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Reggie: Don't Expect Nintendo Switch Online To "Mirror" The Competition


"We’re always looking for ways to make the subscription offer more meaningful to consumers, so stay tuned as those plans continue to evolve...Nintendo as a company prides itself on doing things differently. So, don’t expect us to simply mirror what others do. We’ll look to provide unique elements, elements that other players in the space aren’t considering. That’s going to be a key area of focus for us."
Via NintendoLife


Okay Reggie, fine. If you want to move forward with a Smartphone app and NES games and novelty controllers for your service, by all means go ahead. But we're not asking for you to mirror the competitition, we're simply asking for basic 2002 shit like some form of messaging system, or Join Game function, or even another way to voice chat using a more conventional headset. Nintendo said they'll build on this service over the years, so we want to see progress, give us reasons to pay $20 a year.


Sure. Giving us NES games. Where are SNES, N64, GameCube, and Wii games? Forget the last 3, where are the SNES games? Gameboy to Gameboy advance games?
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That's why I can't pull the trigger on Switch I don't have faith in the abilities and capabilities of Nintendo to do the right things
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Unconfirmed Member
They can't even meet the most basic standards of an online service and yet they want us to pay for it...

Nintendo could have it all if they just bothered to try.


Come on, Nintendo got the fund they can make good online idk why they choose to be soo behind everyone else.


This guy is so full of shit... and yet Nintendo fans will eat this right up, just like the "we're not competing with Sony/Miscrosft, we're competing for time".


Eh, not surprised the switch has bad online but a online service is not the reason I bought one. They're going to have do a whole lot better if they're going to get to buy a subscritption for it, though.


So no network stable enough where I don't have to account for 40 points lost due to random disconnects (20 per) every round of Salmon Run in Splatoon 2, then?

(Funnily enough, this is since the paid online went live. The network was hardly stable before, but my disconnects were relatively infrequent. Now they're around 10-20% of games, particularly Salmon Run for whatever reason.)


Simple robust gamer friendly positive experience? We want none of that we are going to be DIFFERENT!


That's nintendo since ever. The reason why sometimes they have great sucess and sometimes they fail big.

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
The online service is the one key thing about the Switch that I don´t like. I´ve only bought one month so far, and that was for Dark Souls Remastered. Other than that, this service has been complete crap save for a few NES-games I completed whilst I still had a subscription. It is the most bare bones service I´ve yet to see. Nintendo needs to put in some fucking effort here. I´m baffled that you can´t even send messages to your friends, like what the hell is up with that?

I think it´s admirable that Nintendo goes their own route, ignoring their competitors and try to carve their own path in the video games industry, but when it comes to online they have to swallow their pride and look what Sony and Microsoft are doing with their respective services. It´s nothing wrong with that, Nintendo can still be that original goof ball company that invents crazy ideas and spectacular games.

I really hope that Nintendo has some sort of AMAZING game plan with this service, one that will turn heads into the right direction, otherwise I will not even bother with it and continue to play offline. Simple as that.


I’m pretty much interpreting this as “don’t expect our online service to be any good” at this point considering their track record.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
"We’re always looking for ways to make the subscription offer more meaningful to consumers, so stay tuned as those plans continue to evolve...Nintendo as a company prides itself on doing things differently. So, don’t expect us to simply mirror what others do. We’ll look to provide unique elements, elements that other players in the space aren’t considering. That’s going to be a key area of focus for us."
Via NintendoLife

Like MiiVerse? Oh no, that actually costs money to you Reggie :p.
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I don’t need them to reflect their competition (or even want it), but they need to demonstrate what good does their differentation means do to their customers.

I would very much like their idea of cramming the online into a phone, if they made useful applications for it.

Having a bit of Wii U like functionality added into the game specific services in the online app, as well as, say, video chat would make me very happy.

The Nes games are also not enough. Neither is the rate at which they trickle them. At this rate I would need to wait years until I start seeing the games I want to play and didn't already buy for the Wii and Wii U.

I think it would have been a very nice selling point for the service, if they didn’t scrap the virtual console brand, and I would have absolutely loved them, if they would have included GC and Wii there as well.
It's $30 for a year in Australia and I still feel ripped off somehow.

Basically he's saying expect it to be significantly worse.
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Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Nintendo, god damn... Do your little quirky things that make you, please do...

But at least provide 10% of a damn service first.

I don’t get their thinking. Every generation they do this same thing. “We won’t do what’s popular and what everybody wants, but look, now you can make cardboard socks!”.

They can’t possibly be that dumb that they can’t see people want native chat messages and voice on the console itself? They don’t even let you see a friend come online and send them an invite. This is stuff that was perfected over a decade before the switch even hit the scene.

It really makes me scratch my head as to what the hell they are even thinking sometimes...
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"Wanna play online with friends? Wanna play online the modes you want? Wanna play online with voice chat?; Wanna play online without lag? THEN BUY ANOTHER F*ING CONSOLE"

That's how I read you Reggie.
I would've preferred silence instead of this answer.

Go fuck yourself Reggie, screwing customers like that should be a crime. There has to be some kind of con/rip-off/deceit legal term for providing a service that does not work properly.


Like if Reggie can decide or knows anything about what Nintendo will be doing with their Online, no matter how shitty it is.
Nintendo is obsessed with "surprise", so they intentionally do things a different way -- even ignoring valid critiques for improvement -- as long as it's different.

It's stupid. No one is asking them to "mirror" the competition. We're asking them to deliver the very bare-bone basics of an online infrastructure.


I'd just like them to have subscription upgrade paths. I have the annual sub but I wanted to go to the family plan, and there is no upgrade options. I have to pay for a new family subscription while my annual still stands until it runs out next year.


I'm not sure taking pride in being different is a good thing when the only different thing about your service that stands out is how far behind everyone else it is.

Up until recently they could justify their crap with "at least it's free" but those times are over.

I don't expect anything to change though. Over the years they have built a fanbase that has gotten used to their backwards way of doing things and they'll happily support them


This might be sad but, if they get a taste of that stable yearly money I do feel they will try to develop the service more aggressively, mostly so they can jack up the price.
Online will be at X360 level with Switch 3 launch in 2026

I think with miracles has the stability of a ps2 system network right now.

Was 3.... 3 Smash Bros Games and 3 different consoles !!! and have the same problem with online mode... so when Nintendo? and did you expect that we must pay for the online service?
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more proof that an online network service was 100% not even considered until late LATE switch development.

honestly they still arent up to snuff with xbox360 and ps3 yet.

They are going to be giving 3 gen old online infrastructure when NextBone and PS5 are release.
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