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Reddit Compiles Definitive List of All NMS Missing Features/False Marketing +Sources

I still have legitimate hope that a year of patches can save the game. At the moment it's the biggest disappointment of the gen for me... And regardless of whether or not the game is eventually good, i'll never support these slimey devs again.

so it was sony who revealed the game at the spike show back in 2013? how delusional can some people be


The effort people put into this stuff always amazes me.

The game might not have turned out exactly like people wanted but pairing the team that worked their asses off to make this passion project come to life as liars and worse is just sad.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
At this point I think Sean is a lying fantasist. Fucking terrible to lie that much and not come clean during the development process.
Good lord. That list is pretty damning.

I've enjoyed watching folks play this on Twitch, but it did seem a bit sparse and samey in terms of gameplay. I suppose this is why.


Didn't people notice a lot of this stuff wasn't in the game before it released? Videos were flying out of every orifice of the Internet weeks before release. Even the leaked copy/copies generated videos and discussion plenty of time before the game dropped.

At this point, knowledge was power. And if you bought the game expecting something different than what was shown so close to launch then you're to blame for spending your money on something you didn't have the facts about. Just because you *hoped* something was in the game that was talked about while the game was IN DEVELOPMENT, it doesn't mean it has to be in the final build.

Also, I agree no one should be lying about this stuff. But I'm pretty confident that it's not the scenario here.

I wouldn't say it's hoping something is in the game. It's being told through the marketing that it is in the game, and the marketing never changed.

It's like going to see Suicide Squad because they teased and marketed the Joker, and then watching the movie and seeing all the marketing scenes with the Joker were cut as well as most of his story/scenes within the movie.
Named those things please it helps.

I was primarily talking about the animal interactions stuff, but looking at the list again I saw the OP of that post admitted his mistakes. That was a big piece of misinformation on GAF as well.
I want to say I've seen space battles occurring without me as well but I'd be lying if I said I was 100% sure.
Also fairly sure I've been on a desert planet but it was not as "desert-ish" as the ones in the videos.
Everything else is pretty much blatantly missing.


The effort people put into this stuff always amazes me.

The game might not have turned out exactly like people wanted but pairing the team that worked their asses off to make this passion project come to life as liars and worse is just sad.

They shouldn't say things are going to be in the game if they're not going to be.

Deceptive marketing is bullshit, no matter how large the size of your company is.
The scariest thing about this entire thing is there are so many people who defend Sean Murray and Hello Games vehemently. Makes me think that developers are going to keep getting worse...


Sean Murray came off as shy and introverted in his interviews, reluctant to make eye contact; now I wonder if he was actually ashamed at the amount of bullshit he was spinning.
This is true. I've seen predators attack and kill herbivores, and herbivores run away from predators, but never eating. And, as I said, I've also seen predators swimming in a pack of their presumed prey and neither reacting.
I've seen the same - carnivores of 'vicious' temperament hanging about with docile cow-like creatures without any tension.

But... one of the temperaments I see often with animals is 'prey'.

Maybe carnivores must be near animals specifically marked as prey to attack them?



I was primarily talking about the animal interactions stuff, but looking at the list again I saw the OP of that post admitted his mistakes. That was a big piece of misinformation on GAF as well.
I want to say I've seen space battles occurring without me as well but I'd be lying if I said I was 100% sure.
Also fairly sure I've been on a desert planet but it was not as "desert-ish" as the ones in the videos.
Everything else is pretty much blatantly missing.
Thanks :)


I was primarily talking about the animal interactions stuff, but looking at the list again I saw the OP of that post admitted his mistakes. That was a big piece of misinformation on GAF as well.
I want to say I've seen space battles occurring without me as well but I'd be lying if I said I was 100% sure.
Also fairly sure I've been on a desert planet but it was not as "desert-ish" as the ones in the videos.
Everything else is pretty much blatantly missing.

There are "desert" planets, even with cacti, but there are no planets with sand present in the game though.


That's because there was hardly any information on the game. And since Sean did nothing to alleviate the hype-train things got worst and worst until they were blown out of proportion.

To be honest I think he's been the greatest fuel to the hype train, and he's now reaping the rewards from it.


