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The honeymoon period is over.....What game did you once love, but now hate?



Hahah didn't notice when I posted, but it was a given.
Fallout 3, no question. I put like 200 hours into that back in high school, but I never found myself particularly having fun during the vast majority of it. It was the popular game all my friends were playing, so I kinda forced myself to enjoy it.

Shortly after, my tastes in gaming veered a sharp 180 away from Bethesda's design philosophy, and now just the thought of those kinds of games is an instant turnoff.

Aaron D.

That is also where I stand, if you play a game from beginning to end and thoroughly enjoy it then that's it, it's a great game. Of course replaying it will not yield the same experience since you know everything already. Then again, I rarely replay long games, so that might be me, but I wouldn't judge a 100+ hour game on how it feels when I replay it.

I'd say the honeymoon period is more about a game which you love at the beginning but when you reach its halfway mark or so you start to be bored of, and you either stop playing it or complete it just for the sake of it.

I agree with this sentiment.

Some games simply don't age well, either in our minds or in reality. But if they knocked our socks off start to finish back when we played them, I don't think they qualify in this case.

I'd have to put the nod in for Witcher 3. The opening hours were very strong in my playthrough. The presentation (facial animations & textures, costume & level design, writing, voice acting), world building and lore...all top notch.

But after 5 hours or so the poor QoL features started to creep in. Abysmal character control and combat, fiddly inventory and spell management, "static-feeling" overworld, and more. For me it all culminated in making the game just no fun to play.

Lasted about 15 hours before petering out and just uninstalling it. It's a real shame too 'cause I absolutely LOVED everything about the game besides the actual playing it part.


Junior Member
All these BoTW posts remind me of this lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgRlrBl-7Yg&vl=en

Watch it.

So people are not looking down on that game because they played it too much and are now annoyed by it? And if they played for the length of a normal Zelda game they would still love it?

Humans are funny.

If you overdo anything then you will start to dislike it. On this thread you should only mention games that you started to dislike before the game ended or you played it for a normal lifespan.
Common answer, but in retrospect I regret paying full price for Bioshock Infinite. It's not very fun as a game and it's story is kinda a mess that mistakes covering a lot of topics with covering a topic well.

I also burned out a little on BOTW but I still like the game for the most part.
I can't say I hate it, but for me it's Destiny.

When it first released I played it for hundreds of hours, levelled up my character and got some nice gear. I got to the point where the only way to progress was to do the Raids, and since there was no matchmaking for those and I have no gamer friends in real life, I moved on to play other games.

Fast-forwards to the Destiny 2 reveal, and I thought "let me go back and play D1 to play through all the expansion content before D2 drops"...

... My mistake... For someone who only played the game in year one and then stopped, trying to get back into it at this point is almost impossible. It's like they designed the game to be almost entirely inaccessible to anyone who hasn't been playing Destiny all along since the beginning.

I'm glad they're NOT carrying stuff over from D1 to D2, as otherwise I wouldn't be looking to pick up the sequel at all.


The nicest person on this forum
For me there is no honeymoon period. I either like the game or i don't. I love Persona 5 and Nier Automata the first day it came out and still love it today.


All these BoTW posts remind me of this lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgRlrBl-7Yg&vl=en

Watch it.

So people are not looking down on that game because they played it too much and are now annoyed by it? And if they played for the length of a normal Zelda game they would still love it?

Humans are funny.

If you overdo anything then you will start to dislike it. On this thread you should only mention games that you started to dislike before the game ended or you played it for a normal lifespan.
I don't know man, but I don't feel that I can ever overdo binging on juicy peaches let alone start to dislike eating them.
I think if you spend over 10 hours with a game, you have passed the 'honey-moon' period.

For me, recently, it's Battlefront and Wildlands; the first 10 hours of those games was bliss! Then, very quickly, I came to really dislike both of them - for similar reasons too.


GTA V online jumped the shark for me when I came to realization that I had to constantly disconnect from public lobbies in order to keep a solo lobby - just to be able to complete a long list of mundane activities around import-export and crates without having to deal with jet griefing.

I would go back to the game if there was a legitimate way to play in a solo public lobby for import-export.


Don't necessarily hate it, but I loved PlayStation all stars battle royale for the first year and now i don't think i can ever play it again.

My answer right here. Before the meta developed it was one of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had, even with the spotty netcode and abundant glitches. Then players started figuring out which characters simply outclassed the rest of the cast, balance updates did nothing to touch the longstanding S tier characters like Kratos and Sly while nerfing trash characters like Toro and Sir Dan, and instead of giving Superbot a chance to fix their mistakes Sony just fired them (while they had Oddworld and Legend of Dragoon DLC in the works, no less). What a mess.


Oh man if Retro is done with GW2, you know they done fucked up. I really used to enjoy your super long posts in the OTs lol

I'm in the same boat though. The expansion really soured me on the game and I regretted defending the $50 price tag which is just nuts if you think about it now. I haven't been taking the game seriously ever since, especially with the legendary weapons and armor fiasco.

I pretty much only log in to play the Living Story chapters once, but I gotta say that the game has been getting better treatment since MO took over from Colin, but it's all too little, too late.

I don't see how it's getting better though. They put out one content update every three months and it's always a story instance you can beat in an hour or two and a map with a repetitive objective you can spend a weekend grinding for some cosmetic doodad. They even brought back those tedious heart quests for one of them, and made them repeatable daily. The expansion maps were the same way; a scheduled meta event that just runs over and over so players can spin their wheels. Instead of getting big zones to wander in and explore, you get a cheap theme park ride with (and with the scheduling, you're literally waiting in line for the ride to start) and your reward is 30 bags full of junk loot.

It's like they're in permanent "treading water" mode, hoping to retain as many players as possible until the expansion, but all the things that usually retain players are either ignored (dungeons, guild missions), broken (WvW) or completely out of sorts with the rest of the game (raids).

The last expansion was so bad I think a lot of people (myself included) won't give them another chance. They've lost too many people who defined the game and it's lost its identity in a big way and regressed towards being a WoW clone at an alarming pace.


BOTW is simply an overrated game like nearly every Zelda release. That is not to say the game isn't great. It is. But whenever Nintendo rolls around a Zelda release people get nostalgic beyond comprehension, overlooking any and all flaws with such a title. This happened with the last couple titles IMO. BOTW is better than them both, but still not nearly some kind of perfect game IMO.

So it is natural people will start to voice their actual feelings, even if they only rate it .2 lower than they did before.

The open world game structure just gets tiring at some point. No way around it. All of them.

AU Tiger

Diablo 3. Was great to play through the story a couple times but man... inferno during release month was about all I could tolerate. I went back to Path of Exile and really didn't ever come back. I played through the expansion but it was meh at best and the bounties/adventure mode seemed lame.

Oh and the most recent Sim City was fun for a bit until you hit the city size brick wall and then the fun just comes to a grinding halt.
All these BoTW posts remind me of this lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgRlrBl-7Yg&vl=en

Watch it.

So people are not looking down on that game because they played it too much and are now annoyed by it? And if they played for the length of a normal Zelda game they would still love it?

Humans are funny.

If you overdo anything then you will start to dislike it. On this thread you should only mention games that you started to dislike before the game ended or you played it for a normal lifespan.

Exactly. BOTW haters are just sad because 100% the game (or close to) was too much.

There's a whole design philosophy around the game being made, where you can literally just go try take on the final boss at any time.

You don't need to 100% it. There's a bare minimum and you didn't choose to undertake that path. lol
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