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The ending of Jurassic Park: The Lost World is patently absurd.

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A co-worker and I were discussing the San DIego portion of the movie today, actually, and he brought up the fact that the T-rex somehow killed everyone on the boat, then locks itself back in its cage before being set loose again.
A co-worker and I were discussing the San DIego portion of the movie today, actually, and he brought up the fact that the T-rex somehow killed everyone on the boat, then locks itself back in its cage before being set loose again.

That was the worst moment of the movie for me. It makes no sense at all.


honestly, I love the lost world, but I completely agree the ending is bonkers. the rest is great, even the gymnastic shit. my 10 year old self didn't even realize how ridiculous that was, come at me.


honestly, I love the lost world, but I completely agree the ending is bonkers. the rest is great, even the gymnastic shit. my 10 year old self didn't even realize how ridiculous that was, come at me.

I was seven when the film came out and even back then I thought the gymnastics was bullshit.
What the hell were you thinking. Even for a film about genetically modified monsters brought back from extinction.

Don't watch the Blu-Ray BTS.

Speilberg basically says "I wasn't going to come back for a third, so I said fuck it".

It breaks your heart to hear your hero audibly confirm that he's going to tank the movie just to get his rocks off. I mean, this guy knows better.


Don't watch the Blu-Ray BTS.

Speilberg basically says "I wasn't going to come back for a third, so I said fuck it".

It breaks your heart to hear your hero audibly confirm that he's going to tank the movie just to get his rocks off. I mean, this guy knows better.

The man's friends with Lucas, the ultimate "fuck my audience, I do what I want!" director. It should not be that surprising.


A co-worker and I were discussing the San DIego portion of the movie today, actually, and he brought up the fact that the T-rex somehow killed everyone on the boat, then locks itself back in its cage before being set loose again.

Wasn't there a stowaway raptor that sneaked on?
I loved 100% of the movie including ending. I never had issue with gymnastics either actually i remember clapping in theater in that scene.

I am very big fan of first two movies so bias thoughts.
Oh my goodness this is probably Spielberg's worst movie. It's so obvious he was only directing it because of contractual obligation so the studio would fund Schindler's List. It's so bad. It has one good scene, the trailer dangling over the edge of a cliff but the rest of the movie is crap. Not even going to discuss battling raptors with gymnastics, that's almost okay by the rest of the movie's standards. But man, that third act. It really goes from crazy to outright idiocy. First off, Vince Vaughn's character just disappears. Never seen again. And then, when the barge shows up and no one is responding they go out to investigate. What could have happened? The t-rex was secure in the holding bay bound by chains! But alas, they go into the cabin only to find a dangling arm holding the wheel. The bridge, mind you, is tiny. There is no sign of forced exterior damage. There is no blood other than a little bit on the arm. How the crap did the t-rex manage to fit it's giant noggin inside this tiny compartment, slurp up the helmsmen without causing any damage and leave the dude's arm still hanging onto the wheel? Oh, but it gets dumber from there. Suddenly, our heroes hear an alarming crashing sound coming from the bay doors that are holding the t-rex inside! As they turn, they see an alarming sight: the doors are crashing together, struggling to keep their contents from escaping. After a few more solid hits, the doors are forced open and the t-rex emerges from within the bowels of the carrier! Sigh. So, you mean to tell me, Mr. Spielberg, that the t-rex escaped before the barge docked, ate everyone, and then crawled back into it's holding pit where it trapped itself. Really?

This is just one example of how dumb this movie is. Never mind Julianne Moore's character being an animal behavioral expert and warning everyone to not interact with the dinosaurs....only to immediately try and pet some stegosauruses and run off with a wounded baby t-rex. Which left a trail of blood everywhere. That she even acknowledges at one point. Gah.
Well, we did get Schindler's List out of it, and that's an absolute masterpiece. So if Spielberg had to slum it for one movie to bring us that...well, so be it.
which is also dumb

I agree. The Novel is just called The Lost World but they slapped on the JP name because the Studio felt people needed to be told that it was a sequel to Jurassic Park (because people are stupid and the logo, trailers, and commercials wouldn't tell people this).


