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Rosanne's Racism Exceeds ABC's Tolerance; TV Show Reboot Now Canceled


I make an effort to do the opposite of what you suggest. It's easier to do what you suggest, but I don't think it's good for me or for people in general.

We need more people who will publicly say so-called offensive things even when they're threatened and have something to lose. It's been the role of comedians and artists, and that's still the case to some extent, but we need more, especially right now. And if someone's fired or buried for speaking her mind we should all let her bosses know (especially when people aren't fired out of principle but because of what PR perceives to be public demand) that we don't want people fired for saying something controversial, especially on their own time, even if we don't agree with anything they've said; and we shouldn't pick and choose who gets to speak their mind based on who we agree with and whose words we consider acceptable or who we think is on our team, because what's really important is that we move towards openness and genuine expression becoming the norm instead of going in the opposite direction where conformity and falsity are what's normal and expected.

It’s okay, I remember the first time I took LSD too. You’ll come down, eventually.
lol at the mods trying to come for me but hiding behind ‘warning’ messages 😂 surprise! of all the 200 users, you actually have some normal people on here. I know it’s not statistically likely, but it’s true, not everyone has difficulty being a normal, socially well-adjusted adult in real life.
Says the socially stunted guy. Well adjusted to the asylum you call your life. Take off your special needs helmet and hit your head on some truth... YOU'RE ALREADY BANNED.jpg
I make an effort to do the opposite of what you suggest. It's easier to do what you suggest, but I don't think it's good for me or for people in general.

We need more people who will publicly say so-called offensive things even when they're threatened and have something to lose. It's been the role of comedians and artists, and that's still the case to some extent, but we need more, especially right now. And if someone's fired or buried for speaking her mind we should all let her bosses know (especially when people aren't fired out of principle but because of what PR perceives to be public demand) that we don't want people fired for saying something controversial, especially on their own time, even if we don't agree with anything they've said; and we shouldn't pick and choose who gets to speak their mind based on who we agree with and whose words we consider acceptable or who we think is on our team, because what's really important is that we move towards openness and genuine expression becoming the norm instead of going in the opposite direction where conformity and falsity are what's normal and expected.

In the real world the goal is to be yourself. But there are always limits. You want someone to break the current barriers a bit and that's fine, but as long as you understand that it's a 2-way street. People are not punching bags or sponges.
that #483 mod note hitting with truth, lmao


Some of us are hanging out here to pass the time while at work, not because of any social ineptitude.
I didn't say he was an officer. I'm talking about this interview where he was 14 (not 9), he said he didn't feel guilt for turning Jews into the Nazis because if it wasn't him it would have been someone else (which is a BS excuse):

I also don't hate Jews or think they run everything. I argue against that stupid stuff every time. If I did believe that, I would have a huge problem being apart of my religion.
That interview doesn’t show what you described. He talks about when he was 14 he was posing as a Christian child of a nazi and he would accompany that Nazi on rounds to steal / confiscate Jewish peoples’ property. And that he felt no guilt because he was a spectator and if he had not been there someone else still would have been doing it.

I’m no “soros supporter,” but your description intrigued me enough to watch the video, and it was quite different (though still not positive) from turning in Jewish people to the Nazis.


Every now and then I say to myself, "Is it that difficult to just not be a complete asshole"? Apparently it is actually that difficult for some people. Roseanne thought this was an appropriate thing to say, and her environment reacted to her words. She was wrong, and was punished. That is how the world works


You missed the point as your types do.

I'm saying its okay to call someone a psychopath who committed genocide. Thats okay in Hollywood infact its expected otherwise you're a right wing Nazi yourself.
But call someone an ape(who I don't remember any who've caused the death of millions) and freak out.

Am I crazy? Am I the only one who sees how absurd the media is?

My 2009 gaf account got banned cuz I called the mods nazis. Now that words on par with calling someone a big meany.

While planet of the ape future rerelease will be stripped of "you damn dirty apes!" Line.
Why is ape offensive to blacks? Is that a common racist term used against them? I'm unaware. Didn't know about the sensitivity to it until now. Never heard it used.
And last I heard Randall(clerks2) reclaimed porch monkey. Good on him for taking the word back removing the negativity. We need more heros like him and victims like well whoever was the victim in this case never saw the tweet

While Nazi is used too casually the difference is being a Nazi is something you DO!
Not something you are or are born as.

Please don’t procreate.
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Wow so did GAF go off the deep end?
You’ve got people straight straight up openly at war with Admins and even admitting to previous permabans for it.


