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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

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pinkatrophe said:
I completely agree. The question is how long until a price drop? And how much of a price drop will it be?

Am agree 100% too. Everything is hinging on how fast they can price drop.

Though honestly I don't care at this point. I've come to realize through last gen and since 360 launch and this E3 i'm just not a Western gamer. I'm an eastern gamer. And with the FF blowout and strong Playstation brand in Japan it doesn't matter if MS "takes" the U.S. or not (which they have a really good chance at it now) my gaming tastes are still going to lay with the Playstation. I'm not excited about Halo 3, Alan Wake, Mass Effect or Too Human. Gears of War is interesting and i'm not saying I won't play those games but i'm not nearly as excited as I am for stuff like FFXIII or mildly interested in Heavenly Sword. I'm just so so tired of FPS's.

Me and my friend saw the "Naughty Dog" studios guy come and he was showing Resistance and were like yea, wow, neat looks like any other shooter. I would have taken another Crash or something. For western gamers though 360 is shaping up to be the place to go and having GTA IV same day as PS3 and EA games looking the same with all the sports titles they are pretty posed to take U.S. if not a huge chunk of the marketshare.

No, I'm not looking at either model at this point cos $499 is still too much for a gaming console. Maybe when it drops to $400 I'll buy it, but for right now, $499 isn't even an option. There aren't enough games on the ps3 and there are so many more important things I could spend that money on to warrant me paying that much.

I really meant keeping an eye on it if price drops. Say if the first price drop is a hundred bucks then that would drop to $399. Which puts its on equal footing with the 360 premium pack except with BRD.


butthole fishhooking yes
Is Sony going to provide an upgrade path for those who buy the "core" pack and later decide they would like the additional features like HDMI and WiFi?


The competition is between the PS3 core and the 360 premium.

They are very similar. For an extra $100 for the PS3 core you get the blu-ray with the extra capacity possibilies and hi-def movie capabilites (just not 1080p), plus the motion sensing controller. Other than that, the PS3 core and 360 have the same harddrive, the same HD gaming possibilites, the same wireless controller, the same lack of wifi.

You can decide if the differences warrant the extra $100, but I would say the the PS3 core is a very competative product for the 360 premium.

All of this doom and gloom, end of the world, Sony screwed up crap, is just a bunch of nonsense. They have a very competative console to put up against Microsoft. You don't have to get the high priced super duper hi-def videophile version of the PS3. The core version is definately a viable option and almost identical to what the 360 premium offers. That's where the real competition is...between the PS3 core and 360 premium.


I'm also quite disappointed at the lack of any news of the rumoured redesigned PSP and the generally poor showing of the PSP at the conferece. I think I'm ready to sell my PSP given it hasn't been played on for months. Did everyone forget about those PSP redesign rumors? internal HD etc. etc.? Maybe Sony will charge us $400 for that one when they finally release it.


I just saw them talking up PS3 on CNN, they mentioned the price and not in any kind of negative way.

My brother just found out the price of PS3, he didn't bat an eyelash at it.

That's the way I see it going. People will be taken aback by the price, but in the end public preception of PS3 will be that PS3 is "worth it" in the end, IMO.

No one should ever count Sony's spin doctors out. EVER.


The value is good. But they wont have problem selling the small amount they will be shipping early on. Plus it should be a hit with the HD fanatics who dont mind paying the high price for the extras.

Deku said:
I'm also quite disappointed at the lack of any news of the rumoured redesigned PSP and the generally poor showing of the PSP at the conferece. I think I'm ready to sell my PSP given it hasn't been played on for months. Did everyone forget about those PSP redesign rumors? internal HD etc. etc.? Maybe Sony will charge us $400 for that one when they finally release it.

There wont be one for a long long time.
xaosslug said:
No one should ever count Sony's spin doctors out. EVER.

Still, it sets a bad precedent if it's successful. Can you imagine every new system launching at a super expensive "launch price" for the first few months until sales start to slow down? Not good.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Parch said:
The competition is between the PS3 core and the 360 premium.

They are very similar. For an extra $100 for the PS3 core you get the blu-ray with the extra capacity possibilies and hi-def movie capabilites (just not 1080p), plus the motion sensing controller. Other than that, the PS3 core and 360 have the same harddrive, the same HD gaming possibilites, the same wireless controller, the same lack of wifi.

You can decide if the differences warrant the extra $100, but I would say the the PS3 core is a very competative product for the 360 premium.
Honestly, that's the way I see it. You could also argue you get some better graphics with PS3, but to be politically correct I'd even put that argument aside.

