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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|


Hey bros its your ol pal vector here swaggin it out on the neo gamin age forums

Guys he finally did it, my man Beef finally made a top ten and he asked your boy Vector to help him out

All I gotta say is that it was a good call

Shoutouts to classic references

And here's the list

Persona 4
- Whenever I think of the best game of all time, my mind always goes straight to Inaba. I don't want to write down every single thing I like about the game (although I easily could) because it's a huge laundry list. The music (oh my GOD the music), the humor, the battle system, etc. Golden added more stuff to love, although the exclusive dungeon is a bit of a lame one. But that's not enough to dampen my love of the game at all. The anime only increased how much I absolutely treasure this game, and it very nearly caused me to break my ASW boycott. I've got no problems admitting that Persona 4 is my personal GOAT.

Majora's Mask
- One of the three best Zelda games of all-time (two of which are on this list actually). While the spooky atmosphere is indeed memorable, and it does make the game quite chilling and adds to the darkness of the overall theme, that's not what makes me love this game so much. The overall refinement of the OoT gameplay mixed with a unique way to tackle dungeons, as well as a fantastic cast of characters and side-quests, make this game more memorable to me than nearly every other Zelda game ever made. Hauntingly beautiful music help round out what is an incredible package. On a good day, however, this next game could be one I like better.

The Wind Waker
- Everything that was (initially) said about Wind Waker is everything that I love about it. The sailing, the aesthetic, completely beautiful. The cel shaded look helps make the game seem timeless (even though the bloom in the HD remake ruined it slightly). Link in this game is such a likable character, I can't imagine anyone still disliking the game after playing it. But alas, them's the breaks. A cute cast of characters (damn you Schala) helps the game become more fun than it has any right to be, and the feeling of a grand adventure that strikes you when sailing the Great Sea is something that I will never forget. The HD remake added some quality of life stuff, like a faster sail and a slightly easier Triforce Hunt, which are welcome additions to many. I personally already loved both to death, and the changes are small enough to not bug me. This game is also a great bookend to one of the more popular Zelda stories, and it does it extraordinarily well. Truly one of the greats.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles
- I'm El Presidente of SonicGAF, there has to be at least one game from the series on my list :V

But what a game it is. Probably the single-defining moment in the franchise's history that made people go "wow," Sonic 3K is without a doubt one of the series' best games. And it isn't simply nostalgia speaking; the game released in the mid-90s, and the controls to this day are still as tight as ever. It's still as beautiful as the day it was released. The powerful yet unspoken story beats are still as impactful as they were. And of course, the feeling of "fuck yeah" is still there once you collect all 16 emeralds with any given character. It's probably my age speaking, but I can't imagine going through life playing Sonic games and never having played one of the best games ever.

Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver

I was very nearly going to cheat and just put Pokemon: the franchise as a spot, but I got to thinking: "which game do I actually like best?" After weighing the pro/cons from the latest entries with versions that I remember refusing to put down, the choice became clear. I joke, but it's not just nostalgia that puts HGSS on this list. The game is packed to the gills with content (even though some of it is locked behind events), and has some of my most favorite features that Gamefreak for some reason refuses to re-implement. While I wouldn't say the later entries are bad, they still haven't lived up to HGSS in my mind.

Final Fantasy 9
- A fun coincidence for me to be writing about this game while it gets a PC announcement lol

I've played nearly every game in the franchise that I was able to, and none of them have captivated me like FF9 has (FF5 came close but it's missing...something, can't put my finger on it). From a great old-timey "ye olde" setting enchanted with interesting characters and awesome music, there's very little about the game that I dislike......except the battle speed BUT WHATEVER OK

Every single playable party member is interesting. Yes, even Amarant. I never find myself bored when going through their backgrounds. I may joke about them, yes, but I do it out of love. The game has so much of that "charm" that I hear about and hate using in sentences. Too much to ignore, actually. It also has a fantastic protag in Zidane who was a breath of fresh air compared to the gloomy Gus' in FF7 and FF8 (ok Cloud wasn't really all that gloomy shut up).

Streets of Rage Remake
- You might be thinking "hey fuckboi beef, why is this game on the list and not bloodborne, oh my god you disgust me exCUSE me let me go vomit." Well...that's very mean. But the reason why Streets of Rage Remake is on the list is because it's a great game, and one of the best beat-em-ups I've ever had the luck of playing. And this is including Turtles in Time.