You are correct in that there would be major backlashes should the tweets gain popularity, and the employer would be pressured to take action. But again that would require:
1) a VERY viral post for anyone to notice or give a hoot (ie. they probably weren't exactly a "quiet office person"), and
2) a job where this would affect things in any way.

The common thread among all the incidents you're probably thinking of right now is that they became extremely public, and the employee was either senior enough to be considered a representative of their companies, or their controversial actions were taken while on the job. You're worried about "today's climate" because from your perspective the only difference between now and 20 years ago is sensitivity - I'd argue, that the real difference is in our ability to reach extraordinarily wide audiences very easily. You couldn't just tweet in 2003 and subject the world to your opinions. With that power comes a newfound responsibility that many of us aren't quite internalizing just yet.

And most importantly, it's always a choice.

Again you're correct but like I mentioned, normalization of bigotry is a part of the problem as well. This might be where our opinions diverge, but I'd argue that not holding public figures accountable for clearly offensive and horrifically bigoted statements only adds to this. Seeing public figures post hateful messages like this encourages people to take the easy way out and blame all of their problems on whatever hated-race/gender/whatever-du-jour; and now a new bigot is born. Hold public figures accountable, however, and people learn that making those kinds of horrific statements publicly using aforementioned modern technology is a bad choice that has consequences. Bigotry no longer becomes fashionable.

Thanks! But Kevin did respond and quite earnestly so. No need to add fuel to the fire, please. Cheers

You're right, my bad!

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
You missed the point as your types do.

I'm saying its okay to call someone a psychopath who committed genocide. Thats okay in Hollywood infact its expected otherwise you're a right wing Nazi yourself.
But call someone an ape(who I don't remember any who've caused the death of millions) and freak out.

Am I crazy? Am I the only one who sees how absurd the media is?

My 2009 gaf account got banned cuz I called the mods nazis. Now that words on par with calling someone a big meany.

While planet of the ape future rerelease will be stripped of "you damn dirty apes!" Line.
Why is ape offensive to blacks? Is that a common racist term used against them? I'm unaware. Didn't know about the sensitivity to it until now. Never heard it used.
And last I heard Randall(clerks2) reclaimed porch monkey. Good on him for taking the word back removing the negativity. We need more heros like him and victims like well whoever was the victim in this case never saw the tweet

This entirely depends on where you live. In America, there is a lot of history tied to the word to de-humanize the black population or compare them to that of the "lesser" species that evolved from a common ancestor.

Mind you, this de-humanization wasn't only the target of black people, but many groups across the history of the US including certain religions, chinese, irish, etc. However, the history for de-humanization of the black population has definitely been both harsher and for a longer period. The US is still a young nation, so wounds will tend to be "fresher" or more recent. Though we can see some of the newer generations using the term "monkey/ape" to refer to humanity as a whole (though still in a derogatory/sarcastic fashion).

You shouldn't be "celebrating" or "promoting" your previous ban - what strikes me odd is the year you were banned, 2009. That was a few years before the introduction of the authoritarian left community and the overzealous banning.

As for a final note, you are suggesting that the "reclamation" of the porch-monkey term is good, yet you also criticized the reclamation of the term "nigga". Are you being facetious here or completely serious? Curious to know your thoughts.

While Nazi is used too casually the difference is being a Nazi is something you DO!
Not something you are or are born as.

Please don’t procreate.

I do agree with your simple comparisons of the term "ape" and "nazi", however it is also important to note that the term "ape" isn't given a negative connotation to black people in other English speaking countries, at least to the degree that it is in America. Understanding that not everyone comes from the US, can lead to a better discussion instead of suggesting that someone shouldn't have children because they don't share the same opinion.

There is also the issue of age and the generation you may be speaking to. Not all generations will immediately connect the dots that "ape" is an insult to the black community (or have been taught as such), but to humanity as a whole (with the sadly growing misconception that Humans descended from monkeys/apes instead of a common ancestor). I have taught a number of class rooms from fifth grade to eleventh grade across the US, Ireland, Scotland, and South Africa. Each have different attitudes and history with the word and trying to center it all around the same americanocentric view point does not make sense.

Wow so did GAF go off the deep end?
You’ve got people straight straight up openly at war with Admins and even admitting to previous permabans for it.

Wait, did I miss something? Besides Cream and Mushy, who admitted to having a previous permaban? You make it seem like this is a widespread issue.


Pardon for mistakes or confusion, trying to type this on an old iPhone with big fat thumbs.


