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Saw: The Videogame from Konami. Might it not suck?

So Brash Entertainment were publishing a videogame from also ran developers Zombie Studios (perhaps best well known for Spec Ops series).

Naturally, nobody was excited.

Then Brash Entertainment went tits up and Konami stepped in to publish it and things get a little bit less hopeless. Konami were reportedly looking to make it another big horror franchise, and sent out developers to Zombie Studios to help shape the game into something more worthy of the Konami name.

To help shape the game into something a little more Silent Hill perhaps?

It looks that way, although of course the Silent Hill brand is in no way a guarantee of quality. The words 'spiritual successor' were bandied about, and in no way do I believe that, but of course I would like to believe it.

The screen shots certainly look Silent Hill-esque in a very Saw kind of way.

The game uses Unreal Engine 3 for those that keep those kind of scores and is released today on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. A windows version follows later this month. Hopefully it won't be another crap port from Konami given that it's using UE3, but frankly, I've never seen a Konami PC port worth a shit.

That was pretty frank.

So what of the game? Well it's a very puzzle heavy (though not without combat) survival horror. You play as Detective Tapp (Danny Glover's character from the original Saw). Jigsaw has healed Tapp from the wounds he suffered in the shotgun trap in the movie and set him up in his own 'game' in an asylum filled naturally with traps, psychotic people and at times other innocents in various devices that you have to try and free.

You won't be cutting off your own fingers or gouging out your own eyes to progress in other words, but you may be cutting off other peoples bits.

The story is provided by Leigh and Whannell who created the movie franchise and have over seen the sequels. It is set between Saw 1 and Saw 2, and reportedly features a few other characters from the original Saw which would make a lot of sense.

The only confirmed voice actor that I've found is Tobin Bell, who is naturally playing Jigsaw, so I'm expecting a lot of 'soundalikes' for everyone else, but we'll see.

Hell, if you enjoyed any Silent Hill game you never let the voice acting get in the way of your enjoyment before.




Konami's page on the game

As far as I know, there's been no reviews and no hype at all here on GAF, understandably given the pedigree... but I'm hoping that there might be something to this title after all. I'm hoping it's a sleeper hit, and I'm hoping that we can collect any reviews that start to crop up, be they professional or real gamer's opinions.

I won't be picking it up today, but if things look good by the end of the day, I'll be getting it tomorrow and trying to fit it into my extremely crowded catalog of stuff I'm currently playing.

Have Konami saved it? Have Zombie Studios nailed it?

That's what I'm here to find out.


listen to the mad man
I think the last time someone started a "<Licenced Movie Game>. Might it not suck?" thread, it was for Terminator Salvation.
I know you are both probably right... but I hope you are wrong.

That's why I want some impressions from people who have actually played it before I write it off.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The only thing i'm interested in this game for is that supposedly it'll reveal what happened to
that doctor from the first film


I, too, am intrigued by this game, despite every alarm going off in my head telling me that it will be a steaming pile of crap.


chandoog said:
The only thing i'm interested in this game for is that supposedly it'll reveal what happened to
that doctor from the first film

Is it really a spoiler? Since you know
He is a doctor
chandoog said:
The only thing i'm interested in this game for is that supposedly it'll reveal what happened to
that doctor from the first film

you find out in saw 2
that his corpse is sitting just a few feet outside of the door. he didn't get very far after cutting his leg off.

edit: you're talking about cary elwes, right


listen to the mad man
plagiarize said:
That's why I want some impressions from people who have actually played it before I write it off.

You know, in the earlier seasons of Siskel and Ebert, they actually had a rating besides "thumbs up" and "thumbs down". It was called the "Wagging Finger of Shame". They would do it for movies where the studios didn't allow reviewers to screen the movies.

Eventually they discontinued it.

Why? Because there has never been a case of a good movie that wasn't screened by critics. Rather than protest, they just waited for wide release, watched the film, and gave it two big thumbs down.

Just some food for thought.
Stumpokapow said:
Because there has never been a case of a good movie that wasn't screened by critics.
I don't know every movie not screened by critics, or the grounds on which we're talking good. I'm just talking my own personal taste. I'd be highly surprised if there wasn't at least one movie not screened for critics that I enjoyed.

of course all signs point to suckage here, and those signs are almost always right.


'has never' doesn't mean 'will never' after all. I just want some real hands on impressions before I give up on this. too much to ask? I don't think so.
Stumpokapow said:
Why? Because there has never been a case of a good movie that wasn't screened by critics. Rather than protest, they just waited for wide release, watched the film, and gave it two big thumbs down.

