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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I had my account deleted now, good riddance. Last month I got a temp ban for posting this video about the machete guy being stomped half to death (during the riots):

It was in the ridiculous "in defense of looting" thread. I said this:

Their reaction was:

It's ridiculous, if I see a guy getting stomped on I don't care if the guy who tweeted it is a Trump supporter lol. It speaks volumes that when seeing something that disagrees with their world view they immediately look for a way to rationalize it away. Funnily enough, someone had already posted that video in the main protest thread and nothing happened. Actually though, I think the reason for that ban was because I was actively disagreeing with this cunt in the same thread:


Don't talk back to the protected class


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Is there even one single Swedish mod? I l live here, he’s stating facts and he gets banned? Holy fucking shit, I don’t understand anything anymore.
I think the problem is stating "how were we supposed to handle 163 000 regugees in 2015 in a sustainable non-segregating manner? Simply don't have the resources for it". Which is closer to an opinion than a fact. It is unclear, from the text provided, whether it is in general a low class issue or a nationality issue.


I think the problem is stating "how were we supposed to handle 163 000 regugees in 2015 in a sustainable non-segregating manner? Simply don't have the resources for it". Which is closer to an opinion than a fact. It is unclear, from the text provided, whether it is in general a low class issue or a nationality issue.
Regardless that is not an opinion to get banned for. Rather a pretty good point to debate in a civilized manner.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Regardless that is not an opinion to get banned for. Rather a pretty good point to debate in a civilized manner.
Well it is a politically conservative opinion and Resetera has been pretty clear about that being bannable. I do not agree with it, but that's why I do not think this ban is surprising.


Gold Member

@entremet surely you knew what was going to happen here when you said you would still go to the place, right? Like, we've literally talked about this exact thing.
Resetera: [insert company name] hasn’t released a white-on-black (lol) banner supporting black lives. Cancel them!

Also Resetera:


Of course, if I quoted this person to remark the irony of the thing, I’d be banned for ”false equivalency” :messenger_winking:

That thread about black Batman is hilarious because not only the OP abuses the adverb “incredibly” as per Resetera standards, but because nobody in the few posts I’ve seen seems to realize that Batman actually cooperates with official law whenever he can. Black or white, Batman may be a vigilante, but he isn’t a thug. Bruce Wayne couldn’t become Batman without the police. The point of Batman is that the police are not enough to combat crime, not that he is against the police.
But of course I’m not expecting them to think about the details.
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Why does it matter that some dude in NYC voted trump? It didnt have any bearing on the election anyway since the electoral votes in NY state was for Clinton anyway, heavily. Why be mad at that.

Now i don't like Trump like much at all, mostly because he is an annoying moron saying insane shit. But if someone vote for him it's like whatever you do you.
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See, Loudninja was another rather active GAF Poster who made lots of gaming threads, I think he had ties to Sony or something, he was very quick with Playstation stuff. I liked his contributions. but seems its another regular who's apparently Ree material.

I see more of those guys. I guess they essentially made this site a minefield in the past.

And nice backseat modding by fucking racist pos Dogge. OP still goes to that place, so he's evil. Thats what they're trying to push through. Nepenthe also adds to the fray, and essentially gives OP a label. They're just agressively trying to make OP to cancel and feel guilty. OP shouldn't try to explain himself, its useless. This person should leave that clown site. This is a fucking cult.
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
Time for a Swedish user summit.
The Swedish users all left months ago. They were meant to get a summit 6 months ago but got pushed back for the Vanuatu summit and forgotten about. This was the second time as the first delay was the mime artist summit before it went on too long as the mods didn't understand what they were miming.

The Swedish members now have their own Reddit if anyone wants to join https://www.reddit.com/r/IKEA/


Why does it matter that some dude in NYC voted trump? It didnt have any bearing on the election anyway since the electoral votes in NY state was for Clinton anyway, heavily. Why be mad at that.

Now i don't like Trump like much at all, mostly because he is an annoying moron saying insane shit. But if someone vote for him it's like whatever you do you.

These type of people have convinced themselves that their way is the righteous way and that any other view point, even if it's left leaning, is wrong and therefore, should not exist. They praise antifa while being totalitarian.


These type of people have convinced themselves that their way is the righteous way and that any other view point, even if it's left leaning, is wrong and therefore, should not exist. They praise antifa while being totalitarian.

maybe some, but i think this explains things better Virtuous victim signallers usually psychopaths, narcissists, and machiavellian manipulators . The way some mods whine about their victimhood and opression and how much the give and give and give to the site with nothing in return. I used to call people like that martyrs, but i like ‘dark triad personalities’ better.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
resetera lacks non-western asian representation

there are also no non-western asian mods

i will fight for these rights

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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Why does Reset support Islam so heavily esp their mods?

Don't Islamic countries stone or hang any LGBTQ person?

I always imagine these people sweating whenever Islam comes up because they’ll go on and on all day about how they feel Christianity is just the most evil thing ever.

Islam though? Well if you’re Muslim then you’re oppressed so it’s okay.


I dunno how the worlds largest religion is marginalized tho.

Everyone who is not a white westerner is oppressed and everyone who are a white westerner is an oppressor that marginalize people is what it all sums up to.

I does not agree with this of course, but I am somehow trying to understand them just for the fun of it.


Will Resetera Mods ban your account for shit posting (sharing an opinion) about them on NeoGAF? I mostly don't care, but I'd like to keep my account there because their BST is pretty active and I've never been screwed by anyone.


Will Resetera Mods ban your account for shit posting (sharing an opinion) about them on NeoGAF? I mostly don't care, but I'd like to keep my account there because their BST is pretty active and I've never been screwed by anyone.