Can’t stump the diablos
The effort people put into this stuff always amazes me.

The game might not have turned out exactly like people wanted but pairing the team that worked their asses off to make this passion project come to life as liars and worse is just sad.

The problem isn't about what people wanted. It's about the expectations that were deliberately set and how vastly different those were from reality.

Whomever is over the communication is absolutely a liar and did a disservice to the development team and the gaming community. The person overseeing the communication needs to realize how important setting accurate expectations is in this market.


They shouldn't say things are going to be in the game if they're not going to be.

Deceptive marketing is bullshit, no matter how large the size of your company is.

Things change during development. It happens.

Judge the game for what it is now. Not everything is a conspiracy. It's just a game.


You know I still like the game a lot.

But I am really bummed by the fact the planets have looked very similar after so many hours of play and so many black hole jumps.

Seeing the list of things left out of the game is bewildering.

Things like streams or rivers, crashed ships, gigantic structures, sand planets, that enormous snake creature, all of it would've improved the experience.

Hell I have found entire star systems where all the planets are just a barren and empty.

I was primarily talking about the animal interactions stuff, but looking at the list again I saw the OP of that post admitted his mistakes. That was a big piece of misinformation on GAF as well.
I want to say I've seen space battles occurring without me as well but I'd be lying if I said I was 100% sure.
Also fairly sure I've been on a desert planet but it was not as "desert-ish" as the ones in the videos.
Everything else is pretty much blatantly missing.

Yeah, there are "deserts" as in, barren sun-blasted planets, but they're all the same style of rolling hills/cliffs as the rest of the game, just without fauna and with rocky textures. I think when people are questioning the presence of desert planets, they mean sand and dunes and whatnot, which I don't think are in the game presently.

Things change during development. It happens.

Judge the game for what it is now. Not everything is a conspiracy. It's just a game.

This is absolutely true: games do change during development. Funny thing though, plenty of people have been criticizing the game "for what it is" and have been shouted down for expecting too much, so forgive me if I sip a little tea over this game's current release state.


That list is extremely damning, and a lot of that stuff is not only pretty significant but was also directly shown or talked about within the last 4-5 months. Mostly indefensible, and HG is handling everything post launch really really poorly PR-wise in my opinion.

I went into the release almost 100% completely dark on the game and was just expecting Minecraft but with less crafting and more exploration, so while I'm still fairly happy with the game and enjoying it HG deserves to be taken to task pretty badly here. How they're not owning up to a lot of this stuff and just completely dodging direct questions regarding MP stuff etc that directly contradicts what they were saying themselves this year is a really really bad look.


Probably what I'm thinking of. Thanks for the clarification!

Yeah, no problem.

Unfortunately desert planets, at the moment, are desolate and black/bleak.

A sandy planet as seen in some trailers/demos is waay more appealing to explore around.

Would definitely help when you're not exploring cool snowy/evergreen planets.


Okay, here's the best I could do quickly on the planet I was last saved in. It isn't extremely clear, given the distance however if you watch the right side of the video, you see one of the creatures go over and eat the smaller one, and since I'm looking through the visor, it shows the green dot (meaning discovered) and then it disappear after it's eaten.

Link here, 9MB WEBM


There's also a poster claiming that animals eat other animals.

Unfortunately it's unfounded and relatively suspicious.
Unfounded? It's in the game and people have reported on this already (including myself). Check the OT.

I'm all for constructive criticism and calling out HG if they were bullshitting. But the worst part of this launch so far has to be the amount of misinformation being regurgitated by people who haven't or barely played the game.
hes saying theres no screens or videos i think, this isnt the zapruder film
Not going to say that's right, but if the feature has a small chance of appearing such as the chance of players seeing each other, I doubt it's in the game / was a priority in the development cycle to warrant for it to be in the game.
There have been many streams, videos, let's plays, images, communities and more that have no evidence of a sand planet existing.

...Unless there's actual proof otherwise, it's not in the game.
With this specific game, though, saying definitively "it isn't in there" is extremely problematic. Unlike the Zapruder film, all the streams and videos we have represent basically zero percent of the total events. They give us guidelines to how the procedural generation works generally. But "generally" is pretty relative in a dataset this Vast.

