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RTTP: Attack of the Clones (Surprise, it's still utter trash!)

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Alright, so if you didn't follow my last thread I'm currently on a rewatch of the prequel movies in reverse order. Last week was Revenge of the Sith and to the chagrin of many I made my opinion be known that I actually enjoyed it more than The Force Awakens. It's still a problematic movie but it has it's own highs and originality that surpasses TFA, in my opinion. But, that was last week's debate, now it's time to talk about Attack of the Clones. A little back story, it's been awhile since I've rewatched this movie. As a kid growing up I used to LOVE AOTC, mainly due to the end when all the Jedi show up. I thought that was so cool even if I didn't really understand why or what was happening. I would rewind that part of the DVD over and over watching all those Jedi light up their lightsabers and do battle. In fact, kid me would've rated AOTC pretty high.

However, kid me was a fucking idiot who didn't realize his errors til he sat down and watched the OT Special Edition all the way through. As a result, I went into this movie knowing it would be bad but figured it would probably be better than TPM, which even as a kid I didn't really like. Hell, I thought maybe I'd even low key like some stuff more than say TFA, and thus the film might echo some of my feelings towards ROTS. Then I rewatched the movie.

HO BOY! This movie is just pure trash. There is almost nothing redeemable about this movie. It's an absolute mess. Can one truly call this a film or rather just a sequence of events that happen in some semblance of an order. Nothing about this movie makes sense. Whose the villain? What are the Separatists? Why are people trying to kill Padme? How do these clones exist? Why does nobody give a shit about the existence of these clones? "It's very dangerous putting those two together." Then fucking DON'T. Who the fuck is Count Dooku? Why is Anakin already evil? Why is Obi-Wan a fucking brutish asshole? And on and on.

The last part really got me. If you watched the Plinkett review they briefly talk about the role reversal sometimes at play between Anakin and Obi-Wan. For example, Obi-Wan jumping out of the window to chase the assassin drone, it really should've been Anakin to do that. But, Obi-Wan continuously does these type of brutish, non-thinking actions throughout the film. I actually think the worst case of role reversal is at the end during the Genosian arena scene. So, a bunch of monsters get unleashed on our heroes and Obi-Wan ends up pitted against some spider type creature while Anakin gets the Bronco. What ends up happening is Anakin ends up taming the Bronco and riding it, you know finding a peaceful solution to the situation, whereas Obi-Wan immediately goes the violent route and ends up slaying the "monster." Shouldn't this be totally reversed. Jedi are supposed to respect life in all its forms. It's why they often ride around on crazy beasts instead of speeder bikes. Yet here Obi-Wan is all about murdering some tortured creature because he feel threatened. It's all crap.

Of course, the biggest crap part of the movie is the titular clones. They just break your brain when you think about it. First, these Kamino cloners have been making these clones for decades and they never thought to check with the Republic. How were they paid for in the first place? And, nobody noticed this massive build up? But, what's worse is everyone's reactions to the revelation of a Clone Army. First of all, they don't react with the massive shock that this is but instead are more concerned about the stupid Amidala assassination plot. However, the worst part is that nobody, not even the noble Jedi, question the morality of the use of the Clones. Listen, prior to this movie we had no idea cloning existed as a technology in Star Wars. And, the idea of cloning is an entire moral and philosophical debate in our current society. So now you're telling me that cloning not only exists but that the Republic and the entire Jedi Order, an order about respecting life in all its forms, is suddenly okay with the idea of an army of Clones being bred and raised to fight in a war? A war they have no say as to whether or not they get to fight in. Fuck you.


None. Well, I'll give it one pro, I like the Coruscant chase scene. It starts off dumb but I really enjoy it, especially since it's about the only time in the film Anakin and Obi-Wan act like friends. They banter back and forth and joke around as they chase the assassin through LA Bladerunner in Star Wars. It looks cool and actually feels like a Space Adventure movie type sequence.



