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Star Trek: Beyond Driftopia trailer officially released

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Canadians burned my passport
So basically, Enterprise is exploring the frontier, gets shot down onto an alien/lawless planet, and the entire thing is a survival story?

I can dig that, honestly.


They can cure death and teleport all the way from Earth to Qo'nos

It's hilarious how ridiculous the tech advanced under JJ and no one finds any good use for it


Purple Drazi
Really debated posting something so easily-misconstrued, especially after filling a solid 15% of this thread with posts about how I like nuTrek. I'm not gonna go into details, because she wouldn't want that, but I have a friend who works on this film and she's said all the right things to me just now. I trust her, she's a long-time Trekkie and I've known her for years. She's said what many of us already recognize: this trailer is definitely not for "us." It's very specifically catering to a very particular crowd. But she says Pegg's writing is all over this and that he definitely gets Trek, and that's going to show in the movie.

Hopefully future trailers show that too.

Obviously if you don't know me and/or think I'd say anything to change opinions in this thread or something equally silly then disregard. But I'm happy to have gotten her insight, and I'm going to keep that in mind going forward.


Man, I can't figure out how to word this without it sounding like one of those "my uncle who works at Nintendo" posts. Just mark this in the back of your head if you're planning on seeing the movie, I guess. I think everything that people want from Pegg is going to be on full display in the script and this trailer did a terrible job of indicating that.


They can cure death and teleport all the way from Earth to Qo'nos

It's hilarious how ridiculous the tech advanced under JJ and no one finds any good use for it

JJ plays fast and loose with canon and puts things in movies because they seem awesome but without thought about story repercussions for future movies...

Honestly most movie goers don't nitpick over these details though and won't remember what happened in the last movie by the time a new one comes out. There's no money in catering to just the nerds.
That...did not make me interested. At all. And I actually liked '09 and thought Into Darkness was moderately okay.

Will watch because it's Trek but my expectations are gone.


I saw Driftopia and immediately thought of Ridge Racer, damn you OP :(

Eh, did not like the JJ films at all, so it can't get any worse... can it?


Simon Pegg said:
Shaun of the Dead star, who is co-writing the sci-fi sequel, suggests the film will go back to basics.

The next Star Trek film will be closer in spirit to the original television show, according to co-writer Simon Pegg.

“I think we just want to take it forward with the spirit of the TV show,” revealed Pegg. “And it’s a story about frontierism and adventure and optimism and fun, and that’s where we want to take it, you know. Where no man has gone before – where no one has gone before, sensibly corrected for a slighter more enlightened generation. But yeah, that’s the mood at the moment.”



Off road vehicles in a Star Trek. Never seen that before.

Movie looks really fun and original. Being stuck on the ship works for tv but I much rather see the crew explore alien planets than run around the ship for another film.
So far, Nemesis has been robbed of a few scenes for the past two films. Hawked down and blown out of warp by a ship that completely outclasses the Enterprise? Nemesis did it. Space jump from one ship to another? Nemesis did it.
Off road vehicle scene? Nemesis did it.
Really debated posting something so easily-misconstrued, especially after filling a solid 15% of this thread with posts about how I like nuTrek. I'm not gonna go into details, because she wouldn't want that, but I have a friend who works on this film and she's said all the right things to me just now. I trust her, she's a long-time Trekkie and I've known her for years. She's said what many of us already recognize: this trailer is definitely not for "us." It's very specifically catering to a very particular crowd. But she says Pegg's writing is all over this and that he definitely gets Trek, and that's going to show in the movie.
I'll trust your avatar, but blowing up the ship just isn't a good look for me.


Kills Photobucket
Really debated posting something so easily-misconstrued, especially after filling a solid 15% of this thread with posts about how I like nuTrek. I'm not gonna go into details, because she wouldn't want that, but I have a friend who works on this film and she's said all the right things to me just now. I trust her, she's a long-time Trekkie and I've known her for years. She's said what many of us already recognize: this trailer is definitely not for "us." It's very specifically catering to a very particular crowd. But she says Pegg's writing is all over this and that he definitely gets Trek, and that's going to show in the movie.

Hopefully future trailers show that too.

Obviously if you don't know me and/or think I'd say anything to change opinions in this thread or something equally silly then disregard. But I'm happy to have gotten her insight, and I'm going to keep that in mind going forward.


Man, I can't figure out how to word this without it sounding like one of those "my uncle who works at Nintendo" posts. Just mark this in the back of your head if you're planning on seeing the movie, I guess. I think everything that people want from Pegg is going to be on full display in the script and this trailer did a terrible job of indicating that.

