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Syrian army retakes Homs; terrorists flee

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the NATO intervention is Lybia was probably the best-planned and executed large-scale military operation in the history of military operations. It's almost a textbook example for how you do things right.

Do you know how many civilians/rebel fighters were killed by NATO bombing?
Oh I'm doing that. So what? U Mad?

At least we don't have foreigner's blood on our hands.

Well, that is easy. It would not stick anyway, there is already too much blood of your own people sticking there. :)

You do realize China and Russia only veto these kind of resolutions because they are both lead by dictatorial regimes cracking down on their own people striving for democracy just like Syria? They would be stupid to support resolutions that condemn their very own behavior.


Even if they are "terrorists" in your eyes, they are also a reflection of the government that rules over them. People don't just decide to rise against their governments...there are reasons and (in my opinion) justified in their "illegal" aggression.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
The economy is in shambles after this, and the only way for this government to keep any sort of stability will require a police state. So prolonged misery for most Syrians is likely. Maybe the alternative would be even worse, but its hard to imagine that in the abstract for most posters here. Interesting that some people do strongly believe that though.


Well, that is easy. It would not stick anyway, there is already too much blood of your own people sticking there. :)

You do realize China and Russia only veto these kind of resolutions because they are both lead by dictatorial regimes cracking down on their own people striving for democracy just like Syria? They would be stupid to support resolutions that condemn their very own behavior.

No I don't realize it. In fact I always find these ideology talking silly. "Oh they veto'd it because they crack down their own poeple".

1. Regardless what kind of crap your media feed you, Chinese society is much more stable than you think. Some Arab country goes banana and how does it affect China?

2. Since when is China actually worried about international opinion on Chinese domestic business? We have the veto power in UN so we don't have to care about intervention. So why do we have to care about what you, especially western civilians, think about us? Your company's opinion may have some sort of weight.

3. Seriously, if you think China may worry about Iran if Syria is compromised ... then it would actually make some sense.

Even if they are "terrorists" in your eyes, they are also a reflection of the government that rules over them. People don't just decide to rise against their governments...there are reasons and (in my opinion) justified in their "illegal" aggression.

Problem is most of these militias are not Syrians. They are foreigners carrying weapons offered by foreigners.
as far as I'm aware, there are no official numbers (unless you count reports by the Lybian government under Gadaffi)

according to the news sites that I frequent, relatively few

but it seems there have been a number of friendly fire incidents
"Obviously, the United States and NATO partners regret any loss of civilian lives, but we also know that these are investigated, including by the Human Rights Council's commission of inquiry," Susan Rice told reporters. "We welcome that.

"We note that neither the Libyan government nor a majority of the members of the Security Council expressed any interest in additional investigations," she said. "And frankly, it's not an exaggeration to say that this is something of a cheap stunt to divert attention from other issues, and to obscure the success of NATO and its partners, and indeed from the Security Council, in protecting the people of Libya."

Do you know that Russia called for UNSC mandated investigation into NATO claims of no civilian casualty? Do you know that it was shot down by the US as "a cheap stunt"? Why are they scared to launch such an investigation if they were right?

Are the Libyan claims of more than 50,000 deaths due to NATO, true? Did you see the erased cities like Sirte for example, due to NATO aerial bombardment?

Nobody knows the facts about Libya yet. As they say, In war, truth is the first casualty.


No I don't realize it. In fact I always find these ideology talking silly. "Oh they veto'd it because they crack down their own poeple".

1. Regardless what kind of crap your media feed you, Chinese society is much more stabler than you think. Some Arab country goes banana and how does it affect China?

2. Since when is China actually worried about international opinion on Chinese domestic business? We have the veto power in UN so we don't have to care about intervention. So why do we have to care about what you, especially western civilians, think about us? Your company's opinion may have some sort of weight.

3. Seriously, if you think China may worry about Iran if Syria is compromised ... then it would actually make some sense.

Problem is most of these militias are not Syrians. They are foreigners carrying weapons offered by foreigners.

Stable != democratic
Stable != democratic

Not all people need democracy to function?

Besides, often the US wont like the voted in leader and do some bullshit coup like they did with Mossadeq... A democratically voted in PM and put in a dictator to be their puppet. Just a short history lesson.


I find it odd that Solid rails against western media, yet used a CNN source in one his last post. Yet when anyone would point out the reported death-toll from those same media outlets it's always "suspect" and can't be verified. Shit son, those videos of the "terrorist" bombing pipelines should "suspect" as well.

