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The HALO games never should have dropped equipment after Halo 3

H3's Magnum was perfectly fine if paired with something else. Plasma Pistol's the most optimal, but you could do work with a SMG or even a second Magnum.
I remember reading somewhere online before Halo 3 came out, that Bungie had said, the had completely revolutionised Halo multiplayer with the press of a single button. May have even said with a press of the X button.

I cant remember but they were obviously talking about Equipment.

And they were right.

It was more of a devolution.


I remember reading somewhere online before Halo 3 came out, that Bungie had said, the had completely revolutionised Halo multiplayer with the press of a single button. May have even said with a press of the X button.

I cant remember but they were obviously talking about Equipment.

And they were right.

I remember that too... I remember being excited about it. Then equipment arrived. And it was extremely cheesy...

The game went from all about skill, to having this element of surprise in your back pocket. It really screwed with the meta...


Oooo boy I hated equipment in Halo 3. Overall I did not enjoy my time with the game, and part of that was thanks to equipment. Halo 3 left such a bad taste in my mouth :(

Thankfully I am having a blast with 5.


TMCC has opened a lot of eyes that Halo 3 was never a great feeling game. There are still some who really love it though, and I would attrtibute that to them starting with it. I can't really see a lot of people who put 6 years into Halo CE/2 having a deep love for Halo 3, but I know they exist lol

Yeah, that's the only reason I can think of for why people seem to love H3 so much - having started with it. It's really just a watered down, clunky, less consistent version of H2.
H3's Magnum was perfectly fine if paired with something else. Plasma Pistol's the most optimal, but you could do work with a SMG or even a second Magnum.

I remember when that Magnum was discovered in the beta, and the immense disappointment that followed after everyone started using it. It stinks, and I'm glad duel wielding didn't last.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I just mean that they're so totally different in functionality and use-cases that calling it the Pro-Pipe brought back in spirit seems pretty inaccurate. They're both heavily skill-based explosive weapons, but that's about as far as the similarities go.

Yea proably, but it seems pretty terrible from the small amount of time I've spent with it so \_(ツ)_/¯

This is true, I was mistaken. I guess it would be more the Hydra and Plasma Launcher, but the Pro-Pipe is still in a league of it's own.
I remember when that Magnum was discovered in the beta, and the immense disappointment that followed after everyone started using it. It stinks, and I'm glad duel wielding didn't last.

Haha, yeah. I remember how upset people were on B.net. It really wasn't as terrible as people made it out to be, though.

Dual wielding was a neat idea, but it made weapon balance more of a question mark than it needed to be. Do you balance, say, the SMG so that it can be good by itself? Or do you balance it so that it's good when you have it with another SMG? I'm okay with it staying gone, to be honest.


There were only a select few pieces of Equipment that found any kind of consistent use. Still, much better concept for Halo than Armor Abilities ended up being, and I'd welcome their return on top of Halo 5's Spartan Abilities if they were balanced just as well as the rest of the weapon sandbox has been... Just not sure if there's a button to assign them to at this point; controller schemes're already so busy. :p

And I wholeheartedly agree with whoever said that the Pro Pipe has to return. Boooo @ whoever said the Hydra Missle Launcher was a good replacement; thing's a good weapon, but not even in the same league.



Nothing wrong in this post, especially that dopey BR, so much so bungie had to explain the change from 2 to 3: http://halo.bungie.net/news/content.aspx?cid=14347
I remember that!

I appreciated the intent behind the change, but I think it could have only been truly successful in an environment where everybody had awesome internet connections with dedicated servers or somethin'. I thought leading shots with the BR was just something else to learn in order to be a better player. But then, you could still get that lead down and have to deal with a ton of inconsistencies. Same with the bloom in Reach.
So many weapons and mechanics have been left behind in the sequels. Hopefully with Brutes coming back in HW2 their weapons will also come back and actually feel heavy and strong, especially the Spiker. This and playable Elites coming back are my 2 biggest wishes for Halo 6.


H3 will always be my favorite of all the Halo's. Some awesome memories. They need to bring back the bubble shield.



I'm fine with them not including it in competitive multiplayer if people passionate about that hated it, but equipment was the perfect addition to PVE Halo gameplay.
A well-timed bubble or a power drain made enemy AI seem much smarter, almost as if they knew how to manage their "inventory" and understood equipment tactics. They clearly didn't, but it was a smart and effective little trick.


Trip Mine?

Aw heil nooooo

Blowing up vehicles in BTB all day.

Yeah it was fun but that mostly only worked during the beta and early days though. The fact that the trip mine was bright orange and also made a beeping noise made it extremely easy to spot (and avoid) thus making it sorta useless.

Also I'm pretty sure they removed the trip mine from matchmaking playlists after a while because it was buggy or something.
Halo should have never...

- gone more linear
- 'fixed' physics that led to fun, emergent gameplay
- brought back the flood

all after Halo CE...
Yeah it was fun but that mostly only worked during the beta and early days though. The fact that the trip mine was bright orange and also made a beeping noise made it extremely easy to spot (and avoid) thus making it sorta useless.

Also I'm pretty sure they removed the trip mine from matchmaking playlists after a while because it was buggy or something.

As I mentioned earlier, it was actually pretty insidious in the beta. It would slip under and attach to an empty vehicle, making it explode when someone got inside and tried to move it. It also did more damage, if I remember.

The ultimate in Getting Kicked for Team Kills technology.


