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Rumor: Wii U final specs

High Definition is the best contribution to the overall gaming industry

Who cares about a new playing style and introducing shitloads of people who never played games before to them and expanding the market

yeah..because high definition was the only thing ps3 and 360 have acomplished this generation.

keep the good fight nintendo fans


Insane as in overprotective, or insane as in completely and utterly out of left field?

Both. It's hard to crack down the 3DS because there is nothing go base from (like the PS Vita case). I think the WiiU will be similar to it, though the similarities with the Wii may indicate otherwise.

High Definition is the best contribution to the overall gaming industry

Who cares about a new playing style and introducing shitloads of people who never played games before to them and expanding the market

The problem is that the Wii has the lowest attach rate between all the consoles. Sure, it brought many people new to gaming to the ship, but they didn't stay long. I also think simply saying the HD consoles only brought HD is a bit of a silly statement.


paid requisite penance
*Gaf ignores post and continues complaining*

I'd comment on Thraktor's post but it all reads like gibberish to me as a hardware noob. All I can do is nod in agreement. Still, thanks for the 'clarification', Thrak!

I do enjoy those nonsensical DBZ/MMA/cars/Pokémon analogies though. Let's do it in terms of Terminator:

PS360: John Connor
Wii U: Sarah Connor
PS4/720: Schwarzy Terminator (forgot the name)
PC: T-1000


Why would this not apply to the Wii as well? Many people saw the Wii as a second system and if a 3rd party title appeared on both the Wii and PS360, I'd bet most would go with the higher end version.

It very well could. Which is why I'm saying the context of this argument is flawed regardless.

No. People will look for HD content as long as they have a HD system, even if it isn't connected properly.

I'm not sure what you mean by this here. What is HD content? Any game that is able to be displayed at an HD level?


These specs seem outdated now, imagine what theyll be like 5 years from now

No DX11 and USB 3, really? 1gig?

Even if its about game quality, they are going to be severely limited in what they can do, and I doubt third parties will focus on making games for it when its so far behind the next xbox and ps4

Wii U specs do not matter. Games make people buy consoles/handhelds, not power. Angry Birds sold like gangbusters because it was fun as hell to play. Did it need a high end/next generation device to be created? Nope, just creativity. Same can be said for Wii Sports and many, many other games. Point is, the specs are pointless as software sells hardware. Look at the Vita and all of its power, yet the 3DS, which is completely inferior hardware from a tech stand point, is continually outselling it in every territory. I recall 3DS is doomed forecasts from the soon to be Vita purchasers. I wonder how those folks are holding up these days...?

Anyone who believes that Sony and Microsoft are going to release new consoles and just walk away from the existing sales of the current gen are crazy. Nintendo will have 3rd party ports as long as the PS3 and Xbox 360 continue to be supported, which I suspect is for several more years. 3rd parties are not going to leave all that money on the table either.



I would take this tweet as fact and this thread as a grain of salt
Man, those are disappointing specs. I mean, I guess it's "about the games" like the fanboys say....but still. Once next-gen gets rolling with the other consoles, WiiU is going to get cartoonized-downgrades for multiconsole ports again. :(
The best thing about this thread are all the comparisons

Translate these specs into Indiana Jones films, pls

Wii- Crystal Skull
PS360- Temple of Doom
WiiU- Last Crusade
PS4/720- Raiders

EDIT: Shit, beaten.

Wii: Indiana Jones Book Prequels
PS360: Raiders of the Lost Ark
WiiU: Nuke Fridge
PS4/720: Temple of Doom
PC: The Last Crusade

Pure, unfiltered insanity.

Besides, where does Young Indiana Jones fit?


You guys are making this way too confusing. I'll simplify it and put it in Lohan.

Ps4/720 Mean girls Lohan
Ps3/360 Current Lohan
Wii Lohan after inevitably cat eye and duck lip surgeries.
WiiU 3 cat eyed, duck lipped Lohans duct taped together. They are each enhanced with cocain.
Yeah I did. The Industry is a lot bigger than Nintendo, and alot of third parties wouldn't particularly miss them in an absence.

Seriously, what do you think the Wii/DS did for IW and COD? Or EA and Madden? Or RS and GTAIV?

These 3 studios count as a lot? Man those studio closure lists need to be updated.
The system mostly seems fine. Except that CPU. A Broadway derivative seems like a terrible idea. I thought the Wii design maxed out the clock speed for that architecture anyway? I'm sure it can't go too much faster.


Shit, this thread was almost moving faster than I could catch up.

I disagree. Had Wii been more comparable to 360 & PS3 in performance, it would have destroyed them in third party support. There's no way publishers would have skipped out on it.

If the Wii had been comparable in performance, it would not have cost $250 in 2006 and would not have a 60 million+ userbase.

The Gamecube was similar in performance to the PS2 and XBox. After the initial test multiplats, most third party support was in the form of contractual obligations that immediately got thrown aside in favor of ports when it was possible to do so.

I don't think the Wii had to be comparable in performance, it just needed modern shaders. Even if it stayed SD, with lower RAM and clocks, it would have got more downports and hence more longevity. Doing what they did was a silly move in hindsight.

WiiU spec threads remind me of those wives who get beaten but never leave the husband in question. As if they enjoyed it.

We all suffer from Stockholm Syndrome :)

fake Kaz really loves the WiiU..


That was actually really funny.

The knee-jerk reactions in this thread are pure gold. Thread delivers.