Xenon - We get that you like China. Patriotism is cool and all, but the way you present yourself and your arguments makes you look like a zombie. You're presenting yourself no better than some redneck believing that the "good ole' US of A" is without fault (while still driving around with a Confederate flag).


no you just have the blood of your own people good job high five

Yes, let us, China and US, high five for killing our own people in the past.

Xenon - We get that you like China. Patriotism is cool and all, but the way you present yourself and your arguments makes you look like a zombie. You're presenting yourself no better than some redneck believing that the "good ole' US of A" is without fault (while still driving around with a Confederate flag).
No I didn't play this "China is on the high ground" game. Our intention of vetoing it is definitely out of middle east interest, but the result turns out to be good: preventing more blood shedding.

What I'm annoyed is the double standard attitude that western countries have been having for centuries: think they can solve all kinds of problems (problems judged by their rules) by bombing the "bad guy" without permission.

Civilians died of tyranny's hand: tragedy.
Civilians died of NATO bombing: necessary sacrifice towards freedom.

I call it "counterfeit freedom".


Sorry to break it to you but democracy doesn't work for every country.

Especially when rulers decide to send tanks to crush anyone who does. I'm sure those people at Tiananmen Square didn't really want democracy, they were just kidding around. They love being controlled really. And it's a complete coincidence that "Tiananmen Square" and "democracy" are blocked on the net by the government firewall.

"Democracy doesn't work for us beause our one-party state will kill anyone who calls for it" isn't really an argument against the viability of democracy.
How come people ignore the actual crimes going on by these western backed rebels?

It's not ok for Assad to do it, but its ok for the rebels to do it and then some?
Especially when rulers decide to send tanks to crush anyone who does. I'm sure those people at Tiananmen Square didn't really want democracy, they were just kidding around. They love being controlled really. And it's a complete coincidence that "Tiananmen Square" and "democracy" are blocked on the net by the government firewall.

"Democracy doesn't work for us beause our one-party state will kill anyone who calls for it" isn't really an argument against the viability of democracy.

ding ding ding ding


Especially when rulers decide to send tanks to crush anyone who does. I'm sure those people at Tiananmen Square didn't really want democracy, they were just kidding around. They love being controlled really. And it's a complete coincidence that "Tiananmen Square" and "democracy" are blocked on the net by the government firewall.

"Democracy doesn't work for us beause our one-party state will kill anyone who calls for it" isn't really an argument against the viability of democracy.

Sorry I don't take people who link tiananmen and democracy together seriously. They usually have no idea about what was going on in China politics world. 3 out of 4 student leaders are now working in the wall street and the 2nd hand of pro-student leader is now our PM. You have no idea.

BTW: since when is democracy blocked by the GFW?

You need a new schtick, this Chinese authoritarianism defence is old.
Well I can tell you neither me or China will change probably for the rest of your life so how about put me on ignore and scratch "China" out of your dictionary?


No I didn't play this "China is on the high ground" game. Our intention of vetoing it is definitely out of middle east interest, but the result turns out to be good: preventing more blood shedding.

The page before you replied to Alpha Bromega that you were going to put China on a high pedestal. That seems to me like you're playing the "high ground" game.
Civilians died of tyranny's hand: tragedy.
Civilians died of NATO bombing: necessary sacrifice towards freedom.
Civilians dying of regime's hand is deliberate, inconsiderate and intentional.
Civilians dying of NATO bombing is not deliberate, not inconsiderate and not intentional.

Get some perspective.
Civilians dying of regime's hand is deliberate, inconsiderate and intentional.
Civilians dying of NATO bombing is not deliberate, not inconsiderate and not intentional.

Get some perspective.

your avatar may remind us why we are here in the first place. thanks, Britain and France!

oh and yes the logic here is sound


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I remember this guy from 20th Century Gaf.

"Brave Bosche Boys Eject Polish Murderers from Poland"
"Confident German Forces Repel French Resistance Terrorisists."
"Japan Launches Harmless Surprise Rout of US Terrorists in Hawaii"
"Iran Captures Elusive Olympian Terrrorists"


Sorry I don't take people who link tiananmen and democracy together seriously. They usually have no idea about what was going on in China politics world.

"duh-doi! Me no know own history."

Remember the Seven Demands? Sorta central to that whole Tiananmen square protest thing.

