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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- First Gameplay Trailer!

GillianSeed79 said:
Is that gif on the first page, the one with the bow and arrow and wolf, seriously in game? Thoes graphics are unbelieveably amazing. That has to be the PC version right?
When you see it in the video it's not half as impressive. It's definitely the least impressive part of the whole video, by far.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Commanche Raisin Toast said:
-i didn't really feel a ES vibe from the trailer at all. looked really cool, but not like it was a new ES title. maybe it was the viking-ish helmet and graphical style difference? it's going to take some more footage and screens etc. before i can really decide. one of the GI shots showed a glass axe or cleaver of some sort. THAT'S the kind of familiarity im talking about. im all for innovation but if it's completely different weapon types, element types, magic types, etc. etc. then it just won't feel like oblivion. (kinda like a CnC game with no tiberium....)

It seems like you've only played Oblivion, which would explain why you think it doesn't feel like Elder Scrolls.
EatChildren said:
In game and apparently the Xbox 360 version.

I believe for the first time ever I've shat bircks - scratch that - concrete cinder blocks. No, wait, a Jersey wall is now making its way through my lower intestines.


there is joy in sucking dick
Aesius said:
Download Nehrim instead. It will satisfy your Elder Scrolls hunger much more than shitty vanilla Oblivion.

I'm easily influenced (by the trailer that is) I'm installing Oblivion right now so I can play Nehrim.


Well i gotta say, after the Oblivion's burnout (waiting fot it like the messiah, and hated it) i ditched any hype for bethesda games (or games in general, for that matter) and i thought the the Skyrim screens previously realesed, were kinda "meh", but..

..this trailer is fucking awesome, the theme is awesome, the animations and the graphics are awesome, and it's from a 360 build?! (going to pick it up on PC).

I feel a little hype bar making its way inside; though i oughta still look out for Bethesda's tendency to tell bullshit (radiant AI E3 clip of Oblivion, anyone?), so i'll keep my guard up, until it's done.


Spat_triate said:
Wasn't really in order but look now:

1)Mass Effect 3
3)The Witcher 2
4)L.A. Noire
5)Deus Ex
6)Uncharted 3
8)Arkham City
9)Dragon Age 2
10)Gears of War 3

mission accomplished!

What a ridiculous year for PC games. Hell, for every
platform. You could argue the 360 exclusive lineup is a bit weak, but most will buy the big name multiplatforms there anyways. Add in stuff like Killzone 3, Portal 2, Crysis 2 etc. and this is just out of control.

On topic, this trailer was absolutely phenomenal. I was hyped by the original teaser trailer so seeing (and hearing!) this was something on another level.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Spat_triate said:
Hmmm... should I believe?

From the Bethesda Community Manager.

Ratsofatsorat said:
The PS3 version looks great as well.

As for the dragons, they do everything you saw in the trailer -- fly, breath fire, land, crash-land, etc. They're very dynamic. We'll be talking about them more in the future.


UrbanRats said:
I feel a little hype bar making its way inside; though i oughta still look out for Bethesda's tendency to tell bullshit (radiant AI E3 clip of Oblivion, anyone?), so i'll keep my guard up, until it's done.

I don't think that was really dishonest or an attempt to fool people. I read a lot about the development and what they tried to do. They tried something very ambitious, with way more complicated AI than you'd normally see in an RPG and they tried implementing this AI into the world and deeply into the quests, but it produced a whole shitload of bugs and it became more trouble than it was worth (along with all of the other problems they were having with Oblivion, like not having the finished 360 development tools). If they had continued along that path instead of scrapping a lot of their plans, it would have ended up like Stalker and been released a lot later. Years later. That video was simply a rushed, few minute demo of a vague example of what they were trying (and ultimately failed) to do.

That's not to say this dragon thing will be incredible. We'll see.


If this trailer really shows the console versions graphics, they're pretty good (and how it'll be the PC version with max settings :O?). And also the animation, the music.. when Dovahkiin screams, and the main theme kicks in, all the landscapes..holy shit, this trailer really impressed me. HYPE HYPE HYPE


Discotheque said:
Indeed. I can't even remember Oblivion's theme.
Its the same basic melody as the skeleton, but orchestrated and much faster. I thought it fit well enough with the tone of the game, but preferred the Morrowind version.


Those character models and animation gave me the most happiness out of anything. Not gonna use their 10 year old engine for this shit, and good riddance.
I didnt think the Dead Island trailer was all that (cgi trailers do nothing for me now). This. All real time. Some gameplay. Combined with a masterful theme, great cutting. This is trailer of the year material. It just hits all the right spots for me. Beautiful environments, various gameplay styles. Words do little to express the joy and hype I feel from watching this. I know it's Bethesda, but it's just one hell of a trailer.


The trailer is beautiful. Music, art design, graphics (except for that god awful water from the previous decade), animation, everything.

I can't bring myself to trust it after the huge disappointment that Oblivion was (level-scaling made it unplayable, repeating locations, etc), but if they manage to transfer even part of that visceral feel of the trailer into gameplay, I hope it will be great.

Again however I can't help but think... If we believe that this is 100% in game footage of the 360 version HOW IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY would a game designed solely for a high-end PC, by a company with similar resources, look ? When will we find out? :(
As someone who only got into Oblivion because of the graphics and big open world to explore alone (i still dont "get" the gameplay, seems i was mostly back/forwarding while hammering attack), this trailer made me cum. If theres 3 things i love, its graphics, big open worlds with all sorts of hidden shit, and mother fucking dragons (especially the "random" dragons just flying about doing there thing). This trailer hit the fucking spot.