Some of these complaints may bear out, but there's a Vanishingly small amount of evidence for their absence. Only knowledge of hard parameters within the engine can provide anything other than trivial levels of verification.

Mikey Jr.

I like Sean, and the game is decent. 7.5 I would say.

But my God.

The lies.

The lies upon lies upon lies. Unreal. Almost everything he said is a lie. This goes beyond Molyneux.

Person: Can you do __________? (fucking insert any unbelievable thing into this space)
Sean: Yes


Why do you keep regurgitating these things? It barely touches upon the major things missing that were shown and talked about as close as 4 months ago.

Loudninja - if you're going to make a point on the thread topic, make it on your own grounds in the thread and not just spam with multiple quotes from other threads. At the very least reduce those to links and not wholelsale quotes if you're going to use them to support your arguments in detail.


Okay, here's the best I could do quickly on the planet I was last saved in. It isn't extremely clear, given the distance however if you watch the right side of the video, you see one of the creatures go over and eat the smaller one, and since I'm looking through the visor, it shows the green dot (meaning discovered) and then it disappear after it's eaten.

Link here, 9MB WEBM

Edit: I'm not exactly sure what's happening


Loudninja - if you're going to make a point on the thread topic, make it on your own grounds in the thread and not just spam with multiple quotes from other threads. At the very least reduce those to links and not wholelsale quotes if you're going to use them to support your arguments in detail.
No problem. :)

My bad it was pretty pointless lol.
The effort people put into this stuff always amazes me.

The game might not have turned out exactly like people wanted but pairing the team that worked their asses off to make this passion project come to life as liars and worse is just sad.
Every dev team works their asses off, Hello Games isn't some special snowflake that needs to be nurtured and protected from criticism.

You put out a $60 retail game you get treated like any other studio. You can't keep pulling the "but we're just 10 guys!" card if you wanna contend in the mainstream, if anything it makes their overpromising sound even sillier.
Okay, here's the best I could do quickly on the planet I was last saved in. It isn't extremely clear, given the distance however if you watch the right side of the video, you see one of the creatures go over and eat the smaller one, and since I'm looking through the visor, it shows the green dot (meaning discovered) and then it disappear after it's eaten.

Link here, 9MB WEBM

Ahh, that does look like it.

Thanks for uploading it.


I like Sean, and the game is decent. 7.5 I would say.

But my God.

The lies.

The lies upon lies upon lies. Unreal. Almost everything he said is a lie. This goes beyond Molyneux.

Person: Can you do __________? (fucking insert any unbelievable thing into this space)
Sean: Yes
What were the unbelieveable things?


With this specific game, though, saying definitively "it isn't in there" is extremely problematic. Unlike the Zapruder film, all the streams and videos we have represent basically zero percent of the total events. They give us guidelines to how the procedural generation works generally. But "generally" is pretty relative in a dataset this Vast.

Some of these complaints may bear out, but there's a Vanishingly small amount of evidence for their absence. Only knowledge of hard parameters within the engine can provide anything other than trivial levels of verification.

But the fact that most people if not all will never see these features due to these hard parameters says something. Like if the chance of someone encountering a feature that was advertised is basically less than 1% then I would consider that feature not marketable yet it was advertised.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
There are "desert" planets, even with cacti, but there are no planets with sand present in the game though.
I was on one last night with reasonably large patches of deserty yellow sand - but it wasn't like a huge expanse. But it felt like an arid desert. Incredibly atmospheric with dust in the air and cacti everywhere. One of the better ones I've seen!
I would believe the cut content theory if there wasnt Xbox360 stuff left over in the files. If they didnt removed that why would they remove the other stuff

I don't know if someone else already responded to this properly or not, but you should know that at some point in a game's development it becomes like a house of cards - remove one file or directory and the whole thing comes crashing down.

Because some programmer put in some bit of code that references something in some folder that was always intended to be taken out but they didn't get the message, so you leave the whole thing in rather than retool that whole chunk of the project.

