Do we know what that big secret idea/thing Aonuma kept talking about, that he's had forever as a way of telling story in an open world game?
I don't care, I want it spoiled if someone knows what it is.
The theory that must subscribe to is that he's talking about the memory system (which is something we glimpsed as a menu option during prior demoes). It appears that there are 18 "memory" cutscenes you'll somehow uncover throughout the game, that will detail what happened prior to Link's 100 year slumber.
That's a big number of easter eggs for a Zelda game so far. Outside of direct sequels like Majora's Mask, the games are self contained.
Canon-defying easter eggs are common in the series. Majora's Mask in A Link Between Worlds, Mario Portraits in Hyrule Castle in OOT, Chrstine using Peach's picture to catfish in Link's Awakening, Tingle appearing as a plush in Skyward Sword, A Picture of Makar appearing in Triforce Heroes, etc, etc, etc.
This game having so much more content than previous entries in the series makes it easy for them to include more easter eggs, especially since this is the first game in the series with a full gear system.
I'm just saying, seems too early to read into this stuff too far.