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Ruined Christmases

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The worst thing that ever happened to me was on Christmas. Oh, God. It was so horrible. It was Christmas Eve. I was 9 years old. Me and Mom were decorating the tree, waiting for Dad to come home from work. A couple hours went by. Dad wasn't home. So Mom called the office. No answer. Christmas Day came and went, and still nothing. So the police began a search. Four or five days went by. Neither one of us could eat or sleep. Everything was falling apart. It was snowing outside. The house was freezing, so I went to try to light up the fire. That's when I noticed the smell. The firemen came and broke through the chimney top. And me and Mom were expecting them to pull out a dead cat or a bird. And instead they pulled out my father. He was dressed in a Santa Claus suit. He'd been climbing down the chimney... his arms loaded with presents. He was gonna surprise us. He slipped and broke his neck. He died instantly. And that's how I found out there was no Santa Claus.
Well this won the thread



I had to have horrible jaw surgery that was so bad I cried blood and had to drink only liquids for two weeks all while in awful pain with a huge puffy face.

All I asked for was either Metroid Prime 2, Half Life 2, or Metal Gear Solid 3 for Christmas to play while I was recovering. I got a blanket and that was it. I was so disappointed I cried when my parents weren't looking.

It's a pretty dumb white kid Christmas story, but it was just rough with the surgery piled on top.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that my girlfriend dumped me when I got her pregnant that year and then aborted the baby. 2004 was a crap year.


It's from a movie.


Well, this year, my laptop broke, my new pants didn't fit, my sleep mask was actually a beauty mask, my new cologne didn't have its spray nozzle, and my knockoff snuggie apparently shipped with an odd dark stain on it. But I can't getpissy in front of my kid and I wanted to make it a good day for my mom since she's been down lately. So I'm suffering in (relative) silence.

It's from a movie.

Still my favorite Christmas movie.
I'm stuck doing night shifts for the Christmas period. Bad luck but I was okay with it because the last time I worked on Christmas was actually kinda nice.

Tonight, everybody has been stressed and pissy at work.


Growing up, I had a crappy HP computer with a tiny case and I would always ask for new parts for it. Hard drives, video cards, etc.

Every Christmas I would spend in my room trying to fit these normal sized bits into my computer that really wasn't meant to be upgraded. It would take hours and ruin the day. I learned a lot though and developed a fascination for putting stuff together.


Oldest Brother caused a huge argument last night with other brother. Now I can't go to my moms house today. Oldest brother needs to be kicked out of the house but my dad hasn't done it.

Shit sucks man. Not the first Christmas with this kinda result though. At least my brother got me 2 criterion movies I guess.
My sister got too drunk last night and spoiled our family Christmas party when she decided to get upset and emotional for absolutely no reason.

Her, my brother in law, and myself took a cab back to their place where I was supposed to spend the night and Christmas Day but she was being confrontational the entire night and refused to go to sleep. When she started getting violent I got fed up and drove home stupidly risking a DUI. She's been calling and texting apologizing since this morning but I haven't answered yet, I'm still pretty upset.


Has that guy with the creepy stalker co-worker who set him up with his gf who is over for Christmas posted a reply yet?


I feel like I ruin Christmas every year. I beg my family not to get me anything because I really don't need anything. It always ends up with them getting something and telling right away that I don't like or want it. Even if I try my best to look excited or impressed, they know. It ends up with me feeling awful and them being disappointed they couldn't get me something I want


They were all great for me. Until now. An hour or so ago got the news that my grandma passed away.

I'm just feeling between numb and extremely sad for my dad.
I wasn't there thankfully, but apparently my cousin's baby wouldn't stop fussing due to colic and her sister said, in front of everyone, "Maybe it's because you're breastfeeding the wrong way."

Apparently this lead to major blow-up.
The worst thing that ever happened to me was on Christmas. Oh, God. It was so horrible. It was Christmas Eve. I was 9 years old. Me and Mom were decorating the tree, waiting for Dad to come home from work. A couple hours went by. Dad wasn't home. So Mom called the office. No answer. Christmas Day came and went, and still nothing. So the police began a search. Four or five days went by. Neither one of us could eat or sleep. Everything was falling apart. It was snowing outside. The house was freezing, so I went to try to light up the fire. That's when I noticed the smell. The firemen came and broke through the chimney top. And me and Mom were expecting them to pull out a dead cat or a bird. And instead they pulled out my father. He was dressed in a Santa Claus suit. He'd been climbing down the chimney... his arms loaded with presents. He was gonna surprise us. He slipped and broke his neck. He died instantly. And that's how I found out there was no Santa Claus.

