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Saw writers hired to 'recalibrate' Halloween franchise

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Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan, the writers behind some of the installments of the hit Saw movies, have been tapped to pen the latest entry of the Halloween horror franchise for Dimension Films.
Sources say it’s not a remake, not a reboot, and not a reimagining. One source said the project is a “recalibration.”

Another article:
'Halloween' is being rebooted (again): 5 ways they can make it worth our while

No word if Rob Zombie is returning or not. My nomination would be Adam Wingard (You're Next, The Guest).


I did not like Rob Zombie's take on it. I liked the supernatural feel that Myers had where he just became this evil one day. But then Zombie came and kind of blamed it on his shitty upbringing and just showed him evolving into a serial killer. Not a big fan of Zombie's fascination with sexual violence either.
Hmm.. I really don't have high hopes for this one.. Likely will be turned into a gorefest. I hope I am wrong, but we shall see.


Can we just get an original idea already?

These sequels and reboots are getting old.

But this isn't a sequel or a reboot - it's a recalibration. ;)

Not only are the ideas running out, but the terms for describing reboots are running out, too.

Good guesses, but ya blue it.

I think I get your drift... though that's a crime thriller and not really horror, I can see the director being considered for Halloween.

By "recalibrate" they mean "ruin", right?

It's a sign.


Online Ho Champ
i agree with their points on how to redo the series, blood baths and gore overkill are not what this franchise built up, but it is what it basically devolved into and it just got worse and worse. Stop trying to get inside Michaels head , he doesnt have one , that was the point, ...and try and find a narrator that you had with Donald Pleasance , Michael didn't need a personality because he had so much of one.

who am i kidding , im expecting Dumbwhores and New Age Stoners getting murdered ft Michael Myers 9.
A recent genre darling turned down an offer to restart the franchise.


Cory Feldman?
Judging from both writer's previous work it looks like we'll be getting more of the same as we got from the Halloween sequels.

That being said it would be hard to make a movie worse than the Halloween remakes.


tbh SAW is boring goreporn.
All that goreporn is boring as shit.

The first one was actually very, very good, with an interesting concept that didn't lean so heavily on the gore aspects like the later ones did. The second one was marginally OK, but not absolutely horrid. The ones after that were pretty much boring goreporn (I watched part of the third and gave up on the series after that; it was completely irredeemable).

Nothing good can come from giving Halloween to the Saw writers. Not that I was a particularly big fan of the Halloween movies anyway, but I'm sure they'll figure out a way to drag them further into the ground.


Just let it go. So much room for new stories and fresh ideas. Horror franchises are dead.

tbh SAW is boring goreporn.
All that goreporn is boring as shit.

SAW is pop-goreporn. There are some really nice examples of goreporn/tortureporn out there: Martyrs, Frontiere(s), A Serbian Film, etc.
The horror genre has always switched back and forth between psychological and supernatural horror, but the Halloween franchise used to be the perfect balance of both, IMO. Michael Myers was a legitimate psycho, but he also possessed very subtle supernatural characteristics. When they transformed him to a full-fledged zombie like Jason after Halloween 2, it was all over. Then when Rob Zombie did away with the supernatural element and enhanced Michael's physique to explain his superhuman feats, they fell over the other way.
Just let it go. So much room for new stories and fresh ideas. Horror franchises are dead.

I guess it's a good thing that the horror genre isn't limited to franchises. No matter how many Halloweens or Friday the 13th's they make, there are always going to be a plethora of other horror films. I really don't get where people find this idea that just because they're doing reboots or whatever means that there's nothing else out there. A couple of guys writing Halloween aren't responsible for what's available across the entire genre.
I did not like Rob Zombie's take on it. I liked the supernatural feel that Myers had where he just became this evil one day. But then Zombie came and kind of blamed it on his shitty upbringing and just showed him evolving into a serial killer. Not a big fan of Zombie's fascination with sexual violence either.

Total opposite for me. I love Rob Zombie and wish he made more horror movies. I like how he mixes raw violence with horror elements. "The Devil's Rejects" was an absolute blast.

I would love to see another Rob Zombie take on Halloween. Otherwise, the new guys need to make the serie fresh and not again about a killer and slasher style horror movie. The slasher genre is kinda dead imo.
I loved the first Rob Zombie movie and while I didn't care for his follow up, I thought it was visually and thematically interesting; just not executed as well as it could have been. But I thought his first one was rock solid.


The writers of all the shitty Saw flicks, doesn't sound good but I'd give it a chance if the director was good and they had creative control.

