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The Dark Knight official site goes live (Why So Serious NYC!?)

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:lol :lol

The first thing I thought when I saw that pic was "Good Christ, that's the kid from 10 Things I Hate About You playing the Joker. The Joker!"

Hats off to Ledger.


here's the original Heath Ledger Joker announcement thread: http://ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=110889&highlight=ledger

woodchuck said:
I trust in Nolan.


here are some other impressions:

jett said:

*am cry*

CajoleJuice said:

Sapiens said:
Heath Ledger proved he was a good actor in BBM - he is appropriate for the role (age, body type,) and with the right makeup, I think his acting abilities will really sell the character.

I was really getting sick of all these "fan favourite" choices, and I have faith in Nolan.

Ledger represent


whytemyke said:

SpeedingUptoStop said:
Aw man. :-/ I hope Nolan knows what he's doing.


FootNinja said:
I will savor every second of this movie, since there is no chance for another with heath :(


^^had to be brought over to the next page.

That bat symbol is REALLY close to something I made two months ago:


And similar to another one I made around that time:

woodchuck said:
here's the original Heath Ledger Joker announcement thread: http://ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=110889&highlight=ledger


here are some other impressions:

Namless said:
You mean I have to watch Batman Begins 2 with a bunch of 14 year old girls fapping for The Joker?

Call it a hunch, but I imagine it will be hard to immerse myself in the dark setting of BB2 with Mandy turning to Cindy giggling and saying "Oh My god, His dimples are soooo cute....he is so hot".
siege said:
Ledger brings the star power, but he would make an awful Joker. I hope it doesn't come to be.
J2 Cool said:
It's been mentioned, and I would be ecstatic, but the studio seems to not even mention the possibility. Or at least we haven't heard the slightest whisper. Then again the fans did pretty much pick Bale themselves. It's possible but I liked some of the selections rumored previously enough to see what happens. Ledger I don't like though at all. Brody, Weaving, Bettany. Now those are exciting prospects.
Oh ye of little faith. :lol


Snidely Whiplash said:
:lol :lol

Oh ye of little faith. :lol

To be fair, NOBODY expected how awesome of a job Heath did on TDK. Not to mention we didn't really know what to expect. We all played into the pretty boy angle, and we look pretty stupid now.

EDIT: But yeah, most of those comments are hilarious. :lol


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
woodchuck said:
here's the original Heath Ledger Joker announcement thread: http://ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=110889&highlight=ledger


here are some other impressions:

haha, and I was proved right: Nolan DID know what he was doing!:D

You mean I have to watch Batman Begins 2 with a bunch of 14 year old girls fapping for The Joker?

Call it a hunch, but I imagine it will be hard to immerse myself in the dark setting of BB2 with Mandy turning to Cindy giggling and saying "Oh My god, His dimples are soooo cute....he is so hot".
Oh shit, mega fail.:lol :lol


Hey gaf..im drunk again in the batman thread.l whats up!

i saw heath ledget and some chinese food after closing. soo good!
I wish I'd posted in that thread. I thought it was a great casting move from the very beginning, but I had no idea it would be THIS well received.
wow, someone from that thread was spot on:

soundwave05 said:
Bale doesn't like Depp? I've never heard that one before.

I know it probably won't happen but

Depp as Joker
Bale as Batman
Nolan as Director

Script based around "The Killing Joke" =

Greatest Superhero Movie EVER. You wouldn't even be able to say Spider-Man or Superman Returns in the same sentence without laughing.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I got my tickets like, 2 weeks ago. I got all of my friends (literally) to get theirs too. Opening night, in Imax, with like , 25 of my closest friends? what's not to love about that.
WHOOOAOAAA, looks like this thread with leaked script excerpts was probably the real deal!


This scene in particular is from the opening prologue that's been going around, although it's changed from the original violent take

DMczaf said:
Bank Manager: You have any idea who you're stealing from? You and your friends are dead! You idiot. What makes you think the guy who hired you isnt going to kill you, too?

Joker: Call it a hunch.

Joker pulls off his mask. The Bank Manager GASPS, horrified at the face staring back at him.

