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Tell me if I went overboard in beating the shit out of my friend.

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So my friends and I all go out several nights ago. We take one car. Several people had a few drinks, including the owner of the car.

We get to where we're going, and the driver hands the owner his keys, who then proceeds to almost lock them in the car. Another friend, upon seeing this, tries to stop him from doing so, assuming that he was drunk and not aware of what he was doing. We later learn that the car has keyless entry, and he was putting the keys in merely to secure them, however, most of us were unaware of this at the time...

So anyways, the guy tries to stop him (we'll call him Dan from here on out for the sake of clarification), and he flips his shit. "DON'T STOP ME! IT'S MY FUCKING CAR. TOUCH ME AGAIN AND YOU WALK HOME," etc. etc. Keep in mind that no where in his screaming does he explain the fact that the car has keyless entry. Dan pushes the guy away from him, hard, like a complete asshole.

I walk up to Dan and tell him to calm down, that we're just trying to help. He shoves me as hard as he can, almost knocking me down. "DON'T EVER FUCKING TOUCH ME."

This is where I lose it. ..... But first, a bit of backstory. Back in the summer time when MGS4 came out, I was waiting with him in line at Gamestop during the midnight launch. I didn't have a PS3 then, I just stood there to keep him company. I can't remember the specific details, but we were joking around and I happened to pat him on the shoulder. He shoved me back and yelled at me to never touch him. For me, a friendly pat does =/= a hard shove, and I warned him that if he ever did it again, I would beat his ass no questions asked. That was the end of that.... Until now.

So yeah, he shoved me as hard as he could. My previous warning, coupled with the fact that he is generally an asshole to everyone and I had some pent up rage, resulted in me going ballistic on him.

I decked him in the face, and he went down in one shot. I went on top of him and started pummeling and kneeing him hard, reminding him of my previous warning to never shove me again without warrant. He actually fucking cried like a baby.

I would have beat him more, but by that point all of our other friends were pulling me off of him. All of this shit started because he didn't have the foresight to tell his concerned friends that there was keyless entry on his fucking car.

I haven't talked to him since.

What do you think of this?


force push the doodoo rock
Sounds like an asshole. I'm not big into getting into fights, but it seems like this wannabe alpha-male needed a little beating.
Docpan said:
I decked him in the face, and he went down in one shot.

This is where you should have stopped.

I could have seen myself hitting one of my friends if I was a little drunk and pissed at the time but any further than that would be overboard.


Docpan said:
So my friends and I all go out several nights ago. We take one car. Several people had a few drinks, including the owner of the car.

We get to where we're going, and the driver hands the owner his keys, who then proceeds to almost lock them in the car. Another friend, upon seeing this, tries to stop him from doing so, assuming that he was drunk and not aware of what he was doing. We later learn that the car has keyless entry, and he was putting the keys in merely to secure them, however, most of us were unaware of this at the time...

So anyways, the guy tries to stop him (we'll call him Dan from here on out for the sake of clarification), and he flips his shit. "DON'T STOP ME! IT'S MY FUCKING CAR. TOUCH ME AGAIN AND YOU WALK HOME," etc. etc. Keep in mind that no where in his screaming does he explain the fact that the car has keyless entry. Dan pushes the guy away from him, hard, like a complete asshole.

I walk up to Dan and tell him to calm down, that we're just trying to help. He shoves me as hard as he can, almost knocking me down. "DON'T EVER FUCKING TOUCH ME."

This is where I lose it. ..... But first, a bit of backstory. Back in the summer time when MGS4 came out, I was waiting with him in line at Gamestop during the midnight launch. I didn't have a PS3 then, I just stood there to keep him company. I can't remember the specific details, but we were joking around and I happened to pat him on the shoulder. He shoved me back and yelled at me to never touch him. For me, a friendly pat does =/= a hard shove, and warned him that if he ever did it again, I would beat his ass no questions asked. That was the end of that.... Until now.

So yeah, he shoved me as hard as he could. My previous warning, coupled with the fact that he is generally an asshole to everyone and I had some pent up rage, resulted in me going ballistic on him.

I decked him in the face, and he went down in one shot. I went on top of him and started pummeling and kneeing him hard, reminding him of my previous warning to never shove me again without warrant. He actually fucking cried like a baby.

I would have beat him more, but by that point all of our other friends were pulling me off of him. All of this shit started because he didn't have the foresight to tell his concerned friends that there was keyless entry on his fucking car.

I haven't talked to him since.

What do you think of this?

Violent ppl r violent.

You should have been the bigger man. You should have. Or at least stopped yourself after you punched him the first time. Geez guy, just because he was a drunken idiot doesn't mean you should act a fool too.


You're both douchebags in this story, the only question is who is the douchier. The difficulty in that decision should pretty much give you the answer to your question.


So your friend is molested by his pastor as a child and you council him with an ass-whooping? He was obviously crying out for help... and I guess you helped him alright. /Charlie Murphy
Yeah, knocking him on his @$$ is probably where it should have stopped.

He hates being touched, and you have anger/control issues... did you guys meet in therapy?


Don't fuck with my shit, and I won't fuck with your shit.

He crossed the line once and got a warning. He crossed the line twice and got a serious ass whooping. I don't think he'll ever do it again, actually. That was my line of thinking while I was hitting him as hard as I could. I figured that one punch wouldn't have gotten the message through to him that I will not tolerate getting violently shoved for no reason.
Essentially he put his keys in his car that has keyless entry, objected to you touching him, and got a little beating for it. He might not have expressed himself well, but from what you've told us I can't exactly say he deserved it.

