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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Official Teaser

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Does anyone have an idea of how the writing of the sequel trilogy works? Is each director free to make it up as they go along or have Lucasarts laid out the plot for all 3 films?

They make it up as they go to some extent. The story group steers them through existing canon so they aren't contradicting shit, and makes suggestions where they can to help tie things together more tightly, but for the most part - Abrams & Kasdan came up with their story largely all by themselves, Johnson came up with his story, and he & Abrams worked together briefly to make sure they weren't stepping on each other's feet, and I believe Johnson came up with ideas for 9, but Trevorrow & his writing partner are also going their own way, based on what came before. (plus they've had to start over in some aspects due to Fisher's death)

None of the writers/directors are having directions seriously dictated to them. They have a lot of freedom to tell the story the way they wanna tell it.
I've had a few days to think about it and that teaser was pretty meh. It was just a teaser and not a full blown trailer, so in no way do I think it's reflective of the final product, but I don't feel the need to want to watch it over and over again the way I did any of the trailers for The Force Awakens or recent example Guardians of the Galaxy 2 or Thor: Ragnarok. I did a bit of looking around and it seems there are more than a few people who feel the same way.
Since Rey and Finn are apparently going to be separate for most of the movie I'm guessing that means Luke is also going to be separate from Leia most/all of the movie too. Which makes me seriously think this moment might be the last time the original three characters share the screen together. Which kind of depresses me


It's sad but I find it ironic that a lot of people who complains about the new films being too safe also just wanted more Han/Luke/Leia adventures forever. At least they all got to listen to Yub Nub


Does anyone have an idea of how the writing of the sequel trilogy works? Is each director free to make it up as they go along or have Lucasarts laid out the plot for all 3 films?

Obviously some ideas for stuff was initially thought of. Abrams had ideas for how things would continue, and I'm sure they've got some bigger landmarks that they'd like to hit. But Rian Johnson said during one of his first meetings with Kathy Kennedy she was pretty much like "So, tell me what happens next." Johnson could go along with what Abrams had in mind or branch off and do his own thing, as long as it makes sense. I assume the same is the case for Trevorrow and Derek Connolly on IX (especially since Kennedy said they essentially started from scratch in January after Carrie Fisher died).


Well, it seems like Luke is of the opinion that the Jedi were wrong and that their way doesn't work. I'm not saying Luke becomes a sith, but maybe he walks the line of both sides of the force because he realizes that's where true balance comes from and that straying too far from one can create the other, or simply that human emotion should not be ignored but you also shouldn't give into it, another form of balance.

I always felt that was what RotJ was getting at and the prequels enforced that reading pretty heavily.


It's sad but I find it ironic that a lot of people who complains about the new films being too safe also just wanted more Han/Luke/Leia adventures forever. At least they all got to listen to Yub Nub

With the Ewoks Lucas wanted to sell toys and hey, Ewoks!

Cause they're cuter than Wookie's ripping off Stormtrooper arms even if that made so much more sense.
I don't think Trevarrow is going to do any heavy rewrites to Rians work.
I always felt that was what RotJ was getting at and the prequels enforced that reading pretty heavily.
Yeah, so I definitely think that the sequel trilogy is going to add gray areas to the very black and white star wars universe and Battlefront 2 reinforced that idea for me.


With the Ewoks Lucas wanted to sell toys and hey, Ewoks!

Cause they're cuter than Wookie's ripping off Stormtrooper arms even if that made so much more sense.

I've honestly never understood the "ewoks should have been wookies!" complaint. Logically it makes no sense for the Empire to put the shield generator on a planet full of 8 foot tall monsters that could easily overpower them


I just assume the directors/writers can shit all over the EU if they want to.

Well yeah. The EU isn't canon anymore. Unless you're talking about the new EU that is canon, in which case they kind of can if they feel the need to, but the story group is working hard to ensure they don't need to. But that's why they've always clarified that the new stuff is canon except where it contradicts with the movies, in which case the movies come out on top.


semen stains the mountaintops
They make it up as they go to some extent. The story group steers them through existing canon so they aren't contradicting shit, and makes suggestions where they can to help tie things together more tightly, but for the most part - Abrams & Kasdan came up with their story largely all by themselves, Johnson came up with his story, and he & Abrams worked together briefly to make sure they weren't stepping on each other's feet, and I believe Johnson came up with ideas for 9, but Trevorrow & his writing partner are also going their own way, based on what came before. (plus they've had to start over in some aspects due to Fisher's death)

None of the writers/directors are having directions seriously dictated to them. They have a lot of freedom to tell the story the way they wanna tell it.
Forgot where I saw this but someone in the story group was talking about how Rian was writing The Last Jedi while JJ was shooting and the dailies helped him write for Daisy and co.

