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Sony is officially helping with funding and development with Shenmue 3


I don't quite understand the logic. Ok, there's proven interest, but the people who are seriously interested all just bought a copy of the game and paid for it already. Now they're going to have to generate another $20-30+ million in revenue from somewhere else to recoup the costs they're going to have to add to the games budget.
I'm totally okay with this. I don't regret, and I won't cancel or modify, my $310 pledge. I still want the items, and I still feel good giving Yu and Sony my money on this.

I'm a huge Shenmue fan, and even I was scared about the Kickstarter and was hoping it would squeeze by the 2 mil goal in the last few days. I had no idea how crazy the support would be. I can't blame Sony for this.

Also, however much this makes is that much less that Sony has to fund, which means the less money the game has to make to be considered profitable. That could be just enough to make the difference between them making another "Building the List" game or not.
No funding = no interest in the game = no need for Sony to invest money = no Shenmue III

Have you thought this way yet?

Honestly i dont get people get why people are so scared or something. Its coming to PS4 and PC. We have support for one most desired sequels in gaming from a huge publisher, and all it was from a 2mill kickstarter to see how much people actually wanted it. Its coming to PS4 and PC just like the kickstarter said. Ugh.
So what do people think the budget of this game will ultimately be? I still see it in the 10-20 million range. No one actually thinks this will get a full-on 50-75 million big-time budget right? Because I don't see that happening at all.


Gold Member
Not necessarily, Sony has helped fund independent games that later on released on Xbox before. Like Joe Danger.

Joe Danger is a pub fund game. Totally different than games handled by Third Party Production. Think Grim Fandango or SFV. If either of those two games come to X1, then you may say Shenmue could come to X1.


I agree with this. There mere fact that Sony showed it onstage should have made it clear. I think we'll be seeing a lot more big kickstarters following this trend.

Well if it helps and allows fans to show some support, then I am all for it. Sony saw how overwhelming the response was and they may even decide to commit even more to it than originally planned now.


Come one Bruce, they knew full well that the KS would bring in a helluva lot more than $2m. If that's all they really wanted, they should close the KS and stop accepting any more funding... I wonder if they will now that there's official funding from Sony.

Why would they? This kickstarter is basically the new method of pre-orders.


Not sure why some see this as a problem. Its just like a startup funding etc. Gamers in this case are the initial investors and with their initial investment Sony steps in as another backer/primary investor. Also its a win for the many people going digital at a 50% discount etc.


It's kinda stupid of Sony to help fund the game when it's also going to be on a different platform.
First with SFV and now with Shenmue. Sorry but these titles don't count as exclusives lol

You should appreciate that at least the games exists now


Then why a kickstarter?

To "kickstart" development of the game.

Geez, people. What do you think "kickstarter" is?

Sometimes, you simply kickstart a game to be big enough to get published after showing a publisher there's enough interest to invest in the game themselves.

As if you need a kickstarter to gauge interest on this game ffs, haha.
They knew there was interest... They just didn't enough if there was ENOUGH interest to financially back it themselves.

Again, as beloved as they were, Shenmue I & II didn't make money.


Wait, so you're telling me companies look out for their own interests before the interests of their consumers?

Well I never.


I have one concern. Kickstarter was exciting because it let the dev retain full control over the product so they could digital their vision without publishers meddling and diluting what the game might be.

Sony getting back involved worries me, I just hope they find it and mostly stay hands off.

Thank heavens it's not ea, activision, or ubi.


I really don't see the problem here!

The publisher is able to gauge if there is any real interest or if it's just a vocal minority wanting a game nobody else wants. At the same time early supporters are able to get a copy at a discount together with the feeling that they helped to fund the game they have wanted for so long.

Everybody wins!

Honestly, there have been a bunch of games from established developers to go through Kickstarter now. Most of them require outside funding, either from the studio itself or from investors. What this Kickstarter does is A) signal that there is interest in a Shenmue sequel, B) give huge fans a chance to either get the game cheaper than it will likely retail for or to grab a bunch of cool Shenmue media/swag that wouldn't exist otherwise, and C) have some input on the creative process.