For example the E3 demo planets and scenes are still in the game files. I'd wager there was some situation like, "ok Brad removed the E3 folders from this build and now all the animals with dinosaur features are untextured and antelope-style creatures are missing their torsos. Better put it back in..."


Okay, here's the best I could do quickly on the planet I was last saved in. It isn't extremely clear, given the distance however if you watch the right side of the video, you see one of the creatures go over and eat the smaller one, and since I'm looking through the visor, it shows the green dot (meaning discovered) and then it disappear after it's eaten.

Link here, 9MB WEBM

Didnt look like eating to me, looks like it just stood on top of it, and the smaller animal disappeared


Okay, here's the best I could do quickly on the planet I was last saved in. It isn't extremely clear, given the distance however if you watch the right side of the video, you see one of the creatures go over and eat the smaller one, and since I'm looking through the visor, it shows the green dot (meaning discovered) and then it disappear after it's eaten.

Link here, 9MB WEBM

I mean, I don't doubt that it disappeared, but it doesn't look like it was eaten. It look like it despawned after getting it's shit wrecked in by being stepped on.

If that's supposed to be eating then I guess that's disappointing?


I don't know if someone else already responded to this properly or not, but you should know that at some point in a game's development it becomes like a house of cards - remove one file or directory and the whole thing comes crashing down.

Because some programmer put in some bit of code that references something in some folder that was always intended to be taken out but they didn't get the message, so you leave the whole thing in rather than retool that whole chunk of the project.

For example the E3 demo planets and scenes are still in the game files. I'd wager there was some situation like, "ok Brad removed the E3 folders from this build and now all the animals with dinosaur features are untextured and antelope-style creatures are missing their torsos. Better put it back in..."

But the cut content would be more interrelated in the code than some offshoot that was never meant to be. Like if the cut content was truly removed, they would have had to have gone into a lot of files to remove them and make sure it doesn't cause any problems as well.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Now that is a good list which deserves actual discussion that most of the other monkey shit screaming that is going on around the internet when it comes to the game itself.

In my own head I already dubbed this game Bryce 3D Space Adventure due to how the planets in general look.

They could most def have had a stronger product if the game itself was more than the simple design loop it currently has. This feels a lot more like an early access game vs. a total package where more features would have helped with the lack of substantial gameplay content.

The "tiny team" excuse can only go so far.

Honestly with all of the "missing features" aside Im more concerned with how the game got approved release when it had the various crashing issues which are constant after a certain point with the game. The worst of the bunch being the game will literally crash while trying to load up during the "galaxy loading" screen. And this is from a freshly booted PS4 that was powered off and not in standby mode.


Okay, here's the best I could do quickly on the planet I was last saved in. It isn't extremely clear, given the distance however if you watch the right side of the video, you see one of the creatures go over and eat the smaller one, and since I'm looking through the visor, it shows the green dot (meaning discovered) and then it disappear after it's eaten.

Link here, 9MB WEBM

"eaten" it doesn't even look like they touch

Oh god, that fits so damn well :lol


I would believe the cut content theory if there wasnt Xbox360 stuff left over in the files. If they didnt removed that why would they remove the other stuff
Dude the 360 stuff might just be leftover engine code. Joe Danger was a 360 game, and I'm sure this game is based off the same engine.


I don't know if someone else already responded to this properly or not, but you should know that at some point in a game's development it becomes like a house of cards - remove one file or directory and the whole thing comes crashing down.

Because some programmer put in some bit of code that references something in some folder that was always intended to be taken out but they didn't get the message, so you leave the whole thing in rather than retool that whole chunk of the project.

For example the E3 demo planets and scenes are still in the game files. I'd wager there was some situation like, "ok Brad removed the E3 folders from this build and now all the animals with dinosaur features are untextured and antelope-style creatures are missing their torsos. Better put it back in..."

I can agree with that, and it would make my point more relevant, why would they remove cut content if it was being worked on, especially if what you said is a risk

Dude the 360 stuff might just be leftover engine code. Joe Danger was a 360 game, and I'm sure this game is based off the same engine.

That was an example, its other stuff obviously NMS related (or not Joe Danger) still in there (E3, HalfLife 2, unused assests)
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