Joker: It's rude to stare.

Bank Manager: What are you? You freak. Criminals in this town used to believe in things. Honor. Respect. What do you believe, huh? What do you bel-

*BANG* Joker puts a bullet into Manager's head.

good work, internet. some of those lines in that bit are exactly as they were in the dark knight as we know it
SpeedingUptoStop said:
AMC 30 in sterling heights, mi.

Good. I'll be avoiding it if it's the last place i go to :lol

No offense, but I hate going to theatres where the entire bandwagon shows up. It's hard to shush your own friends or a crew of 10+ people in these cases :)


Skiptastic said:
Holy shit at the crow people are going to eat from that thread.

Although I didn't post in that thread, I'll be honest, I thought Adrien Brody would be a much better fit as The Joker.

But obviously Nolan knew what he was doing. Signing Ledger was perhaps the best casting decision ever made. All the stories I've read of Heath improvising things (the clapping, ventriloquism voice stuff, designing the makeup, locking himself in a hotel and making a diary, etc). He went the extra mile, shame he isn't alive to see the finished work.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
shagg_187 said:
Good. I'll be avoiding it if it's the last place i go to :lol

No offense, but I hate going to theatres where the entire bandwagon shows up. It's hard to shush your own friends or a crew of 10+ people in these cases :)
lol we're not a bunch of teenyboppers man, (nor tightly wound energy drink addicts). We're practically adults here - I don't think anyone of us would talk through any films anymore at all, less alone the film we've been waiting years for. :D we'd be the least troublesome group there, I assure you.

tickets are sold out too


Gabriel Knight
ezekial45 said:
To be fair, NOBODY expected how awesome of a job Heath did on TDK. Not to mention we didn't really know what to expect. We all played into the pretty boy angle, and we look pretty stupid now.

EDIT: But yeah, most of those comments are hilarious. :lol

my comment..:D

I knew it!

Schattenjagger said:
i think Heath will be great.. he was great in brokeback mountain

there are many actors that can fit the role in nolans vision..

depp is one of my favorite actors but i just didnt like him in wonka...i dont think he'll be that good as the joker
this movie is gonna be great!



The Oscars are eight months away and the film hasn't even been released, but Heath Ledger's performance in his last film is already generating talk of a rare posthumous Academy Award.

Australian heart-throb Ledger, who died of an accidental drug overdose in New York in January aged 28, appears in cinemas later this month as comic-book hero Batman's chilling arch-enemy, The Joker, in "The Dark Knight."

Ledger's creepy rendition of the classic role has already wowed a handful of critics invited to sneak previews for the film, which opens in North America on July 18, with several describing the performance as Oscar-worthy.

"I can only speak superlatives of Ledger, who is mad-crazy-blazing brilliant as the Joker," wrote Rolling Stone's film critic Pete Travers.

"If there's a movement to get him the first posthumous Oscar since Peter Finch won for 1976's 'Network', sign me up," Travers added.

Sam Rubin, a respected entertainment correspondent for Los Angeles KTLA network, said Ledger would "absolutely be nominated for an Oscar, and at this point in the year is a hands-down favorite to win it posthumously."

"Ledger offers perfect pitch, perfect tone, his Joker hits all the right notes," Rubin added.

The cast and crew of "The Dark Knight" were similarly wowed by Ledger's presence on set.

British actor Gary Oldman, who plays Gotham City police officer Lieutenant Jim Gordon, is among those who believes Ledger's performance is Oscar-worthy.

"The Academy doesn't always recognize work in this kind of genre, but I think he's probably going to get an Oscar nomination," Oldman told reporters at a publicity event in Beverly Hills.

Oldman said he was captivated by Ledger acting as soon as he saw him on set.

"I got a sense of it the first morning I worked with him. And I thought 'Fuck, this kid's a bit good'," he said.

"It's like he's found a radio station that the rest of us can't hear. And that happens to actors sometimes.

"Over the years when I've seen great performances -- (Jack) Nicholson in 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest', Al Pacino in 'Dog Day Afternoon' -- you go 'wow, there's something really special at work here'. And I think Heath's done that here. It's like he's gone through the sound barrier."

