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Strange, spooky, unexplainable shit that's happened to you

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could never
Nothing spooky... though do keep thinking I'm falling out bed or something and jerking violently awake in bed. The sense of falling is horrible...
I was playing flash light tag at a buddies house when I was younger. Thought I saw one of my friends crouched on the ground next to a tree. I shine the light on him and say "I see you", the dude stands up and it's a grown ass man who then super jumps over a barbed wire fence and takes off into the night. It was really spooky at the time ;_;

When I was way younger we were playing flashlight tag around the street where I grew up one night. The street was way out in the suburbs and it backed onto what was basically the countryside, farmers fields for miles. So anyway, we're walking about looking for people to tag and we're messing about with the flashlight and we start flashing it out into the fields, I remember the flashlight had a morse-code alphabet sticker on the side and we're just signaling random garbage into the darkness. A couple of minutes go by and suddenly there's a light signaling back to us, on-off-on-off etc, from way out in the fields in the distance.

As this was Northern Ireland in the 80s it could've been an army patrol of some kind, they used to go on maneuvers in the fields sometimes, so it would make sense. But at the time it freaked us out.
I have another story though, together with the last one was 2 strangest shits that happened to me.

It was a very late afternoon, I was a kid then, playing soccer in the yard at my grandpa's place with some of his workers ( he had a factory making wrapping plastic paper). One of the worker kicked the ball too hard and it flew to the dry pond over the fence so I ran around there to pick it up. The ball fell in the pond so I had to look down trying to reach it, there was a white dog on the other side of the pool looking at me. Being the dog lover I was, after I got the ball I looked up and was about to run over to pet it.

Then to my horror, there stood a girl, wearing a white dress and a straw hat covering her face. I was stunned, fell back into the pond, dropped the ball, and ran away as fast as I could.

In hindsight, she was nowhere to be seen, and when the workers followed me back there, they couldn't see anything either.

It's noon and I still have the uneasy feeling when writing this. And I have never been scared of ghosts ever since.
Yeah, I had to tell them because everyone was in a panic wondering what the fuck was going on. They thought someone had broke in and was murdering me or something. I didn't go into detail, just said I saw a demon. They thought I had dreamed it or imagined it. I probably would too if a 12-13 year old woke me up yelling in the night.

I would have believed you. Reminds me of story a friend of my mom told.

A friend of my mom told her this story about when she was a kid visiting her cousins that they went to cemetery at night. Her aunt told them not to go because at a certain time of night these creatures would come out. Of course her and the cousins didn't believe her.

So they go there anywhere and after a few mins her and the cousins see these 3 foot gnome like creatures (that's the best way they could describe them). She said their eyes were completely black and had scary facial features. Said they scared the heck out of them so they all ran back home.


The most recent thing I can think of was my mother in laws funeral. Incidentally her death might've been prevented had someone contacted EMS or cared to phone family an friends, she really died of a combination of gross negligence, an eating disorder and alcoholism.

We were staying at my wife's house where a couple odd things were happening. My father in laws iphone/Siri was declaring "Cathy (mother in law) was everywhere". Their washer wouldn't allow them to open the door, weird because the bathroom rug Cathy died on was inside. 2 of my younger sons which were sharing a room with us were talking to each other while sleeping, so strange I had to get out of bed and check on them to make sure they were all right. Then there were all the strange notes we found lying around that Cathy left before she died that made us wonder just what she was thinking...altogether there were numerous occurrances that were quite odd.

We chalked it up to being a really shitty time in my wife's life at first, but months later we find ourselves going "hmmm" ...and maybe we should get that coroners report, and why did Cathy's husband leave her in the state she was... Why didn't he call EMS when she phoned and said she didn't want to die alone, he had a 4 hour layover at the airport and decided to play solitaire instead. Why didn't he take that lie detector test the RCMP offered him?

Depending on what you believe perhaps someone or something was trying to voice themselves while we were there...or maybe the entire scenario was fucked up. Either was Cathy was truly a good person and will be remembered, and interestingly the two previous sets of owners died in that very house. My father in law claims, swears up and down that he'll die there too...maybe that's just guilt.


Freshman year of college back in 95. I use to go over to the student union and play Mortal Kombat, pool and some pinball most nights around closing. Neither of my two friends wanted to go for a walk that night so I went over alone.

I started playing some Theatre of Magic pinball and a girl walks up and stands next to the case. She was thin and had jet black straight hair, was wearing an older sort of 80s style leather biker jacket and black/dark jeans, might have had boots on also, her skin was so freaking pale never seen anything before or after like it. The style of dress was off, this was 1995, jeans and flanel days, she really looked out of place there.

We are the only two people around, I had gotten pretty use to the regulars so I said "Hi, how is it going?" She just stares at me. I make some comment about the table eating my money or something and she just stares, not threating just looking. I then said I had to go as the place was closing and asked her if she was walking back my way.. again nothing. So I say have a good one and head out. I get about 50 feet away and I look back over my shoulder to see her still standing at the machine just looking at me.