Everything. PS2 Cutscene digital effects. Nonsensical plot. Horrendous dialogue and not even the "so bad it's good" kind, just bad dialogue. Yoda fighting. Boba Fett as a kid. Tone is all over the place. Stupid love story. Digital Sand, it's everywhere yet nowhere.




Not only the worst Star Wars movie but also a straight up bad movie in general. This movie is plagued with a mind boggling amount of bad ideas and manages to make Phantom Menace look decent in comparison. The only good scene in this movie is when Anakin goes full ham on the Sand People after his mother dies. It's the only time in the entire prequel trilogy I felt like Anakin was proto-Vader.

Attack of the Clones is the movie that totally sinks the prequel trilogy, too. If Episode 2 was decent/good and the other two movies stayed as-is quality wise, I think the trilogy would end up being a little more fondly remembered than it is now. Episode 3 spends most of its run time making up for all of Episode 2's problems.
You know, at least with the Holiday Special, I can laugh at the awful costumes, sets, and Carrie Fisher trying to sing while obviously coked out of her fucking mind.

This? This is just garbage. The worst product ever to bear the Star Wars label.
It's not "pure trash" at all. The score and the sound design are both amazing, and it has some fun action sequences. Plus who doesn't love Ewan McGregor?


It's not "pure trash" at all. The score and the sound design are both amazing, and it has some fun action sequences. Plus who doesn't love Ewan McGregor?
My favorite part of the soundtrack is when Padme pulls back from kissing Anakin and it practically sounds like an ill-timed record scratch. Truly Williams at his best...
I knew it would be unmitigated garbage the minute the entire plot of the prequel trilogy hinged on Obi Wan knowing a diner owner who magically knew where a lost planet that hosted a clone army was located.


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
Ewan mcgregor was great, and i actually liked the Kaminoe scene with jango

Apart from that....i....uh.

Yeah, I like episode 3, but there's no defending this. Simply the worse star wars movie.
and as 'The Weekly Planet Podcast' state: Attack of the clones will always be worse than the phantom menace, because attack of the clones should know better and should have learnt from the mistakes.

Also: they couldnt bother to have real people dressed as the clone army. Even those idiots were all CG! Fuck that.

Forgot about this. Every single clone and even jango in the last fight is CGI. Fucking awful.

However, the worst part is that nobody, not even the noble Jedi, question the morality of the use of the Clones. Listen, prior to this movie we had no idea cloning existed as a technology in Star Wars. And, the idea of cloning is an entire moral and philosophical debate in our current society. So now you're telling me that cloning not only exists but that the Republic and the entire Jedi Order, an order about respecting life in all its forms, is suddenly okay with the idea of an army of Clones being bred and raised to fight in a war? A war they have no say as to whether or not they get to fight in. Fuck you.

OP your point about the clones though can be argued. You could argue that it would be better to use clones with war, which was inevitable, then use 'real' people and waste more precious life, and by having an almost infinite supply of clones it would mean they had a better chance of winning the war, thus saving more lifes.

It's a stretch but eh.

Attack of the Clones > Rogue One



Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I like it.

Force Awakens > Empire Strikes Back > Revenge of the Sith > Return of the Jedi > A New Hope > Attack of the Clones > Rogue One > Phantom Menace

The only 2 Star Wars films that are straight up bad are Rogue One and Phantom Menace.


I didn't even like this movie as a kid, so that says something.

It's the worst main SW movie.
I remember the credits rolling and I instantly had to exclaim "and Yoda needs a fucking walking stick?!"

So fucking dumb. Alot of credit to the people behind the Clone Wars cartoons for having to salvage what they could from this trainwreck.


It's got one main pro: Across the Stars. That's a great theme and one of John William's best.

But the story is incredibly poorly constructed. Anakin doesn't even have an antagonist in the film - he just fights Count Dooku barely knowing anything about him.

Thankfully, we have actually good Star Wars films now like Rogue One.

Adam Blue

It's not "pure trash" at all. The score and the sound design are both amazing, and it has some fun action sequences. Plus who doesn't love Ewan McGregor?

