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The Kraziness of Ken Kutaragi



By: Alec Matias Date: 07/07/05

The president of Sony Computer Entertainment, Ken Kutaragi, is truly a visionary and a pioneer in the videogame industry. He is often called the "father of the PlayStation," as it was he who was the catalyst for Sony's entrance into the console business. Since then, he has been the driving force behind Sony's gaming ambitions, making the PlayStation 2 the behemoth success it is and revolutionizing the portable gaming market with the PlayStation Portable. These days, he is concentrating on cementing Sony's position in the worldwide gaming market by making the PlayStation 3 extend beyond the minds of the college student and turning the PlayStation into a mass-appealing home entertainment device.

Although much of his notoriety comes from his accomplishments, including his trailblazing work on LCD projectors and digital cameras, lately the venerable leader has been garnering press for his off-the-wall remarks. His image has been slowly turning from a videogame luminary to a boisterous loudmouth. What's happened? Why, suddenly, has everything that Kutaragi says immediately undergoes scrutiny and then ridicule on gaming forums across the ‘net? Let's take a look at the history of Ken Kutaragi's remarks and try to pinpoint where things go wrong.

Ken Kutaragi led the team that was developing the SNES CD-ROM. When Nintendo felt threatened by Sony, they dropped Japanese supergiant as the developer of the hardware in a very humiliating, public fashion at the Consumer Electronics Show in 1992. Embarrassed, Kutaragi pleaded with Sony CEO Norio Ohga to keep the project alive, saying that the final product would blow the SNES out of the water. The rest, as they say, is history.

Gamers didn't get the first glimpse of Kutaragi's antics until the announcement of the PlayStation 2, and even then the affects weren't immediately felt. With the burgeoning power of the Internet, the PlayStation 2 announcement was covered heavily across the Internet. When Sony pulled back the curtains on the hardware, gamers were promised everything and the kitchen sink. Kutaragi poured on the hype; saying that the Emotion Engine, the heart of the PS2, would "create a world as involving and impressive as portrayed in movies." On top of that, he claimed Sony would be the leader in e-commerce, allowing consumers to download digital movies, music, and even games straight to your PS2. They hyped the polygonal production, saying the PS2 could dish out 80 million a second. Well, none of that stuff ever happened and the PS2 was woefully underpowered compared to its rivals. This didn't sit well with gamers and when the PlayStation 3 was revealed at this past E3, many called shenanigans on their technical demonstration.


However, it wasn't until the PlayStation Portable where Kutaragi was first being labeled as someone off his rocker. His remarks about a faulty square button were reposted all over the Internet. In Japan, before the launch of the US version, thousands of PSP owners were returning the system because the square button wasn't functioning as properly as the other buttons. It was discovered that the detection sensor beneath the button was not as large as the rest due to its close proximity to the LCD screen. Kutaragi decided to clear the air publicly.

"This is the design that we came up with. There may be people that complain about its usability, but that's something which users and game software developers will have to adapt to. I didn't want the PSP's LCD screen to become any smaller than this, nor did I want its machine body to become any larger.

"The button's location is [architectured] on purpose," Kutaragi added. "It's according to specifications. This is something that we've created, and this is our specification. There was a clear purpose to it, and it wasn't a mistake."

It made sense, but what he said next was what sent gamers into a tizzy.

"I believe we made the most beautiful thing in the world. Nobody would criticize a renowned architect's blueprint that the position of a gate is wrong. It's the same as that."

It was later discovered that an error during production was the true source of the problem. The molding of the case wasn't properly cut and it was later fixed. Still, the damage had been done. Gamers found it comical that Kutaragi would make such a claim about an electronic gaming device.

