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Rumor: Wii U final specs

I think it's more that people have decided whether or not they've 'seen enough' and now there's very little left to discuss. Barring some concrete info, that is.

I think he's right. There's no 'Killzone GIFs' to stir up hype. It's not like people are drooling over screenshots of incredible looking Wii-U games eagerly anticipating the launch.

Obviously this is only applicable to an enthusiast forum and has no bearing on the hype of the wider audience.
there is some drooling over GIFs in the Zombi U Dev Diary 2 thread which is the first incidence of this i've seen for a Wii U game, although I have to say that the scenes which have been giffed are a lot less jaw dropping when you watch the dev diary full screen, still pretty lovely from an art design / lighting / colour correction stand point.

In contrast to Wii, i think people have to experience it to see how GOOD it works (browsing on the controller, playing while watching TV, netflix on the controller, universal tv remote features) on top of the fact that no games have shown off the extra power it is supposedly packing. With the Wii, people had to experience it to find out it didn't really work all that well (the motion controls).

this does not align with the reality i remember. you had to experience Wii Sports for your self... but most people who did experience it felt that it worked just fine. unless by 'people' you're talking about GAFFERs who play the kind of games that showed the limits of the Wii remote on a regular basis. average people didn't come away from trying the Wii thinking it didn't really work all that well. they tried it, and then they went out and bought one for their family.

the extra hurdle the Wii U has, is that you have to try it to even understand the appeal. with the Wii you could see the potential appeal right away by just seeing an advert with something swinging the Wii remote like a tennis racket but you had to play it to see if that was realised. with the Wii U you can't really demonstrate in an advert what the appeal might be. i think people will be less eager to try the Wii U, but no less impressed by it if they do.

and i'll go ahead and stress that if. my gift to the skeptics. i'm not exactly unskeptical myself if we're talking about the probably mainstream appeal of the Wii U.


Nintendo doesn't understand the the strengths of their individual products... Say that a couple of times out loud and hear how asinine it sounds.

I did, still sounds great. It's quite common for big companies that something like this somehow gets lost inbetween. See Sony. See Nintendo in the past. Sometimes they are just "trying" and hoping for the best. Wii was a well thought out manoveur, Wii U is trying to play it safe.

How do you mean?

It's just a glorified DS, isn't it?
It's just a glorified DS, isn't it?

The relationship between the two screens on Wii U is not identical to DS/3DS screens. The bottom screen on Wii U acts as a moveable, interactive, independent screen. Also, a DS will sometimes use the touch screen to create a single, vertical image, but this is impractical on Wii U. They work quite a bit differently, but for games like the shuriken-tossing, they would play very similarly.
I did, still sounds great. It's quite common for big companies that something like this somehow gets lost inbetween. See Sony. See Nintendo in the past. Sometimes they are just "trying" and hoping for the best. Wii was a well thought out manoveur, Wii U is trying to play it safe.

It's just a glorified DS, isn't it?

totally not the same thing and totally not safe to have a $100+ GamePad instead of a more powerful GPU to face the next big HD boxes.

This is planned out and they know exactly what they are doing. They can still fail but it does not mean they are clueless /feeding troll
The relationship between the two screens on Wii U is not identical to DS/3DS screens. The bottom screen on Wii U acts as a moveable, interactive, independent screen. Also, a DS will sometimes use the touch screen to create a single, vertical image, but this is impractical on Wii U. They work quite a bit differently, but for games like the shuriken-tossing, they would play very similarly.

even that, aiming would feel very different. i think stuff like fighting games and Mass Effect 3 that use the second screen for a move list or for a bunch of menus are the ones that will be most DS esque... but they were never really the best uses of the DS's second screen.


I did, still sounds great. It's quite common for big companies that something like this somehow gets lost inbetween. See Sony. See Nintendo in the past. Sometimes they are just "trying" and hoping for the best. Wii was a well thought out manoveur, Wii U is trying to play it safe.

It's just a glorified DS, isn't it?

That's quite a bizarre comment, to the point where I wonder if you're even serious..

In that case every new products and inventions in history are just glorified versions of something before them.. As with anything new, ideas from before are taken and improved/refined or used in a different way to create something new.


If you can't imagine gameplay options with a device it's your own problem, people who whine about not seeing any stuff want not imagining it probably don't understand the tech anyways so I could care less for opinions like this, what's the point of whining until it gets done, it will be done great no matter what you do in the mean time, just sit back, relax, it's not worth the nerves to worry about imagining things, it's not worth discussing if you're discussing just to express upset and relieve anger. The console is not even out.