I'm not really seeing a downside. People have waited close to 15 years for a Shenmue 3 announcement.

The downside is that some people thought that these funds were required for the game, and donated much more than the $60 cost of a game. 4 different people donated $10k, and many people put in $100 or more in hopes that their 14 year wait will finally end.

It's a scam playing on the emotions of those of us who have been waiting years to finish the saga. It is just "gauging interest" to them, but some of us thought that this kickstarter was absolutely needed to start development and donated a lot to make that happen.


If I was a salty fanboy I would probably be claiming this was a 'bad practice' and that they weren't clear enough and thus 'we shouldn't support this'

Those would be my talking points.


Kickstarter is a good way to secure funds. It's nothing but a pre order campaign in the end. Also, great way to generate buzz and press.

People from the $29 tier are getting the download for the game, so it isn't much different from a pre-order campaign.

So all donations should cap at the $30 tier which is the pre-order guarantee?

Never ever call crowdfunding a preorder.

There are 2 big differences.

With a preorder you aren't committing your money until the game is shipped. With crowdfunding the money is theirs once the funding goal is reached.

With a preorder you can call the cops if you get scammed. With crowdfunding the government says such campaigns that try to offer profit sharing options are illegal. That's why they only offer gifts or dreams.

You aren't making a purchase. You are making a donation.

The FTC in the US is reconsidering their stance on this since they went after a campaign where the fundraiser never started work on his project but obviously big companies like Sony can start a project let it die off and never be required to refund you for a failed development project.


A lot of people seem to be confused about the meaning of the word "kickstart". That's exactly what the project needed, and that's what happened.


Wasn't it obvious?? 2 millions clearly isn't enough for a product like Shenmue. I don't understand why people get pissed, it doesn't change a thing... You help funding the game, you made it a success, you get "free stuff" for your pledge, what's wrong with that??
I don't understand some of the sentiment is this thread. You all would rather the game never be released instead of a Kickstarter gauging the interest first and then getting funded?

This game was not going to happen without kickstarter. SEGA clearly has shown that in a decade and a half they had no interest moving forward with a new title. Forum outcry for a sequel != justification to make said sequel. They need a much wider poll to see whether it is viable or not.

If kickstarter means more games get made than I am 100% for it.


I don't mind the "gauging interest" approach to Kickstarter, but one thing I don't understand is the economics of it. The most passionate fans who are donating to the Kickstarter are already going to receive a copy of the game. Are they just assuming there are a lot of other fans, that aren't contributing to the Kickstarter, who will buy the game at its time of release? How else do they justify piling on more funding?

The buzz and all the noise around this will raise attention. Every record that the campaign breaks it's free marketing for the game. Being on stage for one of the hardware companies conference was invaluable for that too, it raised its profile immensely with new eyeballs turning to this game and trying to understand what the hell was the fuss all about. It's a big symbiotic process.


the reality is that videogames are too expensive. i'm sure if they got rid of middle-management, i'm sure they could make uncharted 4 or shenmue on a budget of 3 million. the problem with companies is that they to act more like a family, where money is limited and you have to budget. there is too much waste in the gaming industry, they just need to make sure they budget properly like a real family does.


benevolent sexism
Anyone who isn't happy with the "gauge interest" approach can withdraw their support. This is only a shitty thing for devs to do if a) it's never disclosed, or b) it's disclosed at the last second or just after the kickstarter closes.


As if you need a kickstarter to gauge interest on this game ffs, haha.

You absolutely had to. Some people here don't seem to understand why this game took 14 years to finally get greenlit. It's because of the financial viability of the game and how shitty the second game sold.


Didn't people go batshit when Zach Braff did this for his film and when Peter Molyneux did it for his mobile game (although there were some other caveats in Molyneux's case). So is it ok now just because this game was presumably dead?
Acording to my old EGM (Game mag from the 90's)
it's says shenmue cost exceeded 100 million dollars?

Was this ever true?


