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Sony is officially helping with funding and development with Shenmue 3


I don't know if this makes it "better" or "worse" (like I said in the thread I made im ultimately glad we're getting Shenmue III) but I appreciate them finally adressing it.

saying "we have nothing to do with it!" explicitely on stage and then proving that wrong (first immediatly by showing PC/PS4 but saying nothing) when fans go nuts sing praises and the KS gets funded still rubs me wrong.


I don't quite understand the logic. Ok, there's proven interest, but the people who are seriously interested all just bought a copy of the game and paid for it already. Now they're going to have to generate another $20-30+ million in revenue from somewhere else to recoup the costs they're going to have to add to the games budget.
Yeah, I don't see how this is a good idea for Sony. Unless if Sega is now onboard too and they're splitting the costs. Maybe they think they can market the game outside of the diehard fanbase despite it being the third game in an old series.


This practice just rubs me the wrong way entirely - I think it's the first time a Kickstarter has been created with the developers KNOWING they have direct financial support from a multinational corporation?

Adam Boyes: "We have nothing to do with this!!!"


Such a shame too, I love Shenmue and Yu Suzuki.

Is this sarcasm I can't tell anymore


Its pretty simple guys, see how the kickstarter mentions they dont know yet if Xbox one version?

If they get an specific ammount of money, sony will fund them.

If they get a lot more money than that, they wont need sony's help in publishing the game, so they can go multiplatform.

This kickstarter is to see where the game will go and who will be funding it.


Really the only thing I find weird about this is if I were Sony, my main concern would be if the Shenmue team could make the game fans want without an extortionately gigantic budget rather than if diehard Shenmue fans can pony up the relatively small amount of 2mil.

As if the loyalty of Shenmue fans was in question rather than the budget responsibility of a creator whose previous games held the record for the industry's most expensive games.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
Yeah, they should give the money back to the poor gamers that were tricked to pay $29 to receive a copy of the game.

What a scam....

Its pretty simple guys, see how the kickstarter mentions they dont know yet if Xbox one version?

If they get an specific ammount of money, sony will fund them.

If they get a lot more money than that, they wont need sony's help in publishing the game, so they can go multiplatform.

This kickstarter is to see where the game will go and who will be funding it.

This is sarcams right? The OP states that Sony is putting money on this. The kickstarter could end at 100 million, sony is involved since the beginning.
I have only one issue with this, the fact that Sony is funding a big part of the development should be clearly stated on kickstarter page. It's a factor and a risk in the development of the game.

No it shouldn't. They put on there the platforms it was aiming for. There is no false pretense it's going anywhere else. Sony was smart not to put the name on there because what happens if it doesn't get funded. Sony is now responsible for killing the dream of Shenmue.


Awesome, so excited. Sony is truly a force for good in the games industry, as far as I'm concerned! I really hope we can meet those stretch goals too.


I have no problem with this...

...well, other than it being restricted to PC/Playstation. Still, if Yu didn't like the deal he would've turned it down. If this is how he feels his vision will be best realized then I'm cool with it.


Neo Member
Krejilooc brought up that Shenmue actually costs about $40m to make largely because they built a new engine and everything. This time they're using Unreal 4 so it would require a lot less money to make.

Also a lot of that giant amount of money was because Shenmue was started on Saturn and then restarted completely. A big portion of Shenmue II is also lumped into that figure.


I'd be in the dick
I would so much rather put my money in a Kickstarter to prove I'm interested in revitalizing a game series and potentially get the game discounted with some cool bonuses for fans than buy an outsourced spin off game no one wants.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Donating and buying aren't the same thing.

I would argue that most backers are essentially pre-ordering the game (which is fine) but shelling out hundreds of dollars seems peculiar once you know that Sony is behind the project.

Anyone in this thread that is complaining donate over the price of the game? Genuinely curious.


So you thought Shenmue 3 could be made on a 2 Mil budget? LOL.

