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Recommend me some BAD movies

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Gary Whitta said:
I saw one of these recently and it was unbearable. Amusing though to see that he no longer even does his own fight scenes; it's now some terrible double that looks almost nothing like him. In the few shots where it is him, he's laughably slow; like a martial arts version of Britney at the MTV Awards.

The only reason Seagal ever got a job acting in movies was because he could kick some ass; now he doesn't even do that any more so you're left wondering what the point of it all is. I guess the excruciatingly wooden performances are still as funny as ever.

I too wonder how he gets work but I guess to low budget crap action movies he's the man.
I love awful movies. I cast another vote for D-Wars. It was even better because I saw it a $1.50 shitty movie theater.

A couple of my favs:



Chopping Mall:


Ninja Terminator (Or any Godfrey Ho movie for that matter):




butthurt Heat fan
Gary Whitta said:
Yeah that wasn't what I was getting at but thanks anyway.
You're welcome.

My contribution to this thread is Days of Thunder. I love that film, and it's what got me into NASCAR, but I'll be damned if I can't watch it nowadays without knowing how over the top some of the scenes are. Especially with
the beach racing.
The same movies I always post in threads like these:

* Tammy and the T-Rex - The clip cannot begin to communicate how terrible this movie is, but it's the only one on YouTube. Basically, a guy gets killed by some mad scientist types, who then put his brain into an unconvincing animatronic dinosaur. It's supposed to be cheesy, but it's so damn bad that it doesn't matter.

* I Come in Peace - Dolph Lundgren proves he can really act as he plays a tough cop on the trail of a murderous alien drug pusher. Also starring that guy from Dream On as his uptight, by-the-book partner. "Great" stuff.

A VHS copy of the entire movie is actually posted on YouTube, split into pieces.

* The Borrower (sorry, no clips found) - A murderous alien (again, but a shape-shifter this time) is exiled by his race to Earth for being too violent. After he beats down the guys who drop him off, he runs around removing peoples' heads and assuming their identities... even though he usually finds a new victim almost immediately. Absolutely bottom of the barrel stuff but I love it.

* American Cyborg: Steel Warrior - Children of Men meets The Terminator, except it's shit.

* Deadly Friend - Watch that video and tell me you don't want to see the entire thing. (Warning: It's pretty gory.)


I goot a book with lot of awful movies (and instant classics) and they are normally pretty old.



I´ll post more later but there are really good ones
so, so damned many of 'em

I'd start with KARATE OLYMPIA, aka KILL OR BE KILLED. Story: a old Nazi general (the movie is from the seventies), who had been humiliated by the Japanese during WW2 in a karate tournament, wants to rematch is some crappy South African environment and kidnaps the best champions in the world to secure his victory. The American champion (who is obviously superior to everyone) causes a riot and hell breaks loose

memorable things: a nazi midget called Chico, a Franch behemoth called Luc, sound effects that rival the ones in the first Final Fight, improbable moves, people patting their chest after a hit to spit out the fake blood, generally so terrible it's good

FUTURE FORCE: David Carradine as John Tucker, a futuristic cop who uses the Nintendo power glove to defeat criminals. My favourite bad movie. Budget must be like 10k bucks.

BULLETPROOF: Gary Busey is bulletproof! A former marine against Arab,. South American and Chinese villains. Hoirrendous, but worth a watch just for Gary's use of the word "Butthorn!"


another scene:

STARCRASH: David Hasselhoff in Space with a lightsabre! This horrid imitation of Star Wars is probably the worst sci-fi movie ever made

lightsabre battle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC-dwjrinK0
and please notice the R2D2 sound the robot makes when it explodes
Fuck, this already turned into a troll thread before I got here.

One of my favorite bad movies is Anacondas: Hunt for the Blood Orchid. So awesome.

Of recent big-budget bad movies, I love Stealth and The Day After Tomorrow.
Jesus, you guys are awesome. So many bad movies, so little time. Next on our list is this Ninja Terminator movie somebody suggested. It looks like a great time, plus I found the entire movie for stream on Google Video so it saves me the trouble of having to seek it out elsewhere.

I also own a lot of the movies you guys are talking about on VHS. I should be ashamed of myself. Deadly Friend was one of my favorite movies as a kid. What the hell was wrong with me? :lol


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
NaughtyCalibur said:
Remember that I'm looking for bad movies that are good for a laugh, not bad movies that are just plain old bad. This means no Wicker Man, please.

Are you fucking shitting me? The Wicker Man was a LAUGH RIOT. Nicholas Cage at his finest.

Here's my contribution:



Any of the Howling movies from the 2nd one two the 7th (the first one was somewhat decent).

The "best" one would have to be the 7th one. It has to be the worst movie ever put on any type of film. I could make a better movie by splicing a bunch of random Youtube videos together.

Its a werewolf movie that doesn't even feature a friggen werewolf.

I wouldn't be surprised if this movie killed someone out of boredom.

This should tell you how stupid this movie, it didn't even have real actors.


Fantastic Four (1994)

The Fantastic Four is an unreleased low-budget feature film completed in 1994. Created to secure copyright to the property, the producers never intended it for release — although the director and other creators were not informed of this fact. It was produced by Roger Corman (famous for his low-budget productions) and Bernd Eichinger (who also produced another Fantastic Four movie in 2005). The film was based on the popular comic book by Marvel Comics and featured the origin of the Fantastic Four and their first battle with the evil Doctor Doom and a mysterious Mole Man-like creature.




makes good threads.
Jesus some of you people suck at recommending BAD flicks. I present to you Nukie, one of the many bad films I put in at my video store when I feel like torturing the costumers with something.


Here's a RiffTrax clip of it:
Nukie dances!
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