I don't really think you're a wanker btw, it all just sounds a bit rash to me. On everyones' parts.

Eteric Rice

You should have stopped after you decked him. Getting punched in the face is a pretty good indicator that you don't like you be pushed for no reason.


Sounds like you lost a 'friend'.

I mean neither of you behaved reasonably, but neither did it seem like you two were very compatible with each other in the first place.

But just for the record. You're the bigger douchebag. Sure, the person that initiates the douchebaggery gets some pretty big douchebag points... but brutally assaulting the guy over a hard shove... you're lucky you're not been charged with assault.


It always amazes with with people act like this. In what region of your fucked up mind did you thin this was normal behaviour.

So the guy pushed you. Last time someone pushed me I regained my balance and went about my business.

I'm amazed he didn't get in his car and try to run you down. That would have made the story 100% more interesting.


Docpan said:
Don't fuck with my shit, and I won't fuck with your shit.

He crossed the line once and got a warning. He crossed the line twice and got a serious ass whooping. I don't think he'll ever do it again, actually. That was my line of thinking while I was hitting him as hard as I could. I figured that one punch wouldn't have gotten the message through to him that I will not tolerate getting violently shoved for no reason.

At what point would you have stopped hitting him? Because it seems from what you typed, you were going to beat him to a pulp...or potentially kill him :/


Docpan said:
Don't fuck with my shit, and I won't fuck with your shit.

He crossed the line once and got a warning. He crossed the line twice and got a serious ass whooping. I don't think he'll ever do it again, actually. That was my line of thinking while I was hitting him as hard as I could. I figured that one punch wouldn't have gotten the message through to him that I will not tolerate getting violently shoved for no reason.

Docpan said:
I decked him in the face, and he went down in one shot. I went on top of him and started pummeling and kneeing him hard, reminding him of my previous warning to never shove me again without warrant. He actually fucking cried like a baby.

"You hear a little girl, Frankie? Is that a little girl, Ace? Is that a little fuckin' girl? What happened to the fuckin' tough guy who told my friend to stick it up his fuckin' ass?"


Docpan said:
Don't fuck with my shit, and I won't fuck with your shit.

He crossed the line once and got a warning. He crossed the line twice and got a serious ass whooping. I don't think he'll ever do it again, actually. That was my line of thinking while I was hitting him as hard as I could. I figured that one punch wouldn't have gotten the message through to him that I will not tolerate getting violently shoved for no reason.
Why were you friends with him in the first place? He seemed like he's been kind of an ass to you for a while?
Well.... maybe you didn't need to beat the crap out of him :lol

Sounds to me like his extreme aversion to being touched has some deeper explanation. If it does have some sort of psychological problem/traumatic experience at its root, it's pretty poor form going to town on him like that. If he's just an egotistical dick and totally in control of his own actions, it was only a matter of time before one of his friends reacted the way you did. A pat on the shoulder does NOT deserve a forceful shove in retaliation, but you can't be blamed for reacting badly to being shoved.

So... do you think he's just a dick, or has a valid reason to not want to be touched?


radioheadrule83 said:
:lol wasn't that bob someone?

Yeah, you're right. Wish I could find that thread; I think he went to jail or something. For a second there I thought he got out and struck again. :lol
I don't really understand why it matters that the car had keyless entry.

regardless, I think you took it too far. You decked the guy, he fell down.. then instead of letting him collect himself and think about what a dick he was being to his friends, you pinned him to the ground and beat the living shit out of him.

fuck man.. you should be in jail for that shit and who the fuck remembers a warning from a midnight launch for a game that came out 6 months ago? I know I sure as hell wouldn't.

Get some anger management sessions dude.
Docpan said:
Don't fuck with my shit, and I won't fuck with your shit.

He crossed the line once and got a warning. He crossed the line twice and got a serious ass whooping. I don't think he'll ever do it again, actually. That was my line of thinking while I was hitting him as hard as I could. I figured that one punch wouldn't have gotten the message through to him that I will not tolerate getting violently shoved for no reason.

Whatever helps you sleep at night!


weepy said:
At what point would you have stopped hitting him? Because it seems from what you typed, you were going to beat him to a pulp...or potentially kill him :/

One punch can kill someone. People trip and fall and kill themselves. It's not worth it. The only explaination is anger issues.
Igo said:
It always amazes with with people act like this. In what region of your fucked up mind did you thin this was normal behaviour.

So the guy pushed you. Last time someone pushed me I regained my balance and went about my business.

I'm amazed he didn't get in his car and try to run you down. That would have made the story 100% more interesting.


Also, thread title makes no sense. "Friend" you say? Does not compute.

Also, getting into a fight because you got pushed? That's just fucking pathetic.


weepy said:
At what point would you have stopped hitting him? Because it seems from what you typed, you were going to beat him to a pulp...or potentially kill him :/

I think anyone who has gotten into a fight before can attest to the fact that adrenaline takes hold of rational thought. I wasn't intending to put him into the hospital or anything, just rough him up. It's not like he was just laying there taking the punches, either. He was kicking and flailing around violently, hitting me in the process and making things escalate even more.


what about the guy who had a serious case of road rage a year or two back that was a pretty great thread eh guys
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