They announced seven demands of the government: (1) affirm as correct Hu Yaobang's views on democracy and freedom [hint: he was in favor of them]; (2) admit that the campaigns against spiritual pollution and bourgeois liberalization had been wrong; (3) publish information on the income of state leaders and their family members; (4) end the ban on privately run newspapers and permit freedom of speech; (5) increase funding for education and raise intellectuals' pay; (6) end restrictions on demonstrations in Beijing; and (7) hold democratic elections to replace government officials who made bad policy decisions. In addition, they demanded that the government-controlled media print and broadcast their demands and that the government respond to them publicly.


Guess it's no surprise that someone who wants his own people to suffer under tyranny has no sympathy for the Syrians.
You need a new schtick, this Chinese authoritarianism defence is old.

Are we sure this guy isn't Jackie Chan or something?

"I'm not sure if it is good to have freedom or not," he said. "I'm really confused now. If you are too free, you are like the way Hong Kong is now. It's very chaotic. Taiwan is also chaotic."

He added: "I'm gradually beginning to feel that we Chinese need to be controlled. If we are not being controlled, we'll just do what we want."



Civilians dying of regime's hand is deliberate, inconsiderate and intentional.
Civilians dying of NATO bombing is not deliberate, not inconsiderate and not intentional.

Get some perspective.

LOL the bottom line is some people died because of your action, regardless how you describe it. You go to tell those NATO bombed dead people "I'm sorry! I just press the wrong button!".

Your perspective is based on how you can sleep well during night, not the feeling of those who get bombed. Again, double standard counterfeit freedom.
LOL the bottom line is some people died because of your action, regardless how you describe it. You go to tell those NATO bombed dead people "I'm sorry! I just press the wrong button!".

Your perspective is based on how you can sleep during night, not how the people who get bombed feel.

Damn. Lmao.
"duh-doi! Me no know own history."

Remember the Seven Demands? Sorta central to that whole Tiananmen square protest thing.


Guess it's no surprise that someone who wants his own people to suffer under tyranny has no sympathy for the Syrians.

Come on, he is just going to shrug that one of as coming from biased western media knowing nothing about Chinese politics and/or trying to harm the Chinese people by spreading lies.

LOL the bottom line is some people died because of your action, regardless how you describe it. You go to tell those NATO bombed dead people "I'm sorry! I just press the wrong button!".

Your perspective is based on how you can sleep well during night, not the feeling of those who get bombed. Again, double standard counterfeit freedom.

Keep acting like intentions don't matter. They still do. Mass murdering your own people just to stay in power is not the same as accidentally injuring or killing innocents during a war. Your NATO bombing example is particularly warped because Gaddafi forces intentionally used civilians as human shields and actually transported corpses to bombing spots in order to make the bombings look a lot worse.


Saddam Hussein was supported by the Christian minority in Iraq as well for the same reason being given here. And Saddam era Iraq was VERY similar to Syria. A brutal leader supported by a minority powerbase and in full control of security forces enforcing law and order with an iron hand.

This setup is horrible as it involves the elites of the nation (the minority powerbase of the leaders) holding some incredibly ugly views of the impoverished majority and hoarding the wealth of the nation for themselves. These are not healthy societies and with the wide spread of the internet they are also no longer stable. Do the Syrian apologists here really think for one second that things will go back to the way they were? That people will forget that they got shelled by Syrian security forces in the name of rooting out 'terrorists'? That this won't exaggerate the divisions in what was always a fractured society?

And honestly Solid Warrior you have not responded to the parallels with Bahrain.


Come on, he is just going to shrug that one of as coming from biased western media knowing nothing about Chinese politics and/or trying to harm the Chinese people by spreading lies.

Keep acting like intentions don't matter. They still do. Mass murdering your own people just to stay in power is not the same as accidentally injuring or killing innocents during a war. Your NATO bombing example is particularly warped because Gaddafi forces intentionally used civilians as human shields and actually transported corpses to bombing spots in order to make the bombings look a lot worse.

You can't shrug off 50k+ civilians killed during the lybian campaign or the 300k+ during the iraki war as "collateral damage for the greater good" while at the same time beeing so outraged at Syria's actions to fight off a MB led sunni uprising which has been incredibly deadly to the minorities (but I guess it's easier to feign outrage and to pose as a freedom and justice champion when there's nothing at stake for you).


Though for everybody else here, you gotta see the Bahrain parallels as well and how differently the Western media is treating Syria as compared to Bahrain. Your media is working on you just as well as the Syrian government media is working on Solid Warrior.


is now taking requests
Civilians dying of regime's hand is deliberate, inconsiderate and intentional.
Civilians dying of NATO bombing is not deliberate, not inconsiderate and not intentional.