They all work pretty closely.
I've honestly never understood the "ewoks should have been wookies!" complaint. Logically it makes no sense for the Empire to put the shield generator on a planet full of 8 foot tall monsters that could easily overpower them

If I recall correctly the wookies on that planet were supposed to be fully enslaved by the Empire, though they would obviously rebel during the film somehow.

Well yeah. The EU isn't canon anymore.

I mean the new, current EU.
The old EU isn't canon any more. EU is just an acronym for Extended/Expanded universe. The whole reason the old EU got thrown out was so they weren't stepping on any other stories when making the new movies. Everything 2014 or after is canon with the addition of the clone wars

The current EU and movies if course are going to be closely intertwined and they've made sure there's no overlap.
With the Ewoks Lucas wanted to sell toys and hey, Ewoks!

Cause they're cuter than Wookie's ripping off Stormtrooper arms even if that made so much more sense.

I like Ewoks just fine. Underdogs beating the Empire is much more fun to me than giant powerful bear aliens.


I've honestly never understood the "ewoks should have been wookies!" complaint. Logically it makes no sense for the Empire to put the shield generator on a planet full of 8 foot tall monsters that could easily overpower them

The wookies were suppose to be slaves and part of the main construction work force for the Death Star. You know, kinda like how Chewie was great with the Falcon and machinery.

In that situation it did make sense.


If I recall correctly the wookies on that planet were supposed to be fully enslaved by the Empire, though they would obviously rebel during the film somehow.
The wookies were suppose to be slaves and part of the main construction work force for the Death Star. You know, kinda like how Chewie was great with the Falcon and machinery.

In that situation it did make sense.

Yeah, I've read that too. I guess the perspective I view it as is this;

Imperial General: "Emperor. We are all set to begin construction of the new Death Star"

Emperor: "Good. I plan on using this as a trap to lure in and crush the Rebellion. It is vital to the attack that the Shield Generator for the Death Star does not go down during the attack"

Imperial General: "We have two locations for the potential Shield Generator to be constructed. The first is a planet full of Wookies that, while enslaved, could easily overthrow us with brute strength should the Rebellion attempt to free them. The second is the forest moon of Endor, a planet inhabited by 4 foot tall teddy bears that from our understanding have absolutely no tactical threat to the Empire. Which should we choose?"

Emperor: "Why are you even asking me this, go to the forest moon."

Putting the shield generator on a planet with life forms that don't look like they'd pose any kind of threat to the Empire is the most Empire thing they could do. Underdogs defeating the mighty and strong Empire is like the heart of Star Wars, which is why I think the Ewoks were a better choice than Wookies.
The only way I see Luke dying in this trilogy is if Kylo Ren kills him. But even then Luke would have to throw the fight like Obi Wan did. But I don't think he'll die.

But, if Kylo Ren doesn't kill him (or somebody like Luke, Poe) then we kind of lack an intimidating villain for the trilogy since he's already lost to Rey once, I don't see him letting that slide. So he's definitely going to come for her hand.


semen stains the mountaintops
Remember that Mark thought Luke was going to show up at the end of TFA and save the day. The person Rey wants Luke to be is the person Mark expected him to be, too.

They were both disappointed when they found and old and broken man.


I'm curious as to how much of Luke's apparent changes are sincere and whether any of this is an orchestrated fake-out on the part of Lucasfilm. He's positioned on the poster almost like the primary villain, there's the final line in the trailer, Daisy's comments about being disappointed in your heroes, this interview Mark gave, and so on. They clearly are intentionally setting up the audience to prepare themselves for a dark Luke, or at the very least an unhelpful Luke.

So my question is: why not keep all of this a surprise? Wouldn't it have more of an impact to have everyone's preconceptions of Luke subverted once the movie starts?


Remember that Mark thought Luke was going to show up at the end of TFA and save the day. The person Rey wants Luke to be is the person Mark expected him to be, too.

They were both disappointed when they found and old and broken man.

Yeah, I don't imagine Mark was excited by the prospect of playing world-weary Luke, and that seems to be what we're getting.