Was completely strange and I never saw her again anywhere on campus over the next four years. I always use this as my vampire story when telling my kids spooky stories.


could never
Why is it always a white dress in these stories? Ghosts need to branch out a little with their wardrobe, introduce some color.
Last year in March, my girlfriend and I bought our first home. The house was built in 1972 and had one owner since then, by all account a nice man who raised his family there. His kids were grown and his wife had passed away a few years before that. Two years ago our neighbours started noticing the man, who at this point was in his 70s, acting strangely. When he tried to introduce his daughter to his (deceased) wife, his kids realized his mind was going and put him in a seniors home. Coincidentally one my sister was a nurse at.
So, March 2013, my girlfriend (now fiance) and I move in. For the first 6 months nothing strange happened with the house, however, in October we learned from one of the neighbours that the original owner had passed away. I talked with my sister and she was actually present with him at the time and said he passed away peacefully.
Now the house has a cabinet in the kitchen, used for displaying nice china or things like that. As a young couple, we don't have much to put in the cabinet, but my (now) fiance has two nice brass bird figures she put in the top, one on the left side and one on the right.
Around the time the original owner passed away, I started noticing the brass bird on the right being pushed to the back. I'd open the cabinet doors, move it forward, and, since the doors are glass, close them gently. A few days later, I'd walk by, and the bird was pushed back again. This went on for awhile, I always assumed it was my fiance who, for reasons unknown, preferred the right bird pushed back. So after a few weeks, she's cooking dinner and I notice the bird pushed back, again. I open the cabinet, bring it forward, and ask her why she keeps doing that.
My fiance is definitely not a prankster, that would be, and she swears she hasn't been pushing it back and has also noticed it being pushed back fairly often and has moved it forward a number of times. None of this happened before the original owner passed away. We don't have anyone that comes over regularly enough to do that, the surface is flat so it couldn't have slid, and the shutting of the door wouldn't have caused it to slide back.
After we talked about it, the bird has stayed still. I check it almost every day now and it hasn't moved.


Neo Member
Some great stories in here. Mine is absolutely authentic, and one of my earliest & most crystallized memories. My grandfather passed away in 1988; I was 5 years old, and happened to be staying at their house the night that he passed. I was sleeping downstairs in the living room on the couch, and was woken up at some point very early in the morning (circa 2-3am). I very clearly remember sitting up on the couch and looking around; I noticed that a tall floor lamp (which my grandmother still has today, in nearly the same spot), had fallen over. I didn't think anything of it since they had a cat (though I don't remember the cat being anywhere nearby). The next morning, I was the first awake, and went upstairs to wake up my grandparents. My grandfather had passed peacefully in his sleep from a heart attack. When I wasn't able to wake him up, I woke my grandmother, who realized something was wrong, and called 911, though at that point he'd been dead for several hours. I've never really believed that my waking up and his passing occurred at the same time, but it's certainly one of the weirdest coincidences I've experienced if nothing else.
Freshman year of college back in 95. I use to go over to the student union and play Mortal Kombat, pool and some pinball most nights around closing. Neither of my two friends wanted to go for a walk that night so I went over alone.

I started playing some Theatre of Magic pinball and a girl walks up and stands next to the case. She was thin and had jet black straight hair, was wearing an older sort of 80s style leather biker jacket and black/dark jeans, might have had boots on also, her skin was so freaking pale never seen anything before or after like it. The style of dress was off, this was 1995, jeans and flanel days, she really looked out of place there.

We are the only two people around, I had gotten pretty use to the regulars so I said "Hi, how is it going?" She just stares at me. I make some comment about the table eating my money or something and she just stares, not threating just looking. I then said I had to go as the place was closing and asked her if she was walking back my way.. again nothing. So I say have a good one and head out. I get about 50 feet away and I look back over my shoulder to see her still standing at the machine just looking at me.

Was completely strange and I never saw her again anywhere on campus over the next four years. I always use this as my vampire story when telling my kids spooky stories.
Sounds like the start of a rom-com.


Okay, so this doesn't happen to me personally, but my sister tells me about some weird stuff that has been happening to her.

She has a habit of staying up really late at night, and whenever she looks over at her clock, it is ALWAYS the same time. Every single night, without fail, she happens to look at the clock at 3:33 AM. Even if she didn't stay up that late, she will apparently wake up long enough to catch the time on her alarm clock out of the corner of her eye, and guess what time it is? 3:33 AM! She says she isn't doing this on purpose either, which makes it even creepier. She 's being haunted by a specific time!

This has been happening for years. She says she thinks it has something to do with 3:00 in the morning being the Devil's hour.
Here's a long one I typed out for a similar thread on reddit awhile back. I think this is the most I've written since high school so I'm no wordsmith.

About 11 years ago, me and two of my friends decided one night to head down some train tracks and "break in" to an old abandoned coal mine on the outskirts of town. My friend had been there a week before exploring with a buddy, and so we climbed through a hole in the fence they had cut.

