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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Wii/PS3/360; downloadable episodic release - [Update: $15?]


Crawl is back


0:25 in the Act 1 video


Batbot too




Junior Member
Just watched the casino levels.

It's weird. The levels and enemies themselves are classic Sonic in design, (Barring that fucking mine kart level.) but it's the Sonic Rush physics that are hurting the gameplay. Can they not see what EVERYONE ELSE can see? They need to.

A.) Slow Sonic down.
B.) Speed up his spinning in the air so he looks like he's in a ball. He just moves so... weird.
C.) Quit it with homing attack in boss fights. It's practically cheating!
D.) No mid-air momentum. Physics people!!

It's like they took the Sonic Rush Sonic and stuck him in a genesis game. He moves all...unnatural.

It still looks like a 6-7 game and I'm not happy with that. I won't take mediocrity in my Sonic games anymore.

BTW, is every Act-2 level gonna act like some kinda bonus game? Those aren't real acts IMO

Diablohead said:
I dislike act 3 of casino, feels too much like a forced route and seems to have overused cannons to progress.

Splash Hill had over-used dash pads, over-used jungle vines and over-used pulleys. They just don't get it.

"Hey guys! Here's a new mechanic! Let's spam the shit out of it!


Diablohead said:
Also what an easy boss, at least in sonic 2 if you used a flipper you lost nearly all air control, here you get it easy.

Seriously. Letting you use the homing attack on old bosses is like MGS Twin Snakes, that let you use new mechanics for bosses that weren't designed for them. And by the time they start with the new attacks they barely have 1 or 2 hits left.
You know what, after watching every leaked video this game is starting to remind me of Sonic Rivals 2.

Gimmick based act in each area? Check
Act with wildly different gameplay or a different objective in each area? Check
Final act = boss fight? Check
Camera zoomed too far in? Check
Gameplay being treated as a little more than a race? Check
Awkward platforming and death drops? Check
Crappy physics? Check
Homing attack spam being the only safe option for navigating the levels? Check
Well, at least the visual design of Casino Street Zone seems quite pretty although I fear that underneath the blurriness it might look as grainy as what we've seen of Splash Hill so far. I think I also really hate the music in Act 2 and 3. It also loops way too quickly, argh!

Why do I keep having the impression I'm watching some kind of imitation/crappy replica of how video games were back in the day someone made for a movie or something?


Teknoman said:
To be fair, there arent many bottomless pits in 4ep1, and Sonic 1 had a decent length in Spring yard and I believe Starlight.
There's a distinct difference in execution between classic pits and Dimps pits. They exist in the classics (not often), but crossing one is rarely the only way to progress and the path over it typically calls for slow and steady jumps instead of hair-trigger timing and level specific gimmicks.

They do seem to have cut back on quantity, but they're still the same deathtraps as always that punish the player for not being clairvoyant and failing at mechanics that have nothing to do with platforming.


Act 1 looks good enough. Can't really see anything to complain about with it.

Act 2... is stupid.

Act 3 is almost as stupid. A few cannons spread across the level would've been okay, but that just doesn't look fun to play at all.

Boss is way too easy, the new flippers + homing attack mean Robotnik really doesn't stand a chance.

Shame, Act 1 actually made this one look promising :/


The boss is same from the Sonic 2 Casino Night, except Robtotnik doesn't drop the spiked balls.

If you're gonna make a new game, make new levels. If you're gonna use the same shit, then just remake a previous game. No sense making a game with self identity crisis.


Azure Phoenix said:
You know what, after watching every leaked video this game is starting to remind me of Sonic Rivals 2.

Gimmick based act in each area? Check
Act with wildly different gameplay or a different objective in each area? Check
Final act = boss fight? Check
Camera zoomed too far in? Check
Gameplay being treated as a little more than a race? Check
Awkward platforming and death drops? Check
Crappy physics? Check
Homing attack spam being the only safe option for navigating the levels? Check

Uncheck the camera part. Unless you arent talking about how it looks cut off because its 16x9 mode on a 4:3 display.