I'd like to point out that it seems our progressive friends on this forum are being banned left and right, and its not some conspiracy theory lol. It comes down to them not being able to argue their point and have nothing but personal attacks to counter arguments they dont agree with.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Glad you're banned.

C'mon mate. Don't be like that. Be better.

I'd like to point out that it seems our progressive friends on this forum are being banned left and right, and its not some conspiracy theory lol. It comes down to them not being able to argue their point and have nothing but personal attacks to counter arguments they dont agree with.

I am seeing proper bans/warnings on both sides, conservative/progressive whether far left/far right/normal/centrist. Sadly, people just can't seem to keep a civil head when having a conversation/discussion.


C'mon mate. Don't be like that. Be better.

I am seeing proper bans/warnings on both sides, conservative/progressive whether far left/far right/normal/centrist. Sadly, people just can't seem to keep a civil head when having a conversation/discussion.

Because people here aren’t speaking like you would face to face. Everyone has a chip on their shoulder and is condescending as fuck whenever trying to make a point.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Because people here aren’t speaking like you would face to face. Everyone has a chip on their shoulder and is condescending as fuck whenever trying to make a point.

Then be the change you would like to see. Don't devolve into the same attitude/manner.


I'd like to point out that it seems our progressive friends on this forum are being banned left and right, and its not some conspiracy theory lol. It comes down to them not being able to argue their point and have nothing but personal attacks to counter arguments they dont agree with.
There's literally no other possible interpretation.

All I have to say about people calling the American Right Nazis is that people should google Godwin's Law and read up on it. Should listen to the man, the saying got famous for a reason.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
The amount of posts in this thread screaming "but Hillary/but the lefties" is astonishing.

Are you going to contribute anything more? Or is it just a hot-take about people's opinions on certain segments of the left and Hillary?

GAF has turned into a fucking dumpster fire

The last two posts of yours has been complaining about Gaf, introducing nothing of actual discussion value. Why would anyone believe you when the last actual conversation you entered was over 8 months ago? Please do better.
Are you going to contribute anything more? Or is it just a hot-take about people's opinions on certain segments of the left and Hillary?

The last two posts of yours has been complaining about Gaf, introducing nothing of actual discussion value. Why would anyone believe you when the last actual conversation you entered was over 8 months ago? Please do better.

Why are you acting like a mod? Your post history has you trying to report people because he made a comment about republicans eating his ass?

Weird how you pick and choose to quote me and the guy who replied to me , doesn't seem like you have an agenda at all.

What I'm contributing is simple, look at the majority of posts on the off topic page, see a pattern ? Compare this off topic site to any other off topic site in existence , night and day. I'm all for purging the far left but when the far right stay and border justifying racist behavior , its not right. I'm sure even a smart guy like yourself can understand this or no?
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Why are you acting like a mod?

I am not acting as a mod in any way, shape, or form. I am trying to help push discussion, which your recent posts tend to not do. They are simple hot-takes that provide no discussion value other than to demean others or act in an aggressive manner. As I stated two post before yours, "Then be the change you would like to see. Don't devolve into the same attitude/manner." That is what I am trying to do as I like this community and want to see it improve.

Your post history has you trying to report people because he made a comment about republicans eating his ass?

I would suggest you re-read what I had posted in that thread. I am not "trying to report" AutoIgnition in any way, shape, or form. I used their recent ban as an example of the difference between a post that adds to discussion and one that can be seen as a personal attack.

Weird how you pick and choose to quote me and the guy who replied to me , doesn't seem like you have an agenda at all.

I had noticed a pattern with your recent posts that have been devoid of discussion value, which is disappointing as you do have some good opinions and interesting takes when you expound upon them without relying on personal attacks/petty snark. The other person was just a drive-by former member who only returned to insult the community twice in a row. Them quoting you was just a coincidence and not the reason why I wrote what I wrote to you.

What I'm contributing is simple, look at the majority of posts on the off topic page, see a pattern ? Compare this off topic site to any other off topic site in existence , night and day. I'm all for purging the far left but when the far right stay and border justifying racist behavior , its not right. I'm sure even a smart guy like yourself can understand this or no?

C'mon, mate. Do better.

Anyways, to the rest of your post: I do not see it. I see mostly left leaning/centrist members with a handful of right-leaning and far left taking part. It would only appear to be "far right" if you compare it to another site like ResetEra, Waypoint, or Polygon - all of which are very much far left communities.
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I am not acting as a mod in any way, shape, or form. I am trying to help push discussion, which your recent posts tend to not do. They are simple hot-takes that provide no discussion value other than to demean others or act in an aggressive manner. As I stated two post before yours, "Then be the change you would like to see. Don't devolve into the same attitude/manner." That is what I am trying to do as I like this community and want to see it improve.