This place was pitch black and I had no experience with mining yards, so I could only imagine what these giant looming towers and silos were all around us. I could just barely make out these darker patches that were giant doors and holes in the structures and hear scuttling noises beyond. Those noises could easily be explained as pigeons or bats so we were not too fazed. So we continued to our destination. We knew that our town was surrounded by old wwII forts and bunkers and there was one on a hill in the middle of the mine yard. As we slowly crept towards our goal I kept hearing a small tapping noise. Not too alarming, just a small "tink tink tink" coming from the dark behind us in the direction we had come.

We make it to the base of the hill that holds the bunker and find some way to sneak around the only pole light in the yard and up the hill. The whole time we hear the soft "tink tink tink" behind us. Having made it up the hill and faced with the option to head into the bunker us brave men decide to pass. Little too creepy for us with no lights to find our way in or out. Instead we decided to head around back and this is were things get interesting.

We find ourselves standing around a hole with a ladder leading down into a lower level of the bunker with that relentless "tink tink tink" coming from somewhere out in the shadows. Now On two sides of us are the steep drop off of the hill, on the other two sides are the walls of the bunker. We were boxed in on all sides with only a small path leading out and with the hole and ladder in the ground at our feet. So we decide this is as good a place as any to light our joint and so I break it out. With my back to the drop off of the hill a few feet behind me and the hole directly at my feet I try. Well Im on top of a hill without much cover from the wind and having a difficult time getting the joint lit and Im growing frustrated. Not to mention that "tink tink tink" is starting to get annoying. Up until this point I assumed it was a metal sign hanging on the fence we climbed through, gently blowing in the wind, and so ignored it.

Frustrated with the joint and getting annoyed with the sound I turned around and stared in its direction. I asked my friends what they thought it was and tried again to light the joint, but this time I was facing the noise and did not try to conceal the flame. As soon as the lighter flashed the noise changed from a soft "tink tink tink" into a thunderous "boom boom boom". "Oh shit, security guards!", is the first thing that pops into my head. That booming noise is them running down metal stairs in one of these dark towers. They saw my face when the lighter's fire illuminated it and are now on the way.

All 3 of us crouch half way between flight and fight, unsure if we should run, hide or do nothing. We decide to wait. Its too dark for them to find us easily and they're so loud that we'll hear them the minute they get close. "Boom boom boom" the noise just wont stop and I swear its getting louder. "How long are those stairs" I think, "this is weird". And I swear I hear movement in the grass in the darkness at the bottom of the hill. We all agreed it was probably just the wind in the grass but decide it was time to sneak our way back out of this place. Slowly crouching through the dark we move through the mining yard towards the our exit when we run into a problem. Whatever is making that noise is in-between us and the exit. We squat down in the middle of an open gravel road to try to figure out our next move, safe in the thought it was just too dark for anybody to see us sitting there in the dirt. But just to be sure we picked a spot that placed a large chain link fence between us and that god awful "Boom boom boom" of the charging security guards. Now at this point I decided to upgrade the guards to Cops in my mind and was becoming a bit antsy, but we decided to wait them out. I guess at this point we all realized that none of this is making any sense and those "guards or cops" should have reached the bottom of those stairs by now. Thats when things got weirder.

With the "Boom boom boom" in front of us and nothing to do but wait if we want to use our only known exit we start to hear something else. In the dark all around us, but some where close and on the same gravel we are crouching on. Things start to move. There was a "thud" noise and then a slow scraping noise as something was dragged across the gravel. Then again from somewhere else, quiet but very close. These noises were all around us, thuds then a slow dragging across gravel, but we could not really pin point in what direction they were coming from. At this point I go from rational adult to scared kid and I think of all the people who died at this mine, or what could be living in those tunnels. In my mind the noise went from guards/police, shot past ghosts and now is smack dab in the middle of goblin and giant rat town.

Of course we have to get the hell out of there and decide that climbing the fence behind the mine, running into the woods and making our way to the highway is our only option. And so we pick our butts up out of the dirt and sneak as fast as we can the hell out of there. We're making it, the noise are behind us and not getting any closer and we find rows and rows of empty coal train cars, perfect! We can walk freely between them with no chance of being spotted from a distance. With the end of the mine yard close by and with the protection of the train cars we relax a bit and talk in less hushed whispers. I guess that was a mistake.

A few seconds after entering the rows of train cars the first car explode in noise "BOOM". Whatever was making that booming noise was right behind us only feet away. I have never in my life, nor will I ever, I'm sure, move so swiftly again. The hundreds of feet between me and the fence to the outside world flew by and I still do not understand how I got over the ten foot fence so easily, I just remember leaping off it into the dark. We make it to the road and head back to town. The road bends around the mine and we can still hear that relentless " boom, boom, boom" of something smashing that train.