The film's director Christopher Nolan said Ledger, renowned for taking on difficult, edgy roles during his career, was chosen for the film precisely for that reason.

"For the role of The Joker I was looking for fearlessness," Nolan said. "I needed a phenomenal actor, but he (Ledger) also had to be someone unafraid of taking on such an iconic role.

"Heath created something entirely original. It's stunning, it's captivating and it's going to blow people away."

Oldman meanwhile was skeptical of suggestions that the disturbing nature of Ledger's last role was somehow a contributory factor in his death.

"People want a dark story," Oldman said. "You know, 'He was so obsessed with character', 'He was contaminated by the Joker', 'He couldn't sleep', that sort of thing. But in between takes he would sit on the curbside, smoke a cigarette and have a laugh and talk about his daughter Matilda. I thought he was just a beautiful kid, wonderful.

"I had a real affection for him. Charismatic doesn't even begin to describe it. You need a whole new word for charismatic."

Oscar-watchers meanwhile said that Ledger's performance could easily win a nomination, but cautioned that most of the films expected to be in contention at the Academy Awards were yet to be released.

"It's early in the year and people are looking for things to talk about as possible Oscar contenders," said Maxim film critic Pete Hammond. "I would say Heath Ledger has got a good chance now, but it depends on what opens later.

"Getting a posthumous nomination is rare, but it does happen. I think there's a lot of goodwill towards Heath. People are looking at this performance as the last chance to do something for Heath, and he's certainly deserving.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I got my tickets like, 2 weeks ago. I got all of my friends (literally) to get theirs too. Opening night, in Imax, with like , 25 of my closest friends? what's not to love about that.
I got my tickets for Saturday. Opening day is all sold out. :\
"People want a dark story," Oldman said. "You know, 'He was so obsessed with character', 'He was contaminated by the Joker', 'He couldn't sleep', that sort of thing. But in between takes he would sit on the curbside, smoke a cigarette and have a laugh and talk about his daughter Matilda. I thought he was just a beautiful kid, wonderful.



will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
The Ledger Oscar buzz made the local news here in Detroit. After story was over, one anchors [female] said "ooh, looks dark." her male co anchor said "yea, looks like a good one!" female anchor: [disinterested] "uhh....yea."

Clearly not one for the dramatic films.:lol


“he [Heath] showed up with a very basic make-up kit consisting of store bought mascara, white grease paint and lipstick and and basically designed the make-up there on the spot”

Stop being awesome, Heath :(


mediocrity at its best
God damn, Nolan really did prove he knows more than anyone else. I can't wait to see this. Ledger looks to have killed this role.
shagg_187 said:
i see that you neglected to post the OTHER story on the front page:
10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight

Posted on Tuesday, July 1st, 2008 at 11:13 pm by: Peter Sciretta

I have been given the go ahead to review The Dark Knight, but this is the type of film that I need to see at least two or three times before attempting such a task. The film is so very expansive, so incredibly epic. I decided that instead of a full review, I will just share my first impressions. But lets first talk expectations. Going into 2008, I was looking forward to only a few films, The Dark Knight being one of them. As you probably already know, WALL-E was at the top of my list, and Pixar’s latest didn’t disappoint. I was very sure that WALL-E would end up being my favorite film of the year, and it is… errr WAS. That is until I saw The Dark Knight. I screened the film on Saturday night in Los Angeles, and now that I’ve had a few days to think about the film, I thought I would share my ten spoiler-free reasons why I believe that The Dark Knight is a masterpiece - an almost flawless comic book movie adaptation.

1. The Movie is Epic
- The Dark Knight is not just a superhero movie. It is the first comic book adaptation to transcend the genre. Imagine one of the greatest crime thrillers of all time which just happens to have a guy who dresses in a bat costume and fights crime. Think Godfather 2 or Heat, with a insane terrorist who paints his face like a clown and goes around killing random people. It’s expansive in feel and tone. It’s the type of film which you make a point to refer to as a “film” instead of a “movie”.

