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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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* mind slightly blown *


Source https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/3e0wd6/vg_uncovers_a_fallout_secret/

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
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Rules for this Giveaway:
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Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood -- MB-7EB62690EEF8D15A - Taken by Saty. 1 entrants total.



The RE4 texture project is coming along really nicely, seems they have moved onto the last island.

That project is nuts, it's like going from an official "very low" texture setting to "Ultra"

If capcom was smart, they'd make a deal with them and release it as a free mod like SE did with the Just Cause 2 MP mod
Yeah that's a pretty sad number for such an incredible game. I guess it really is hard reviving a 17-year-dead franchise. Along with the $40 price tag, they're also contending with the usual "I'll wait til every episode of this episodic game is released" crowd.

It has nothing to do with reviving the franchise and everything to do with the price. The standard for most episodic games is $25 or so these days. Charging $40 for the full package and $10 for the first episode is definitely hurting them.

Estetiikka is removed from the store.

What's the story here? The Steam forum for the game seems to be wiped clean too.


If you win do please play it, it's short but a fun ride.
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
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- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Contradiction -- MB-96905D09FC1A72A5 - Taken by spindoctor. 67 entrants total.

That works in your favor, actually.
Terrible adventure games, full of 'fuck you' moments, bad puzzles, dead man walking scenarios and bad Roberta Williams 'writing'.
Then there's King's Quest 8, whatever the fuck that was.

I'll give you KQ8. And I will concede that Sierra had a serious problem with creating fail states where you can keep playing but not be able to finish the game. But as a whole, the King's Quest series was a good one. What was wrong with the stories? Personally, I thought most were decent and KQ6 was amazing.


So, Her Story or Contradiction?
i'm liking her story a whole lot, so i'd recommend it a lot

contradiction does sound funny too, but her story is like a really good game so far

The number of posts is really an illusion. Do you know what people actually talk about in these communities? Allow me to break it down for you:

League of Legends-GAF: These guys also talk about Dota.
we very rarely talk about doto
The RE4 texture project is coming along really nicely, seems they have moved onto the last island.

Can't wait for this -- I keep thinking I should go through the game again... but then I'm reminded about this project and I decide to wait. :3

Side note: Is there any way to unlock professional without having gone through the game previously? I suppose I could just download someone's save state, but I've never liked doing that...

Holy schnikes.


Can't wait for this -- I keep thinking I should go through the game again... but then I'm reminded about this project and I decide to wait. :3

Side note: Is there any way to unlock professional without having gone through the game previously? I suppose I could just download someone's save state, but I've never liked doing that...

Holy schnikes.

No way to unlock professional or mercs without playing it.


My goal for Contradiction's going through without a walkthrough or hints; the pain of getting stuck in a situation's getting to me though. I know a dude's lying about something and it's bugging me that I can't find the contradiction.


I'll give you KQ8. And I will concede that Sierra had a serious problem with creating fail states where you can keep playing but not be able to finish the game. But as a whole, the King's Quest series was a good one. What was wrong with the stories? Personally, I thought most were decent and KQ6 was amazing.

I've gone through the AGD remakes of 1-3, and played through 5 and 6 in the 90s. All of them were full of charm and pretty far from terrible. Like you say, part 6 is just an amazing adventure game.


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
The official Dead or Alive Facebook page posted the following update after the event:

Thanks for attending and for watching DOA Festival today. MC Kwiggle (USA-Christie) won the exhibition match and Teru Rock (輝Rock Japan-Leifang) fought intensely with him.

We announced DOAX3 (Working Title) today, but it will be made exclusively for Japan and Asian market.

We announced many things today about new stage, patch update, Halloween costumes etc… We will keep you posted
My goal for Contradiction's going through without a walkthrough or hints; the pain of getting stuck in a situation's getting to me though. I know a dude's lying about something and it's bugging me that I can't find the contradiction.

With how the game is structured I can't imagine doing a legit blind run.

Good luck, though, I think you'll need it!

The general consensus on Thi4f is no, right? Who's actually played it here?
The daily sale? It's garbage; avoid it at all costs. thi4f's only successful theft will be your time and money.
The general consensus on Thi4f is no, right? Who's actually played it here?

Depends on what you're looking for, I suppose.
Turfster is a Thief veteran I think and loves his no kill stealth runs; he played it with kb/m and hated it.
It was my first Thief game, I played it with my DS4, and I had fun enough with it to get a large part of the achievements, but not enough to go try to do achievement cleanup at this point (for whatever that's worth).


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
It has nothing to do with reviving the franchise and everything to do with the price. The standard for most episodic games is $25 or so these days. Charging $40 for the full package and $10 for the first episode is definitely hurting them.