My friends get too uncomfortable talking about it and seem happy to forget anything weird ever happened, but my curiosity is drives me nuts and I've gone back a few times over the years. Nothing out of the ordinary happened and the last time I went by myself and everything was torn down and taken away.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I have a severe case of these that suddenly appeared a year ago and according to 2 different doctors it wont go away. There's surgery but it's expensive and it can fuck you up worse. I even see them with my eyes closed.

I didnt get used to them as much as I learned to live with it. Being outside during the day can suck, but it is what it is.

It was a cause of depression for me for a while but that's mostly cause if you look it up online you'll see tons of message boards with people straight up considering suicide, so it's one of those cases when reading about it is more harmful than good.

oh wow! Never knew this was so serious :( I've seen these off and on over the years, very rarely, and just assumed floaters were dust or dirt or some kind of amoeba like thing that floats over your eye and leaves/is temporary until you wash your eyes or they leave through tears or whatever. Plus I thought our eye cells totally regenerate every 48 hours?


There's a house down the street from my parents place that kills people!

The first owner was an old man. He was found dead in the house by the mailman after he wasn't picking up his mail for nearly two weeks. That made sense because he was old.

The second owner was a man in his early 40s. He was also found dead in the house after living there for only a few months. A neighbor found him lying on the floor.

The house was on the market for a while but apparently someone just bought it a few weeks ago. We'll see what happens to them.


Freshman year of college back in 95. I use to go over to the student union and play Mortal Kombat, pool and some pinball most nights around closing. Neither of my two friends wanted to go for a walk that night so I went over alone.

I started playing some Theatre of Magic pinball and a girl walks up and stands next to the case. She was thin and had jet black straight hair, was wearing an older sort of 80s style leather biker jacket and black/dark jeans, might have had boots on also, her skin was so freaking pale never seen anything before or after like it. The style of dress was off, this was 1995, jeans and flanel days, she really looked out of place there.

We are the only two people around, I had gotten pretty use to the regulars so I said "Hi, how is it going?" She just stares at me. I make some comment about the table eating my money or something and she just stares, not threating just looking. I then said I had to go as the place was closing and asked her if she was walking back my way.. again nothing. So I say have a good one and head out. I get about 50 feet away and I look back over my shoulder to see her still standing at the machine just looking at me.

Was completely strange and I never saw her again anywhere on campus over the next four years. I always use this as my vampire story when telling my kids spooky stories.



Think I've told the couple older weird stories before, but a few winters ago me and my then girlfriend were staying at a hotel at NJ shore. One night we came back from dinner and I decided to stand out on the room's deck and look at the ocean. Just a bit off shore I saw what looked like a glowing circle on the water, it looked like it was coming from the bottom up to the surface and was a blue-green glow. I called my gf over and we looked at it for a few minutes before I decided I was going to go down to the beach to see what it was. By the time we got out there the glow was gone.

Don't really know what it was, it was a cloudy night and moon wasn't out. guess it could have been fish, but I've never seen something like that before or since and I'm down there quite a bit. No, it was not a searchlight and it didn't show up the rest of the stay.

And this one from last summer is kind of stupid too: There's a window in the foyer by the front door of my house that shows the driveway and the path to the backyard. I was in the kitchen and I saw a person dressed in red walk by the window toward the back. No one else was home so I wanted to see who it was. Went out the front door and turned to the driveway and no one was there. Walked to the backyard and no one was there, so I don't know. The yard and other side of driveway have the wood privacy fence so person would have had to hop it to get out. I thought maybe it could have been a kid getting a ball, but no kids live around here now so I don't know where he would've been playing and the size of the person that walked past the window looked like an adult anyway. It was weird.


When I was smaller, I had to go to summer camp. I didn't always like it there and I hardly remember what I used to do there, but one thing still stays with me until this day.

I remember we were doing some kind of paintball match near the dunes (the camp was close to a beach.) It was probably a less harmful type of paintball because I can't imagine they would let young kids use that. It was fun though, I actually enjoyed it. We did it for a few hours, until it was time to head back to the main building.

I was changing my clothes when it happened. One of the adult supervisors came to me and accused me of painting his entire car with my gun. I don't remember the exact details, but apparently a lot of people saw me do it. There was plenty of evidence according to them, but I didn't know what the fuck was going on myself.

I still remember this because they told me to go outside and clean the car by myself. It was a pretty big parking lot so I didn't have a clue where the car was. I remember saying something like "eh, so where is the car again?" (they wouldn't believe I didn't do it) and they were all like "don't act stupid, dawg" but in the end they guided me to the car.

I had to clean his fucking car all by myself. I still get angry over it to this day. I wasn't responsible for it, but I was small back then so I didn't know what to do. I just started cleaning it. Took quite a while.

In the end, a female supervisor came to my help and told the male supervisor the bus was leaving soon and that I should change my clothes. She got me out of there because I had to get home. Bus almost left without me.