-PXG- said:
The boss is same from the Sonic 2 Casino Night, except Robtotnik doesn't drop the spiked balls.

If you're gonna make a new game, make new levels. If you're gonna use the same shit, then just remake a previous game. No sense making a game with self identity crisis.
Well, we don't know if he drops spiked balls or not because they made him so easy to hit that he dies before he can really do anything. One of the few bosses in Sonic 2 that wasn't a complete pushover and Sonic 4 makes it a cakewalk.


This game keeps getting better and better doesn't it? :lol

Wow..it's like whoever has this game is leaking stages bit by bit as like a warning or something saying "Stay the fuck away from this horrible game!"

Mike M

Nick N
I feel like this GIF is somehow a metaphor for this thread.


Like... Sega is Walt, GAF is Skyler, and Sonic 4 is the pizza...


Would the whole last half of Casino Night Act 3 be easier if the guy just stopped at the badnik, jumped across those few platforms and went to the finish? I mean that was the only pit I saw in the whole video.

Sure the first time could have been hit or miss, but it really didnt look like that big of a problem to me. The amount of cannons in the stage are questionable though.

EDIT: Yup, that section is really nothing to be pissed about. He got the idea of what at the last minute. Bounce off the badnik, land on the other side, safely platform to the goal.
RagnarokX said:
Example of the fine physics engine:
It's that stupid part of their engine which add's 50% more speed just by landing on ground while moving, as we already seen in splash hill within the first 5 seconds :/


MiamiWesker said:
That act 2 is way worse than the mine cart. It is just a slot machine segment, that is it, an entire level for that. What the hell?!

My head hurts from watching it, I can't tell if the guy playing is terrible or the controls are just that bad...

is he purposely avoiding the slot? also how does he bounce so fast off the thing for half a second, then stop in midair wtf.


please someone gif any instance of it, especially at 3:55 to 4:00


JoeFu said:
My head hurts from watching it, I can't tell if the guy playing is terrible or the controls are just that bad...

is he purposely avoiding the slot? also how does he bounce so fast off the thing for half a second, then stop in midair wtf.

Combination of the guy being terrible and Sega actually allowing the player to rotate that much/making the controls rotate the screen and not control Sonic directly.


Teknoman said:
Combination of the guy being terrible and Sega actually allowing the player to rotate that much/making the controls rotate the screen and not control Sonic directly.

not talking about the cart, the casino act 2 looks sooo bad.
So wonder if Mad Gear Zone has a dumb "entirely a gimmick" Act as well to slim down on yet more content of this being anywhere near a "game". Everything seems filled with so many poor design choices I won't be satisfied until Iizuka is publicly hung at this point.


SecretBonusPoint said:
So wonder if Mad Gear Zone has a dumb "entirely a gimmick" Act as well to slim down on yet more content of this being anywhere near a "game". Everything seems filled with so many poor design choices I won't be satisfied until Iizuka is publicly hung at this point.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if we get a 5 minute spin-the-bolt act :lol


JoeFu said:
My head hurts from watching it, I can't tell if the guy playing is terrible or the controls are just that bad...

is he purposely avoiding the slot? also how does he bounce so fast off the thing for half a second, then stop in midair wtf.


please someone gif any instance of it, especially at 3:55 to 4:00
Who cares about how he plays? The fact is that an entire level is a crappy uninspired pinball table that you are stuck playing until you reach 100,000 points. No matter how you play it the level sucks. The pinball game that comes installed on PCs has more depth.


JoeFu said:
not talking about the cart, the casino act 2 looks sooo bad.

Whoops :lol usually when people mention headaches its the cart. Guess I didnt read the whole post. Yeah, I think its just him being bad. The game looks like it gives you a little too much control in the air.

I just cant believe the entire Act 2 is a score challenge.


RagnarokX said:
Who cares about how he plays? The fact is that an entire level is a crappy uninspired pinball table that you are stuck playing until you reach 100,000 points. No matter how you play it the level sucks.