If I pulled that off, would you die?
Oh my goodness this is probably Spielberg's worst movie. It's so obvious he was only directing it because of contractual obligation so the studio would fund Schindler's List. It's so bad. It has one good scene, the trailer dangling over the edge of a cliff but the rest of the movie is crap. Not even going to discuss battling raptors with gymnastics, that's almost okay by the rest of the movie's standards. But man, that third act. It really goes from crazy to outright idiocy. First off, Vince Vaughn's character just disappears. Never seen again. And then, when the barge shows up and no one is responding they go out to investigate. What could have happened? The t-rex was secure in the holding bay bound by chains! But alas, they go into the cabin only to find a dangling arm holding the wheel. The bridge, mind you, is tiny. There is no sign of forced exterior damage. There is no blood other than a little bit on the arm. How the crap did the t-rex manage to fit it's giant noggin inside this tiny compartment, slurp up the helmsmen without causing any damage and leave the dude's arm still hanging onto the wheel? Oh, but it gets dumber from there. Suddenly, our heroes hear an alarming crashing sound coming from the bay doors that are holding the t-rex inside! As they turn, they see an alarming sight: the doors are crashing together, struggling to keep their contents from escaping. After a few more solid hits, the doors are forced open and the t-rex emerges from within the bowels of the carrier! Sigh. So, you mean to tell me, Mr. Spielberg, that the t-rex escaped before the barge docked, ate everyone, and then crawled back into it's holding pit where it trapped itself. Really?

This is just one example of how dumb this movie is. Never mind Julianne Moore's character being an animal behavioral expert and warning everyone to not interact with the dinosaurs....only to immediately try and pet some stegosauruses and run off with a wounded baby t-rex. Which left a trail of blood everywhere. That she even acknowledges at one point. Gah.
Well, we did get Schindler's List out of it, and that's an absolute masterpiece. So if Spielberg had to slum it for one movie to bring us that...well, so be it.

Nah 1941 is Spielbergs worst movie, followed by Hook.


I've never understood the complaint about the boat crashing. So many people lament how movies have to spell everything out for the viewer. Yet, there are any number of different reasons how the crew could have been killed on the boat -- none of which involve the fucking T-Rex. How anyone could watch that whole sequence play out -- assuming it was the Rex that did everything and somehow locked itself back in the hold of the ship and then come out thirsty and hungry as hell because of the tranquilizer and booster shots it was given -- is amazingly contrived. Raptors, pteranodons, sea faring dinosaurs or any number of other ideas make much more sense. Fact is, we don't need to know how they were killed.
Artificial Intelligence is fantastic. Vastly underappreciated and has a bad rap.

That scene alone was better than the entirety of Godzilla (2014).


TLW is the worst of the JP films.



Fact is, we don't need to know how they were killed.

What? Why don't we? It's the entire reason why the boat crashed and the Rex escapes.

This is like saying "we don't need to know how the park loses power" in Jurassic Park.


I hate how the raptor "long grass" scene just kind of happens with no set up or tension. The characters are in an action scene running from the Trex into the waterfall to hide, dude gets eaten and literally the next scene they are walking into the grass and in about 10 seconds the raptors are on them. There's no transition or anything at all it's like Spielberg went "okay time for the raptor scene now I guess."

And don't get me started on the overly long Trex attack on the trailer, where they seem to come and go from the area dictated only by the script instead of any kind of internal logic.

Just really bad pacing all around. I don't mind the San Diego scene so much in comparison, at least it knows what it is and doesn't take itself too seriously like the rest of the movie.
I hate how the raptor "long grass" scene just kind of happens with no set up or tension. The characters are in an action scene running from the Trex into the waterfall to hide, dude gets eaten and literally the next scene they are walking into the grass and in about 10 seconds the raptors are on them. There's no transition or anything at all it's like Spielberg went "okay time for the raptor scene now I guess."