I would suggest you re-read what I had posted in that thread. I am not "trying to report" AutoIgnition in any way, shape, or form. I used their recent ban as an example of the difference between a post that adds to discussion and one that can be seen as a personal attack.

I had noticed a pattern with your recent posts that have been devoid of discussion value, which is disappointing as you do have some good opinions and interesting takes when you expound upon them without relying on personal attacks/petty snark. The other person was just a drive-by former member who only returned to insult the community twice in a row. Them quoting you was just a coincidence and not the reason why I wrote what I wrote to you.

C'mon, mate. Do better.

Anyways, to the rest of your post: I do not see it. I see mostly left leaning/centrist members with a handful of right-leaning and far left taking part. It would only appear to be "far right" if you compare it to another site like ResetEra, Waypoint, or Polygon - all of which are very much far left communities.

You are definitely trying to act like a mod and apparently think you're Kratos because you said "do better" about 5 times in this thread . I already expounded on what my comment meant , it's ok that you disagree. Keep in mind I'm not the only one who has pointed this out..


Grand Vizier of Khemri
Staff Member
You are definitely trying to act like a mod and apparently think you're Kratos because you said "do better" about 5 times in this thread . I already expounded on what my comment meant , it's ok that you disagree. Keep in mind I'm not the only one who has pointed this out..

If you make a drive by post and someone calls you out on it, that doesn't mean they are acting like a mod. No one has immunity from having a statement they made here addressed, and when it is unfavorably, you don't get to deflect with personal remarks to the person that noticed. Your original comment here was off topic, of no value to this discussion and seemingly meant to bait others. Don't criticize other members behavior when you enter a thread in this manner.
If you make a drive by post and someone calls you out on it, that doesn't mean they are acting like a mod. No one has immunity from having a statement they made here addressed, and when it is unfavorably, you don't get to deflect with personal remarks to the person that noticed. Your original comment here was off topic, of no value to this discussion and seemingly meant to bait others. Don't criticize other members behavior when you enter a thread in this manner.

So borderline racism is allowed and that's fine? When I call it out then it's a problem? If you guys want to keep banning people for calling out the problem here you won't have many users .


Grand Vizier of Khemri
Staff Member
Racism is not fine, but lets not pretend the posts you made here had anything to do with that. You did not take some stance against racism by moaning about the volume of but-Hilary posts, or by attacking another members questioning of your contribution here. I would strongly suggest you examine the optics of bringing up what-about-racism as a defense for your own unrelated poor behavior.


I think the joke was more related to the weird costumes and wigs with the strange acting of the original planet of the apes.

The lady has a big hair style problem adding to the fact she is ugly and looks like a man. Do you know who she really looks like? Like Mark Whalberg in boogie nights, they look like brothers with the same hairdo. If the joke was on Mark Wahlberg instead, people would find it funny.
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Gold Member
So borderline racism is allowed and that's fine? When I call it out then it's a problem? If you guys want to keep banning people for calling out the problem here you won't have many users .

While I personally agree that those defending Rosanne's actions are wrong, I'd rather them stay and have their views challenged, instead of see them removed for having the "wrong" opinion, even if I do believe it's the wrong opinion. Does that make sense?

Banning people for thinking the "wrong" way, just makes them feel persecuted for their opinions, and rightfully so. It's certainly not going to make anyone change their minds.


I think the joke was more related to the weird costumes and wigs with the strange acting of the original planet of the apes.

The lady has a big hair style problem adding to the fact she is ugly and looks like a man. Do you know who she really looks like? Like Mark Whalberg in boogie nights, they look like brothers with the same hairdo. If the joke was on Mark Wahlberg instead, people would find it funny.

Roseanne herself admitted the joke went too far. I doubt she would have said that if it was about some sweet costumes and wigs
Racism is not fine, but lets not pretend the posts you made here had anything to do with that. You did not take some stance against racism by moaning about the volume of but-Hilary posts, or by attacking another members questioning of your contribution here. I would strongly suggest you examine the optics of bringing up what-about-racism as a defense for your own unrelated poor behavior.