Up until this point, Kutaragi only had one true "silly" remark under his belt. For the PS2 hype, you can't really blame the guy. Who wouldn't be excited about a product they've been laboring over for years? It would be odd if he didn't oversell it. But in March of 2005, an important shift occured at Sony. It started with the retirement of Sony CEO Nobuyuki Idei. Kutaragi, as executive deputy president, had been long-assumed to take the position. Instead, he announced he was stepping down from the position as well as the head of home electronics division. The company then brought Howard Stringer, an American, to run the Japanese giant. The set of moves must have been severly damaging to Kutaragi's ego; a man who redefined the Sony empire being scrubbed for a foreigner. All he had left was his precious PlayStation.


That may explain why, at the Electronic Entertainment Expo of 2005, that Ken Kutaragi began to really set off the fireworks. It all started after the show when, in an interview with Japanese media outlet Impress PC Watch, he said the PS3 "is not a game machine. We've never once called it a game machine." A shocker, to say the least. Well, if it isn't a game machine, what is it? He continued, "With the PS3, our intentions have been to create a machine with supercomputer calculation capabilities for home entertainment." This obviously didn't sit well with some members of Sony's brass, forcing the chief technical officer, Masayuki Chatanai, to tell gaming magazine Famitsu, "make no mistake--games will be the killer app for the PlayStation 3."

Then, in that same interview, he attacked Microsoft and their Xbox 360, saying that the console "is more of an Xbox 1.5 than a next generation console." Weeks later, talking to Japanese website Watch Impress, he would say "This time, Microsoft has stated clearly that it is going after PlayStation. However, they're going not after the PlayStation 3, but the PlayStation 2. They were looking at 2, and that's why [Xbox 360] became like that."

But that wouldn't be the last time Kutaragi would attack Microsoft. When asked by the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shinbun what he thought about his competitors' next-gen consoles, he said "Microsoft is trailing behind us, but they are not a threat. They are good at improving [on products], but we will be advancing to the next level with revolutionary technology. Beating us for a short moment is like accidentally winning a point from a Shihan (Karate master), and Microsoft is still not a black belt. Just like with their operating systems, they might come out with something good around the third generation of their release."

Kutaragi wasn't done with saying wacky things about the PS3. Although it's hard to top "not a game machine," in another interview with Impress PC Watch, Kutaragi talked about the decision to not include a hard drive. "We're not going to equip [the PS3 with] a HDD by default, because no matter how much [capacity] we put in it, it won't be enough." He later said, "We've added a 2.5-inch HDD bay so that users can equip HDDs, such as 80GB and 120GB, even though that's still not enough [capacity]."

The message is confusing. Gamers were left asking "not enough for what?" 120GB is a ton of space; what is in the plans that would require more space than that? And even though it is not enough, why even both release such a hard drive at all? Many felt like Kutaragi was avoiding the true issue; that a hard drive would only shoot up the price of the already expensive PlayStation 3.

Other statements of grandeur were made, hinting that the PS3 could be superior to the PC in non-linear video editing software or visual graphics programs thanks to the Cell processor. This hasn't been a statement that he's followed up on, leaving many to think it is just techno-hyperbole.

His latest folly came just yesterday, when speaking to Japanese economic website Toyo Keizai. He said the PS3 is "for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else." Take that however you want, but the impression it gives off is that consumers may be a bit surprised at its price tag. Analysts have been pegging it at just under $500 to build with Sony selling it at $399.

There's absolutely no question that Ken Kutaragi's commitment to making the PlayStation the most sought-after entertainment property is one filled with passion, vigor, and heart. He is the father and the face of the PlayStation. His successes are many and continuous; he had the foresight to revolution the business strategy of Sony when his only friend in the entire company (luckily, the only one he needed) was the guy calling the shots. However, these recent remarks have done nothing but tarnish his image. Kutaragi was always seen as a true leader; nowadays, he's the butt of most gamers' jokes. He's becoming better recognized for his remarks than his accomplishments. As gamers, we are all hopeful that the PlayStation 3 will be as phenomenal as it sounds, but for Kutaragi's sake, I hope he can not only talk the talk, but also walk the walk.
The PS2 wasn't a video game system either. SCEI and Kutaragi have been pretty clear about their labeling of systems for years. They don't think of these advancements in video game consoles as game machines. PlayStation 1 was about video games, PlayStation 2 was about computer entertainment. I forget exactly what they said PlayStation 3 will be but, they don't want the system to be just a game system. They want it to be an entertainment device which one of its functions is games. So I don't see what he said being a big deal, nor do I see the point on jumping all over this when SCEI has said this for years, not just Kutaragi.