To this day, I still do not understand why everyone thought it was me. They were so certain about it. Like they actually saw me paint his entire car with the gun. It was really strange. I disliked that supervisor the next few days and hardly talked to him. Felt like he was avoiding me as well at times.


never left the stone age
Once I woke up scratching my forearm, it was itching like fuck. I open my eyes and see that it's covered in blood. The weird part is that there was no wound from where the blood could have come from and there wasn't a single blood stain on the bed.


Freshman year of college back in 95. I use to go over to the student union and play Mortal Kombat, pool and some pinball most nights around closing. Neither of my two friends wanted to go for a walk that night so I went over alone.

I started playing some Theatre of Magic pinball and a girl walks up and stands next to the case. She was thin and had jet black straight hair, was wearing an older sort of 80s style leather biker jacket and black/dark jeans, might have had boots on also, her skin was so freaking pale never seen anything before or after like it. The style of dress was off, this was 1995, jeans and flanel days, she really looked out of place there.

We are the only two people around, I had gotten pretty use to the regulars so I said "Hi, how is it going?" She just stares at me. I make some comment about the table eating my money or something and she just stares, not threating just looking. I then said I had to go as the place was closing and asked her if she was walking back my way.. again nothing. So I say have a good one and head out. I get about 50 feet away and I look back over my shoulder to see her still standing at the machine just looking at me.

Was completely strange and I never saw her again anywhere on campus over the next four years. I always use this as my vampire story when telling my kids spooky stories.

she sound like my kind of woman!

Foghorn Leghorn

Unconfirmed Member
Ok I hit the back button and this got deleted last night, I'll try again.

This isn't scary for me, just something I happened to be apart of and kind of feel bad about what we did at the time and how long it went on, but I still get a good laugh when thinking about it.

I was 20 and stationed at Fort Riley Kansas in 1992. My buddy and I wanted to go rappeling but the tower is off limits for individual use, so we decided to go at night instead. The tower is out in the boonies a couple miles from the barracks you have to use the tank trails to get there(the gravel and dirt roads tracked vehicles use, but you can drive on them also).

We head out about 11pm in dark clothing, we park off the main trail up the road from the tower, down by this tiny lake used for zip line training. It's about a half mile up and then down to the tower, we get there and there's a car parked there, windows fogged, noises, movement and stereo on softly, sex is happening.

We're debating on wether to rappel or just calling it a night, when we decided to scare them. My buddy loops around through the trees to the big log tower, I stay put, so I can make a dash back to the car in case things go wrong. Well within a minute the driver hops out and gets in a porta potty that I'm standing behind. He left the car door open and the stereo is playing, so I slowly creep around the side of the porta potty and quietly close the clasp lock and put a small stick in it.

I creep back and head to the tower to tell my buddy and we crouch down in the corner of the tower peering through the logs to watch, we're about 10 feet away. After a couple of minutes it becomes appearant that the guy must be taking a crap. seriously, you're banging some chick and have to hop out and crap in a porta potty?

So we eventually get bored and I pick up a pine cone or something and toss it at the car, the girl flips out and starts screaming, the guy tells her to calm down and continues with his massive crap. I grab a fist sized rock and toss it at the porta potty, the guy just starts saying repeatedly "was that you, was that you" (that still makes me laugh so hard), the girl is shrieking by now and the guy finally starts telling her it was nothing and to relax, while still taking his crap.

We wait a little longer and my buddy decides to let out the blood curdling high pitched death scream. The porta potty shook, from the guy jumping up mid crap, the girl is hysterical and the guy is trying to get out of the porta potty and he can't. He's telling her to help him, but she won't get out of the car, there both yelling at each other in fear.

It wasn't a a very big stick I had put in the clasp, he just had to push, but I think he was afraid he would tip the thing over and get coated in crap and get really stuck with the door against the ground. They're both still freaking out, you can see her because the dome light is still on, since the driver side door is still open. He finally convinces her to get out the drivers side and help him. She crawls over to the driver side and as she finally starts getting out, my buddy lets out another scream, she lurches back in, slams the door and locks it. She's freaking out, crying and screaming, I'm surprised she didn't drive away and leave him(maybe she couldn't drive stick). The guy starts jiggling the door harder trying to get out, since he's on his own now.

He still yelling for her to help, she is just crying and screaming(yes I feel bad about it now, but it was very funny back then). We creep around to the trees about 5 feet from the passenger side and we wait for a minute, they're both still acting crazy, I tell my buddy, let's get out of here in case he's actually pissed and not scared and starts looking for us.

Instead my buddy lets out another scream, they both flip their shit, she's hysterical, he's screaming "get me out of here" over and over. The guy finally sits down and kicks the door open, the noise of the breaking door freaks her out even more. he stood up and sprints the couple of feet to the car, he starts trying to open the car door but it's locked, he's banging on the windows, but she's just a sobbing screaming mess and isn't any help.

He final tells her he's running out of there and is going to leave her there if she doesn't let him in. The door finally unlocks, he jumps in, starts the car, and backs up like 80 miles per hour, he's in fifth gear before you know it driving like a bat out of hell.