Get some perspective.

What is the difference between deliberate and intentional? Also, how is bombing civilians not inconsiderate? Hrm.


Saddam Hussein was supported by the Christian minority in Iraq as well for the same reason being given here. And Saddam era Iraq was VERY similar to Syria. A brutal leader supported by a minority powerbase and in full control of security forces enforcing law and order with an iron hand.

This setup is horrible as it involves the elites of the nation (the minority powerbase of the leaders) holding some incredibly ugly views of the impoverished majority and hoarding the wealth of the nation for themselves. These are not healthy societies and with the wide spread of the internet they are also no longer stable. Do the Syrian apologists here really think for one second that things will go back to the way they were? That people will forget that they got shelled by Syrian security forces in the name of rooting out 'terrorists'? That this won't exaggerate the divisions in what was always a fractured society?

And honestly Solid Warrior you have not responded to the parallels with Bahrain.

Yes, let's do what we have done to Iraq, let's turn Syria into what Iraq has become today: a peaceful, prosperous place where people live their lives happily everyday.

On a serious note: nobody here is "Syrian apologist". It's a fucked up country led by a fucked up person. But the solution to it is "bombing the bad guy"? I'm just glad all you warmongers can't do jack outside the internet otherwise I can't image how fucked up this world will become.


Assad Defense Force is becoming one of the most hillarious things I've seen on this board for awhile. It's like the staff of Russia Today has a bunch of Neogaf accounts.

Or we could start digging through your Israel defense tirades whenever they kill the shit out of palestinians (or aid fleets, but then they truly are terrorists am I right?)


I remember this guy from 20th Century Gaf.

"Brave Bosche Boys Eject Polish Murderers from Poland"
"Confident German Forces Repel French Resistance Terrorisists."
"Japan Launches Harmless Surprise Rout of US Terrorists in Hawaii"
"Iran Captures Elusive Olympian Terrrorists"
"Are Jewish folk obligated to disclose that information to potential mates?"

Hey, this is fun anyone got a link to that thread?
Or we could start digging through your Israel defense tirades whenever they kill the shit out of palestinians (or aid fleets, but then they truly are terrorists am I right?)

Nah, it's not going to come close to what you're doing now. Seriously you people are doing gods work providing us with such great laughter.

I remember this guy from 20th Century Gaf.

"Brave Bosche Boys Eject Polish Murderers from Poland"
"Confident German Forces Repel French Resistance Terrorisists."
"Japan Launches Harmless Surprise Rout of US Terrorists in Hawaii"
"Iran Captures Elusive Olympian Terrrorists"

Oh man that is some gold there. This could be fun.
"NKVD clears out Polish Forrest to Protect Against Environmental Damage"
"Indonesia treated with open arms after freeing East Timor from Terrorism"
"Nazi's liberate Warsaw from Terrorists"
Interesting thread title. I know quite a few people who defend the massacre taking place in Syria. They are outraged about Bahrain though. Does not compute.
When people start reading into things more objectively instead of drinking media kool-aid, they're automatically dismissed as a defense force to diminish their argument.

Golden ^_^


Yes, let's do what we have done to Iraq, let's turn Syria into what Iraq has become today: a peaceful, prosperous place where people live their lives happily everyday.

On a serious note: nobody here is "Syrian apologist". It's a fucked up country led by a fucked up person. But the solution to it is "bombing the bad guy"? I'm just glad all you warmongers can't do jack outside the internet otherwise I can't image how fucked up this world will become.

Dodging my response or did I just prove you wrong, again.


Obsidian fan
Assad Defense Force is becoming one of the most hillarious things I've seen on this board for awhile. It's like the staff of Russia Today has a bunch of Neogaf accounts.

It would be hilarious if it wasn't so disgusting.

Oh man that is some gold there. This could be fun.
"NKVD clears out Polish Forrest to Protect Against Environmental Damage"
"Indonesia treated with open arms after freeing East Timor from Terrorism"
"Nazi's liberate Warsaw from Terrorists"

Reminds me of the Historical Fox News pics.


let's turn Syria into what Iraq has become today: a peaceful, prosperous place where people live their lives happily everyday.
Iraq was a horrible place if you were a Kurd or Shia.

On a serious note: nobody here is "Syrian apologist".
Point taken, the drive by mockery that Gaf is indulging in is disheartening.
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