Marty Chinn said:
The PS2 wasn't a video game system either. SCEI and Kutaragi have been pretty clear about their labeling of systems for years. They don't think of these advancements in video game consoles as game machines. PlayStation 1 was about video games, PlayStation 2 was about computer entertainment. I forget exactly what they said PlayStation 3 will be but, they don't want the system to be just a game system. They want it to be an entertainment device which one of its functions is games. So I don't see what he said being a big deal, nor do I see the point on jumping all over this when SCEI has said this for years, not just Kutaragi.

Yeah, that's what they say, but what can I do of an entertaining nature on PS2 besides videogames?


I forget exactly what they said PlayStation 3 will be but, they don't want the system to be just a game system. They want it to be an entertainment device which one of its functions is games.

They said the same thing about PS2 and yes it was just a game machine. I dont see what your getting at.


Marty Chinn said:
The PS2 wasn't a video game system either. SCEI and Kutaragi have been pretty clear about their labeling of systems for years. They don't think of these advancements in video game consoles as game machines. PlayStation 1 was about video games, PlayStation 2 was about computer entertainment. I forget exactly what they said PlayStation 3 will be but, they don't want the system to be just a game system. They want it to be an entertainment device which one of its functions is games. So I don't see what he said being a big deal, nor do I see the point on jumping all over this when SCEI has said this for years, not just Kutaragi.

Other than play DVDs and video games, what is this great computer entertainment functionality they were speaking of ?


Wakune said:
It's my main DVD player...sooooooo....I'd say DVDs

Yeah, I guess so. I don't usually think of watching movies when I think of an entertainment computer, maybe it's just me.


I dunno, but if the PS2 can't be considered a "video game system" because it plays DVDs, I don't see how Xbox can be considered one either. Kind of a stupid hair to split imo.


akascream said:
Yeah, I guess so. I don't usually think of watching movies when I think of an entertainment computer, maybe it's just me.
I dunno...this whole "not a pure game machine"/"entertainment computer" concept is really asinine.

the PSX/PS2/PS3/XB/X360/N64/GC/REV are all game machines at their core. The PSX lets you play CDs but that doesn't change it from being a game machine...nor do the TIVO-ish functions of the X360 change the fact that it is a game machine. Sure, your system can do XYZ and that's nice and all but the damn thing is still a game console...if the manufacturer wants to call it a supercomputer or whatever else such bull then by all means do but I'll stick to calling it a game machine.

I don't care what the last two letters represent I'm calling it *just* an NES :b


I dunno...this whole "not a pure game machine"/"entertainment computer" concept is really assinine.

Yeah, I agree.

Apparently, the Xbox is a videogame machine, but if you buy the DVD kit it transforms from game machine to entertainment computer.


akascream said:
Yeah, I agree.

Apparently, the Xbox is a videogame machine, but if you buy the DVD kit it transforms from game machine to entertainment computer.

I don't recall Bill Gates or J Allard ever mentioning publically that Xbox was supposed to be a computer entertainment center.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
My PS2 has been in use as a pretty capable media streamer for the past 2 years or so.

akascream said:
Yeah, I guess so. I don't usually think of watching movies when I think of an entertainment computer, maybe it's just me.
Maybe you should amend your original question then to ask what would you want to do rather than asking what it can do.

I dunno, but if the PS2 can't be considered a "video game system" because it plays DVDs, I don't see how Xbox can be considered one either. Kind of a stupid hair to split imo.
It's not that it can't be considered a video game system, it's that they were aiming for it to be more than just a video game system, hence the more general reference as a computer entertainment system.


