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Rumor has it that Tom Cruise may be leaving Scientology for his daughter

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Crazy amount of respect if he does this. It's like giving up being king of your own little world.


So... people are commending and praising Tom Cruise now while he should have stuck with his daughter from the beginning? Sure, better late than never, but it still won't bring back the times he lost with her.


Considering it's known that Scientology has people in the government and even tried to destroy documents in the FBI and intimidated the IRS enough that it backed down.

Probably not.

Yes correct. Scientology had deep roots everywhere and dirt on all kinds of people. Think of them like a real life Hydra.


The source is HollywoodLife? Fake :(
Edit: actually, the source is Star magazine which is no better lol


Not buying this for a second. Believe it when I see Cruise himself saying he's not a scientologist anymore.

They'll never label anyone who Tom is close to as an SP. He brings in way too much money, which is what they function on.

They labeled Kidman a sp. Heard she hasn't seen her kids that she adopted with Cruise (who are also scientologists) in years.


Gold Member
That would be awesome. I really like him as an actor, but dislike him as a human being for being part of and champion of this horrible cult. Hope he completely turns on it and exposes it. Not all that likely I guess, but one can dream.



I'll believe it when I see it.

That said, I've always loved Cruise, even in his crazy days. Fucking awesome actor and listening to his more candid interviews the guy is a massive, knowledgeable film geek. Not like pop culture/memey time shit, but actual film history, having seen thousands of films. Would love to rap with him about movies someday as long as I didn't mention my psychologist.


Attaboy Tom. Leave that poisonous cult.


On a side note I'd love for him to star as L.Ron Hubbard for a biopic in the future.

Ahaha, that would be amazing.

"For the last 30 years I have been method preparing for the most important acting role of my life. I even ruined a marriage just for this."


formerly sane
Fucking SPs ruining the lives of good honest scientologists. Who'll defend us when Xenu returns?

Most people are christian or yaweh based so I'm assuming the borg like new jerusalem ship on its way, yes christians believe in nutty crap too they got a better propaganda wing.


No matter the person and no matter the religion, one less person supporting such institutions is good for the world.


I expect this to eventually be "Tom Cruise abandons daughter for Scientology" after the brainwashers get him.


If Tom does leave Scientology for his daughter that would be awesome and he would get my respect for life.

Why does this church exert so much control over its members?

Reminds me of cult dynamics.

They convince members to cut anyone who isn't part of the church out of their lives, so basically they cut them off from any sane and reasonable person, thus trapping them into the church forever.


What makes scientology so appealing to actors/famous people?

hope he does, dude is a great actor

I think a combination of two things:

A) Scientology actively try to recruit high-profile people for obvious reasons.
B) and, well...let's just say acting relies largely on your looks and charisma, and not so much on your intellectual prowess.

Why does this church exert so much control over its members?

Reminds me of cult dynamics.

Scientology is 200% a cult. It's just a pyramid scheme thinly veiled as a church.

They convince members to cut anyone who isn't part of the church out of their lives, so basically they cut them off from any sane and reasonable person, thus trapping them into the church forever.

Yeah, and it works the other way around as well, in that if, say, a lot of your family and friends are members and you decide to leave they're not allowed to talk to you anymore.


I hope he does. Cruise is already such a dope actor. Once he steps away from the the crazy people cult, he's basically ascended to Jackie Chan status, imo


He'd pretty much have to come out first, wouldn't he? Isn't that the main leverage the church has over him and Travolta?
It would be ironic if one of the alleged reasons he had Suri, hiding his homosexuality, ended up encouraging him to reveal it.
they won't risk to antagonize their poster boy, they wouldn't survive

Yeah, this is a good point. Making a public announcement like this is the best weapon that Cruise has against the Church of Scientology. Staying in the public eye will keep them off his back.
I think it's like microtransactions. You keep putting money in but it doesn't really do anything.
Have you seen the recent documentary about Scientology (forgot the name)? Scientology is just a huge scam. That 's exactly what they do.

There are a lot of reasons for him to leave. That church has destroyed lives and controls and extorts people. I really hope he does leave.
Oh man, it'd be a crazy crazy world if Katie Holmes ends up being a part in the catalyst for the downfall of Scientology.


If the Church of Scientology was smart, they'd try to sign some kind of mutual NDA where both Cruise and the church agree not talk about each other to anyone. Tom Cruise could potentially do some major harm to the church if he was out spoken about what Scientology is all about. I don't know what Scientology has on Tom, but if he leaves and goes from poster boy to most out spoken critic, could be really bad news for Scientology.


This wont be happening. There is no coming back for Tom Cruise he is way to gone. He has been brainwashed into becoming a piece of shit who destroys familys and innocent peoples lives. Fortunately Katie Holmes was able to save herself and her daughter from Cruise and that cult.
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