We doubled back to the car, change and pull up on to the main trail to see if he was pissed and gonna get his buddies and come back or if he was truly scared, waited about an hour and he never showed.

I've always wondered what they told people, was it ghosts, demons, some bigfoot like creature, satanists. At that time in Kansas everyone was scared to go certain places because of satanists and stumbling upon their sacrifices.

I know people will think this was horrible, but it was originally supposed to be just scare them and have them back up and leave. It changed when he entered the porta potty, that was supposed to be "I wonder how that stick got in the lock", be a little freaked out, then leave. Then he took too long and it went over the top.
Not immensely scary to read but it sure freaked me out as a kid:

When I was very young I remember I woke up on Christmas Eve and I could see a glowing light on the wall, the best way to describe it was it looked like a catherine-wheel and I think it would change colour from green to pink to blue and so on.

I got a sense of foreboding about it and shut my eyes, but I couldn't get back to sleep - when I opened my eyes it was still there.

I remember getting out of bed and sliding around it so as to not get close to the wall, and I looked out of the window - I assumed it being Xmas Eve some grown ups must have been partying in the early hours and maybe I could see the light from a firework or something.

So I turn away from the light and look out the window and get shivers when I see its dark outside - I quickly look back at the light not wanting to take my eyes off it, I repeated this several times making sure that there were no lights outside.

At this point I bolted back to my bed, throw the covers over myself and eventually fell asleep, as you do.

Despite it being Xmas freaking day the first thing I did when I got up was to check the wall and then look outside to see if there were any firework remains leftover in the daylight, nope.
I guess it was an unusual case of sleepwalking, but I'll never forget what I saw.

I used to live in a two story house. My bedroom was in a corner on the 2nd floor. In the opposite corner on the bottom floor there was a den where I would watch tv with my aunt (usually mash 4077 reruns). I often fell asleep on the couch there, and would either sleep there until morning or get up in the middle of the night and go to my bed.

One night I woke up, so I wrapped myself in the blanket I was using and started towards my own bed. I walked through the den, through the living room, and through the foyer until I reached the stairs. My aunts bedroom was beneath the staircase and my mother's was at the top, so I always made sure to be quiet when going up them at night. I walked up carefully, stepping on the far edges because that made them creak less. When I got to the top, I peaked into my mother's room to make sure I didn't wake her. What I saw, at the foot of her bed, looked like some demonic creature.

It was small, about 3 feet. Skin was a burnt orange color. Eye were buggy. Had a face like a canine, but it had no hair. It's forearms were pressed against its chest, palms open and facing upward. It's head and gaze was tilted upward as well, and it moved in a circle. It wasn't a shadowy figure I saw in the corner of my eye. It looked as real and as solid as my hand in front of my face.

Probably the most afraid I've ever been in my life. I screamed like a girl and ran to my brothers room, waking the whole house. Didn't sleep for a long time afterwards. I assume it was sleepwalking, although I felt conscious the whole time, but it scared the shit out of me none the less.
I uhh what? That's scary as hell. Did your mom say anything?
I was working late at night with a floor cleaning crew rewaxing the floors of a high school when my coworker said "look over there" and all 3 of us saw an apparition of a woman in white wearing high heels and a dress. She walked 3 or 4 steps towards us, turned her head slightly in our direction, and completely vanished. We all froze for 2 or 3 minutes, and then finished the floors as fast as we could so we could get the hell out of there.


Well it's not really scary, but it was kinda creepy. A few years ago I was living in a big city, about 4 million habitants. I was at college and I lived alone at a very nice apartment so my friends would always hang around.

We watched a couple movies until late hours and when they decided to go I said I would take then since I was the only one that had a car.

We immediately noticed that there was no one on the streets. It was friday, summer. There was no rain, wind or cold. It was a pleasant night. Except we couldn't find a single living soul on the streets of a city with 4 million habitants.

The first friend I dropped off lived relatively close to me, so we thought it was just a funny coincidence, but the second one lived kinda far, about a 20, 25 minutes drive.

When we finally arrived at my second friend house we were spooked. We passed through some places that usually would be full of people until very late hours but we saw no one. Everything was closed. It wasn't a holiday.

We didn't see a single car driving on the streets. On my way back I took a small detour but had no luck. Couldn't see no one.

More than 5 years later and we still can't explain what happened, you can go out at 4AM on that city and you will find a lot of people and cars going around. Except that night.
During college, I was driving in Florida one night with some friends of mine who were asleep. I was coming up on a white pickup truck and as I passed it it seemed to disappear into thin air. Once they woke up none of my friends believed me of course.


I love stuff like this.

I sort of have one. I was 17 and home alone. Parents were out to dinner and sister and bro were out somewhere. Was like 930pm. I lived in the basement and kept seeing legs walk by the small windows. So I ran upstairs with a flashlight. As i was in the kitchen grabbing the knife I saw a flashlight turn off in my backyard. Then I saw the shadow and totally freaked. Long story short I ballzed up and went bursting outside when I saw the shadow trying to get into the back of garage. Yup, was my bros ex gf throwing onions and some of his stuff from their relationship in the pool. Wooops!