Good luck with 3rd party support this time...

Welcome to yesterday with a system more powerful than any console we have at present? DOES NOT COMPUTE!! A()@$@#)!*%$()@&%)!@&%................

I see this complaint all of the time and feel like I'm missing something here. Can't you just do hdmi to your tv then use optical from your tv to feed the channel to your system? That's what my family does for their Sound system.
My TV, while a few years old, doesn't do optical out. It also only has one HDMI. So, assuming Nintendo still support component cables, the best I can hope for is component video with Dolby Pro Logic II audio over the stereo cables.

To summarize for people who want to oversimplify the WiiU
It is 3 Wii's ducttaped together with a tablet controller

And way more memory, and much higher clock and a modern gpu and nfc, expandable with external harddrives, camera on the controller, headphone jack on the controller, regular sticks and button configuration, games playable on tablet only.

So yeah, basically just 3 Wii's.
How can people say how fast the wii u processor really is? All info states ibm has stopped publishing the specs of the PowerPC 7xx series. The processors can have custom instructions added and changed to what Nintendo states.

So if it includes the wii instructions but is faster clocked and added new instructions to things then how would you know its as slow as the wii processor?

What if it was 1600ghz each core which would be double the speed of the wii cpu. I think people are getting the specs wrong since it would be based off of the wii cpu with extensions added, more cache, and faster clocked.


People who are claiming Wiiu specs don't matter at all are ridiculous. If you're buying hardware you want to know if the price is fair.
Ehh, I got all excited at the topic title, but nothing really new here.

We still lack exact specs on the GPU and to some extent CPU, damnit. Why are they so damn hard to find out?


Memory: Mem1 = 32MB Mem2 = 1GB (that applications can use)

So does this mean so called OS reserve memory is only 32MB? This is meant to be the total RAM in the machine? In other words, no 1.5GB total or anything?

Not at all surprising if true.


Can someone clarify for us how there could be these two contrasting bits of info? On one hand IBMWatson says it's Power7 based (Watson) and then we have "Enhanced Broadways". Are these two at odds with each other or not?

Would be funny if it was both. Power7 for the normal Wii U functions and Broadway for BC.


And way more memory, and much higher clock and a modern gpu and nfc, expandable with external harddrives, camera on the controller, headphone jack on the controller, regular sticks and button configuration, games playable on tablet only.

So yeah, basically just 3 Wii's.

Well, he was simplifying it. And if it truly is 3 Enhanced Broadways, his comparison is not insane either.


Wii U specs do not matter. Games make people buy consoles/handhelds, not power. Angry Birds sold like gangbusters because it was fun as hell to play. Did it need a high end/next generation device to be created? Nope, just creativity. Same can be said for Wii Sports and many, many other games. Point is, the specs are pointless as software sells hardware. Look at the Vita and all of its power, yet the 3DS, which is completely inferior hardware from a tech stand point, is continually outselling it in every territory. I recall 3DS is doomed forecasts from the soon to be Vita purchasers. I wonder how those folks are holding up these days...?

Anyone who believes that Sony and Microsoft are going to release new consoles and just walk away from the existing sales of the current gen are crazy. Nintendo will have 3rd party ports as long as the PS3 and Xbox 360 continue to be supported, which I suspect is for several more years. 3rd parties are not going to leave all that money on the table either.

I'm not talking about how many copies they're going to sell. If we're talking about that, then we might as well just keep making Madden and Call of Duty 3 times a year. Developers need memory, they need advanced GPU features. There's a reason so many people talked about how the 360 and PS3 has been lmiting their development for the last 2 years


The problem is that the Wii has the lowest attach rate between all the consoles. Sure, it brought many people new to gaming to the ship, but they didn't stay long. I also think simply saying the HD consoles only brought HD is a bit of a silly statement.

Its attach rate is 1-1.5 games less then the HD twins. Not a huge difference.


Neogaf continues to show its stupid.

You can't have 3 Wii CPU's in Wii U. Broadway/Gekko was never a multi-core architecture.

Also, the idea of 3 Wii cpu's to begin with is bizarre. Ok, say it was for emulation, 2 of those CPU's would go to waste doing nothing. As for game purposes, they wouldn't serve the rest of the system in the slightest. Again, big waste of money.


So does this mean so called OS reserve memory is only 32MB? This is meant to be the total RAM in the machine? In other words, no 1.5GB total or anything?

Not at all surprising if true.[/QUOTE]

No. The 32 MB is DRAM. The system has a ton of memory set aside for the OS.


If there were no sanctions, do you believe that Iran would be further ahead, further behind, or exactly where they are now?

Ehh, I got all excited at the topic title, but nothing really new here.

We still lack exact specs on the GPU and to some extent CPU, damnit. Why are they so damn hard to find out?


So does this mean so called OS reserve memory is only 32MB? This is meant to be the total RAM in the machine? In other words, no 1.5GB total or anything?

Not at all surprising if true.

32MB is the edram pool. 1GB is the Game pool and for some reason they don't bother to mention the reserved 512MB pool
IBMWatson recently tweeted this in Aug of 2012


ie: WiiU CPU is not literally 3 Broadways, though share similar features as it.

I see.

Nintendo wouldn't waste so much R&D money to create a brand new cpu from scratch like that. That doesn't even make much sense

They did that with the Wii didn't they? Or was Broadway an "enhanced" Gekko?

Haha at the CPU. On the other hand, maybe that means Dolphin will emulate it within a few months.

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