The level of "imagination" in using a touchscreen (like i said after 8 years of DS, after 5 years of widespread smartphones/tablets) is of a totally different magnitude than that of being able to "perform" actual actions in games themselves for the first time ever.

And i'm not upset, nor am i relieving anger. I'm talking about the difference in hype for WiiU compared to Wii.

this does not align with the reality i remember. you had to experience Wii Sports for your self... but most people who did experience it felt that it worked just fine. unless by 'people' you're talking about GAFFERs who play the kind of games that showed the limits of the Wii remote on a regular basis. average people didn't come away from trying the Wii thinking it didn't really work all that well. they tried it, and then they went out and bought one for their family.

the extra hurdle the Wii U has, is that you have to try it to even understand the appeal. with the Wii you could see the potential appeal right away by just seeing an advert with something swinging the Wii remote like a tennis racket but you had to play it to see if that was realised. with the Wii U you can't really demonstrate in an advert what the appeal might be. i think people will be less eager to try the Wii U, but no less impressed by it if they do.

and i'll go ahead and stress that if. my gift to the skeptics. i'm not exactly unskeptical myself if we're talking about the probably mainstream appeal of the Wii U.

Well, i bet a lot of people will remember things differently. I liked Wii sports, but almost solely for Wii Tennis and Bowling. Golf was pretty much broken, i can't even remember the other sports. Red Steel was a game that had to show off sword fighting... but because 1:1 motion controls were not possible (unlike how the hardware was hyped up) the promise wasn't delivered. Many games fell for obvious gimmickery. So my point still stands. I believe motion controls on Wii -during the early stages at least- were never better than you would imagine them to be, and most of the times, they were worse.

But again, this isn't really the point. The point was that the lead-up to the console launch for Wii was hyped much more, because you could instantly think of a hundred ways to use motion controls in games (regardless of them being implemented successfully or not). With WiiU, you basically get DS-like options for actual controls. And stuff like off-tv play etc. Which sounds a lot less exotic, but might prove to be more than the sum of its parts.


The relationship between the two screens on Wii U is not identical to DS/3DS screens. The bottom screen on Wii U acts as a moveable, interactive, independent screen. Also, a DS will sometimes use the touch screen to create a single, vertical image, but this is impractical on Wii U. They work quite a bit differently, but for games like the shuriken-tossing, they would play very similarly.

Yeah, I see that there are differences, but all in all they pretty much ported the DS concept to the TV in my eyes.

In that case every new products and inventions in history are just glorified versions of something before them.. As with anything new, ideas from before are taken and improved/refined or used in a different way to create something new.

True, but sometimes it's very obvious and sometimes it feels very new. Wii felt very new, Wii U...well, it's the obvious one.


A Ford GT500 is just a glorified Fiesta isn't it?

(Just showing you how your comment came across.)

This discussion doesn't benefit from wrong analgoys. Just answer this question for yourself: Is the Wii U concept similar to the DS concept or is it not? I said it's "ported", a "port" is also mostly different from it's original, but you still can see that the concept at it's heart is the same.
This discussion doesn't benefit from wrong analgoys. Just answer this question for yourself: Is the Wii U concept similar to the DS concept or is it not? I said it's "ported", a "port" is also mostly different from it's original, but you still can see that the concept at it's heart is the same.
You not liking an analogy doesn't make it wrong. It would've been wrong if I had compared a car to a truck or motorcycle.

As it is, the WiiU has as much in common with the DS as the GT500 does with the Fiesta. Same manufacturer, same basic concepts, completely different product.

I enjoy reading this thread, but over-simplified, dismissive comments offer no benefit to the discussion. I was hoping to show that using similar successful concepts doesn't mean that one product is nothing more than a glorified version of another.


Saint Titanfall
This discussion doesn't benefit from wrong analgoys. Just answer this question for yourself: Is the Wii U concept similar to the DS concept or is it not? I said it's "ported", a "port" is also mostly different from it's original, but you still can see that the concept at it's heart is the same.

I see your point but it's also quite flawed. The multitasking, interactions between the two screens, and features unique to the pad make it more than a glorifaction of something else. E.g the pad can be independent to the tv, something useless in a DS but very useful in a wii u.

Your point and example would be a iPad and an iphone. Those two products are similar to the point, of one being a glorification of another. The iPad still stills though. Because the advantages an ipad brings are useful in and of itself.