This is how I feel. Plus, I live all the world-building. Nods to everything in the design of sets, weapons, costumes, etc. My only real issue is the acting.

I love the scene where Anakin takes off for his mom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiuUlEIZoA4

Also, it's great to see tons of Jedi just light sabering around, even if some of it is corny. Each main jedi has their specific fighting style (part of the world building).
I liked everything that happened on Tatooine. Killer finale segment too.

Obi Wan-solving-a-mystery storyline was also good. Like, all of it.

Across the Stars is the best Star Wars song.

Yeah, this movie was kinda good.


I like Phantom Menance and Revenge of the Sith. Attack of the Clones is trash. Only one of the 7 movies I just can't rewatch without zoning out for large stretches. Trash.


Controversial opinion, AOTC isn't as horribly boring as Phantom and doesn't focus as much on Anakin as Revenge and that's why it is the best of the prequels. Just for reference the prequel ranking goes II>I>III
Funny that you regard the chase scene as a pro. It's usually the first thing that comes to my mind, when I'm starting to remember all the bad portions of the movie.
Ewan mcgregor was great, and i actually liked the Kaminoe scene with jango

Do you though? I thought I remembered loving that scene, but even that is fucking horrible. Obi-Wan literally does a CGI, Mortal Kombat mid-air kick to Jango. The fuck am I watching?!

I knew it would be unmitigated garbage the minute the entire plot of the prequel trilogy hinged on Obi Wan knowing a diner owner who magically knew where a lost planet that hosted a clone army was located.

Here's the thing, I can accept Dexster whateverthefuck's knowing about Kamino if just one or two lines of dialogue were added. For instance, maybe he used to be a smuggler or some type of low-tier criminal in the underworld until Obi-Wan saved him. Thus, he'd have knowledge of the more shady, hidden shit in the galaxy. But, the movie doesn't even give us that. Instead, we get nothing and a 50's diner in a universe where the 50's never happened.


I did like this scene however:


I mean, yeah, at a visual level its neat. But it makes absolutely no sense. Jango Fett is hired to assassinate Padme. So Jango hires another bounty hunter to kill Padme to help cover his own tracks. So that bounty hunter uses a convoluted killer centipede scheme to try to off Padme, even though Padme is sleeping next to a giant window and the bounty hunter is carrying a pretty long range and accurate sniper rifle. And then after bounty hunter #2 tries to escape, both Jedi chase after her leaving Padme pretty much alone - which would have been the perfect time for Jango Fett himself to off Padme.

This movie is so insultingly stupid.


A friends of mine said that a lot of people in the cinema cheered when Yoda fought. Did anyone else experienced that?

I remember the credits rolling and I instantly had to exclaim "and Yoda needs a fucking walking stick?!"

So fucking dumb. Alot of credit to the people behind the Clone Wars cartoons for having to salvage what they could from this trainwreck.

They did great things with the four armed alien species later, that's for sure.


I mean, yeah, at a visual level its neat. But it makes absolutely no sense. Jango Fett is hired to assassinate Padme. So Jango hires another bounty hunter to kill Padme to help cover his own tracks. So that bounty hunter uses a convoluted killer centipede scheme to try to off Padme, even though Padme is sleeping next to a giant window and the bounty hunter is carrying a pretty long range and accurate sniper rifle. And then after bounty hunter #2 tries to escape, both Jedi chase after her leaving Padme pretty much alone - which would have been the perfect time for Jango Fett himself to off Padme.

This movie is so insultingly stupid.

Yeah, purely on a stylistic/audio level, however, most of the movie was filled with incoherent stuff.


I couldn't understand what was happening in this movie when I was a little kid watching it, and if you can't get a little kid to understand what's happening in your Star Wars movie, you know you've fucked up.

Looking back at scenes from it years later, my first thought is that the CG has aged terribly. Calling them PS2 CG models is generous.