So you're saying we should have faith (of the heart)?

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
That was a pretty underwhelming trailer. Only a smidgen above the ass shit Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2 trailer.


Purple Drazi
So you're saying we should have faith (of the heart)?


Well, I'd say if possible try to keep a bit more of an open mind. This trailer obviously did some damage. I think it's an okay piece, but really disorganized. More importantly, I don't think what my friend tells me came through at all, aside from that line McCoy had, maybe. I'm not sure I can totally agree with her that this trailer is good "for its target demo" (or whatever she said, I don't remember) because it's inherently just kind of all over the place. I can't guarantee that future trailers will focus on all the great Pegg moments I've been assured are in there, but I'm hopeful that's what happens. From what I've heard, the right trailer really can sell this movie as smarter than it currently appears.


Nork unification denier
I will watch this for Karl Urban. But this is really not a good trailer and I say that as a fan of Lin, Pegg, the other actors and someone who loves Old Trek and New Trek.


What's the chance that this trailer got leaked, because the geek-gasm trailer is attached to SW?

That's the only way I'd see this leak as a good thing. Hit a demo quickly that won't see the real trailer, and will go for the baysplotions.
I actually really liked that :/

Looks like a lot of fun. Much more a fan of post-Rodenberry Trek, though, so that might factor into my thinking. DS9 ftw.

Oh, and for a split second I saw those swarming things attacking the Enterprise and went "wtf, the Ancients are in this?"

Really want that crossover now.
This should go down as one of the worst musical selections you will ever see for a trailer. Hearing that makes me not even think they're taking this movie seriously.


People, this was basically a supercut of gags from the movie, and the only bits of CGI that were probably done in time to throw something in front of Star Wars.

It's written and directed by a pair of dudes who are MASSIVE trekkies. Whatever Beyond turns out to be, it was likely to be the best Star Trek movie we were ever going to get under the current circumstances and climate at Paramount. Yes, I'm still disappointed that the Enterprise seems to be this movie's USS Kelvin. No, I don't feel this trailer will end up being representative of the finished product.


People, this was basically a supercut of gags from the movie, and the only bits of CGI that were probably done in time to throw something in front of Star Wars.

It's written and directed by a pair of dudes who are MASSIVE trekkies. Whatever Beyond turns out to be, it was likely to be the best Star Trek movie we were ever going to get under the current circumstances and climate at Paramount. Yes, I'm still disappointed that the Enterprise seems to be this movie's USS Kelvin. No, I don't feel this trailer will end up being representative of the finished product.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
People, this was basically a supercut of gags from the movie, and the only bits of CGI that were probably done in time to throw something in front of Star Wars.

It's written and directed by a pair of dudes who are MASSIVE trekkies. Whatever Beyond turns out to be, it was likely to be the best Star Trek movie we were ever going to get under the current circumstances and climate at Paramount. Yes, I'm still disappointed that the Enterprise seems to be this movie's USS Kelvin. No, I don't feel this trailer will end up being representative of the finished product.

Well said


I hope this is fake.
But it's not, right?

That was my first thought... then I slowly realized it was real. '09 wasn't good. Into Darkness was downright terrible. This one looks to be continuing that downward trend (based solely on that trailer; maybe it'll turn out okay, but expectations are rock bottom for me).

Fuck the Abramsverse. The line must be drawn HERE. This far. No farther. And I will make Abrams PAY for what he has done. Bring back Picard.

(But as long as Star Wars VII is good, all is forgiven, Jar Jar Abrams.)
I guess I don't know what Star Trek should feel like; I've only seen the JJ movies. Trailer does have a sort of Guardians feel.

Nothing remarkable, just a meh trailer.
Movie could be fun. I've enjoyed the past two. I'm not digging the look of the film, but I'm optimistic.
I'm not sure if some people earlier in the thread realize that Sabotage won't be playing over the entire film. You know it's just a trailer, right?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
The actual shots seem to look OK, so I'm holding out hope that Beyond is a good movie. But that trailer? Jesus... how awful and tone-deaf. Yeah yeah... It's not "for us" blah blah. But did it dawn on anyone that without "us" there is absolutely to base or foundation to build on?


I don't get the music hate. No one remembers the opening scene of the first movie? Seems the song is actually being played in that scene during the trailer, its not just for the trailer.

Anyway, looks alright, I have enjoyed the last two movies for what they are.


Modesty becomes a woman
This looks fucking stupid.

I watched TNG because of the JJ abrahms movies, these movies should be taken out back and shot.
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