It's not that it can't be considered a video game system

I was responding to Marty's comment, where he said the PS2 wasn't a game system.

it's that they were aiming for it to be more than just a video game system

Nothing wrong with that, or PR for that matter. But the PS2 is a game console as far as I'm concerned. I don't think I'm alone in that either.

Just ooc, what kind of entertainment functionality do you think they were 'aiming for it to be more than just a video game system', that didn't make it into the final machine?
they are all wrong about the PS2 stuff. Kuturagi never hyped PS2 that much, it was the analyst and the media who got carried away.

But the rest is true. good negative article, looks like they don't wanna buy into the PS3 hype.


Gold Member
Wow, this is a horribly written article (the grammar is awful). I hope the folks at Shacknews don't pay this guy too much.

And seriously, making fun of Kuturagi is becoming pretty fucking passe, kind of like making fun of Bill O'Reilly. Most visionaries are pretty eccentric, and Kuturagi is no different. At least the guy is passionate about what he does - at least he has something to be passionate about!

I'm a littled tired of reading these hack articles written by some fatass schmuck whose biggest accomplishment in life is becoming an internet video game "journalist". Yeah, way to go, bud. Can't wait until your next gripping editorial piece where you trash someone else that has done a hell of a lot more than you ever will!



Chiggs said:
Wow, this is a horribly written article (the grammar is awful). I hope the folks at Shacknews don't pay this guy too much.

And seriously, making fun of Kuturagi is becoming pretty fucking passe, kind of like making fun of Bill O'Reilly. Most visionaries are pretty eccentric, and Kuturagi is no different. At least the guy is passionate about what he does - at least he has something to be passionate about!

I'm a littled tired of reading these hack articles written by some fatass schmuck whose biggest accomplishment in life is becoming an internet video game "journalist". Yeah, way to go, bud. Can't wait until your next gripping editorial piece!


I guess we should all just be grateful for wonderful people like KK to give us gifts like playstation. As consumers, I think we are spoiled in this market, the way companies take losses and practically give great hardware away, but there is nothing wrong with thinking like a consumer. Most people feel like somebody is trying to pull the wool over thier eyes when these guys make outlandish PR claims. And nobody likes being taken advantage of by a salesman.

Either way, I'm not sure why the accomplishments of the critic are relevant to the critisizm. I guess we all have a long way to go in the entertainment industry before we can make fun of tom cruise heh.


IMO the Xbox is already far ahead in this realm. Many people mod their console for XBMC, and If the X360 follows through with it's own media center capability, on top of robust Live/communications functionality, then it's inarguably far more than a game machine...


Gold Member
akascream said:
Either way, I'm not sure why the accomplishments of the critic are relevant to the critisizm. I guess we all have a long way to go in the entertainment industry before we can make fun of tom cruise heh.

Heh, you're definitely right on this. I was just ranting.


bill0527 said:
I don't recall Bill Gates or J Allard ever mentioning publically that Xbox was supposed to be a computer entertainment center.

No, but you will hear J. Allard say X360 creates living entertainment experiences powered by humanity:)


apparently, there was a conference two days ago... and Ken was yet again spouting some crazy bat shit insane stuff ("I invented computer entertainment" being one of them)


"GAF's biggest wanker"
akascream said:
I was responding to Marty's comment, where he said the PS2 wasn't a game system.
Yes, if you stop at the very first sentence he wrote and don't go onto read how he qualifies it. He's saying the same thing I said.

Nothing wrong with that, or PR for that matter. But the PS2 is a game console as far as I'm concerned. I don't think I'm alone in that either.
This is about their PR and their general direction. Reality being that the PS2 is primarily a game console is not being disputed, I don't think. That doesn't change the intent of SCE's/Kutaragi's roadmap.