This discussion doesn't benefit from wrong analgoys. Just answer this question for yourself: Is the Wii U concept similar to the DS concept or is it not? I said it's "ported", a "port" is also mostly different from it's original, but you still can see that the concept at it's heart is the same.

Besides the fact that both have 2 screens and play video games, how are they similar? Is the PS3 is just a glorified Xbox360 or vice-versa. Just because both have dual screens and play games doesn't mean one is a glorified version of another.

As has been pointed out already, the core concepts are different, the implementation is different, and the features are different.

By your measure the Space Shuttle was just a glorified Piper Cub. Both have 2 wings and fly, so why not?


Besides the fact that both have 2 screens and play video games, how are they similar?

They also share the same input commands.

We will see a huge crossover in DS/Wii U game concepts. There will be some game concepts which will work only on Wii U for the reasons here pointed out already. All in all, they will be comparable in the future, that's my prediction. It's a PSP/PS2 situation kinda, just the other way around. I'm pretty sure Nintendo just tries to bring over the DS crowd to the console crowd. Easiest way to do this is to give them something they already know. The gamepad is the element which does that for Nintendo.

Is the PS3 is just a glorified Xbox360 or vice-versa.

No, these two are basically the same product just from different brands.


This discussion doesn't benefit from wrong analgoys. Just answer this question for yourself: Is the Wii U concept similar to the DS concept or is it not? I said it's "ported", a "port" is also mostly different from it's original, but you still can see that the concept at it's heart is the same.

They are far from the same. DS is a single player two screen experience. Wii U is a multiplayer asymmentric gameplay experience. That's how Nintendo is pushing it.


Zombie U looks mighty impressive for a launch game. Whatever it is that's under Wii U's hood, it's gonna be enough for me to be impressed.
I have definitely noticed a lack of hype for the WiiU, and the small bump in graphics compared to PS360 have nothing to do with it. Bottom line, is people simply aren't excited for a new Nintendo console. The Wii hype in 2006 was insane. Everyone was talking about it at the highschool lunch tables, forums were a buzz, parents knew what it was long before launch. The Wii U isn't getting that. Why? Well, I think it boils down to innovation. Everyone knew that the Wii would have last gen graphics compared to the 360 and PS3, but no one really cared. A revolution was coming. Everyone was so hyped to get their hands on 1:1 (lol retrospect) motion control gaming. The innovation of the Wii was what had everyone buzzing.

Wii U is taking that same path by having near current gen graphics coupled with a new innovative way to play. What's different this time around is that fewer people are seeing this type of control as revolutionary as motion controls were in 2006.

Nintendo was hoping that the gamer public would see WiiU and start the WOM advertising just like they all did for Wii, but that hasn't happened. The "WOW" factor that the WiiU has generated is substantially lower than the Wii was in 2006. I think we can all sense that. I think the system will sell very well in the early going just like any other new system, but I don't think the system will be nearly sold out for the first 3 years like the Wii was unless Nintendo releases all their flagship titles early and often along with some killer 3rd party offerings. Either that, or Nintendo will have to show off the WiiU in a better way than Nintendo Land. WiiSports was amazing, and I was so anxious to give it a try back in 2006...Nintendo Land not so much

I literally can't roll my eyes any harder than I am right now. You notice a lack of hype because you choose to ignore the hype not because it actually isn't there


This discussion doesn't benefit from wrong analgoys. Just answer this question for yourself: Is the Wii U concept similar to the DS concept or is it not? I said it's "ported", a "port" is also mostly different from it's original, but you still can see that the concept at it's heart is the same.

The Wii U is as similar to the DS as the PSP is to the PS2, or the GBA to the GCN, or N64 to the GBC, but I don't think anyone would be accusing those consoles of "mashing concepts together" or however you put it.

There are two screens and buttons. The similarities pretty much end there.


Saint Titanfall
They also share the same input commands.

We will see a huge crossover in DS/Wii U game concepts. There will be some game concepts which will work only on Wii U for the reasons here pointed out already. All in all, they will be comparable in the future, that's my prediction. It's a PSP/PS2 situation kinda, just the other way around. I'm pretty sure Nintendo just tries to bring over the DS crowd to the console crowd. Easiest way to do this is to give them something they already know. The gamepad is the element which does that for Nintendo.

No, these two are basically the same product just from different brands.

No they don't. They share similar ones, if you hadn't forgotten one has 2 analogue sticks and various gyro sensors etc while the other does not (also etc buttons!). Now your just making some glaring ommisions. If you find yourself having to twist, things like that as evidence for your statements, then there's clearly some issues which even you should be aware of.