AR doesn't work
pistol doesnt work
BR barely works, ruined by spread and lack of hitscan
none of the guns work
AR starts most of the time
terrible field of view
equipment is terrible

garbage game, yall are just nostalgic

this but you forgot base speed being god awfully slow.

halo 3 was pretty awful. it was a dumbed down version of halo 2. it started off so terrible and by the end was nothing like it was at launch (which became somewhat ok).

the people that consider halo 3 "the pinnacle" most often than not started the series with halo 3 lol.


sparkle this bitch
Even when it became a BRs fest, I will




understand the thought of Halo 3 being the worst mulitplayer.

I never understood why people thought anything but Halo 3 being the best. It had the best balance in the series.

Halo has always had the standard great weapon. Be it Pistol in 1 or BR following. But toning down the combo worked wonders, on top of adding in a variety of new weapons. The Spartan laser was a great addition to make sure it is important to have map control, while in vehicles. Compared to the rockets in past, where a good Warthog driver could avoid them fairly well and how useless rockets were against Bashees. The additional equipment and new weapons brought back the importance of map control. Compared to two that forgot about it completely.

Now my one issue with Halo 3 is the levels. Bungie always got progressively worse with them as the games went on.
Remember how dumb H3 was at launch with the double melee situation? The way host/clients resolved meant that whoever had more health was just given the kill, even if you melee'd sooner. Then they patched it to this system that just led to dudes meleeing each other to death (both players die) a la Halo 5. There was a fairly large window (easily 5-10 frames) where if both you and your opponent went for the melee it connected for both players. I was totally fine with Halo 2's version of it and will never understand the change.

In Halo 5, you also are pretty much guaranteed a hit if you hit the button to melee before you die. Often I use it to take out someone's shields when I start shooting a second person after a kill and know I'm going to die. It connects almost every single time.
Nope, I think the way Halo 5 is now is much better from an overall gameplay standpoint. Equipment in Halo 3 led to too much randomness and confusion.
I've never been a big fan of the equipment and armour abilities. But I do miss the vehicles and weapons.

Halo 5 has too few vehicles. And although it took some time before I realised dual-wielding was gone, I think it's a bit of a shame.

I hope the Brutes will return in 6, they could have the birdlike jackals on their side.
Equipment is the best. Letting rocket users blow themselves up by throwing the bubble shield just as they shoot is the coolest thing ever.


Halo 3 was dope prob put in 300 hours, i want to say 46 was my highest lvl. the map design and equipment was pretty fucking fresh, agreed that the br end game grew tiring. the campaign was the best halo campaign too.
AR doesn't work
pistol doesnt work
BR barely works, ruined by spread and lack of hitscan
none of the guns work
AR starts most of the time
terrible field of view
equipment is terrible

garbage game, yall are just nostalgic

Totally agreed. Damn near every non-power weapon in Halo 3 is fucking garbage.

Also hated the maps. Never got the love for Pit and Narrows. Pit is so segmented that every MLG TS on it ended up with both teams camping it out on their side. Narrows is explicitly linear, so easy to predict movement on it. I have no idea how maps like Epitaph and Snowbound even exist. Guardian is probably the only one I like from a design standpoint, but even then it's diminished by some uneven surfaces and nooks that fuck up grenades (why is the center of top mid randomly convex instead of flat????).

Then there's people pulling bubble shields and trip mines out of their ass to utterly stall the pace of gameplay and get a free unexpected kill, respectively. There's no way to know if they have it, so you're stuck in this spot where you either play overly safe or take the risk and potentially get fucked up.

Ugh. I was so hyped for it, too. Got it at midnight with Game Fuel and everything.

The Argus

Halo 3 was my last Halo game until I got 5. Man, things have changed. While it still feels like Halo some of these new weapons and abilities seem so forced and merely trying to match the competition.

Also the new alien race and their weapons are terrible. I somehow miss the Flood.


semen stains the mountaintops
AR doesn't work
pistol doesnt work
BR barely works, ruined by spread and lack of hitscan
none of the guns work
AR starts most of the time
terrible field of view
equipment is terrible

garbage game, yall are just nostalgic

Pre MCC: This post is terrible.

Post MCC: No lies detected.

Once you play Halo 3 back to back with 2 and 4, you realize how shitty it is.
While I had some fun with equipment I'm not upset that it's gone. I prefer the new movement mechanics over equipment. Feels like extra fluff I don't need. Keep it simple.

Once you play Halo 3 back to back with 2 and 4, you realize how shitty it is.

This very much surprised me but I found it to be true once I did the same thing.


Pre MCC: This post is terrible.

Post MCC: No lies detected.

Once you play Halo 3 back to back with 2 and 4, you realize how shitty it is.
The feel of 4's shooting puts into perspective how badly Halo 3 has aged. Great game at the time though.


Halo was way better before they added equipment. I don't know how anyone could enjoy lighting someone up till they're at no HP then they throw down their scrub bubble and you get shot in the back from one of their teammates and don't get your kill. More shit to make the game less skill based is always a bad thing.


How was Flare even supposed to work in Halo 3? I always just ended up blinding myself and everyone else whenever I threw it, even if it was far away.


I hated equipment and the randomness it introduced. Also, equipment lead us to armor abilities in Halo, which we all know was a terrible, terrible mistake that the series suffered for.


equipment was horrible, stupid, and the reason why H3 was worse multiplayer than 2. It also was what lead to the stupid loadouts in Reach and all the stuff people hated in 4. 5 is the true return to form. Equipment is why I stopped playing 3 early on.


I feel a lot of the equipment were not that useful most of the time but at the same time they were more interesting and dynamic then armour abilities. Dropping trip mines or grav lifts into oncoming vehicles was fun as was overloading the maps with trip mines in forge to remove kill boundaries. Most of all I just want the brute chopper back
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