No. It was pretty obvious Sony were going to chip in since the original's budget was 25 times higher in 1999. I just think they should have been upfront about it instead of going all #saveshenmue (literally). Just say that reaching the goal will show Sony that there is interest for the game instead of making it look like they are funding the game.


HHour said the same thing, their kickstarter was just to show publishers that people were actually interested in the game and they got funding after that.

SO, kickstarter enabled the game to be made in the first place. and served as a literal kickstarter to the development which is what its supposed to do.

why all the complaining then? salt?
Shenmue fans seem happy to do it, they get the game from a dead franchise that they've wanted for over a decade by backing the kickstarter.

Why the concern trolling?


This project gave me motherf'n Shenmue 3!

Despite being a diehard fan favorite, it might not seen as enough. It's easy to forget it's over a decade old, cost a fortune and lost money, gauging interest for a potential publisher, I understand. On that front I can also understand the reservation by people. But if the choice was this or no Shenmue 3, I would pick this 100x over without hesitation.

It really is a case of putting money with your mouth is and not just lip service and I'm glad the gaming community stepped up to the plate....seriously I can't believe last night happened, it's ridiculous.

I'm now compelled to own this game twice, the PC version and PS4 version. I really want a physical PS4 copy though.


If people were giving donations I would understand the annoyance but kickstarter pledges have rewards tied to them, the pledges are getting something.


That explains the lack of other platforms as stretch goals.

I'm fine with this, but it really should've been stated up front. Yes, all the signs were there, but no excuses!
Kickstarter is probably one of the best ways to "gauge" interest. Would you rather decide with your wallets or a circle of execs looking at some spreadsheets.

This is how I feel as well. Shenmue III would NEVER get made if it was an "executive decision". Open it up to fans and it allows them to dictate the games we want to see.

If Rare won't make a Banjo Kazooie, we'll crowd fund our own.

If Konami won't make a Castlevania, we'll crowd fund our own.

Not to mention, for $30, less than £20, I'm getting a digital copy of the game. How much do we think that is going to go for on the store when the game released?
Good on them. I'm glad they're involved, rather than just riding their heels. I backed it last night, not for much, but I wanted to support.
It's not the practice - it's the misleading presentation.

Or did everyone forget the barely-hat-in-hand "Save Shenmue" plea last night?

There was nothing mis-leading about it...it was on Sony's stage, the platforms were listed, and we know what a kickstarter is, although apparently many here do not. It was obvious Sony was involved.


Maybe the Kickstarter was more to show SEGA that there was interest and not Sony. You know how protective they are of their IP.
I'm confused by the posts complaining about giving money to sony or how people should get their money back, etc. I won't speak for others, but I specifically paid less than $30 to preorder a game I never thought would exist. I have a feeling most complainers weren't going to kickstart it anyway or are salty about it being Sony/PC only.
I really hope Sony understands that not everyone played Shenmue I or II, and will also help with a remake/remaster of the older titles. If they could somehow release Shenmue III with I and II on disc/download that would be really awesome.
Its pretty simple guys, see how the kickstarter mentions they dont know yet if Xbox one version?

If they get an specific ammount of money, sony will fund them.

If they get a lot more money than that, they wont need sony's help in publishing the game, so they can go multiplatform.

This kickstarter is to see where the game will go and who will be funding it.

ha. Yeah no, unless they get 50 million through kickstarter that isn't happening.


Because if the kickstarter failed Sony wouldn't have funded it because interest would not be high enough

Um how does this answer my question? they could say "If the Kickstarter is successfull we will help with funding and developemt of the game"

Don't much have a problem with it, but in my opinion they should disclose something like this


Then take it off of Kickstarter.

Kickstarter should not be used by Giant Mega Dollars Corporations just to generate Twitter buzz.