US$70 million
"Shenmue on the Dreamcast is more notorious for its overambitious budget than its poor sales figures.
While it sold a respectable number of units, at the time of release, the game had the record for
the most expensive production costs (over US$70 million), and its production time was 5 years.

So my question is:
Is sony paying for the other 65 million dollars?

Why on Earth do you think it'll cost that much? They licensed UE4 for fucks sake, they had to create everything back then, there was no middleware.


This needed to be out on the forefront, not that the KS has been hurting, but good to have confirmation. I'm sure more will pour in now as a result.

Edit: Hope this translates into some kind of HD Shenmue 1 & 2 scenario, I'd like more than the cinematic shorts the KS stretch goal is getting.
Complete opposite. I was going to back at $100, not going to now. Sony's involvement has been shady as fuck from the first instan of the reveal, and continues to be, when you consider that there are stretch goals for translations. What the hell is that doing there with Sony funding this?

Is Sega involved in this at all? Going to be crappy if all the Sega references are swapped out for Sony ones.

If we get proper clarification, I might change my tune, but when you ask for player's money two years in advance, this is not the sort of detail you expect to hear after the fact.
Shenmue fans seem happy to do it, they get the game from a dead franchise that they've wanted for over a decade by backing the kickstarter.

Why the concern trolling?


That's good 2 million didn't seem like nearly enough to make a decent game. And I think this is a good way to gage interest, and limit the burden of risk. I expect Sony will punt up more than 2 million themselves especially now.


Wasn't it obvious?? 2 millions clearly isn't enough for a product like Shenmue. I don't understand why people get pissed, it doesn't change a thing... You help funding the game, you made it a success, you get "free stuff" for your pledge, what's wrong with that??

You really didn't.
People are inferring some rather nefarious shit about Sony here that someone who's been following all along can see is absurd.

Yu Suzuki has wanted to make this game for years. 3 years ago he learned about Kickstarter and decided he would go that route. Sony gave him stage time during their conference, even saying this had nothing to do with them. The Kickstarter exploded and set all kinds of records so Sony now absolutely wants to get out in front of this and declare their partnership.

It's not like Sony and Suzuki were planning this out in advance, get a grip.

So it took him 3 years to learn how to make a kickstarter page? Get real.

My biggest problem with this setup is how obvious it was from the beginning. It was a way for Sony to offset the development costs.

Yu could have easily launched a KS campaign any day of the week for years and he would have gotten the same number of backers. He could have then shopped it around and seen if anyone would step up and back him.
I expressed my disagreement with the way things were being handled in the Salsa thread, and this confirmation just strengthens what I felt: this game didn't need a Kickstarter in the slightest, Sony could make it happen either way. The goal set for this game in the KS page probably won't cover 5% of the costs involved in the project, especially if they want to stay true to the high quality production bar the franchise set back in the day. People giving tons of money may feel like they are actually making this happening, but they are really not, Sony is.

But yay, Shenmue 3.
This game is a massive risk, how do you think that this game does not need a Kickstarter to gauge interest? It may have all worked out without it, but why does it matter if PC and PS4 gamers put money and buy the game for cheap and the game gets made anyways? How does this affect anyone negatively who would have gotten the game anyway? Please explain. Make sure not to spare any details.

If you are not an Xbox only gamer who is a fan and are complaining in this thread, you're acting like a petulant child (or might be one at this rate). This is addressing everyone in general, not just the poster I'm quoting.


Acording to my old EGM (Game mag from the 90's)
it's says shenmue cost exceeded 100 million dollars?

Was this ever true?


US$70 million
"Shenmue on the Dreamcast is more notorious for its overambitious budget than its poor sales figures.
While it sold a respectable number of units, at the time of release, the game had the record for
the most expensive production costs (over US$70 million), and its production time was 5 years.

So my question is:
Is sony paying for the other 65 million dollars?
I'd assume that there can't be that much funding coming from Yu Suzuki himself, there may of course be other private investors, Sega may even be involved on that front.
The fact that some people are just like blatantly pretty much saying

"PC gamers mean nothing"

Because it's not like their contributions are worth anything
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