Yeah I know, but at least make it playable, it doesn't look playable, I have no idea how anybody can have fun playing that level and the mine cart.


Peff said:
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if we get a 5 minute spin-the-bolt act :lol
Oh god don't say that, now I can't help but picture some kind of huge chain of spinbolts that cover a whole level :(

It's a horrible thought, because with the last two Act 2s it's actually possible.


You just drop straight down into the slot, no problem. Dumb stage idea, but nothing hard/unplayable looking about it. Probably would get a better view if the guy was playing on a display that matched the aspect ratio. Also keep in mind every time you see that orange ripple, and he's not bouncing off something, its him pressing the homing attack button.

Horrible player + lame stage ideas = Bad video.

EDIT: At this point, Mad Gear act 2 could consist of balancing on a gear and riding it to spots to activate stuff.


Peff said:
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if we get a 5 minute spin-the-bolt act :lol
Yes, you have to spin up a ridiculously long bolt while avoiding asterons and slicers, and if you get hit once you fall into a bottomless pit and have to start all over.


SecretBonusPoint said:
So wonder if Mad Gear Zone has a dumb "entirely a gimmick" Act as well to slim down on yet more content of this being anywhere near a "game". Everything seems filled with so many poor design choices I won't be satisfied until Iizuka is publicly hung at this point.

I'm betting on a reskinned mine cart level but the stage also has the conveyor belts, spike traps, and rotating platforms of scrapbrain zone for added suck.


Lijik said:
I'm betting on a reskinned mine cart level but the stage also has the conveyor belts, spike traps, and rotating platforms of scrapbrain zone for added suck.
I agree. I mean, act 3 of Scrap Brain Zone was a reskinned Labyrinth Zone anyway.


Lijik said:
I'm betting on a reskinned mine cart level but the stage also has the conveyor belts, spike traps, and rotating platforms of scrapbrain zone for added suck.

That would be Gamefly commercial reaction inducing.
Lijik said:
I'm betting on a reskinned mine cart level but the stage also has the conveyor belts, spike traps, and rotating platforms of scrapbrain zone for added suck.

I wouldn't put it past them mixing in a little S&K and forcing you to ride the mine cart while messing around with gravity.


Found the old first leak widescreen video (the one with Sonic standing on a slope and missing running effect):


So has it been found out whether or not the most recent leaker can actually change the display to match whatever TV he's playing on? Rewatching this, it seems like you dont really need split second reaction time to hit an enemy.

Also I cant believe there is not a hint of lava/molten metal anywhere in the first episode.


I'm just wondering how all the early defenders of the game, who told the pessimists how stupid they were, now feel. I mean, you were proven wrong yet again. Everyone, except you, knew better because they had sense enough to look at history as a guide to the future. How does that feel?


Teknoman said:
Found the old first leak widescreen video (the one with Sonic standing on a slope and missing running effect):


So has it been found out whether or not the most recent leaker can actually change the display to match whatever TV he's playing on? Rewatching this, it seems like you dont really need split second reaction time to hit an enemy.

Also I cant believe there is not a hint of lava/molten metal anywhere in the first episode.
The running effect wasn't missing in that leak, the video just extremely poor quality and the player sucks. Doesn't seem like anything's changed.


RagnarokX said:
The running effect wasn't missing in that leak, the video just extremely poor quality and the player sucks. Doesn't seem like anything's changed.

Oh, yeah I see the spinning feet animation now. Guess the only real difference is the fact its played on a widescreen TV.
Teknoman said:
Found the old first leak widescreen video (the one with Sonic standing on a slope and missing running effect):


So has it been found out whether or not the most recent leaker can actually change the display to match whatever TV he's playing on? Rewatching this, it seems like you dont really need split second reaction time to hit an enemy.

Also I cant believe there is not a hint of lava/molten metal anywhere in the first episode.
It does seem much better in wide screen.The new leaked videos make the game seem like Sonic the Hedgehog genesis on GBA. *vomit* I'm sure that playing in wide screen won't fix some of the more pressing problems, though.
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