This forum does like to bitch a lot though about prices and all other things, that is until someone creates thread where people proudly post pictures of their 10K+ HT sets that they don't mind spending fortune on :p


_leech_ said:
Still, it sets a bad precedent if it's successful. Can you imagine every new system launching at a super expensive "launch price" for the first few months until sales start to slow down? Not good.

Sony already tried this with the PSP and it hurt the platofrm's performance and probably destroyed any chance the PSP had of getting the kind of massive 3rd party support people who bought into the idea initially was hoping for.

As was already said before, if Sony was operating in a true monopoly situation, no one could stop them, but in the past 18 months, the market has shown that given a viable alternative, the Playstation brand can still lose. I'm not sure Ken gets this. In fact, I think Sony investors banking on the gaming division to carry Sony financially might want to start selling their stocks today when its still high and uninformed investors are still pricing Sony stock at its current value.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Deku said:
I'm also quite disappointed at the lack of any news of the rumoured redesigned PSP and the generally poor showing of the PSP at the conferece.
They showed the stuff we knew was coming, but I think some of it looked really nice. LocoRoco, Killzone, PS1 emulator (for all the joking people give it, that emulator looked pretty damn promissing to me). I expect to see new MGS in a few hours at Konami conference.

Before you decide to sell the PSP, I'd say download and try LocoRoco demo. Don't sell before you experience that game! To me, it's a game like Lumines was, a game that basically defines PSP experience somehow.

Ben Sones said:
Actually... yeah, pretty much.


Oh please... You buy systems when they have games and features that interest you. What's so weird and complicated about it.
Ponn01 said:
Am agree 100% too. Everything is hinging on how fast they can price drop.

Though honestly I don't care at this point. I've come to realize through last gen and since 360 launch and this E3 i'm just not a Western gamer. I'm an eastern gamer. And with the FF blowout and strong Playstation brand in Japan it doesn't matter if MS "takes" the U.S. or not (which they have a really good chance at it now) my gaming tastes are still going to lay with the Playstation. I'm not excited about Halo 3, Alan Wake, Mass Effect or Too Human. Gears of War is interesting and i'm not saying I won't play those games but i'm not nearly as excited as I am for stuff like FFXIII or mildly interested in Heavenly Sword. I'm just so so tired of FPS's.

I'm the same way, which is why I'm so bummed out about the ps3 price announcement. The 360 has good games coming out but they're all so fucking western. Halo 3 will be good and Gears of War looks like fun, but so many games fall into the whole 'shoot stuff and blow it up' western mentality. It's fine in limited doses, but i'd go insane if that's all there is to offer.

I bought an xbox after having a ps2 for a couple of years and ended up re-selling it cos I got so sick of all the western games that flooded the console.

I really meant keeping an eye on it if price drops. Say if the first price drop is a hundred bucks then that would drop to $399. Which puts its on equal footing with the 360 premium pack except with BRD.

Yeah, it's just weird to think that even with a price drop, it'd put it at a price that I found too high for a 360 and would still find kinda steep for a ps3. Man, I jusut keep wishing they hadn't chosen Blu-Ray as their format. This is the main culprit in the price being so high.
xaosslug said:
I just saw them talking up PS3 on CNN, they mentioned the price and not in any kind of negative way.

My brother just found out the price of PS3, he didn't bat an eyelash at it.

That's the way I see it going. People will be taken aback by the price, but in the end public preception of PS3 will be that PS3 is "worth it" in the end, IMO.

No one should ever count Sony's spin doctors out. EVER.
That's the thing that scares me. What's to stop Sony from charging $700 or $800 next gen?I fear this is only the beginning since the funny thing is that I'm actually trying to rationalize $600 to myself. Heavenly Sword looks mighty good right now.:(

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Ben Sones said:
The part where you pay $600, plus tax and cost of games.
Well I live in Canda so I'd have to pay $650 (hmmm, now that I think about it, that's a fair conversion for once! How often does it happen that Canada doesn't get shafter in price conversion?). Xbox 360 premium costs $500 here. Yes, it's kinda expensive, but I'd say spending that kind of money every few years is generally less than what people spend in few years on other kinds of entertainment. If I want high end games, what other option do I have? To buy a PC that will cost me 2-3x times more to achieve same graphics quality?


xaosslug said:
I just saw them talking up PS3 on CNN, they mentioned the price and not in any kind of negative way.

My brother just found out the price of PS3, he didn't bat an eyelash at it.

That's the way I see it going. People will be taken aback by the price, but in the end public preception of PS3 will be that PS3 is "worth it" in the end, IMO.

No one should ever count Sony's spin doctors out. EVER.