And its 360 footage ? Well fuck me, the PC version is gonna look dayum.
DR3AM said:
This cant be the 360/PS3 version. If it is. OMFGGGGGG
Other than the draw distance there really isn't anything super special about the graphics for a console game. It certainly seems to have a much better draw distance than Red Dead Redemption for example, which is pretty impressive. I don't think I spotted a single lod pop-in during the whole trailer.

Besides, we don't know how the framerate will be once we actually get to play the game fighting dragons in real time. If they manage to get it to run at 30 fps at all times, then I'll be impressed.


This might be the game that kills my 275 GTX. It's been the best video card I've ever owned, but I just don't think it's gonna be up to the task.

Here's hoping for the most optimized game of 2011!


UrbanRats said:
Well i gotta say, after the Oblivion's burnout (waiting fot it like the messiah, and hated it) i ditched any hype for bethesda games (or games in general, for that matter) and i thought the the Skyrim screens previously realesed, were kinda "meh", but..

..this trailer is fucking awesome, the theme is awesome, the animations and the graphics are awesome, and it's from a 360 build?! (going to pick it up on PC).

I feel a little hype bar making its way inside; though i oughta still look out for Bethesda's tendency to tell bullshit (radiant AI E3 clip of Oblivion, anyone?), so i'll keep my guard up, until it's done.

Totally with ya, I'll be renting first. The biggest prblem with Beth's RPG's for me is the absolutely dreadful gear, loot and treasure. When they say there are 1000+ variations of one hand swords instead to 10, I'll become interested.


Clevinger said:
I don't think that was really dishonest or an attempt to fool people. I read a lot about the development and what they tried to do. They tried something very ambitious, with way more complicated AI than you'd normally see in an RPG and they tried implementing this AI into the world and deeply into the quests, but it produced a whole shitload of bugs and it became more trouble than it was worth (along with all of the other problems they were having with Oblivion, like not having the finished 360 development tools). If they had continued along that path instead of scrapping a lot of their plans, it would have ended up like Stalker and been released a lot later. Years later. That video was simply a rushed, few minute demo of a vague example of what they were trying (and ultimately failed) to do.

That's not to say this dragon thing will be incredible. We'll see.
I can understand that, but when you show people what your game is gonna be (and in the E3 demo, they where saying the game would have been like that, they weren't saying "we're trying to do this and that") you gotta deliver at least something close.
I mean, Molyneux wasn't trying to be flat out evil with the whole Project Ego-->Fable story, but everybody called out his bullshit till the end of time, while it was something similar to Oblivion's case: having unrealistic ambitions and not delivering them in the slightest.
Moreover, that wasn't the only thing i didn't like about Oblivion. Being Morrowind on my top 10 favorites of all time, i didn't like the dumbed down structure and the bland art direction of it, in comparison.
So that's why i'm going to take all this with a grain of salt; while other softhouse have proven themself raliable about what they say/show about their games (say, Naughty Dog?), Bethesda have a broken reputation, just as Molyneux does, to me.
This doesn't mean i think their are evil dudes or anything, but i just filter what they say a lot and, if they deliver on everything, double is the joy for me.

Dennis4K said:
Because they may have seen the error of their ways and are returning to the glory that was the concept of Mass Effect?

One can hope.
Dragon Age 2's direction, should give you confidence.
..or should it?


Just watched the trailer half a dozen times. I have to say, it's the sound direction that really does it for me. The art is spectacular, but the sound of the dragon roar/words, the sword swinging against the dragon's head, etc... it's all so perfect.

I haven't been this excited for a game since 2005.


poisonelf said:
The trailer is beautiful. Music, art design, graphics (except for that god awful water from the previous decade), animation, everything.

I can't bring myself to trust it after the huge disappointment that Oblivion was (level-scaling made it unplayable, repeating locations, etc), but if they manage to transfer even part of that visceral feel of the trailer into gameplay, I hope it will be great. (

I am fairly confident that Bethseda has learned from most of their significant mistakes with Oblivion. If they can combine some of the things that they did very well with Fallout 3 (atmosphere, solid game mechanics) with the visuals that this trailer shows, they will have an amazing game in Skyrim. The trailer has made me very hopeful though, but not hopeful enough to pre-order it.
I gotta change my pants

The environments are just gorgeous. Sure Oblivion had some ugliness but that game really was my "Welcome to Next-Gen" moment.

So hyped


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Orlandu84 said:
I am fairly confident that Bethseda has learned from most of their significant mistakes with Oblivion. If they can combine some of the things that they did very well with Fallout 3 (atmosphere, solid game mechanics) with the visuals that this trailer shows, they will have an amazing game in Skyrim. The trailer has made me very hopeful though, but not hopeful enough to pre-order it.

Fallout 3 was a huge improvement, but it still stunk of Bethesda's new direction for their RPGs. From what I've heard Skyrim sounds leagues better than Oblivion, but I'm skepitcal it will match my love for Morrowind.

Bethesda just arn't interested in making the kind of RPGs I enjoy.
soldat7 said:
Takes the wind right out of Dragon Age's sails for me, darnit.

I feel the same way. Just finished Two Worlds II and had a good time with it, but now I find my RPG attention turning more towards Skyrim than Dragon Age II. Still planning on picking it up, but man, that gameplay trailer for Skyrim looked gorgeous.
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