And don't get me started on the overly long Trex attack on the trailer, where they seem to come and go from the area dictated only by the script instead of any kind of internal logic.

Just really bad pacing all around. I don't mind the San Diego scene so much in comparison, at least it knows what it is and doesn't take itself too seriously like the rest of the movie.

Yup--I noticed both these things a lot more when rewatching the series the other week. The "long grass" scene was so cool in my mind, but it's really just cool in concept. You get the torpedo shot (which IS great), then pandemonium, then the raptors clear the area(?) so the heroes can run through, and then we travel to the Buster Keaton center where the raptors put on a funny show.

Similar for the Rex scene. The tension is frequently undercut by the script and its lack of logic (and poor dialogue).
I hate how the raptor "long grass" scene just kind of happens with no set up or tension. The characters are in an action scene running from the Trex into the waterfall to hide, dude gets eaten and literally the next scene they are walking into the grass and in about 10 seconds the raptors are on them. There's no transition or anything at all it's like Spielberg went "okay time for the raptor scene now I guess."

And don't get me started on the overly long Trex attack on the trailer, where they seem to come and go from the area dictated only by the script instead of any kind of internal logic.

Just really bad pacing all around. I don't mind the San Diego scene so much in comparison, at least it knows what it is and doesn't take itself too seriously like the rest of the movie.

The whole movie is missing pieces. The trailer going over the cliff scene needed a shot from the high hide of the T-Rex's going in so that those characters could be made aware. Then as the T-rex's leave dude thinks it is safe so he heads to the car to help. However the rear lights of the vehicle make the T-Rex's aware again and follow him back. As it is, it feels really confusing as to why the T-Rex's bother to go back to the trailer.

Also, the 4 going in should have been made aware InGen was coming shortly after them to set up a race against the clock.


It was totally out of place and notched the film down quite a bit for me personally.

TLW has some truly great moments, but the second half is less impressive and the ending is JP3-tier terrible.


They should have stuck closer to the book. The pair of chameleon-like carnotaurs that all the other dinosaurs were scared off was brilliant.

The book sucked too, in different ways. But I agree, the carnotaur scene is very cool and I'm surprised they never did something in any of the sequels with it (aside from I guess the nod in JPIII.)
I was hoping that Indominus was going to be ~50% bigger than a T-Rex They looked roughly the same size.. A fight where two T-Rex vs Indominus would have been really sweet.

Also, the final fight should not have been at night. I'd have rather seen a daytime fight.
The book sucked too, in different ways. But I agree, the carnotaur scene is very cool and I'm surprised they never did something in any of the sequels with it (aside from I guess the nod in JPIII.)

I would have loved for TLW to actually follow the idea of studying feral animal/dino behavior. I really wanted to see that feral raptor nest...


It's crazy, but it's the fun kind of crazy.

This is the best way to sum it up. Frankly, it seemed sort of like a logical step for the sequel and I'm surprised more of it wasn't set in the city (and that future sequels never did it).

How many times can you rehash a bunch of humans getting shanghaied on some tropical island with dinosaurs before taking the logical step of bringing the dinosaurs to the humans?
This is the best way to sum it up. Frankly, it seemed sort of like a logical step for the sequel and I'm surprised more of it wasn't set in the city (and that future sequels never did it).

How many times can you rehash a bunch of humans getting shanghaied on some tropical island with dinosaurs before taking the logical step of bringing the dinosaurs to the humans?

I mean, The Lost World kinda fucked that idea right up. At least JP/JW, the owners can say "and if anything goes wrong, it's on an island in the ocean!"

I mentioned it in another thread, but I'd rather they do something interesting that just another monster-esque movie. Jump 50-100 years in the future--certain species of dinosaurs have been reintroduced into the wild after years of behavioral studies. Like, I don't know--some kind of wolf has been hunted to extinction and their place in the ecosystem needs to be filled by small predators that go after the same prey, live in the same kind of habitat, etc. and do something interesting with that!


Wasn't there a stowaway raptor that sneaked on?

