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Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer

Dark Side Rey would be crazy exciting.

Either way I feel like we will get some huge twist with Rey / Kylo. I doubt it will end up as simple as Rey = good and Kylo = evil

Replaced by Porg


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I'm starting to think that my split second theory earlier of Rey's family being some Andrew Ryan/Replicant fake memory may have a solid chance.


Kind of a meh trailer. I expect most of the things people are freaking out about "OMG SPOILLLERS!" are just red herrings and editing.

Hamil looks interesting and should be great in this.

Finn and Phasma look like an interesting clash since what Finn is wearing and the Trooper weapon he has seems to hint toward some interesting story build up for why the two meet again (even though I felt that antagonism between the two was handled poorly in TFA).

I'd be interested in more fleshing out of Ben and Leia's relationship since TFA barely even touches upon his relationship with Han before killing him off (what an unearned scene they had together).

WTF at the Porg. I thought people were overreacting about them before but I have no idea why the creature would be front and center like that, other than to sell merch. Rubbed me the wrong way.

Visuals look pretty good but nothing about the film really intrigues me visually. They are doing more retreading the same ground with slight tweaks like TFA did (AT-ATs for example). Rogue One did a great job at retroactively adding more stuff to the universe that didn't take away from what the OT did and they were already limited by those films. They have a chance to create something familiar yet distinct with this new trilogy and they are too scared to add new facets to this universe. Not sure why people are so big on Rian Johnson. Looking at his IMDB, he's done 3 previous movies and the only one I know of is Looper which was just okay.

I think I liked the first teaser trailer better, and that wasn't as good as TFA trailers either.

I'm disappointed to be so underwhelmed right now.
We don't need the damsel trope YET AGAIN guys. Free your mind.

Sole reason this isn't happening.

Again? When was Rey a damsel? Literally every time she was in trouble in TFA she was in the process of freeing herself with the other characters only stumbling in. She gets into trouble a lot, but in no way was she ever a damsel


Tons of misdirection here. Johnson telling everybody that a trailer contains spoilers. Nope.
Also it looks like BB-8 is already old hat.
I don't know what a fan event is but it cost me $25. Oh well I hope I made Bobby Senpai proud.

Got Thor and Star Wars tickets now all I need is Justice League to complete the nerd trinity yay


Ran down to the local Imax before they closed and paid 50 dollars for two tickets to the fan event. Shit better be getting some nice swag for that ish


My favorite moment is Luke saying "This is not going to go the way you think!"

That just sends shivers down my spine man


I think it will be more something like:

Luke regrets training Rey, thinks it will end up like with Ben, Rey goes away.
Rey feels lost, Ben takes her in to Snoke. Rey becomes Snoke's trainee.
Then I can only assume Ben is thrown out as a failure by Snoke, goes back to Luke.

But who knows really, this can go in any direction really.
Nothing is ever going to top that Han reveal for me.

Shit brought me close to tears.

Just hoping for a great movie. What makes me happy is it looks different. Hope they pull it off.

Yeah, that won't be topped for a long time. That shit was straight up emotional.
As i had said in the other thread, rey being the true bad ass super sith is the only way to save these films. So they need to do it, hopefully they do it because other wise it can't have a good or memorable sith.


It's interesting that DJ and Holdo still didn't get shown.
Rose also appears to be absent. Kinda sucks because the casino subplot appears to be the focal point of Finn's arc in this film.

Then again, I think 90% of this trailer comes from the first act. Attack on D'Qar; training on Ahch To; flashback to Luke's academy.

Crait, Phasma, and Snoke are the only moments that come from later in the movie. Casino and Holdo are probably act 2.
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