I did like this scene however:


Why though? None of it makes any sense. Why does an assassin need to hire a second assassin to do a hit? Why does the second assassin decide to use deadly centipede aliens to try and kill Padme instead of the sniper rifle they're really good at using, or the robot drone that managed to get next to her window with? Why is the asssassin wearing a mask when they're a shapeshifter?

God, fuck this movie.


A friends of mine said that a lot of people in the cinema cheered when Yoda fought. Did anyone else experienced that?

Yes, and this was in Australia, where cinema audiences rarely do that.

People thought it was cool at the time.


Amazing what age does to someone. Kid me was also stupid enough to like this movie, hell, kid me loved when Yoda fought against Dooku. Like, dios mio, Yoda is finally fighting. And he looks so cool! I was so stupid back then.

Awful movie, terrible dialogue, bad written characters, plot doesn't make any sense at all. Only good thing I can say about this is the soundtrack.
You pretty much nailed it. I really think this is my most hated movie ever. Maybe The Spirit, the only movie I've ever walked out on, is worse. I always say it, but this is something like what Ed Wood or Coleman Francis would have made with an unlimited budget. It's that fucking incompetent. There is nothing good about this movie, not even enjoyable in a The Room/Plan 9 sorta way. It gives me a worse headache than Transformers movies do. I hate it so, so much.


I don't have any fond memories of it but I can't say I've watched it since in over 10 years. People talk shit about the prequels all the time and rightfully so, I'll happily sit and watch Phantom Menace though. I still enjoy that movie in spite of all it's faults.


Yoda fighting is fucking awesome when your 13 years old and all you care about is flashy Tony Hawk Pro Jedi shit. But it's stupid as fuck once you realize that Yoda even engaging in a lightsaber fight is massively against his character and The Force.

Eh, when it really comes down to it, Episode 3 is still the film that drops the ball on everything the prequels had been built up to do.

But goddamn is AotC awful.

Yeah Episode 3 drops the ball too, no argument there. To a certain extent I feel it does because it's mostly cleaning up the mess the first two movies left. Episode 3 is basically trying to do the core of the prequel trilogy's intended purpose in one movie.


Attack of the Clones is the movie that totally sinks the prequel trilogy, too. If Episode 2 was decent/good and the other two movies stayed as-is quality wise, I think the trilogy would end up being a little more fondly remembered than it is now. Episode 3 spends most of its run time making up for all of Episode 2's problems.
Eh, when it really comes down to it, Episode 3 is still the film that drops the ball on everything the prequels had been built up to do.

But goddamn is AotC awful.
Controversial opinion, AOTC isn't as horribly boring as Phantom and doesn't focus as much on Anakin as Revenge and that's why it is the best of the prequels. Just for reference the prequel ranking goes II>I>III

I disagree completely. Phantom Menace did two things right: Darth Maul and podracing, which gave me my favorite racing game of the N64.

And Episode III is the only one that adds anything at all to the Anakin story.


A friends of mine said that a lot of people in the cinema cheered when Yoda fought. Did anyone else experienced that?

They did great things with the four armed alien species later, that's for sure.
A friend of ours texted my gf when she watched those episodes. "THE CLONES ARE GOOD BOYS! THEY DON'T DESERVE THIS!"

And yes there were people cheering at the Yoda thing. I've never been so fucking confused by an audience reaction in my life.


I don't even think it's good stylistically. The visuals are all over the place.
There's a sort of overdone "organic" style present in a lot of the technology that looks awful.

And in the 2nd half of the movie, everything is fucking brown, brown, brown, brown, brown.


I don't have any fond memories of it but I can't say I've watched it since in over 10 years. People talk shit about the prequels all the time and rightfully so, I'll happily sit and watch Phantom Menace though. I still enjoy that movie in spite of all it's faults.

Credit were credit is due, TPM mostly works on it's own. You can't be expected to know what the fuck is going on in AotC or RotS without watching other movies, but you can watch TPM solo and for the most part it's a self contained story.

Shame about everything else about it.
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