Not mine, but my mom and aunts story. They were at my aunts house during a family party. It was late at night and I wasnt even born yet. My sister was still a newborn so they were feeding the baby ( my cousin was also a newborn. ) they say they kept feeling like they were being watched from the sliding glass door, but didnt want to wake my dad nor uncle to check it out. Eventually they said it got such a freaky feeling that they went and turned on the light and there was some random guy beating off to them through the window. Needless to say I guess my dad and uncle served up some justice before the police came. Funniest part is my mom and aunt say it was the smallest penis they have ever seen and the guy was like 45 years old.


My aunt went on a class trip to Italy, or Spain was it? Anyway this happened in her late teens. They checked into a very old bed and breakfast, and the whole class went to sleep. Now all night she dreamt of piercing eye balls looking at her from all the corners of the room, she woke up in the morning and thought nothing of it.

When they went downstairs to check out she decided to write in the guest book, what she finds in the guest book is a drawing of all these floating eye balls in darkness, I guess she want the only one. She is not a superstitious woman and has only this story to relate to.


I got one more, but it may have something to do with being scared shitless at the age of 6 or 7.

I remember it was a winter stormy night and my dad was at work. My mom was snow blowing the driveway I was watching wcw nitro half asleep. My grandfather had just left, and my dad was due home in about 2 hours. My grandfather called (lived 20 minutes away) and told me to get my mom, but she was outside snowblowing so he told me to tell her to get inside and be careful and hell be back over asap. I just attested it to the heavy snow at the time so she wouldnt get hurt, and thats whay my mom presumed too. So my mom comes inside, and the phone starts ringing, literally seconds after the phone rings I see my mom running to my brothers room (us 3 kids were all in my moms beds, as we were all young and she was just outside working, I was the only one awake though for some reason) with a baseball bat screaming and swinging. The CREEPY sounding answering machine picks up while I hear my mom screaming and just a really creepy voice says im going to get you and hangs up. Next thing I know my grandfather is chasing some guy into the woods but never catches up to him. I have a very vauge memory of it, but still to do this day that answering machine tone of any kind freaks me the f out. Needless to say some crack head was breaking into houses during snowstorms all winter according to the cops. He tried again at our house a few weeks later, but was unsuccessful again (I have no recollection of this one, as I was asleep) and was finally arrested.
I don't have any myself but my mum has told me some about the house she used to live in as a kid/teenager;
- My mum lived with her sister and much younger brother in the house. Plus her mum and dad. A few things happened that ultimately meant all of them believed it was haunted.
- Most Sundays my mum would wake up to the scent of food cooking. Usually the smell of bacon, or a fried breakfast. She said many times she'd had gone down looking forward to eat it, but there was never anything there. And it's easy to imagine maybe it was from next door, but remember these are old houses with very thick walls etc She said it got to the point where she'd have a friend stay over, and they'd wake up and smell it too, but my mum would just dismiss it outright because she knew it wasn't the case.
- She'd often be in the living room with the rest of the family, when they'd all hear the sound of coal being shoveled. She distinctly remembers the sound of the spade clunking against coal, and then the metallic sound of something being pulled shut. Moreover the smell of it would radiate from the kitchen. There was an old coal bunker in the back garden when they moved in, by the kitchen door, which had been there since before the war. They'd removed it not long after settling in and doing the garden etc, but the sound and smell of it being used was a common phenomena.
- One time they were in bed (my mum shared a room with her sister, the younger brother had his own room) and the parents were downstairs, when there was a whole load of noise coming from her younger brother's room. My grandparents shouted up to him to stop making a racket, because it was late. The noise stopped, but then minutes later it happened again. Apparently it sounded like he was moving furniture around, because the noise seemed to reverberate through the walls of the living room. This time my grandad went up to the room but my mum's younger brother was asleep in bed, and he saw the strangest thing. My mum's younger brother had shelves that were full of figurines and various toys, and one of the shelves above where the parents would have been sitting downstairs, was bowing as though a lot of weight was being pushed down on it. To the extent that toys had pooled towards the center of the shelf.
- Not long after moving in, when they were re-decorating, my grandad was painting the upstairs bathroom. After he'd done the door, he told both my mum and her brother and sister not to use the bathroom until it had dried. Her brother and sister had gone out to play, and my grandmother was working so it was just her and my grandad in the house (my mum loved reading books in her room). From the kitchen he could hear a scratching sound coming from the top of the stairs (where the bathroom was) so he went to see what it was, and the door had been opened ajar, and the frame had the initials 'L.L' scratched into them. My grandad accused my mum of doing it, messing around, but of course it wasn't her, and nobodies initials were 'L.L' in the family. The initials were very clearly indented, and you could see where the fresh paint had coiled up at the ends of the lines.
- The main thing she remembers was something that frightened even my grandad (who never believed anything of this nature). They were all asleep early one morning when a deafening sound from the landing woke everyone up. Naturally, my grandparents assumed it was the kids messing around and came storming out. But everybody was equally surprised that there was no apparent source of the noise. The noise itself was the distinct sound of a cane or a stick being hit against railings, as though the person was moving past and hitting each one in turn. This happened more than once and always came from the stairs. Now, when they moved in, the stairs were originally flanked with wooden banister rails (incidentally, the kind that would make that kind of noise) but they'd decided to cover them up with wooden panels. It got to the point of an almost daily occurrence, so they decided to take off the panels and simply repaint the existing banister, and after that point, the noise never happened again.
- It was only after this that they found a little of the history of the house. This house was basically the oldest house in the neighbourhood (19th century), I can't remember exactly what it was used for, maybe a millers or something, but it was big, until I believe the early 20th century when the property was split into houses as part of a row of terraces. I went into the house (the right half then as a single property) myself a lot as a kid. (Visting grandparents)
- The woman who lived in the house prior to my grandparents was called Lilly Lilly, she was very well known in the area, she was very old and her family lived in the house before it was split, and after. Lilly Lilly on her own, faced lots of difficulties with the new landlord who wanted to sell the property (but she was a sit-in tenant) and used to harass her and post lots of threatening letters to scare her. Obviously she had an attachment to the house because that's where she'd always lived. Anyways, she eventually died in the house and my grandparents and mum moved in.
- So my mum thinks that the stuff that happened in the house were some kind of remnant from when she used to live there, and maybe the phenomena was happening because my mum and her family were changing it too much with all the re-decoration and whatnot.