Your right, sony can charge whatever they want and nobody will care!! :lol That must have been what they were thinking too. Believe me it wont end well. The price puts them at a HUGE disadvantage.
Dammit. I just watched the Heavenly Sword gameplay videos and that pretty much did it for me, I'll be buying a PS3 premium pack at launch most likely.

*bends over and rubs KY over ass*

Please Sony, be gentle.:lol
holy shiet, nobodys talking about Heavenly sword? the game looks amazing in motion SERIOUSLY.

oh yeah can somebody tell me why they decided to not have rumble in the controller? thats crazy


momolicious said:
oh yeah can somebody tell me why they decided to not have rumble in the controller? thats crazy

Because MS co-owns the rumble tech patent with Immersion and Sony is still fighting that lawsuit.
momolicious said:
holy shiet, nobodys talking about Heavenly sword? the game looks amazing in motion SERIOUSLY.

oh yeah can somebody tell me why they decided to not have rumble in the controller? thats crazy

Nobody is talking about any of the games...everything is CG. Underwelmington total


Drek said:
By the 2007 holiday season, when the PS2 is running out of steam and MS is beginning to approach mass market pricing, Sony will be more than capable of slashing PS3 prices quickly, down to a level very competative with the X360 (probably $50 more).

Right. Ain't happening. MS will drop the MSRP of the X360 by at least $50 come christmas, add another $50 (and that is me being conservative) for 2007, and we got $199 & $299 for Core/Premium packs respectivly. Do you HONESTLY believe that Sony will (be able) to drop the PS3 by more than $300?


mrmyth said:
Because MS co-owns the rumble tech patent with Immersion and Sony is still fighting that lawsuit.
Seriously? I thought they just took it out because "movement is the future" or whatever.
Damn, that's ridiculous.
come on, rumble is very important, you think sony will really allow no rumble forever?! that sucks



Diablos said:
Seriously? I thought they just took it out because "movement is the future" or whatever.
Damn, that's ridiculous.

Nope, if Sony left rumble in Immersion would've been able to halt the launch. I fully expect a version of the controller to rumble at some point, whenever the court case is settled one way or the other.
zou said:
Right. Ain't happening. MS will drop the MSRP of the X360 by at least $50 come christmas, add another $50 (and that is me being conservative) for 2007, and we got $199 & $299 for Core/Premium packs respectivly. Do you HONESTLY believe that Sony will (be able) to drop the PS3 by more than $300?

Anyone who thinks MS is going to drop the price by Christmas is crazy. They're going to go into Chirstmas with a price advantage, and a larger library of 2nd Gen games already. No need to cut the price when their competitor is already quite a bit more expensive, and will most likely be in short supply.


Neo Member
zou said:
Do you HONESTLY believe that Sony will (be able) to drop the PS3 by more than $300?

What you don't want to realize is it doesn't matter. Every PS3 at launch will sell, after that they will have no problem selling them at $600 for a short while. The price will drop in 2007 which still won't match the 360 but it still won't matter, because it will be the more powerful system with more and better options and it is Sony. The market leader for a decade doesn't fall over night no matter how hard Gaf prays, remember last time? BTW where did you get your business degree?


I have a question regarding Sony's "tard" pack. I know it doesn't have an HDMI port but what does that mean for someone who is not only interested in the PS3 because its a game console but because it will also serve as a cheap Blu-Ray player? Will I be able to play movies in high-def or do I need the $600 model for that? Thanks.


There is so much Sony damage control in this thread it's disgusting. Admit it, Sony came out with a great lineup, an amazing system, and an even better online plan.

... only to fuck up and drop the ball with a $600 pricepoint ($650 with tax over here in NY), with a truly barebones core pack that will run you $500.

If Sony announced a 399 pricepoint, you would all be sucking the Sony cock screaming it's all over. Now, at $200 higher, it all of a sudden won't make a difference. Please, stop it.


I'm actually thinking it was smart of Sony to mention the price now rather than at or near TGS. It was inevitable that Sony wouldn't have as many games playable as they'd like at E3, and it's simply better to save the major blowout for TGS when everything is much more mature and near-final.

By then, the price will have sunk in, and everyone can focus on the games with zero distractions. The E3 content seems to skew much more in favor of Western developers, and I think a lot of the Japanese devs are saving their full debuts for TGS.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Anyone who thinks MS is going to drop the price by Christmas is crazy. They're going to go into Chirstmas with a price advantage, and a larger library of 2nd Gen games already. No need to cut the price when their competitor is already quite a bit more expensive, and will most likely be in short supply.