I have always said that there is beauty in simplicity (well not out loud, but it's something I strongly believe), and in my eyes SoRR backs it up. Branching paths, a large roster of characters, great remade music, and a tough but (semi)fair difficulty helps to keep the game fresh and have you coming back for more. Even Mr. X, who is some bullshit, feels fair...in a relative sense. There's not much of a story, but to be honest the game doesn't need it. It's got a simple objective: beat people up. And thanks to the tight controls and gameplay, it becomes very easy, and very satisfying, to do so.

Donkey Kong Country 2
- Probably the only truly great game in the series, fight me if you disagree :V

I jest, but not entirely. DKC2 is honest to god one of the greatest platformers I have ever played. Not enough good things can be said about the game. In fact, people need to say more. Praise the already amazing soundtrack, dammit! Good gameplay? Try GREAT. Kremlings? We got 'em! Well-hidden secrets and collectibles? It's a Rare game, so duh! Tight controls? You bet! It's not the game's fault you died, scrub unless we're talking about animal antics fuuuuuuu

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials & Tribulations
- This is another one where I very nearly cheated and lumped the series together, but after thinking about it I found it simply wouldn't be fair to the game I look forward to the most in my yearly series replay. Earlier I said that there was beauty in simplicity, and...well Ace Attorney chucks that out the window. What started as me laughing at an admittedly dopey premise ended with me absolutely craving for more entries. A story that spans multiple games that simply doesn't let you go; simple yet nail-biting gameplay; a cast of main and side characters that can leave you in stitches or tears at the drop of a hat; writing that REFUSES to let you go. This series has it all. And while I won't say that the series "peaked" with T&T, it's certainly one of the most memorable games in the series because so many storylines come to a head in this one game with one of the most well-written (albeit unfathomable) cases ever.

Skipping over the series is a mistake made by many; don't be that person.

Chrono Trigger
- There's not really a whole lot that I can say about this game that hasn't already been said throughout the years. While Persona 4 might be my personal GOAT, Chrono Trigger might be one of the few games that I could call "perfect" with a straight face. lolbutwhyisn'titnumberonetho Instead of going through the motions and listing everything I like about the game, which everyone who has played it already knows, I'll say this: Chrono Trigger is like riding a bike. No matter how many times you play it, or how often, you never forget what to do. There's no "oh man what do lol" with this game. You just know. You already know what choices you want to make, what things you want to grab, what enemies you have to beat, which ending you want to get. Chrono Trigger is a game that, as sappy as it sounds, is always gonna be there for you in the end.

Just missed the Top Ten, AKA I don't know what to write about for them:
Capcom vs. SNK 2
Link's Awakening (the third Zelda game I mentioned)
Def Jam: FFNY
Turtles in Time
Ducktales Remastered

peace out


Happy New Year SonicGAF; every time I feel blue on the forum, I always remember the kinda people in this community that have been there for me.

I love you guys.


Happy New Year SonicGAF; every time I feel blue on the forum, I always remember the kinda people in this community that have been there for me.

I love you guys.

Happy new year HUELEN!
Do consider hanging out in the Steam thread too, don't worry we'll help you reach 1000 Steam games in no time ;D


I don't post here as often as I should but have a happy new year everyone :D!

Hope we get some great Sonic games this year and that the very likely 25th Anniversary game is a smash hit when it comes out :).


So could there be a 3D Sonic game with simultaneous co-op like 3D World, without stifling the speed sections of the game?


2015 was the year of megaton reveals

2016 is the year of delivery

What got announced in 2015 that is coming out in 2016 again?

Like, is there a master list? Honestly unless I missed something obvious, I saw tons of games, but sadly few that grasped me.
The only tips I know of are those that help in vidya gamez

Wait, why is Beef's top 10 actually pretty decent? what the heck is happening?! this new year is off to a crazy start already, I'm not sure I can handle it.


So could there be a 3D Sonic game with simultaneous co-op like 3D World, without stifling the speed sections of the game?

People at Sega could certainly come up with a way of how to make it work.

But there are no programmers at Sega who could do it without it being completely broken.


I don't post here as often as I should but have a happy new year everyone :D!

Hope we get some great Sonic games this year and that the very likely 25th Anniversary game is a smash hit when it comes out :).