GI Joe, though that might absolutely stretch your definition of the word "Good" unbelievably far beyond breaking point. (I loved it, fwiw.)
whatevermort said:
GI Joe, though that might absolutely stretch your definition of the word "Good" unbelievably far beyond breaking point. (I loved it, fwiw.)
Found another one.

Snakes on a plane.

Dunno if it meats your definition of good, but it meets mine.

Oh, and apparently all the Saw movies too...

So clearly, in a thread about a Saw video game, that is clearly going to appeal to people that enjoyed the movies (even if not all of them) it's not the biggest alarm bell.

I'd say the developers remain the biggest alarm bell, and the general suckyness of movie tie ins.

Oh, and a little movie called 'Psycho'. No. not the remake.

I think objectively we can all agree that Hitchcock's Psycho is a good movie.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Manmademan said:
you find out in saw 2
that his corpse is sitting just a few feet outside of the door. he didn't get very far after cutting his leg off.

edit: you're talking about cary elwes, right

Dr Gordon. I don't think the movies have shown him dead.
Shiggy said:
Has there ever been a good game based on a bad movie?

The Godfather: Blackhand Edition for the Wii is a pretty good GTA clone. I've heard good things about Scarface: The World Is Yours too. But both could be thought of as loosely adapted from the material rather than "The Game of The Movie" type things.
i am looking foward to this game

its funny how many awesome games people miss out on because it a movie based game and they automatically think its going to be bad!

i have enjoyed well over 7 + movie based games this year alone
Lonewolf_92 said:
The Godfather: Blackhand Edition for the Wii is a pretty good GTA clone. I've heard good things about Scarface: The World Is Yours too. But both could be thought of as loosely adapted from the material rather than "The Game of The Movie" type things.
erm, i think you missed the bit where he said 'good game based on bad movie'.

i hope you did. personally i like the Saw series though, even if I wouldn't argue it was objectively good.
plagiarize said:
erm, i think you missed the bit where he said 'good game based on bad movie'.

i hope you did. personally i like the Saw series though, even if I wouldn't argue it was objectively good.

Ah, yeah I did, actually. Scratch that. :lol I blame that on being up too late.
Manmademan said:
yeah, that was him. you see
his body in saw 2,
but its definitely a "blink and you'll miss it" sort of thing.
there's still a bunch of time between the end of the original movie and that clean up we see in Saw 2 for them to add in some new stuff or a twist or three. all really Saw 2 showed us was his ultimate fate. I can fill in the blanks myself, but it'll be interesting to see what really happened all the same even if it is just
'he couldn't get out of the corridor and bled to death'

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Manmademan said:
yeah, that was him. you see
his body in saw 2,
but its definitely a "blink and you'll miss it" sort of thing.

I don't think that was his body or a body. It was something else. I distinctly remember looking for him in that scene. He just disappeared. They haven't said what happened to him yet and whenever someone asks the producers they always dodge the question or change the subject. The current speculation is that he will return in one of the last movies of the series as Jigsaw's true apprentice.

Oh, and fwiw, they don't reveal his fate in the game, this is according to some people who have played it.
I can't believe this material can get away with an M rating, the one where all nudity, including partial, in games goes. How are we supposed to stop this injustice?
Gilgamesh said:
But all those letters are so difficult!
okay. Silent Hill 2 and 3 do not render at the resolution you ask them to. they run at a weird internal resolution that you can specify that then gets scaled to the resolution you've picked.

those resolutions for whatever reason have to be powers of 2. you can't run them at ANY popular resolution in other words. 512 x 512, 1024 x 512, 1024 x 1024, 2056 x 1024, 2056 x 2056. you ever want to run a game at those resolutions?

this weird internal resolution to regular resolution scaling breaks a whole bunch of other settings such as vsync, anti aliasing and so forth. pad support is basic as i recall, not letting you map actions to analogue triggers, and only buttons, so you can't set up the classic silent hill button mapping on any pad with analogue triggers.

Silent Hill Homecomings? you need an unofficial third party hack to prevent random things in the game from being unlit. if you set the graphics settings to 'High' there are so many visual glitches that the game is practically unplayable. broken shadows everywhere. Alex randomly turning completely white.

i could go on.
plagiarize said:
Silent Hill Homecomings

Sliiiight Hijack, but does anyone know if they ever patched the console versions of this to allow inverted camera? I wanted to play it but just couldn't get my brain around it.


Baron Aloha said:
I don't think that was his body or a body. It was something else. I distinctly remember looking for him in that scene. He just disappeared. They haven't said what happened to him yet and whenever someone asks the producers they always dodge the question or change the subject. The current speculation is that he will return in one of the last movies of the series as Jigsaw's true apprentice.

