have good reasons for liking it more than unpopular game. Also, I can't help but think you're a bit of an idiot for thinking that unpopular game was goodgame. It was badgame for so many reasons, that's why people like popular game better.

heh. maybe you should try getting some taste instead of being brainwashed by popular game marketing or nostalgia, plebe. *flicks cig @ u, rides off on scooter*
Final Fantasy XIII is a good game.

Final Fantasy IV is a bad game.

Metal Gear Solid 2 has a good story and is a high point of video game storytelling as it does something only games can. It's story interacts with the player.

Metal Gear Solid 4 Is the worst game I have ever played.

Peace Walker is also bad.

I use to think Batman AA had bad combat, I was wrong after I played AC and greatly enjoyed it.

Ni No Kuni looks like crap.

I do not enjoy AC2 and the direction the series went. I saw potential in the structure of AC1 in that the entire game is just "boss battles" and you go around preparing for them. I do not like the GTA like structure.

RE4's controls are great and thanks to not being able to move and shoot adds great tension a d a lot more on the fly thinking. This is why Dead Space does not even come close and 2 was just kind of meh.

I think the Gears series is pretty bad and 3 was the wake up call.

I'm not a huge Nintendo fan and have no interest in the 3DS.

The FF series is pretty much the only consistent game series that feels like it has imagination in its worlds and the art is always great.

Saints Row 3 was good, but most of the middle was crap. It does not deserve GOTY.

I do not give a fuck about Skyrim's bugs. The games world is amazing and I don't care about some bumps.

Game stories are not bad. I take them as fun pulp fiction and they entertain.

LA Noire had a good story and great writing.

The realistic scale and feel of GTA4 was a welcome change for me. I never really enjoyed its wackyness, but Gay Toney was the best thing Rockstar did this gen.

Mafia 2 is a very good game.

I don't think I quite like the Tales series as Vesperia was only average.

A lot of technical issues do not bother me. Like loading and Framerates. Examples, Lords of Shadow I never noticed drops and Lost Odysseys loading was fine.

QTEs are fine, omg a button pressing. As long as they stray from mash hard and make up the entire thing.

Not a big fan of Dark Souls.

Resonance of Fate is the ONLY Tri Ace game I enjoyed.

Call of Duty games are fun shooting games. I come for the spectacle and it's great at making every encounter feel intense.

The Battlefield series keeps devolving. I like 3, but it's maps just prove this. Not just size, but layout and capture point placement. Rush is god awful.

RE5 was still a fun game. Excellent graphics as well.

Crysis 2>Crysis

Could not get into Just Cause 2. I dislike it and I can't pin point why. It just seemed to lack focus.

Ninja Blade was a good game and the best action game From made this gen.

Gust RPGs look like embarrassing Pedro crap and I almost have a lower opinion of those who like those games.

Square is still great, just not as great as they use to be.

Japan still makes the best games with the best art and music.

I do not like Nier.

Devil May Cry 4 was great.

I hate God of War and Kratos is possibly the worst main character.

I do not have bad taste.

Sin and Punishment 2 is really the only Wii game where I like the Wii controls.......

.......Until I played Skyward Sword.

FFX has good voice acting and some hilarious animations.

Dead or Alive is a great series.

Bethesda games have god awful combat and I didn't like Fallout 3 even though I like Skyrim and Oblivion.

MvC3 was a great disappointment and it looks very ugly.

Level 5 is a pretty meh studio. Next Square my ass.

Bionic Commando 09 is a very good game, best swinging mechanic ever!

I think most of the time reviewers are honest and are not paid off. I find that entire argument to just be the Internet community crying about others opinions.

GameStop is a fine store.

Vanquish is this gens best game.

FF 12 and 13 have good stories with meh endings.
LA Noire is one of the worst games this entire generation.
I'm pretty sure he said most controversial opinion not biggest hyperbole.

I wasn't a huge fan of La Noire, but there is no way you can justify this. Not in the same universe that Rogue Warrior, a myriad of shocking comic book film-tie ins, Larry Suite Larry and Pimp My Ride exist.


I thought RE5 was a worthy successor to RE4. I also think RE Zero is better than people give it credit.

Splatterhouse (2010) was way better than most seemed to think. Incredibly fun beat-em-up.

Eternal Darkness is okay at best.


Asscreed franchise is trash.
Not a fan of the Fallout series ever since Bethesda took over.
I don't enjoy the Morrowind games.


I don't get the complaints about Half-Life 2 and the episodes gun-play. Enemies can be a little bullet spongy, but shooting them in the face solves that problem.


I'm pretty sure he said most controversial opinion not biggest hyperbole.

I wasn't a huge of La Noire, but there is no way you can justify this. Not in the same universe that Rogue Warrior, a myriad of shocking comic book film-tie ins, Larry Suite Larry and Pimp My Ride exist.
Rogue Warrior has the best dialog in this generation.

''Fucking wind is so cold it would freeze the balls off a fucking polar bear.''
Resident Evil 5 is the best Resident Evil since the first one.

I liked Mass Effect 2 more than the first.

Reach is the best Halo. Bar none.

I'm sure I'll think of more later.
Mass effect is a piece of shit game.
I know gaf loves it but...

-The AI is appalingly bad, animations are really shit too but no the AI is on a whole new level of bad. In a game where you have the play with an AI squad the entire time the AI is kind of important...
-planets are 5 minutes of terrain tool in UE3, not even bothering with a smooth brush. + a skybox
-Barely any character exposition, none for many of the 'key' characters, no character growth
For a game so pretentious about its storytelling it does a really awful job at it.
-no effort in the design of ANYTHING except the normandy exterior, every level looks like some random meshes plunked down and copy pasted in some shitty bit of terrain
-terrible pacing (especially when you first get to the citadel but all the way throughout the game as well)
-I already played kotor almost 10 years ago, I don't need to play an inferior clone by the same company again.

Only spent 10 euros on it and I want my money back.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I can't stand the Xenosaga series at all. The only battle system I liked in that entire series was Xenosaga 2's, and I didn't care for the narrative or characters outside of Ziggy and Albedo. None of the games were fun to play through, either. Shion is also terrible.

I like Sonic games (with the exception of many of the games between Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic Unleashed, of course) more than Mario, but it's likely because of the overall presentation of the Sonic games that do it for me.

I dislike Asuka Ota's compositions.

I dislike Genso Suikoden III's party mechanics, dungeon design, and overall gameplay, but the story and characters are great.

I don't mind random battles.

I like everything about Final Fantasy II.

I don't care for Yoko Shimomura's music post-Capcom compositions (outside of Legend of Mana). I've started to somewhat like her work in Last Ranker and Radiant Historia, but I can't really get into the rest of her stuff. I respect other people's tastes, though, and I can definitely see why they like her work.

I've finally realized that I don't care for Kingdom Hearts much after playing all of the releases up to now. BbS was the only game I genuinely enjoyed battle-system-wise. I respect that other people like it, though. They're having fun and I have no problem with that.
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