Just ooc, what kind of entertainment functionality do you think they were 'aiming for it to be more than just a video game system', that didn't make it into the final machine?
See their "Playstation BB" software that they released initially in Japan along with the HDD/NA package that expanded the PS2 OS to include facilities for ripping/storing music and photos, channels for movies and other broadband services, as well as deals initially brokered with Yahoo and AOL for internet and streaming media services. Obviously none of this went onto become anything like the fundamental aspect of the PS2 experience that gaming is, but it does exemplify their aims.


shacknews said:
However, these recent remarks have done nothing but tarnish his image. Kutaragi was always seen as a true leader; nowadays, he's the butt of most gamers' jokes. He's becoming better recognized for his remarks than his accomplishments.

Yeah, man, I was out last friday drinking with Angela at a bar and she's telling me about how Ken's been tarnished and "is like totally a crazy motherf*cker.'' I thought it was wierd, but shrugged it off... So afterwards my boys and I hit up the Bell for some tacos and everyone in there was like "Yo Esse, you hear... Kutaragi is livin' la vida loco...".

This author needs to pull the cock out of his ass, when was the last time you heard anybody in real life comment on Ken Kutaragi at all, nevermind his antics? I sure haven't and an article about what a bunch of assholes online (myself included) post doesn't count. This whole topic is nothing but more flamebait for a purely esoteric topic that's already polluted with more ad hominem attacks and bias than contemporary politics The fact stands that he is still the most sucessful man in the history of the console industry, basically the guy who made gaming "cool" and put playing PlayStation (gaming) on MTV and in more people's minds and households than anyone else.

As long as he's kicking everyone else's collective asses, he can say whatever he pleases. What has this author done... outside of not taken enough journalism classes at his junior college?


Well, none of that stuff ever happened and the PS2 was woefully underpowered compared to its rivals. This didn't sit well with gamers and when the PlayStation 3 was revealed at this past E3, many called shenanigans on their technical demonstration.

This has never made any sense to me. A system can't be called underpowered just because other systems released later are more powerful. It is underpowered if it is inferior to current systems. No matter how powerful you make a system, systems released later will outdo it, and probably at a lower cost.
How is he crazy? The whole article is basically an ad hominem attack on the guy. He hypes up the PS2? He's a looney!! The whole Emotion engine and all that crap PR from the PS2 seemed more of a Sony marketing ploy than the crazy rantings of Kutaragi. They cite several things he's said but he's been working at Sony for 15 years or so. And what evidence is there that him being passed up for CEO by Stringer makes him personally angry? The only one that really piqued my interest was that he said people should "work harder" to buy the PS3 which is crazy. The rest of the stuff the author of the article was just grasping at straws trying to make some kind of connections and express his personal dislike for the guy (and probably Sony and the PS brand as well).


DCharlie said:
apparently, there was a conference two days ago... and Ken was yet again spouting some crazy bat shit insane stuff ("I invented computer entertainment" being one of them)

Get some quotes! I love reading Krazy Kuturagi comments. This article writing makes it sound like it is a bad thing? Pffffffffft! We need a man to step up and fill Yamauchis void!

PS- The guy writing this article sounds like a jaded Nintendo or MS fanboy


Don´t hit me for my bad english plase
For me Kutaragi more than a visionary is an excellent analyst, the best analyst of the industry.

With Playstation they recovered the Amiga and Atari ST demographic markat and added it to the market created by Sega and Nintendo.

With Playstation2 and the DVD-Video they moved the console from the room to the living room.

Now with Playstation3 and the multimedia online capabilities (Internet browsing, Instant Messaging and others) is possible that a lot of people that only uses the PC for navigation will buy a PS3.


Nightbringer said:
Now with Playstation3 and the multimedia online capabilities (Internet browsing, Instant Messaging and others) is possible that a lot of people that only uses the PC for navigation will buy a PS3.

I'll beleive that when I see it since they said the EXACT SAME THING about the PS2.
i think there's a lot of nuance left kicked to the curb when kutaragi's japanese is translated into english. the rhythm to his points are stripped out and we get the literal words on screen. but even still - if sony doesnt drop the ps3 at $300 in the u.s., it's going to cause quite the problem for the company.


Here's another Krazy Ken quote, "Comparing Xbox 360 to PS3 is like comparing 3DO to the PS One!"