No they don't. They share similar ones, if you hadn't forgotten one has 2 analogue sticks and various gyro sensors etc while the other does not. Now your just making some glaring ommisions.

By my count the Wii U has 4 additional buttons and an additional stick. Close enough to the same right?


Saint Titanfall
By my count the Wii U has 4 additional buttons and an additional stick. Close enough to the same right?

Comparing to the DS not the 3DS, since many of the DS's gameplay innovations came from lack of analogues etc it and it was really his point. Hell in some cases the touchscreen in the 3ds is used, cover the omission of a second stick.


To each his own I guess. Wii U for me is essentially Nintendo trying to take what is successfull on one market and apply it on a different market. It's like PS2 => PSP, just the other way round. Strong point of the DS though wasn't the second screen, it was the casual audience which liked it because of the games, portability, the design (apple-feeling) and the touchscreen. I don't know if it'll work for WiiU. We'll see.
To each his own I guess. Wii U for me is essentially Nintendo trying to take what is successfull on one market and apply it on a different market. It's like PS2 => PSP, just the other way round. Strong point of the DS though wasn't the second screen, it was the casual audience which liked it because of the games, portability, the design (apple-feeling) and the touchscreen. I don't know if it'll work for WiiU. We'll see.

How was the design Apple feeling when it pretty much predated every "modern" Apple product except for the original iPod?
So you are stating that there wasn't an apple design "philosophy" already available on the market before DSlite released?

Not really...it really started with the first iPhone and the iPod Touch. the DSLite launched in 2006, which preceded again everything but the first iPod. And all of them before the Touch looked like this. Saying that Nintendo was basing the DSL design aesthetic on Apple is reaching

Not really...it really started with the first iPhone and the iPod Touch. the DSLite launched in 2006, which preceded again everything but the first iPod. And all of them before the Touch looked like this. Saying that Nintendo was basing the DSL design aesthetic on Apple is reaching

I don't want to back up his argument at all (since I don't agree with it) but the DSLite revision did resemble what Apple was doing with their iBook\MacBook line back in that time period.



Not really...it really started with the first iPhone and the iPod Touch. the DSLite launched in 2006, which preceded again everything but the first iPod. And all of them before the Touch looked like this. Saying that Nintendo was basing the DSL design aesthetic on Apple is reaching


I think Apple had products with a certain design philosophy even before the Touch. I'm not sure about it, but wasn't it one of the Nintendos exec who even stated that they were "inspired" by Apple? Probably not, it would've been suicied for the company if you look at Apple/Samsung. ;D


I literally can't roll my eyes any harder than I am right now. You notice a lack of hype because you choose to ignore the hype not because it actually isn't there

I think the fact that there have been 6 speculation threads for the Wii U says it has plenty of hype.


I don't want to back up his argument at all (since I don't agree with it) but the DSLite revision did resemble what Apple was doing with their iBookMacBook line back in that time period.

I think that's a later cheapened revision of the white one there. The DS lite was like the first white iBook that had a white base underneath a clear shell layer, rather than the all white plastic of the later revision iBook. And yeah some people noticed a resemblance in the basic aesthetic, I think it was more obvious at the time since they both stood out more compared to other products when they were introduced.

(And looking at intro dates, that iBook predated the iPod by a few months)
Without any spec info in weeks this thread has devolved.

How long after launch do we expect a tear down?

Right about at launch. I expect to be fairly suprised like with the 3DS (ARM11 dual core, 128MB of main RAM, 6MB(?)* of VRAM) and since the clockspeed of the GPU is almost certain to be written on the RAM, that may clear a few things up.

*Unsure if this is true. I have been hearing this and it was only brought up recently.
Yeah but are we talking 5 minutes, or 10? That's the important question.

20 minutes to rush it to the workbench, 15 to remove the chassis, 10 to remove the Blu-ray drive, 5 to upload the photos and captions and 5 for major techies read the codes that are written on the dies.
A little after the first launch time zone starts selling if one of those tear down sites cares enough.

They'll care enough. I bet their articles on Wii U are going to be some of their most popular articles ever considering how little concrete info we have and the high interest.


20 minutes to rush it to the workbench, 15 to remove the chassis, 10 to remove the Blu-ray drive, 5 to upload the photos and captions and 5 for major techies read the codes that are written on the dies.

55 minutes? OK I'll live with that.

Edit: And BG, Lherre and Wsippel, where are you and your lovely pieces of new information? I'm getting desperate here!
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