It's scummy as all get.

yeah , using my hard earned money and taxing me on it, I know what I'll do I'm going to become a "freeman" and live out in the bush off the land, I mean they use my money for schools, roads, who the hell needs school? Roads? Pfft you just drive a pickup, I mean these government scum have to be stopped!!
Taxes are illegal, did you know they were started to fund the war, once the war ended the tax was due to end, therefore, being taxed post-war is definitely illegal, so I'm not paying their Shenmue tax.
I would imagine now that they are coming out as officially backing it they will close the KS but it was the only way this game was getting made guys. The last game didn't set the world on fire sales wise and the only way for Sony to see if this has any viable true market interest and is not just the deafening cry repeated over and over by the most loyal fans was a chance to get them to put their money where their mouth was. I don't understand how people don't get this

I'm somewhat okay with them using KS to gauge interest, what I'm not really okay with is if they don't close the KS now that there's offiical backing.

It's already sitting at $2.7m, it'll probably $3m by the morning and who knows where it could go if they don't close it.

How they mkve forward is key. I'm not a fan of games using KS to spread the development costs out to gamers when there's a publisher/backer behind the project.

That's pretty underhanded in my opinion. KS should be for games that genuinely struggle to receive funding, not to gauge interest in a game before a publisher commits to a project.


Cool. I'm not sure I really understand the "gauge interest" thing. Can't you just make people sign a petition to show interest?

Or is $2 Million super crucial that Sony can't add it to their existing budget?

Sorry if off topic, but is this also the deal with Final Fantasy 7? I assume it will come to PC, but what about XBox?

It's a lot easier to sign a petition than to put up actual money. Kickstarter is a much more valid gauge of interest than an internet petition.

This is basically what Sony did with the Amplitude Kickstarter, and that very nearly didn't make its goal.


I'm so happy this isn't coming to the other console. Like I said many times before, the more PlayStation 4 exclusives, the better.


For those wanting Shenmue 1 and 2 on ps4: that is a different thread altogether because Suzuki brought the rights but SEGA retains control of the first 2 games. The re-release of the first 2 would be solely upto SEGA and not Suzuki or Sony


I've no problem with this approach as it confirms market interest in a product that would provide a financial risk to create, and most likely never see the light of day.
I have no idea tbh, just nowhere near 70 million that's ridiculous. That was the cost for both games back then btw. They had to create everything from the ground up, there was no middleware for basically anything. Maybe video compression, that's about it. They also spent way more money than was even necessary like fully voicing every innocuous NPC that roamed around with answers to probably over 100 questions. They recorded over 150+ footsteps so everyone would have their own... There is literally no reason at all to expect development cost to match the older games.

I'm sorry, there's so many assumptions and bold claims in here that to someone like me who has been following the series since '99 is too much to handle.

don't be sorry,
Just curious did you have the expression on your face matching you avatar because of all the cheap melodrama going on?


Gold Member
That's a nice way of taking advantage of the fans and getting free money, I guess. Kudos to them.

LOL what? I get the game for $29 on day 1. Does that mean not being taken advantage of means to wait to buy it at retail for $60?


Some people in this thread are salty as hell.
Who cares in the end because Shenmue 3 will at least be a mid-tier game instead of a 5-10M dollars game.
Sony and Suzuki ASKED if us gamers will put our money where our mouth is at the conference, and guess what, we did.
If you always thought it was shady for Sony to give a prime time slot for this KS project then don't back it out of "moral" belief.
I will throw money at the KS campaign instead because finally getting to see the ending>>>>"concerned" moral ideology on transparency for consumer right.

Edit: Is there even a consumer right when a product shouldn't even existed in the first place without the help from a corporate overlord?


This makes me happy. Sony backing this up now has me fully convinced the developers have the means to realise their visions for SIII.

C'mon people. A kickstarter budget alone would probably not ensure the quality most people here want. Since it is a direct sequel to two open ended, old and fairly niche yet big budget games, I cannot blame them using kickstarter to gauge interest. Sony helped this project greatly by hyping it on stage (and probably helping on the background).

And there is at least a PC version, so it is not like Sony used kickstarter for their own exclusive (personally, I consider PC a platform just like PS4 so I consider it multiplat).
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