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Teen assassinates 65 year old in Pakistan who was accused of Blasphemy

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A teenager walked into a Pakistani police station on Friday and shot dead a 65-year-old man from a minority sect accused of blasphemy, their spokesman said, the second murder involving the country's controversial blasphemy laws in as many weeks.

Rights activists said the attack, and a spike in the number of blasphemy cases, was evidence of rising intolerance in the mainly Sunni Muslim South Asian state of 180 million people.

Victim Khalil Ahmad was a member of the minority Ahmadi community, a sect who say they are Muslim but whose religion is rejected by the Pakistani state.

Ahmad and three other Ahmadis had asked a shopkeeper in their village in central Pakistan earlier this week to remove inflammatory stickers denouncing their community, said Saleem ud Din, a spokesman for the Ahmadi community.

In retaliation, the shopkeeper filed blasphemy charges against the four men on May 12. Ahmad, a father of four, was in police custody when the teenage boy walked in, asked to see him, and shot him dead, Din said.

He said police told him that the shooter, a high school student, had been arrested.

Ahmadis have been arrested in Pakistan for reading the Koran, holding religious celebrations and having Koranic verses on rings or wedding cards.

Some mullahs promise that killing Ahmadis earns a place in heaven and give out leaflets listing their home addresses. Four years ago, 86 Ahmadis were killed in two simultaneous attacks on Friday prayers in Lahore.

The Ahmadis consider themselves Muslim but believe in a prophet who came after Mohammed. A 1984 Pakistani law declared them non-Muslims, which makes them particularly vulnerable to the country's blasphemy law.

The colonial-era law does not define blasphemy but says it is punishable by death. Anyone can file a blasphemy case claiming their religious feelings are injured for any reason.

The accused are often lynched, and lawyers and judges defending or acquitting them have been attacked. Rights groups say the laws are increasingly used to seize money or property.

Two politicians who suggested reforming the law were killed, one by his own bodyguard. Lawyers showered the killer with rose petals when he came to court.

Last week a prominent human rights lawyer defending a Pakistani university professor accused of blasphemy was shot and killed after being threatened in court by other lawyers.

Rashid Rehman had been representing the professor, who taught English and was accused by hardline student groups of making blasphemous remarks on his Facebook page in March 2013.

The downward spiral of this nation continues unabated. one of the worst of modern nations
A girl I know taught a short course in Pakistan and she was adamant about how nice and moral the Pakistani people are in comparison to Western nations.
As a Pakistani, I could easily come and defend my nation but the sad fact is, not only is our system almost entirely fucked, the people's mentality and way of thinking is just downright horrible,even obscene at times.

Anyone that's not a Muslim has to suffer through anti-Muslim rhetoric and even violence.

Every single politician and decision maker will just blame other people rather than take responsibility or even just do anything remotely constructive.

We have resources coming out of the wazoo but the "wadeiras" or the rich land owners just sit on them, taking all the money and resources and doing whatever they damn well please, and the regular people can't do a damn thing about it.

There are days when I wonder if this country really wouldn't be better off as a pure and real dictatorship but then I realize the dictator will probably be a right-wing nutjob anyway who'll run this country based entirely on Islamic laws.

EDIT: That's not to say there aren't people that are good, morally speaking. The younger generation in particular has grown tired of this shit system of abuse and power-mongering, but no matter how hard they try, the powerful win out. Either by force, by rigging elections or bribery or what have you, things don't seem like they're going to be getting any better soon.
The colonial-era law does not define blasphemy but says it is punishable by death. Anyone can file a blasphemy case claiming their religious feelings are injured for any reason.

The only way you could defend such a shit law is...hey man, put the gun away, I was just kidding.
A girl I know taught a short course in Pakistan and she was adamant about how nice and moral the Pakistani people are in comparison to Western nations.

Of course, because from her perspective they are following god's rules and we aren't. But I will give it to her that Pakistan hasn't been going to war with other nations the way the US and its allies have.
Committing a crime while shouting that God is great is the biggest blasphemy you can make. Some people really deserve a good punch in the face.


A girl I know taught a short course in Pakistan and she was adamant about how nice and moral the Pakistani people are in comparison to Western nations.

Pakistan is a large nation, the only news you hear about it is the worst of the worst. I might as well judge America based on the K.K.K or Westboro baptist church.
I've never been to Pakistan but most Pakistani's I meet are some of the nicest people I know.
Of course, because from her perspective they are following god's rules and we aren't. But I will give it to her that Pakistan hasn't been going to war with other nations the way the US and its allies have.

Haven't they got a cold war with India going on for quite a while now? Good thing both sides have nukes.
Pakistan is a large nation, the only news you hear about it is the worst of the worst. I might as well judge America based on the K.K.K or Westboro baptist church.
I've never been to Pakistan but most Pakistani's I meet are some of the nicest people I know.

That is true but a nations laws show what kind of society it is in. If blasphemy laws allows this to happen then they should try and remove this law. But no politician wants to remove it. That should tell you the state of affairs when the citizens themselves take the law into their hands on matters of blasphemy, not only the state but many people

In USA majority condemn kkk and westboro, in Pakistan the blasphemy killer was showerred by petals by lawyers !! Lawyers!!

Note: I am a Pakistani myself by birth and lived till 19 there


A girl I know taught a short course in Pakistan and she was adamant about how nice and moral the Pakistani people are in comparison to Western nations.
You know, she might be right. Not all Pakistani people are evil. You have good, honest people there too. The people she met might have been really nice and moral.
The Pakistanis at work have a kind of odd (to me) stance on their country. They admit that corruption and crime are rife, amenities are third-world (specifically outside the cities), religion has too much bearing on the way things are run, things are getting worse instead of better, the balance of power is unstable, and basically they say that objectively, life in England is better.

Yet they can't wait to move back over there, and not because their families are over there. Even the British-born Pakistanis want to move over there at some point, because they like the comparitively simple and relaxed nature of life over there if you have a decent amount of money.

They make it sound like a hellhole tbh, but they love it

Disclaimer: Anecdotal, I know.


Stupid fucking kid. I hate when shit like this happen. For exemple, take this guy:

He is now trying to leave Pakistan because of people wanting to kill him over his awesome mustache. It is madness.


Education. Proper education will help solve many of this nations problems. Also, it really doesn't help that the nations brightest people leave the country
for obvious reasons


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A girl I know taught a short course in Pakistan and she was adamant about how nice and moral the Pakistani people are in comparison to Western nations.

Morality is very, very relative. Casual sex culture is just as offensive and disgusting to some people as this news story is to us.
Morality is very, very relative. Casual sex culture is just as offensive and disgusting to some people as this news story is to us.

Nice, something entrenched in our very essence/DNA as human beings, sex with multiple partners, is being compared with the illogical and reprehensible killing over benign/slight belief system differences. Defense force GAF for the mother fucking loss (unless you are just stating that others believe that to be true but you yourself are not justifying it; then I agree with you).


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Nice, something entrenched in our very essence/DNA as human beings, sex with multiple partners, is being compared with the illogical and reprehensible killing over benign/slight belief system differences. Defense force GAF for the mother fucking loss (unless you are just stating that others believe that to be true but you yourself are not justifying it; then I agree with you).

I am stating that others believe this to be true. Obviously, I don't believe people should be fucking murdered for having sex outside of marriage.
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