2. Bigger, Better, Longer - I’ll admit that I wasn’t completely blown away by Batman Begins. Sure, it was the best Batman film to date, incorporating darker themes and a sense of realism that the franchise had never seen before. But Batman Begins is also not without its problems. I think even hardcore fans would agree that the film suffers from third act problems. The Dark Knight is bigger and better in every single way. The film is 152 minutes (two hours and thirty two minutes) long, and every second is gripping. Does it feel long? Yeah. But at the same time I wouldn’t have removed a thing. Every single second is necessary to tell this story. Nolan even keeps some plot developments off screen which resonate in various scenes throughout the film.

3. Heath Ledger - Some friends have expressed concern that the death of Heath Ledger will taint their Dark Knight viewing experience. It doesn’t, and here is why - Heath is amazing. From the first second he steps on screen you will forget that their is an actor behind the make-up. Heath doesn’t play The Joker, he IS the Joker. You will believe that a psychopath wearing clown makeup is terrorizing a whole city. The performance is Oscar worthy. What Anthony Hopkins did for Hannibal Lector, Ledger does for The Joker.

4. Two-Face - At the core this movie is not about Batman, or even The Joker, but instead about Harvey Dent, and his transformation into Two-face. In a way the story is almost a Shakespearean tragedy of a man who goes bad. The screenwriters play against the established conventions of Two-face’s origin story to give you something new, refreshing, and ultimately more authentic than the story presented in the comic books. You will believe that a hero becomes the villain. And you might also be shocked at how long the two-face character appears on screen. It’s not just a tease - you will get everything! His computer generated make-up is so gruesome and realistic looking, that I’m shocked the film was able to get a PG-13 rating.

5. The Empire Strikes Back - The Dark Knight is The Empire Strikes Back of comic book movies. It is dark, bleak, and realistic. Kids looking for a fun superhero movie need to look elsewhere. This is a multi-layered, authentic crime tale. There is more than one casualty, and it doesn’t exactly end on a high note. Fans will eat the ending up. After sitting in the theater for two and a half hours, it will leave you wanting more.

- If you don’t see this movie in IMAX than you haven’t seen the movie. A few of the action sequences and many of the establishing shots throughout the film were shot using IMAX cameras. The result is breathtaking. There is a sequence where Batman leaps off the top of a building (you’ve probably seen it in the trailers) and the camera pushes in. It’s so vivid and high resolution that it almost felt like it was part of one of those motion controlled theme park rides. Going into the screening, I thought the IMAX thing was probably more gimmick than anything else. Previous IMAX presentations involved up-converting the 35mm film image to fit on the IMAX screen. The footage shot with the IMAX camera is amazing. Even if you’ve seen a traditional IMAX movie in the past, you will be blown away by seeing a Hollywood action film on the big big screen. It makes you wonder why more Hollywood productions haven’t begun incorporating the IMAX camera. I wouldn’t be surprised if the inevitable third Batman movie wasn’t shot completely shot on IMAX cameras.

7. Gotham City - The extensive on location filming in Chicago adds to the authenticity of Gotham City. There is never a moment that you feel like you’re watching a bunch of actors on a Hollywood soundstage.

8. Characters - Every character that appears on screen has a history. Even when Nolan doesn’t show us this backstory - we see it. Even a corrupt cop that has two lines of dialogue has an extensive past, at least I’m convinced they do. The world is so full of rich three dimensional characters, some of which only appear on screen for brief moments. And some of the characters do have backstories which were provided in the extensive viral marketing campaigns. If you participated in the alternative reality game online, than you will get more out of the film as a whole.

9. The Bat-Pod - You will love how the Bat Pod is introduced in the film.

10. Nontraditional
- The screenplay is both multi-layered and nontraditional. I was caught completely off guard at the many wonderful choices that Nolan and Goyer made in the script. You will wonder how they got Warner Bros to sign off on the screenplay, and I mean this in a good way. Characters that you expect to die might survive, and characters you expect to live will meet their ultimate demise. Even Two-Face’s origin is not exactly as you expect. That said, I advise you to stay as far away from spoilers as you can, because this is a film you want to experience for yourself in a packed IMAX theater on opening night.