If there was, there was never any foreshadowing or scene that said so. There should have been though. Have a brief skirmish, maybe from the point of view of the raptor(s) sneaking aboard and then cutting just as it ambushes someone while they're out at sea.
They were supposed to film raptors aboard the ship, but ran out of time.

You hear that? They had time to choreograph, stage, and film Kelly's gymnastics scene, but not enough time for raptors on the boat.


Yes, it was.

And for that, I absolutely loved it. It was just do damned ridiculous, I couldn't help but smile. I mean, look at this... it's awesome.

Pretty sure I'm clearly in the minority with this opinion.

Replace the cityscape with the theme park and you've got a pretty spot on comparison to the ending of Jurassic World.

That said, I thought this was a Jurassic World thread too. I'm not as mad at Lost World as I was before now that someone's explained the whole boat thing to me.
The one thing that bugged me about the first Jurassic Park, was the T-Rex attack, and how Grant and the girl repelled down the other side of the wall as the T-Rex knocks the jeep into the tops of trees down below....
The problem is that is the same spot the T-Rex busted through the fence after eating a goat that was on ground that is almost level with the jeeps on the other side. How does it go to even ground in one scene and the next a steep drop off a concrete wall high above the trees? I love that scene but it bothers me when I watch that.


Funny, a few days ago I was thinking of making a thread about how Lost World gets kind of a bad rap when it did a lot of good things despite many of its faults and that ultimately it's a fun but flawed film.

It's hard to blame the detractors though when the San Diego scene is just staring you in the face. Everything about it is just 100% wrong and never should have made it into the movie.

the first time i saw that movie in the cinema, i thought it was going to end when they got in the helicopters and got away from the island and i thought the caught T-Rex would be used in a sequel.
when the san diego part happened, it felt so out of place. as if someone stuck part of a different movie at the end.


Water is not wet!
Saw The Lost World in theaters.. thought it was pretty bad then. Just watched all the clips on Youtube from movieclips and im going to stick with my original reaction. Its like a direct to video production in nearly every way.

JP1 was good but it was too much into itself as a special effects extravaganza. While it was awesome in the theaters (a friend of mine tried to get me to go see Sidekicks in the theaters instead of JP lol) rewatching JP1 is a chore.


i like how in those 10-15 minutes of clips the T-rex looks into a window at least a dozen times.


I hate how the raptor "long grass" scene just kind of happens with no set up or tension. The characters are in an action scene running from the Trex into the waterfall to hide, dude gets eaten and literally the next scene they are walking into the grass and in about 10 seconds the raptors are on them. There's no transition or anything at all it's like Spielberg went "okay time for the raptor scene now I guess."

And don't get me started on the overly long Trex attack on the trailer, where they seem to come and go from the area dictated only by the script instead of any kind of internal logic.

Just really bad pacing all around. I don't mind the San Diego scene so much in comparison, at least it knows what it is and doesn't take itself too seriously like the rest of the movie.

A lot of scenes in TLW went on for too long. I think the worst was the death of the guy that shocked the small dinosaurs. I mean, they got him, he got them off him, they chased him, got him again, he escaped again...


A lot of scenes in TLW went on for too long. I think the worst was the death of the guy that shocked the small dinosaurs. I mean, they got him, he got them off him, they chased him, got him again, he escaped again...

That scene was tormenting for me to watch as a kid. They just kept fucking with him over and over and over and over again until they just take him out with a river of blood.


I mean, The Lost World kinda fucked that idea right up. At least JP/JW, the owners can say "and if anything goes wrong, it's on an island in the ocean!"

I mentioned it in another thread, but I'd rather they do something interesting that just another monster-esque movie. Jump 50-100 years in the future--certain species of dinosaurs have been reintroduced into the wild after years of behavioral studies. Like, I don't know--some kind of wolf has been hunted to extinction and their place in the ecosystem needs to be filled by small predators that go after the same prey, live in the same kind of habitat, etc. and do something interesting with that!

but then you'd ask "if they have tech to clone a 65 million old extinct animal, can't they just clone the wolf instead?"
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