Yes I thought the first Saw was great and 2 and 3 were pretty good before some tells me they were all shitty.
i agree with their points on how to redo the series, blood baths and gore overkill are not what this franchise built up, but it is what it basically devolved into and it just got worse and worse. Stop trying to get inside Michaels head , he doesnt have one , that was the point, ...and try and find a narrator that you had with Donald Pleasance , Michael didn't need a personality because he had so much of one.

who am i kidding , im expecting Dumbwhores and New Age Stoners getting murdered ft Michael Myers 9.

Post nails it.

There's a reason Carpenter initially referred to the character as 'The Shape'. It/He represented something terrible being able to happen in a place terrible things weren't supposed to happen; i.e. American suburbia.

Michael Myers rising up into the ranks of popular Halloween costume 'horror icons' is thanks to many (bad) sequels and lost the point and mystique of the original creation almost immediately after Halloween became a success.

Zombie, beyond his usual violence-porn, made the same daft mistake the clowns at Platinum Dunes did with the the character of Leatherface in the Texas Chainsaw reboot back in the early 2000s- he tried to tag on some ridiculous backstory of Myers unfortunate childhood so an audience could try to sympathize with the character.
Leatherface simply being a simple-minded redneck with a complete lack of empathy & Myers simply being a killing machine devoid of any humanity just doesn't seem to be enough for these hot shit new age writers, I guess.

Wish these people would just dig deep and try creating some new terrors instead of rubbing their balls on classics (could be said for all remakes/reboots/recalibrations/whatever).

I guess it's a good thing that the horror genre isn't limited to franchises. No matter how many Halloweens or Friday the 13th's they make, there are always going to be a plethora of other horror films. I really don't get where people find this idea that just because they're doing reboots or whatever means that there's nothing else out there. A couple of guys writing Halloween aren't responsible for what's available across the entire genre.

I don't see anyone saying that, brandon.
Why constantly tread over old ground (that was arguably nailed on the first attempt) with 'new' versions, though? Other than selling tickets due to 'branding', what have any of the Halloween films in the last 3+ decades brought us other than movies to laugh at when we get drunk?
Not every horror film has to be some classic, but for Christ's sake... why continue to beat a dead horse? I'd much rather have a shitty film based on a somewhat fresh idea than a shitty film based on an existing masterpiece, but that's just me.


I don't know if the Saw writers are the correct people to do this, based on how the Saw movies are. What these folks don't get, what Rob Zombie didn't get, is that what made Halloween so scary and so chilling and what turned Michael Myers into the first of the bigger slasher icons was the fact that you didn't know him. He wasn't even known as Michael Myers in the credits, but as The Shape. All you ever saw of him was a 4 second shot of his face after he kills Judah and you don't see his face again until the end when Laurie aka Jamie Lee Curtis knocks his mask off for a few seconds.

There was no stripper mom, no bullies in school, no absent sister who would rather fuck her boyfriend than take him trick or treating, no doctor Loomis more interested in selling books or going on television, no prison guards flinging female ejaculate into his face.

You didn't know Michael Myers, what he was, who he is, why he did what he did. And that was terrifying. The movie was scary not because he could stab someone with enough force to completely cave in their sternum and have gallons of blood everywhere. What was scary was this man in a white mask looking at you in your backyard and then disappearing. To see your door open when you know you closed it, to hear a potted plant break at night, to hear your dog barking. And then finally, the slow chase. He didn't run, he didn't talk, he just came. Why was he after Laurie Strode? Why did he kill his sister?Why didn't he kill Tommy? Or those bullies who broke his pumpkin?

I'm excited to see what happens. I hope they shitcan the entire Zombie series and come out with something new. But who knows. They'll probably turn Michael into some pervert pedophile who is into torture porn or something. I mean where would the movie start from? I even wouldn't mind bringing Josh Hartnett back to have him finish some continuity. I don't know what exists and what doesn't exist in the continuity anymore.

One thing I'm excited for, Trick or Treat Studios took their H2 clean mask out of production last year because of this movie. Here is hoping they are going to give us a new prototype of the H1 Myers mask based on the Shatner look. Their H2 Warlock version was nice, but everyone wants them to make a high quality H1 mask.
I did not like Rob Zombie's take on it. I liked the supernatural feel that Myers had where he just became this evil one day. But then Zombie came and kind of blamed it on his shitty upbringing and just showed him evolving into a serial killer. Not a big fan of Zombie's fascination with sexual violence either.
Agreed. A perfectly ordinary little kid just snaps and murders his sister. That's where the horror is. It's a scary idea. Zombie's version was just the most pedestrian explaination of what makes a mask wearing serial killer.
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