To me, The Dark Knight is an almost flawless cinematic experience. Is The Dark Knight one of the best films of all time? No. Where does it fit in my top 100? I’ll have to digest it a couple more times before my mind finds a suitable placement. Rewatchability is an important factor to me. While I do think this film will hold up to multiple viewings, I’m not sure that the expansive IMAX sequences (which are part of the reason why I loved this film) will translate in a home movie viewing environment.

I do believe that The Dark Knight is the best comic book adaptation to date. For me it takes over the spot held by Spider-Man 2. For others it might replace Superman: The Movie, X-Men 2 or The Incredibles. And who knows, some people might be disappointed. Those expecting a fun movie filled with hope might come out sadly disappointed. I’m also not sure this film will play for younger audiences. And I’m not even going to pretend to know what women might think of it. I can only tell you my thoughts. I can’t wait for you guys to see the film so that we can have a discussion.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
6. IMAX - If you don’t see this movie in IMAX than you haven’t seen the movie. A few of the action sequences and many of the establishing shots throughout the film were shot using IMAX cameras. The result is breathtaking. There is a sequence where Batman leaps off the top of a building (you’ve probably seen it in the trailers) and the camera pushes in. It’s so vivid and high resolution that it almost felt like it was part of one of those motion controlled theme park rides. Going into the screening, I thought the IMAX thing was probably more gimmick than anything else. Previous IMAX presentations involved up-converting the 35mm film image to fit on the IMAX screen. The footage shot with the IMAX camera is amazing. Even if you’ve seen a traditional IMAX movie in the past, you will be blown away by seeing a Hollywood action film on the big big screen. It makes you wonder why more Hollywood productions haven’t begun incorporating the IMAX camera. I wouldn’t be surprised if the inevitable third Batman movie wasn’t shot completely shot on IMAX cameras.
Because 1.34:1 aspect ratios suck.

[Also, it's expensive, inconvenient, and a very heavy system, plus there are only like 300 IMAX theaters in the world, and not all of them are commercial.]


Dan said:
Because 1.34:1 aspect ratios suck.

[Also, it's expensive, inconvenient, and a very heavy system, plus there are only like 300 IMAX theaters in the world, and not all of them are commercial.]

While I'm also not a fan of the aspect ratio, the end result is amazing despite being tricky to work with. I'm all for shooting more films in Imax.

I also see other movies in Imax whenever I can, but those are all converted to Imax and not shot in the format like (portions of) The Dark Knight was.

Wired said:
Imax film stock is enormous, roughly 10 times the size of 35-mm celluloid, and it soaks up a vast amount of visual information. While conventional films are digitized at 2K resolution (2,000 pixels across), or 4K at most, adding visual effects to Imax footage requires digitizing each frame at up to 8K.

The negative used by Imax cameras is huge: 65mm across, or about the width of an iPod. The additional surface area allows more data to be recordeed, resulting in lush, detailed hi-def images that loom large onscreen. Better still, in 2-D Imax theaters, two xenon bulbs outshine the standard single projection light. The result is a brighter image, with angelic whites that make the other colors pop.

"You can see something way off in the horizon", Pfister says. "You can see a little glint of light, a reflection in Batman's eye. You can't see it in a conventional theater. And you definitely can't see it on a plasma screen at home."



70-mm projection (left) vs. 2-D Imax projection (right)
Photos: Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures


Gabriel Knight
the wait for this movie has become unbearable..even worse than casino royale and quantam of solace and im a bond fanatic..worse than lotr trilogy...

luckily i got midnight (new rochelle, ny) and 2pm next day nyc tickets...but it seems so far away =(


cant wait to see this, picked up my imax tickets for the 18th yesterday, i lucked out and happen to have an imax theatre about 10 minutes from myhouse

for those of u in LI, theres an imax theatre in the cradle aviationo building next to nassau community college / hofstra, tickets are on sale right now for batman, just check out the website.
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