Isn't there a rumor that there are a bunch of sonic games coming out.

You can only split half an ass so many ways.

Hopefully they are all whole, and everyone likes them and everyone gets the thing they want.

Except beef, he hates chao.
Gonna randomly go through my Sonic backlog. Should I play these games on Xbox 360 or Steam, or does it not make it difference (I already own the games on both platforms)?:

Sonic 4, both episodes
Sonic Adventure DX (already beat this on Dreamcast a loooong time ago, but will replay)
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Generations
Sonic Lost World (sub WiiU instead of 360 for this one, obviously)

I have a late-2013 iMac, which should be capable at running all of these games at 60fps (assuming that they're good ports)


Isn't there a rumor that there are a bunch of sonic games coming out.

You can only split half an ass so many ways.

Hopefully they are all whole, and everyone likes them and everyone gets the thing they want.

Except beef, he hates chao.

My bet is that we are getting the following:
-Classic Sonic-themed 25th Anniversary game using the same engine Generations ran at; 60FPS, 1080p and a ton of content (about as big as.....say, Puppeteer or DKCR)
-Modern Collection that has Lost World, Generations and Colors for PS4, X1, NX and PC
-Classic Collection that has the Genesis Series (Sonic 1-3&K) and other games (Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic CD) made by Taxman/Stealth for PS4, X1, PC, NX and Wii U
-Sonic Boom Fire & Ice ends up being a strong game for many people and an improvement over Shattered Crystal
-Mario and Sonic the strongest one yet and has a lot of content to dive into
-Teasing a new game that ties into the upcoming film in the future


I wish they would stop staying too stuck to the past... Last time they did that we got Lost World.

Embrace at least other aspects of the past, or give the green-eyed modern blur the love and respect he deserves.


I wish they would stop staying too stuck to the past... Last time they did that we got Lost World.

Embrace at least other aspects of the past, or give the green-eyed modern blur the love and respect he deserves.

After Sonic Boom bombed and Lost World underwhelmed, going full-on Classic for the 25th Anniversary isn't the most stupid idea out there.

Could win people over and stop people hating the series.


What do you guys want out of the 25th Anniversary?

I personally only want Generations to get a PS4 port with the Unleashed Day levels ported in, running at 60FPS/1080p and for the new game to be great. Nothing more, nothing less would make me happy :).

Would love for a compilation of the Classic-era games on PS4/X1/PC/NX/Wii U in the future as well, as it would be a way to introduce them to younger generations :).


After Sonic Boom bombed and Lost World underwhelmed, going full-on Classic for the 25th Anniversary isn't the most stupid idea out there.

Could win people over and stop people hating the series.

Lost World was trying to go Classic in a lot of ways... And it failed.

It... It is kinda heart breaking when the last great Sonic game to hit console was a toned-down unleashed sequel with no new environments.


Lost World was trying to go Classic in a lot of ways... And it failed.

It... It is kinda heart breaking when the last great Sonic game to hit console was a toned-down unleashed sequel with no new environments.

Common, we got Sonic Boom and that was :D!............

:l ........... :(.

You have a good point :(. I just want the new Sonic to be good myself. Its been too long since the last great one (Sonic Racing Transformed) and I want the series to land on Sony/MS systems again at some point.


All I want is a sequel to Unleashed with the same controls as an option (no same button homing attsck bullshit). So much do I wish for a game like that that I've taken the time to draft story, levels, and locations. Not that it matters, but a guy can dream.

; _ ;


All I want is a sequel to Unleashed with the same controls as an option (no same button homing attsck bullshit). So much do I wish for a game like that that I've taken the time to draft story, levels, and locations. Not that it matters, but a guy can dream.

; _ ;

An Unleashed sequel focusing on more crazy looking locations would be welcomed :). Mixing in the level design styling that Generations had and the Wisps from Colors coming back in a new way (could be part of the story), could lead to a really impressive game being constructed.

With the game having a development cycle of four-five years at this point, the Generations team had more then enough time to make a massive Sonic game using the modern formula without using a gimmick to extend game length.
Wisps were good for what they were in Colors. They were a total drag in Generations and Lost World, though. Best to just leave those behind.

Tired of them appearing in three games already? They are fun power-ups that if used right could make level design stronger :).