More in the 'strange' area, she also told me about a series of phone calls she used to get.
This wasn't long after her and my dad moved into their first home together. My dad was an airplane mechanic, so he used to work night shifts very often, which left my mum home alone with my twin and our older brother (we were all very young at the time). One evening in the summer she was sat watching TV in the living room, the living room was quite small, and one side was essentially one large patio door which lead straight out to the back garden. The phone rang. When she answered, it was a man she didn't recognise who spoke to her like he knew her. He knew my dad had not long left for work, and he asked her what was she upto, and if she wanted any company. My mum hung up and that was that. About a week later, it happened again after my dad had left for work. She knew it was the same person straight away, and this frightened her, so she closed the blinds of the patio door because she felt uneasy, like she was being watched and then hung up the phone. The phone would ring from time to time after that, whenever my mum was home alone in the evening, but she never answered.
And then one morning she woke up to my dad in hysterics because the patio door was wide open when he had come home from work. My mum was shocked because she'd always made sure to lock it, especially after the phone calls. She was terrified to realise that all of our bedroom doors had been opened too (she'd always close them after putting us to bed) and our pet dog (a daschund called Max) had been lifted and put into the bathtub in the bathroom, they found him curled up asleep and all of his paws were bloody where he must have scratched all night, trying to get out (but obviously his short legs wouldn't allow it). After then my mum felt very insecure that somebody (probably the one who made the calls) had come into the house when we were all sleeping (and looked at her children as they slept), and she hadn't realised.


Neo Member
As a kid I used to see shit at night without any sort of sleep paralysis. I slept with my head under the blankets in pools of my own sweat just because I didn't want to see the man outside of the window.

Kids imaginations are crazy.

I did the same thing. After I would fall asleep my mom would come into my room and pull the blanket off of my head, which just intensified my fears since she never told me about doing it. Now that I'm older I realize that the things I would see were just a cross product of my imagination and shadows. Though, at the time they seemed far too real.

Foghorn Leghorn

Unconfirmed Member
Wow, dick move, Foghorn. Dick move.

Yes, it was. My wife said the same thing when I read it to her, she had only heard the short version before. A part of me feels bad about it, but I still smile and get a good laugh thinking about it.

And those people would be foolish. That was a hilarious scare.

Thank you, Thank you!! I do actually feel bad how long it went on, but they just did everything so perfectly to keep getting scared (victim blaming!!). We never told anyone, in the off chance they had went to the MP's we would have been in huge trouble, but they probably thought the whole thing was super natural anyways.


Ok I hit the back button and this got deleted last night, I'll try again.

This isn't scary for me, just something I happened to be apart of and kind of feel bad about what we did at the time and how long it went on, but I still get a good laugh when thinking about it.
This is horrible but I'm dying of laughter picturing the guy desperately trying to escape the porta potty in the middle of taking a dump.


More than 5 years later and we still can't explain what happened, you can go out at 4AM on that city and you will find a lot of people and cars going around. Except that night.

I've read your story before, but I don't think you have ever said which city it happened in. Can I ask where it was?
Wow, thank you so much for this. I have this and never knew what it was and never really looked into it. Finally an answer. So annoying when I catch myself trying to center the dang thing and it just keeps drifting off to the side, lol

Anytime bro! I was just like you when I finally found out what they were and what they were called! :D
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