Of course they do. Request a name change here.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Will Resetera Mods ban your account for shit posting (sharing an opinion) about them on NeoGAF? I mostly don't care, but I'd like to keep my account there because their BST is pretty active and I've never been screwed by anyone.
If you have a good communities group, get on their discord in case the banning is made to keep contact (usually at the first page of that communities thread as a hidden message). Best of luck in your future ban.


Neo Member
The islam stuff is just virtue signalling.

An islamic person saying something they perceive as not 100% on board with their woke/TRA cult is still cancelled, which hey is about 98% of Islamic people just like its 98% of Christians and 98% of anyone. They're just roundabout in their racism, and selective in which ones to get particularly outraged over, because more than anything else white skinned non-trans person = evil.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
But are there any confirmed cases?
Is there some real proof. I can believe it to happen but are there irrefutable proof or just speculations.
Any links?
Look up Era bans that are as follows
Banned: (permanent) off site drama
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But are there any confirmed cases?
Is there some real proof. I can believe it to happen but are there irrefutable proof or just speculations.
Any links?

Users have confirmed in this very thread, just go back in it. Isn't hard and I don't feel like doing your homework for you, sorry.


Thank you for the replies. I've been reading this thread for a little while and haven't seen any claims yet, but it is a large thread...

With that said, I'll take my chances with getting banned.

Really, all I have to say is that the Resetera mods are way too quick to ban users for trolling if the post isn't in line with the site's ideology, even if it isn't clear that the post is actually a troll post. It's just sad that discussion is discouraged on a discussion forum of all places. The users also try really hard to make you feel like trash if you have a different opinion about something.

I know this has been said countless times in this thread, but I just wanted to add my $0.02.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
But are there any confirmed cases?
Is there some real proof. I can believe it to happen but are there irrefutable proof or just speculations.
Any links?

I was one of them.

I posted on Era just solely in the gaming section.

I made fun of their incredibly lunatic ideologies on life in this thread (though this is a new thread since the last one was closed because it reached 20k replies).

I got banned for off site drama.

I never did engage with them except with gaming news and “this game looks interesting” and general recommendations.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Resetera: [insert company name] hasn’t released a white-on-black (lol) banner supporting black lives. Cancel them!

Also Resetera:


Of course, if I quoted this person to remark the irony of the thing, I’d be banned for ”false equivalency” :messenger_winking:

That thread about black Batman is hilarious because not only the OP abuses the adverb “incredibly” as per Resetera standards, but because nobody in the few posts I’ve seen seems to realize that Batman actually cooperates with official law whenever he can. Black or white, Batman may be a vigilante, but he isn’t a thug. Bruce Wayne couldn’t become Batman without the police. The point of Batman is that the police are not enough to combat crime, not that he is against the police.
But of course I’m not expecting them to think about the details.
Loudninja is Playstation employee most likely, so he is probably one of the most protected people there.


Thing is they are right. Immigration caused by the War on Terror has fucked up many countries. It exacerbates problems when you have tens or hundreds of thousands of new people to take care of.

I’m not sure about their statistics but if it has been hitting low income minority Americans the hardest then it seems reasonable it would hit Sweden in a similar way.

Of course it is never about facts, if they disagree they will shut any inquiry down. They are anti intellectuals masquerading otherwise
The war on "terror"?
The terror was created by the left. Bush snr, Bush jnr, Bill+Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair and Obama. All these people are worshipped by the left.
The left armed and funded Bin Laden.
The left let the twin towers come down at the minimum! Most likely direct involvement! We all know buildings don't turn to dust and fall in on their own foot print.
The left killed a million civilians in Iraq alone over 10 years....
The left (obama+HRC) armed isil to take out Libya then gave them even more money/weapons to go into Syria to take out Assad.

Scotty W

The islam stuff is just virtue signalling.

An islamic person saying something they perceive as not 100% on board with their woke/TRA cult is still cancelled, which hey is about 98% of Islamic people just like its 98% of Christians and 98% of anyone. They're just roundabout in their racism, and selective in which ones to get particularly outraged over, because more than anything else white skinned non-trans person = evil.
I would love to see a Muslim troll account on RE.

But it would have to be subtle. Put it in your avatar, make it obvious from your name.

Identify yourself as an oppressed person. Gradually start to make borderline comments- “I feel that my religion is right about women.” A delicate touch is necessary where they are most sensitive.

Once you have built up enough clout, scream Islamophobia wherever you can. Sea lion it.


I was one of them.

I posted on Era just solely in the gaming section.

I made fun of their incredibly lunatic ideologies on life in this thread (though this is a new thread since the last one was closed because it reached 20k replies).

I got banned for off site drama.

I never did engage with them except with gaming news and “this game looks interesting” and general recommendations.

I believe you. I'm also curious if they you just suddenly banned you without having any post to lean on as an excuse?

I have spend 2 hours googling and searching both this thread, this whole site, all of RE and kiwifarms, it's difficult to find any hard evidence where some one has been out right banned without first also posting some thing on RE that could be used as an excuse by the mods. I got banned for arguably derailing a thread and not realizing soon enough that it was a strong-emotions/sensitive-topic thread. I should have gotten a warning as this was my first ever infraction and have posted useful info in others before, but I was banned without any indication of a pending duration. I did later try and create an alt account in order to contact any mod to ask about it but that they managed to identify it as an alt and ban before it became fully active. I've also been posting here right after, no strong wording against the site but definitely liking posts that has a derogatory tone towards the side. I finally got a perma ban after a couple of days and many polite attempts at contacting them via email. I can't be sure if it was my original sin, my alt account or my posting/likings here or all of them. I'm just trying to get a clearer picture and trying to be factual if there are hard evidence that they out right ban anyone who write something bad bout them here.
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