Not evil, but broken. Listless. That's so anti-Mark Hamill.
With Mark Hamill being 65 and not exactly an Olympic athlete, an old and broken Luke was kind of a given IMO.

For example if Carrie Fisher had had a very different life, a Jedi Leia probably would have become a thing.
I definitely think we're getting a grizzled and pissed old man Luke, which is where Mark's original disappointment in the character comes from.

But I think this is the best direction for the series, because it makes things less Black and white.

But hey, I guess it could be a fake out, but having the last Jedi be the title and Luke being the last Jedi it seems pretty damning.

But I like the idea of additional gray areas and realism to star wars, after a certain point Good Vs Evil forever and ever gets boring, especially 40 years after the fact and if they're going to ride this out then they need new stuff. This is probably the most interesting and fresh direction they could go.


The whole reason the old EU got thrown out was so they weren't stepping on any other stories when making the new movies.

Did they really care that much?

I just assumed Leland Chee and his pals at Lucasfilm Story Group jettisoned the old EU because there were no such expectations to expect old or new Star Wars fans who either don't know (or care) about some 20-30+ years of extra material in books, games, etc. to be expected to know about those before seeing a new film, nor for film makers be constrained by those older works.
Did they really care that much?

I just assumed Leland Chee and his pals at Lucasfilm Story Group jettisoned the old EU because there were no such expectations to expect old or new Star Wars fans who either don't know (or care) about some 20-30+ years of extra material in books, games, etc. to be expected to know about those before seeing a new film, nor for film makers be constrained by those older works.
Well, the thing about the expanded universe is that it's not required material to understand any of the main films, never has been, never will be

But they do care about canon and continuity for the whole universe, especially when they're doing anthology films and what not and adding new books, everything needs to fit together. But there's so much stuff from the old EU (that was mostly trash) they'd have little to no breathing room to make any new story that didn't already exist in the universe in some fashion, so they threw it all out but took the things they like that aren't in the way and are adding it back or re purposing it.

Iirc there's a character just like Kylo Ren in the old EU, but obviously they couldn't have two of the same character, so why not repurpose it for the new universe and do something cool with the character in the films

Edit: Jacen Solo/ Darth Caedus
On of Han Solo's twin force using kids, Jacen became a Sith.

If that was still in the EU it would make it difficult for them to tell the story they wanted to for the sequel trilogy, so they took the character and repurposed it.
lol, goddamn. I thought that 30 second video was kind of shitty given that Mark had previously made it clear that wasn't his final opinion on the film, but now that you guys point out their history I'm looking over their video titles and Jesus. It's pretty clear this is that kind of channel.
Yeah, I don't imagine Mark was excited by the prospect of playing world-weary Luke, and that seems to be what we're getting.

Not evil, but broken. Listless. That's so anti-Mark Hamill.

It's become apparent since TFA was a thing and Hamill realised he could be directly involved in the franchise again, that he is big on Luke being the hero. Not in an egotistical, 'look how great I am' kinda way, but more in that he sincerely values what the character as a heroic figure represented to people. Hence last year when pressed on the issue of whether or not Luke could bi or gay, Hamill's response was to say that Luke could be whatever people wanted or needed - he gets what that means to people.

So it's not hard to see how a Luke that, through the first several pages of the script, might not seem at all heroic, and a betrayal of the ideals he championed in the original trilogy could easily dishearten Hamill. That he warmed up to it gives me some hope, even while I remain anxious on what way they might be taking the character.


my b on that other thread I guess? I havent been here once, been busy

idk about that channel but im not too keen on what Hamill has said all along the way regardless, just kinda bums me out how he seems to act at PR stuff (edit: having seen the whole source now)
It's become apparent since TFA was a thing and Hamill realised he could be directly involved in the franchise again, that he is big on Luke being the hero. Not in an egotistical, 'look how great I am' kinda way, but more in that he sincerely values what the character as a heroic figure represented to people. Hence last year when pressed on the issue of whether or not Luke could bi or gay, Hamill's response was to say that Luke could be whatever people wanted or needed - he gets what that means to people.

So it's not hard to see how a Luke that, through the first several pages of the script, might not seem at all heroic, and a betrayal of the ideals he championed in the original trilogy could easily dishearten Hamill. That he warmed up to it gives me some hope, even while I remain anxious on what way they might be taking the character.

I mean, it's pretty clear Luke is a broken person in the new trilogy, not the heroic guardian of the universe that most people--Hamil included--thought he would be after ROTJ.