Listen I don't care to keep going back and forth with you but you are absolutely wrong. Me calling out the volume of "but Hillary/but the lefties" posts is exactly how I called out the bs in this thread. When the thread is about Roseanne saying racial slurs and people in this thread have to resort to stating anything to justify it like it being the left media's fault? That's silly. What does any of it have to do with this thread on Roseanne? Why didn't you ban those people for derailing the thread ? Or even better, when there's a "drive by" post of people saying I didn't contribute much, why didn't you ban them for attacking me? This isn't nazi Germany, I should be allowed to bring up the fact that multiple people resorted to the "but the lefties" defense, even when I didn't state who specifically. Why are you so against us calling out bs when we see it? Here's a small sample of the genius in this thread below.

"I can see the far left is having multiple orgasms over this news"

"The joke is racist but so what"

"then i looked up Jarret, and the first thing I thought of was planet of the apes"

"the only reason this is huge news and covered by CNN non stop is because Trump talking about her show"

"lets face it, we are all racist in some way."

"the form of her face reminds me of an ape"

"now will samantha bee lose her job as well?"

"ranked from most "offensive" to least"
1 Comparing blacks to animals like apes
2. making fun of black peoples looks
3. using the N word..

"And maybe this n word would be done away with if blacks didnt use it every day...don't hear jews saying "whats up holocaust"

"people call trump a nazi with impunity, call someone an ape and you're the devil"

^ only once did a mod step in to try and get this conversation back on topic and civil..oh and the second time a mod posted? To give me shit for calling out the craziness in the thread.

You don't see how that's silly? What example is that setting? Being borderline racist is fine but you call it out and you're banned!
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Listen I don't care to keep going back and forth with you but you are absolutely wrong. Me calling out the volume of "but Hillary/but the lefties" posts is exactly how I called out the bs in this thread. When the thread is about Roseanne saying racial slurs and people in this thread have to resort to stating anything to justify it like it being the left media's fault? That's silly. What does any of it have to do with this thread on Roseanne? Why didn't you ban those people for derailing the thread ? Or even better, when there's a "drive by" post of people saying I didn't contribute much, why didn't you ban them for attacking me? This isn't nazi Germany, I should be allowed to bring up the fact that multiple people resorted to the "but the lefties" defense, even when I didn't state who specifically. Why are you so against us calling out bs when we see it? Here's a small sample of the genius in this thread below.

"I can see the far left is having multiple orgasms over this news"

"The joke is racist but so what"

"then i looked up Jarret, and the first thing I thought of was planet of the apes"

"the only reason this is huge news and covered by CNN non stop is because Trump talking about her show"

"lets face it, we are all racist in some way."

"the form of her face reminds me of an ape"

"now will samantha bee lose her job as well?"

"ranked from most "offensive" to least"
1 Comparing blacks to animals like apes
2. making fun of black peoples looks
3. using the N word..

"And maybe this n word would be done away with if blacks didnt use it every day...don't hear jews saying "whats up holocaust"

"people call trump a nazi with impunity, call someone an ape and you're the devil"

^ only once did a mod step in to try and get this conversation back on topic and civil..oh and the second time a mod posted? To give me shit for calling out the craziness in the thread.

You don't see how that's silly?
Stop acting like a mod! Jk you seem to want them to ban you and be a martyr.

It’s been explained to you. They are saying basically discuss or debate without personal attacks or shitposts.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
If everyone said what they wanted when they wanted the world would be a better place. We'd have a better idea of who each other really is and where we stand instead of everything always being hidden away; uncomfortable truths and/or possibilities would be spoken more often; we'd be able to better handle harsh words and criticism; and we'd have a much more solid sense of self that isn't such a departure from the contrived version we present.

This is so far from the truth. Do this at your job and see how that works for you after a week.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I think I understand his sentiment and would also like a world with less pr spin and fake masks, but you are still 100% correct.

Here's the thing though. I'd rather live in a world where people value "respect" than "being real". Just respect me as a human and I can respect you. I don't need to know that you hate black people. Just show me honest respect and life will be good for the both of us.

Why do you want to live in a world where people are disrespectful, but honest with each other?
Here's the thing though. I'd rather live in a world where people value "respect" than "being real". Just respect me as a human and I can respect you. I don't need to know that you hate black people. Just show me honest respect and life will be good for the both of us.

Why do you want to live in a world where people are disrespectful, but honest with each other?
Like that movie said “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”.