Wouldn't bet on it. And even if they don't drop the price this christmas, they will most definitly will by next year. Which would bring my original $300 down to $250 (if at all, they might just cut the price by $100). My point would be still valid though.

Shabaz said:
What you don't want to realize is it doesn't matter.

Reading comprehension for the win? How about taking another look at a) my reply and b) at what I actually replied to?


Heian-kyo said:
I'm actually thinking it was smart of Sony to mention the price now rather than at or near TGS. It was inevitable that Sony wouldn't have as many games playable as they'd like at E3, and it's simply better to save the major blowout for TGS when everything is much more mature and near-final.

By then, the price will have sunk in, and everyone can focus on the games with zero distractions. The E3 content seems to skew much more in favor of Western developers, and I think a lot of the Japanese devs are saving their full debuts for TGS.

If there are any devs till making games for PS3 now that they know the price.


TheDuce22 said:
Your right, sony can charge whatever they want and nobody will care!! :lol That must have been what they were thinking too. Believe me it wont end well. The price puts them at a HUGE disadvantage.

That's not what I'm saying.

What I'm saying is people will pay x amount of $ for y as long as they deem y worth all that x. :p

See: iPod, PSP

The fact that Sony's launch games are somewhat on par with what MS showed at their press con. only helps...

after E3, when all the hands-on accounts flood the board. If the see-saw tips in favor of PS3's playable games being as bad as MS' last E3... maybe, I'll be worried.


Well, Sony went 100 dollars too high on their console prices.

I think 399/499 option would have been much better.

The 399 (really 499)system is basically the equivalent of the Xbox 360 premium, with blu ray movie capability added on. Then the 499 (really 599) could be the deluxe model. Once you go over 500 dollars, a psychological gap kicks in where it just seems too expensive. I'm pissed off Sony removed the HDMI port from the $499.99 model. I really couldn't care less about the wifi or the memory card ports, or the slightly smaller hardware but lacking HDMI is a big bullshit NO NO. I'm hoping as production ramps up, the price drops fast.

The good news is this means the PS3 will probably have a 10 year lifecycle.


Flipmo23 said:
There is so much Sony damage control in this thread it's disgusting. Admit it, Sony came out with a great lineup, an amazing system, and an even better online plan.

... only to fuck up and drop the ball with a $600 pricepoint ($650 with tax over here in NY), with a truly barebones core pack that will run you $500.

If Sony announced a 399 pricepoint, you would all be sucking the Sony cock screaming it's all over. Now, at $200 higher, it all of a sudden won't make a difference. Please, stop it.

Thank you for pointing that out. I bet it butters your bread to witness the twilight of "Sony's downfall." Anyway... I'm pissed at the price, of course I am, but regardless I'm getting the system because I think it's worth all that $$ and: FFXIII, MGS4, Gran Turismo EXCLUSIVE.

You're coming off awfully bitter for somebody that seems to be relishing Sony's price announcement "debacle" eh... Well, will wonders never cease. :p


Tagged as I see fit
Mrbob said:
Well, Sony went 100 dollars too high on their console prices.

I think 399/499 option would have been much better.

The 399 (really 499)system is basically the equivalent of the Xbox 360 premium, with blu ray movie capability added on. Then the 499 (really 599) could be the deluxe model. Once you go over 500 dollars, a psychological gap kicks in where it just seems too expensive. I'm pissed off Sony removed the HDMI port from the $499.99 model. I really couldn't care less about the wifi or the memory card ports, or the slightly smaller hardware but lacking HDMI is a big bullshit NO NO. I'm hoping as production ramps up, the price drops fast.

The good news is this means the PS3 will probably have a 10 year lifecycle.

I agree, but the weird thing is that I've been talking to other "gamers" and they seem to think the 499/599 pricepoints are fine. I don't get it and it's kinda scary because it seems to imply that next generation consoles will clock in even higher if there isn't as big a backlash on this pricing as I've been thinking there would be. Of course, this is purely anecdotal, but very interesting. I thought for sure most people would balk at this price and buy a 360, but now I'm not quite as sure...


My opinion of the press conference and news surrounding it:

- Lots of promising games
- Good graphics
- Final Fantasy XIII
- HDD standard
- Community playing a big role next gen

- Price
- No HDMI on 'tard pack'
- No mention of Linux functionality
- No spec upgrade to compensate for late launch, hell a small downgrade here and there
- Not much new specifics on OS / community
- No confirmation on online gameplay being free
- Hardly any surprises, especially from 3rd parties
- A little too much focus on first party games / EA
- Lack of Killzone 2 / 3 after the big trailer last year
- Size / weight of PS3

Before the press conference I was 95 % sure I'd buy a PS3 at launch. Now it's about 50 %, will probably wait for price to go down and / or to be sure the hardware is stable (heat and stuff). Not gonna take the risk of it breaking down at that price.