Oh, and fwiw, they don't reveal his fate in the game, this is according to some people who have played it.

Bu-bu-but they said the game would piece together certain aspects between the first 2 movies that we never found out. :(

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Saw has "3 hours of game" written all over it.


plagiarize said:
Ah, I didn't know about that internal resolution stuff (and I never played Homecoming on PC). I just played 2 and 3 on PC and didn't notice any big glitches so I figured they weren't that bad. And yeah, pad support is indeed minimal, which was annoying.
the closest thing i've been able to find to a review is a preview on IGN.

it isn't your usual preview that just hits the bullet points either, but yeah, i know, it's a preview on IGN. those often have a habit of being very candy coated. this one isn't written like any IGN review i've ever read anyways.


A reasonable person would expect Konami's Saw, based off the movies, to be terrible. After all, it's a movie-licensed game based on a horror franchise. Everything about it screams "Must be awful!" Guess what? It's not. I played a good bit of Saw, far beyond what was available at E3. I'm not a fan of the Saw series -- I prefer my porn to include naked women grinding on men, not dude's having their heads lopped off by an ingenious trap. But I like Saw: The Videogame. It has its issues, but it definitely has a shot at being a good game.

encouraging... but still very oddly written for a preview. reads like a review. but it isn't.

Shiggy said:
Has there ever been a good game based on a bad movie?

I never played it, but I remember reading that the Ecks vs. Sever game was decent (albeit barely based on the movie). Ecks vs. Sever makes Saw look like Shawshank Redemption.


It was a GBA game, IIRC.
MomoPufflet said:
I never played it, but I remember reading that the Ecks vs. Sever game was decent (albeit barely based on the movie). Ecks vs. Sever makes Saw look like Shawshank Redemption.
interesting... because that is the same developers as this.

edit: actually, scratch that... the Ecks vs Sever game Zombie Studios worked on was a PS2 game based on an early draft of the script that got cancelled.


plagiarize said:
I know you are both probably right... but I hope you are wrong.

That's why I want some impressions from people who have actually played it before I write it off.

My boy played five minutes of it and put it up on YouTube @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpAcOV8tkTI I found the comments people leaving him are more entertaining than the video itself. ... that said, I honestly can't wait to try the game out myself. He also wrote this up.


For anyone who wants to see the full Saw game playthrough or just get an idea on what it's about (kind of a try before you buy) go here:


Go to archive and search for yesterday's feed (October 4). He was playing all day yesterday. The game is pretty long (a good 12-13 hours) and captures the atmosphere perfectly. The game has ALOT of puzzles and traps and a few were quite clever/ hard. Do not underestimate it. I think (as well as the broadcaster who played it) that this is a solid rental as I could never see playing through it again after you solve everything. But they captured the feeling of SAW well, got the original music, solid plot, and some clever traps/puzzles. Very Silent Hill-ish.
plagiarize said:
interesting... because that is the same developers as this.

edit: actually, scratch that... the Ecks vs Sever game Zombie Studios worked on was a PS2 game based on an early draft of the script that got cancelled.

Sorry, I did not specify the platform-- I was talking about the GBA game.


Dr Gordon. I don't think the movies have shown him dead.
We'll never see him either since Elwes had a falling out with the producers. I am pretty sure that's why the shoehorned his death into Saw 2.

As for the game? VERY EXCITED. :D

The multiplayer component interested me a lot - a lot of potential for it to work. Shame they cancelled it.

Anyone can confirm the 360 release is region free?

EDIT: Apparently it's region locked. Sigh.
netguy503 said:
For anyone who wants to see the full Saw game playthrough or just get an idea on what it's about (kind of a try before you buy) go here:


Go to archive and search for yesterday's feed (October 4). He was playing all day yesterday. The game is pretty long (a good 12-13 hours) and captures the atmosphere perfectly. The game has ALOT of puzzles and traps and a few were quite clever/ hard. Do not underestimate it. I think (as well as the broadcaster who played it) that this is a solid rental as I could never see playing through it again after you solve everything. But they captured the feeling of SAW well, got the original music, solid plot, and some clever traps/puzzles. Very Silent Hill-ish.
i don't want to spoil the entire game for myself, but 12 hours is about normal for a survival horror title, so that's reassuring to me. one of my big worries alleviated. game length.
Going to pick this up today. I think it looks pretty sweet. I'm a horror fan so thats my reasoning for picking this up.

Posting impressions later today or tommorrow.
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