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The Dark Ages hold well in Greece. Apparently, holy communion can't spread corona because "god"


Greek article incoming, you might want to use a translator. Basically it's a doctor/infectious disease specialist who promotes how holy communion is safe:


And a video where a guy calls the National Agency for Public Health and asks if holy communion is safe (enable subtitles obviously):

Naturally, you have the religious orcs who post stuff like "i took my children to receive holy communion and they didn't get sick, so there". Literally experimenting with your children's health to prove your faith works.

I guess there is a bright side to all this. Maybe this virus will be what evolution needs to clean the DNA pool from stupid.
I've seen on the news that priests don't do communion in my country. And all the people agree with it due to corona.
And it's a hardcore catholic country, so I was a bit surprised. Reason doesn't prevail too often in my country, but this time it did.
What gets me is it's not only the church, it's also the scientific sector that ignores science in my stupid country.

Have they closed the boarders yet?

Ive so many questions about this virus and the response in my own country. I was at McDs the other week and theyre still letting people use the touch screen order kiosks. Atms are still being used, public toilets not being cleaned anymore than theyre normally are, fares (aka festival type things) are still being given permission to go ahead, no one is wearing masks.

Oh, and about hand sanitizer. I see no one using it more than they normally would and when ive asked other people if theyve noticed that also (an uptake in use or they themselves buying it more) their response is always "the same as usual", as in, you never really see it being used. Which begs the question, why is it sold out if no one is really buying it more than they normally would.

The other thing i saw was that theyre limiting the sale of paracetamol


fares (aka festival type things) are still being given permission to go ahead
Funny thing is that we actually did cancel a bunch of fares and carnivals (we supposed to have dress up carnivals similar to Rio every year). But the churches remain full. And this is anecdotal but i heard there were people who wore masks in the churches and went to receive communion anyway, pushing the mask away for a bit to get the spoon in their mouths. If that image isn't the perfect depiction of stupidity then what is?
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Funny thing is that we actually did cancel a bunch of fares and carnivals (we supposed to have dress up carnivals similar to Rio every year). But the churches remain full. And this is anecdotal but i heard there were people who wore masks in the churches and went to receive communion anyway, pushing the mask away for a bit to get the spoon in their mouths. How incredibly funny is that?

So even though every country is on high alert, they all seem to be dealing with it differently. Whats the World health org doing?


LemmingWithaParachute LemmingWithaParachute fyi, hand sanitizer does jack shit. I read the studies and even talked with an RN that tested them in university classes. Stick to soap and warm water.

It seems every country has their idiots dealing with this in different ways, sit back and enjoy the show nkarafo nkarafo


And this is why I never got into religion.

I recall not being religious since I was a child. I just thought it was bonkers.


This thread is absurd. The Orthodox already recommend not coming to divine liturgy or receiving communion if you are sick. Deuteronomy 6:16.

That said, priests have always finished whatever is left after the laity have received and they generally do not get sick from this. Scientists believe it's a combination of the gold plating and the slightly higher alcohol content of the wine. And then there's the supernatural explanation.

The Eucharist is the bread of everlasting life. Every Christian in a state of grace has a right to receive it, even and especially in times of crisis.

I guess there is a bright side to all this. Maybe this virus will be what evolution needs to clean the DNA pool from stupid.

Surely you recognize it would have been cleaned out thousands of years ago if it were a detriment and not an advantage. Do you really not sicken yourself finding a "bright side" in all Orthodox Christian's being killed off?


Do you really not sicken yourself finding a "bright side" in all Orthodox Christian's being killed off?
I'm more sicken of theists putting their children's health to risk (along with public health in general) while being fully informed of the dangers, while priests who have no idea how science/biology works encourage them to do so.

By the way, the church has already made a 180 and stated officially that elders (the ones who are more likely to get sick) need to stay home. So much for faith huh?

That said, priests have always finished whatever is left after the laity have received and they generally do not get sick from this
Sick from what? This virus just hit the country. Do you have statistics and research for other epidemics maybe?

Scientists believe it's a combination of the gold plating and the slightly higher alcohol content of the wine
There's not enough alcohol in there for sanitation. Also, who are all these so called "scientists"?

And then there's the supernatural explanation.
There is no such thing.

The Eucharist is the bread of everlasting life.
Keep telling yourself that.
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I'm more sicken of theists putting their children's health to risk (along with public health in general) while being fully informed of the dangers, while priests who have no idea how science/biology works encourage them to do so.

You're unfairly generalizing. The vast majority taking precautions obviously outnumber the anecdotal incidents you're holding up to justify your genocidal neuroticism.


Lil’ Gobbie
It's harder to poke fun at others when the guy in charge of the coronavirus response in the US is also a religious nut case.
Let’s straw man everything!


Look at how stupid climate change “science” is! 😂😂😂


What precautions? Who do you refer to?

I'm not going to keep doing your homework for you, but the North American Orthodox Church is asking anyone showing symptoms to self-quarantine and for everyone else to take common sense measures:

I'm not Orthodox but I can tell you that I've only heard Catholic dioceses taking precautions of suspending the sign of peace and communal holy water.

nkarafo said:
Won't let you patronize me. If you took that literally from my post you are simply an idiot.

You should be more careful with how you express yourself if you're going to get upset every time someone holds you accountable for it, especially after you totally owned it in your first reply!


I'm not going to keep doing your homework for you, but the North American Orthodox Church is asking anyone showing symptoms to self-quarantine and for everyone else to take common sense measures:
Ι don't know what happens in North America, this topic is about my own country's stupidity.

You should be more careful with how you express yourself if you're going to get upset every time someone holds you accountable for it, especially after you totally owned it in your first reply!
I admit i should be more careful, yes. It was meant to be a "Darwin's award" type of statement/joke. It's not something new but i can see how it may look bad the way i wrote it. Still, that's not a reason to patronize my thread because you know very well that's not what i meant. If you disagree with the premise of the thread try to refute my points instead of resorting to ad hominem.


Rodent Whores
If the get sick, maybe they should try their luck with Zeus instead. Nothing like going back to your ex after a 2000 year old break up.
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