Midas said:
Wait till TGS! :p
TGS will be more important for Sony since it's only a couple months before the launch. Plus PS3 will be getting a lot more exclusive eastern games than they are western games.


TheOMan said:
I agree, but the weird thing is that I've been talking to other "gamers" and they seem to think the 499/599 pricepoints are fine. I don't get it and it's kinda scary because it seems to imply that next generation consoles will clock in even higher if there isn't as big a backlash on this pricing as I've been thinking there would be. Of course, this is purely anecdotal, but very interesting. I thought for sure most people would balk at this price and buy a 360, but now I'm not quite as sure...

More like the advent of game consoles being priced @ their worth? No more selling $$$ tech at such a huge loss. A lot peeps hailing PS3's price = N64 cartridges are in for a rude awakening... as long as Sony' fanbase buys Sony'll deliver on their next-gen dream, they will pay.

The fact that PS2's still going strong will only help... "You're paying for ten years of gaming, not four/five, friends." is what they will say, and get away with it. Also, they're tapping into the videophile market, which pays skyhigh for the best viewing pleasure anyway.

Again, the price sucks, IMO. But, it won't hurt Playstation in the least.
I'm not happy about the price, but how shocked can anyone actually be?
MicroSoft chose to take a larger loss per console sold, Sony chose not to. That desicion, to me, says alot about how Sony sees itself in the gaming industry. Why not charge 100/200 dollars more, we're F'n Sony!! That said, I will still buy one as soon as I am able to just like I've always planned. I don't like it that I'm going to pay so much more, just for the privillage to paying more for games too, BUT they are going to have the games I want to play most, and I can lug that backlog into the next-generation with me.

Does anyone else think it makes LESS sense to buy the ps3 tard pack then it would the 360 tard pack? The 100 bucks for the good one is less percentage of the whole for the ps3. If i'm going to spend THAT much on video games, might as well pay the extra to get all the goods.
The price is really going to (already has) divide the gamer's opjnions


By the way, is anyone else having trouble downloading movies at GameTrailers.com? I left click the wmv / mov buttons to save files, but only a blank page shows up. Tried in both FireFox and IE, servers too busy or so?

Any other sources for free high-res downloads of the PS3 game videos?


Well, what can one say, the Sony conference was just pain incarnate. I pretty much expected Pinhead to appear and start impaling attendees with fish hooks on chains as Kuturagi laughed maniacally holding the Lemarchand Puzzle Box.

Overall, the price itself isn't as big a deal to me as the absolutely retarded gimping of the tard pack. It's an absolutely ridiculous thing to do, and is a move done more with an eye towards pushing people to the $600 version, and in particular making that version the only attractive option to the home theater buffs that have long said they'd get a PS3 for the Blu-Ray player alone.

Software I had no problems with for the most part, though I'm really not feeling FFXIII at this point - we'll see.

In any case, this just made me assured in my feeling that I was [EDIT] NOT going to kill myself trying to get one at launch, something I wasn't planning on doing this time around anyway. I was prepped for the PS2 launch - pre-ordered, etc. and had no problems getting mine launch day. Retail is different now though and I don't feel like going through the stress of trying to do that.

So the only console I may have at launch this gen is Wii.


xaosslug said:
A lot peeps hailing PS3's price = N64 cartridges are in for a rude awakening...

Ugh, I read that a few times and it's insane to think someone could say that seriously. They're two completely different things. Nintendo going with carts was something they are stuck with forever... they couldn't change a thing about that when the system launched. Sony can change the price of the PS3 later on down the line... it won't be stuck at $599 forever, despite what most of GAF seems to think.


Devs have already moaned that MS cut off XBox support too soon and in reality Sony cannot do that with the PS2, they'll have 80million pissed off people and devs will be pissed that all the work they're doing at the moment will be wasted.

Plus Jaffe would be fucking annoyed

So they need to create a clear cut difference between the two, hence price
teiresias said:
Well, what can one say, the Sony conference was just pain incarnate. I pretty much expected Pinhead to appear and start impaling attendees with fish hooks on chains as Kuturagi laughed maniacally holding the Lemarchand Puzzle Box.

Overall, the price itself isn't as big a deal to me as the absolutely retarded gimping of the tard pack. It's an absolutely ridiculous thing to do, and is a move done more with an eye towards pushing people to the $600 version, and in particular making that version the
Thats it exactly. They want to offer a cheaper version for people, but they want people to buy the more expensive one so... gimpp away.
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