I mean, the fact Luke ghosted on everyone after Kylo lost it flies in the face of everything we know and expect from him. It was a coward's move to run. I could easily see why that would be jarring and out of character to Hamil, who essentially is Luke. For most of 7, we have no idea what he is up to, and the audience assumes he is hatching some plot, doing something grand and important. However, based on what we have seen of 8 so far, it is looking likely that he simply left to sequester himself.


I agree that channel is a steaming pile of manuer. Let's all just walk around it and make sure not to step in it.

Edit: Oh fuck. Someone went and made a thread on it.


Well, the thing about the expanded universe is that it's not required material to understand any of the main films, never has been, never will be

But they do care about canon and continuity for the whole universe, especially when they're doing anthology films and what not and adding new books, everything needs to fit together. But there's so much stuff from the old EU (that was mostly trash) they'd have little to no breathing room to make any new story that didn't already exist in the universe in some fashion, so they threw it all out but took the things they like that aren't in the way and are adding it back or re purposing it.

Iirc there's a character just like Kylo Ren in the old EU, but obviously they couldn't have two of the same character, so why not repurpose it for the new universe and do something cool with the character in the films

Edit: Jacen Solo/ Darth Caedus
On of Han Solo's twin force using kids, Jacen became a Sith.

If that was still in the EU it would make it difficult for them to tell the story they wanted to for the sequel trilogy, so they took the character and repurposed it.

And that much I do certainly get.

It's just that I also understand that there was little to no way you could fit something like say, the Thrawn books, into this new movie series, because there's a lot of things those books do that just painted a quite different outcome for post-Endor compared to what the modern crew is doing in the new movies. And that's fine, too!

About the only thing I never did get was stuff that existed in the far past and really wouldn't serve to undermine anything the movies past or present. Stuff like the Darth Bane book or at least the first KOTOR game. Unless they're going to remake/revisit those titles, what harm do they do in their own respective niches?
And that much I do certainly get.

It's just that I also understand that there was little to no way you could fit something like say, the Thrawn books, into this new movie series, because there's a lot of things those books do that just painted a quite different outcome for post-Endor compared to what the modern crew is doing in the new movies. And that's fine, too!

About the only thing I never did get was stuff that existed in the far past and really wouldn't serve to undermine anything the movies past or present. Stuff like the Darth Bane book or at least the first KOTOR game. Unless they're going to remake/revisit those titles, what harm do they do in their own respective niches?

Those things are very likely going to get reintroduced into the new EU in some form, but they probably are figuring out if there's anything they want to change about them before plugging them into the new EU. Those things will definitely come back, especially the KOTOR stuff, it's just a matter of how and when. Like say they want to make films on the old republic, the old EU might contradict either the current Canon or the story they wanted to tell. But I think KOTOR stuff is definitely coming back.

It's just easier to throw out everything and curate what you do like rather than curate everything and keep some and throw out the vast majority.


But that's why they've always clarified that the new stuff is canon except where it contradicts with the movies and The Clone Wars.

Fixed that for you. The Clone Wars has always been put in the same group of immovable canon as the movies by Lucasfilm since it was helmed by Lucas himself.
And that much I do certainly get.

It's just that I also understand that there was little to no way you could fit something like say, the Thrawn books, into this new movie series, because there's a lot of things those books do that just painted a quite different outcome for post-Endor compared to what the modern crew is doing in the new movies. And that's fine, too!

About the only thing I never did get was stuff that existed in the far past and really wouldn't serve to undermine anything the movies past or present. Stuff like the Darth Bane book or at least the first KOTOR game. Unless they're going to remake/revisit those titles, what harm do they do in their own respective niches?

Because the old EU was very, very fond of interconnecting with itself. Moreover, that would mean material the the franchise owners and/or LSG would have to go back to and check they were comfortably within the boundaries of whatever they set up for canon - for example, if they ever want to reference the nature of Sith Empires in the past, Kotor's stuff would come up - instead of having the clean slate where they could cherrypick the bits they wanted. Easier to apply a consistent rule than make those sorts of exceptions which would, well, take time.


It's just that I also understand that there was little to no way you could fit something like say, the Thrawn books, into this new movie series, because there's a lot of things those books do that just painted a quite different outcome for post-Endor compared to what the modern crew is doing in the new movies.

Funny enough, there's a poster on TheForce.Net doing just that.
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