Grand Vizier of Khemri
Staff Member
Listen I don't care to keep going back and forth with you but you are absolutely wrong. Me calling out the volume of "but Hillary/but the lefties" posts is exactly how I called out the bs in this thread. When the thread is about Roseanne saying racial slurs and people in this thread have to resort to stating anything to justify it like it being the left media's fault? That's silly. What does any of it have to do with this thread on Roseanne? Why didn't you ban those people for derailing the thread ? Or even better, when there's a "drive by" post of people saying I didn't contribute much, why didn't you ban them for attacking me? This isn't nazi Germany, I should be allowed to bring up the fact that multiple people resorted to the "but the lefties" defense, even when I didn't state who specifically. Why are you so against us calling out bs when we see it? Here's a small sample of the genius in this thread below.

"I can see the far left is having multiple orgasms over this news"

"The joke is racist but so what"

"then i looked up Jarret, and the first thing I thought of was planet of the apes"

"the only reason this is huge news and covered by CNN non stop is because Trump talking about her show"

"lets face it, we are all racist in some way."

"the form of her face reminds me of an ape"

"now will samantha bee lose her job as well?"

"ranked from most "offensive" to least"
1 Comparing blacks to animals like apes
2. making fun of black peoples looks
3. using the N word..

"And maybe this n word would be done away with if blacks didnt use it every day...don't hear jews saying "whats up holocaust"

"people call trump a nazi with impunity, call someone an ape and you're the devil"

^ only once did a mod step in to try and get this conversation back on topic and civil..oh and the second time a mod posted? To give me shit for calling out the craziness in the thread.

You don't see how that's silly?

Firstly, every single post you quoted above, no matter how much or little I agree with or like the sentiment, was commenting on the thread subject in some regard. You offered no topical contribution, and proceeded to escalate that with other members when challenged, that is why we are here and not another person you feel is more deserving of moderator attention. Because you waded in solely to complain and attack others. Had you contributed here and addressed any of those posts with how wrong or stupid you think they are in a reasonable manner, there would not have been any issue. You seem to see people expressing what you consider distasteful views on the topic as more problematic than disrupting a thread with no contribution at all. I do not share that view.

Secondly, through no fault of your own, you do not know what moderation actions were taken or not against those individuals. If you see something you believe to be racist or in breach of other rules then report it, and we will take action as needed. I hope that in this case my actions have been clear in there reason. Shitting up a thread and attacking other members is always worse than having a bad opinion shared on topic. Much worse.

Although you clearly stated you did not, we can continue this conversation via PM if you wish. Our disruption to this topic ends now.


This is so far from the truth. Do this at your job and see how that works for you after a week.

This is what I don't understand. I say what I want all of the time, at work and everywhere. I do not get in trouble ever. I want to say what is appropriate for the context of a given situation, though. Saying what one wants does not automatically make one brain-dead. Why is always assumed that we all want to be horrible people all the time? I never want to be horrible.


Unconfirmed Member
This is what I don't understand. I say what I want all of the time, at work and everywhere. I do not get in trouble ever. I want to say what is appropriate for the context of a given situation, though. Saying what one wants does not automatically make one brain-dead. Why is always assumed that we all want to be horrible people all the time? I never want to be horrible.
Being horrible to others just comes naturally to some though! Totally!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
This is what I don't understand. I say what I want all of the time, at work and everywhere. I do not get in trouble ever. I want to say what is appropriate for the context of a given situation, though. Saying what one wants does not automatically make one brain-dead. Why is always assumed that we all want to be horrible people all the time? I never want to be horrible.

You may not be and that's fine. But many people have quick thoughts go through their heads like, "you are the ugliest woman on our floor" or "you are the biggest jerk of a boss any department has". There's literally no up side to saying these things to people at your job.

It cost someone nothing to "not" say these things.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh no I was agreeing with you. I had to goggle what ableist is though. :)


You may not be and that's fine. But many people have quick thoughts go through their heads like, "you are the ugliest woman on our floor" or "you are the biggest jerk of a boss any department has". There's literally no up side to saying these things to people at your job.

It cost someone nothing to "not" say these things.

You do know that there is a difference between saying what you want and saying whatever comes into your head? I'm not trying to be pedantic, but the difference is huge. You are writing like there is no difference. Maybe it's just your opinion of other people that make you believe that there isn't. Think better of your fellow humans. They can surprise you if you let them!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
You do know that there is a difference between saying what you want and saying whatever comes into your head? I'm not trying to be pedantic, but the difference is huge. You are writing like there is no difference. Maybe it's just your opinion of other people that make you believe that there isn't. Think better of your fellow humans. They can surprise you if you let them!

There is a difference. You're right. But read enough comments on Twitter and YouTube and you'll see that many others view them as one in the same.
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