Colors showed how great they can be in a game :D

That's kind of the problem, though. It worked well in Colors because the level design was tailored specifically around the Wisps, since they were the sole gimmick of the game. In Lost World, they're thrown into a game where the level design doesn't even seem to fully accommodate Sonic's new traversal mechanics, let alone a bunch of power ups on top of that, leading to the jumbled mess they ended up having.


I have never liked wisps. I felt they take away from the pure Sonic formula in Unleashed.

Hell, colors did way too much anti-Sonic feel stuff. First, they simplified the controls so drifts are auto-assisted, then they add wisps, then they give you a double jump for no reason, and then to make it worse, you can't switch rails without relinquishing control of Sonic himself, and you can fucking Swim.

In a Sonic game.

And some people have the audacity to say it's true to Sonic and Unleashed isn't.


I have never liked wisps. I felt they take away from the pure Sonic formula in Unleashed.

Hell, colors did way too much anti-Sonic feel stuff. First, they simplified the controls so drifts are auto-assisted, then they add wisps, then they give you a double jump for no reason, and then to make it worse, you can't switch rails without relinquishing control of Sonic himself, and you can fucking Swim.

In a Sonic game.

And some people have the audacity to say it's true to Sonic and Unleashed isn't.

The game was made for the Wii and it was very likely originally a port of Generations re-tooled into its own game; it having simplified mechanics not only makes sense, but logical considering the core control method (Wii Mote + Nunchuck).

Rail Switching felt fine in Colors and the only reason you swam was because it was a water level; it was built in mind to use the Drill Wsip. Note how you cannot swim in Generations.

I will agree that Colors had issues but it was a really strong, polished Sonic all things considering.


I... I just want an Epic Sonic again.

Remember the intro and all the Unleashed cutscenes? The production values? The hubs? The music?

It was an Epic.


I... I just want an Epic Sonic again.

Remember the intro and all the Unleashed cutscenes? The production values? The hubs? The music?

It was an Epic.

Sonic Team threw ALOT of money into Unleashed in a scared move to win people over after the toxic reception to Sonic 06. If it bombed, it would of been the very last Sonic game ever made I feel.

So, they put it all; amazing production values, outstanding visuals, some of the series best music, new gameplay mirroring Sonic Rush x Secret Rings, and originally even calling it Sonic Adventure 3. If the Werehog had more moves from the start, he had shorter levels, Metal System being more fair and the game being better optimized, Unleashed would of went down to the general gaming public as the best Sonic ever made.


I truly do believe it is the best Sonic game of all time period.

And I just want another one.

I drool just thinking of even a port at 60FPS locked on Xbox One with my elite controller's paddles doing stops for speed runs and rail grinding.


I truly do believe it is the best Sonic game of all time period.

And I just want another one.

I feel its the last one Sonic Team put a ton of heart into. You can tell every single little detail was given into the game and the game feeling the most polished & complete (still feels the most complete next to Colors) in comparison to Sonic games prior.

I would love another Unleashed-caliber production out of Sonic in the future and while I don't expect this upcoming Anniversary game to fit that bill, I feel we will see another one in the future. Maybe it might tie into the upcoming film? Maybe it might even be the Anniversary game after all.

All I know is that this year I can finally be excited about Sonic again, and I haven't felt that since 2011.


I feel its the last one Sonic Team put a ton of heart into. You can tell every single little detail was given into the game and the game feeling the most polished & complete (still feels the most complete next to Colors) in comparison to Sonic games prior.

I would love another Unleashed-caliber production out of Sonic in the future and while I don't expect this upcoming Anniversary game to fit that bill, I feel we will see another one in the future. Maybe it might tie into the upcoming film? Maybe it might even be the Anniversary game after all.

All I know is that this year I can finally be excited about Sonic again, and I haven't felt that since 2011.

We don't even know for sure if we are getting a big game though.

What if it is mobile?


We don't even know for sure if we are getting a big game though.

What if it is mobile?

Welp, then I will go in my little hole and remind myself the series is dead then :'(.

Will play Crash Returns, Yooka-Laylee and Ratchet & Clank instead.


Welp, then I will go in my little hole and remind myself the series is dead then :'(.

Will play Crash Returns, Yooka-Laylee and Ratchet & Clank instead.

Well no... I didn't mean that.

It's just that I too want another Sonic so bad! You are not alone.
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