The Telltale Game of Thrones game is $30, so King's Quest is only $10 more. Each episode of GoT takes about 2 hours, so you're looking at a 12 hour experience. Each chapter of King's Quest should be easily 5+ hours, so you're looking at a 25 hour experience. You're essentially getting a game the length of The Walking Dead Season 1 and 2 combined, for less than the combined cost of those two games.

I'm not saying that the higher price point isn't hurting them, I'm just saying I think it's fair of them to want to charge more and that brand recognition is also hurting them. That being said, Game of Thrones is (obviously) a hotter franchise than King's Quest and most people who are unfamiliar with the specifics of either game will probably choose Game of Thrones every time for the brand recognition and lower price.


The general consensus on Thi4f is no, right? Who's actually played it here?

I did for a few hours and gave it up. An absolute mess of a game.
I disliked literally everything about it, from the bugs to the nonsensical hubworld design, from the lowres cgi cutscenes that look like someone up- and downloaded them from youtube to the flow and pacing destroying stealing animations.


The general consensus on Thi4f is no, right? Who's actually played it here?

I enjoyed the basic thieving gameplay and most of the levels. I really, really, really disliked the story and having to interact with the open world between missions.

I put some time into the original games years ago but have no nostalgia for them.
The Telltale Game of Thrones game is $30, so King's Quest is only $10 more. Each episode of GoT takes about 2 hours, so you're looking at a 12 hour experience. Each chapter of King's Quest should be easily 5+ hours, so you're looking at a 25 hour experience. You're essentially getting a game the length of The Walking Dead Season 1 and 2 combined, for less than the combined cost of those two games.

I'm not saying that the higher price point isn't hurting them, I'm just saying I think it's fair of them to want to charge more and that brand recognition is also hurting them. That being said, Game of Thrones is (obviously) a hotter franchise than King's Quest and most people who are unfamiliar with the specifics of either game will probably choose Game of Thrones every time for the brand recognition and lower price.

Plus I rather play 25 hours of Kings Quest than 2 hours of Game of Thrones or any Telltale game post Tales of Monkey Island / Back to the Future.


The daily sale? It's garbage; avoid it at all costs. thi4f's only successful theft will be your time and money.

Nothing but a mistake? There's such a wide spectrum of answers when it comes to this game. It's terrible, it's alright, or it's great which is obviously more rare.

Depends on what you're looking for, I suppose.
Turfster is a Thief veteran I think and loves his no kill stealth runs; he played it with kb/m and hated it.
It was my first Thief game, I played it with my DS4, and I had fun enough with it to get a large part of the achievements, but not enough to go try to do achievement cleanup at this point (for whatever that's worth).

Judging by Hektor's post, I'm going to assume that a lot of the issues on PC weren't really present on console. Question is whethe Turfster hated it because of how he played it, of content wise. I wonder if having played the older games has an impact on how much enjoyment, too. Guess I'll have to find out.

Took me 7 hours to beat the game so it would be around that time for first time players.

I think I'll pick it up if I don't win it, that and Her Story since people seem to be eating up that type of game again. Thanks for the giveaway.

I did for a few hours and gave it up. An absolute mess of a game.
I disliked literally everything about it, from the bugs to the nonsensical hubworld design, from the lowres cgi cutscenes that look like someone up- and downloaded them from youtube to the flow and pacing destroying stealing animations.

All I've got is yikes. Yikes. Even at highest settings? Welp.

I enjoyed the basic thieving gameplay and most of the levels. I really, really, really disliked the story and having to interact with the open world between missions.

I put some time into the original games years ago but have no nostalgia for them.

You'd have preferred it to be totally linear then? Or did the open world just not have anything of substance to care for so it ultimately ended up a waste?

I think I'll just sit on this one.
The general consensus on Thi4f is no, right? Who's actually played it here?

Its ok. For ~$7.50, its a good price for an average third person stealth game. The reviews were positive and there isn't anything really wrong or broken with the game. It doesn't feel like Thief 1 or 2. It doesn't have that sand box feel that those game have. Its not even as open as Dishonored. So fans were disappointed and it didn't have any appeal to the mass audience. Still a good game, worth the sale price.


Question is whethe Turfster hated it because of how he played it, of content wise.

As a new game in the lineage of the granddaddy of first person stealth game, it's so bad it would have been disowned by the games that came before it, even the third one. And don't go putting the onus on the PC version, the PS3 version was just as shit (I tried it when it was PS+ to see if you "durr, use a controllar!" crowd were right. You're not.) and had the same sound bugs, etc.

The stealth is appallingly bad, the story is a bad frankenstein of 4 different plots, none of them resolved, the level design is split up into sections with no way of going back to previous sections, it's full of bullshit action movie "cinematic" sequences (in a stealth game? Really? Really?), the button-mashing loading screen coverups are way too frequent, the traversal is no fun at all.

The only "good" parts are the music and the general aesthetic, I guess.
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