What. The. Fuck......

Edit: mine was last year when my mom went to the hospital Christmas day and died two days later
I finally get crash bandicoot and a ps1. I'm excited as hell to play it. That's when the cops come into our room, we lived in a back house. My mom convinced them to let me go to the front house so I wouldn't have to see them put the handcuffs on her. I go to the front house to play crash. The other children there said to me "You know the cops took your mom right" I didn't really understand and thought they were playing. When I was done I went to the backhouse to see my mom. She wasn't there. I was 6 years old.


The worst Christmas I've ever experienced was back when I was like 13. My mom was really struggling to get bills taken care of and we barely made the cut that month. Suffice to say she didn't have money to get us any gifts we wanted.

She bought me and my sister some small boxed Lego minifigs and candy. We opened them up. Me and my sister kinda understood that things were bad and we tried our best not to act unappreciative, but my mom could tell we were disappointed. She broke down right there in front of us and we cried too.

It was such a surreal day. I always think about it every Christmas and it reminds me how much I owe my mom for being there for us and how I'm glad to have her around.

This is sad and awesome at the same time, your mum really cares for you.

Reminds me of the birthday we couldn't really afford food so I had a rice cracket with honey on it and a single birthday candle. My mum was the best and I miss her a lot.

As for worst Christmas's I dunno, we never really celebrated it specifically. I remember the funniest Christmas was the one where I had to re-pack presents my mum had given earlier in the year so I could open them at my grand mothers place (She was really big in to Christmas) and then pretend to be shocked and excited.
Last year I was going to fly home to visit my parents as a surprise for Christmas. Halfway through the flight I started to get a sinus block and I hurt my ears during the descent. I spent the whole Christmas time at my parents house sick on the coach and had to buy a train ticket home so I wouldn't get hurt even more.


The last three years, my mother has completely lost it at some point during the holidays for an extended length of time. Two years ago and this year it was at home - with the only exception being when other company was over - and last year it was at Disney World right around the New Year.

She'll constantly yell, whine and moan about the stupidest things and at home, it always runs into Christmas. She wouldn't even eat the Christmas dinner this year when I offered to get her a plate, then started whining about how she doesn't eat alone. Not to mention she treats my 86-year old, dementia-suffering grandmother like shit.

Next year, I'm doing Japanese Christmas. Spending it alone with a bucket of KFC can't be this depressing.
First my wife gets no presents at all from her family, while being asked to deliver some to her brother, but now we're sitting in an ER waiting room because she can't breathe.

Fuck Christmas.


Not gifts, but relatives. I can't fucking stand my younger cousin and her mom. They are insufferable at every family function. My cousin, first of all, talks like a stereotypical airhead, and yet she acts like a conceited, stuck up know-it-all. She is rude, and always takes up the chance to brag about her GPA and future success. She's like 17, and tonight I couldn't even stand being in the same room as her. She's that obnoxious. I really hate people who think they're better than others.

Christmas, and every family holiday is not fun with them there.


I don't know about ruined...just a "different" Christmas.

My mom passed away and her funeral was on Monday the 22nd. :(

So my family had been planning to surprise our elderly grandparents with a brand new television this year. They've had the same small CRT TV for years and it has seen so much use that the picture is barely even discernible anymore. We ordered a 28" LED TV online a few weeks ago and when it was delivered, the box was kind of beaten up, but not terrible. But in the Christmas rush we never got a chance to make time to take it out of the box and test it.

So naturally, we wrap the thing up and bring it over to the house this morning. My grandparents looked so happy and excited unwrapped the damn thing and we immediately moved to get it set up for them before dinner. Assembled the stand, plugged the thing in... cracked screen. Damaged in shipping. (Fuck Fedex btw.)

It was a giant downer and pretty much ruined the whole Christmas mood for all of us. Had to hook up the CRT once more, and go deal with what is likely to be a massive post-Christmas customer service line to return the damn thing at the local store tomorrow. Hopefully we'll be able to get an exchange and have it set up by the end of the day.

Anyone on GAF have a shitty Christmas-ruining moment before? This sucks.

What makes matters worse is that the store has every right to claim that you broke it, and thus refuse an exchange or refund (retailers usually don't get compensated by manufacturers for physically damaged merchandise). In short, I hope that TV wasn't too expensive, because you just flushed that money down the shitter.
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