However, Sony are serious about making the PS3 more than a game device. The entire PSX division are no longer working on future PSX products and they are now working on the PS3. I do know for a fact that all the PSX firmware/software engineers are now working on PS3 "applications". (Of course, being a downright asshole I told the engineer "Hahaha! So it must be fun porting Firefox to Linux on PS3!!! LOLlercoaster!")
wow, Kutaragi shields up... the defense in this thread is hilarious... i have to admit when he said that shit about the square button and a work of art, i said he was crazy too


PS2 being more than a game machine was more than KK. Phil Harrison and Kaz Hirai and others all got in on the act. It's PR...go figure. I suppose we should nitpick J. Allard claiming Live will have billions of people online, right? Who the fuck cares?

If you listen to KK for the hyperbole, then you're missing the whole picture. He's a great visionary IMO. He may use romantic language when talking, but when you look at his ideas of where the industry is going, and what can or cannot be done, then you see why the PS brand if the dominant brand in the industry today. You need to be a little spacey to dream big like this. Without big dreams, you only move in baby steps. I like KK. I ignore most of the garbage about the Matrix or Toy Story or any of that other bs. How many people honestly took it seriously last gen? Why would you take it any more seriously this gen?

That brings me to another point. This is kinda the way Michael Schumacher talks in press conferences and his comments always get misconstrued on forums as being arrogant or dreamy. When you have English as a second language, sometimes comments come out sounding robotic. Other times, it comes out sounding crazy. When you got an ESL executive trying to layer on PR with his broken engrish, you can expect him to come out with some whoppers from time to time. But when you're the head of a multi-billion dollar steamroller that's trouncing the competition, who really gives a shit? The proof, as they say, is in the pudding.

Personally, I hope we get more Matrixy talk this gen. It's the concept that's important, not the actual wording. PS2 never amounted to anything as a living room hub. Hopefully they can get it right this gen. PEACE.


bill0527 said:
I don't recall Bill Gates or J Allard ever mentioning publically that Xbox was supposed to be a computer entertainment center.

i have read worse things from the mouth of these two


bill0527 said:
Other than play DVDs and video games, what is this great computer entertainment functionality they were speaking of ?

Its capability to render every leaf on a tree individualy:b

Shit-now I owe Marty a fee for borrowing that copyrighted phrase.;)

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
DCharlie said:
apparently, there was a conference two days ago... and Ken was yet again spouting some crazy bat shit insane stuff ("I invented computer entertainment" being one of them)
He said what?? AHAHAHAHAHA..I need exact quotes DCharlie.


Nikashi said:
I'll beleive that when I see it since they said the EXACT SAME THING about the PS2.

Well, if it's capabilities are there from launch... AND they can get middlemen to pick up on the PR hype, it could well do it.

"Hey, if you buy the PS3+ or the PS3 with HD pack, you can basically replace your computer, it can do web browsing, emailing, instant messaging, etc, etc, and play the latest and best games. The only thing it won't do it word processing! ... YET!"

Then a convincing show and tell of the PS3+ unit and you could hook a good deal of people.

Spread that hype around, and soon people will be drawn in by the idea of a cheap 'super computer', past the idea that it's *just* a console, or even BRD player.

Of course, that all depends on how well they get those functionalities out of the gate on time and how well they market and hype those elements.
They can really deal a shocking blow to the computing industry... and especially Microsoft if everything goes right.

But that said, I'm not expecting much more then the third iteration of the most successful console ever :p
Nightbringer said:
With Playstation they recovered the Amiga and Atari ST demographic markat and added it to the market created by Sega and Nintendo.

interesting that you mention Playstation getting the Amiga market. I am dreaming that some company emerges that creates a new Amiga or NEO-GEO type machine that is clearly more powerful than any console of its day, and more powerful than any contemporary consumer PC also, just as the original Amiga blew away any game console or PC/MAC of the 1985-1988 timeframe. such a machine of today would cost $500 in its basic configuration (gaming) and have a $1000-$1200 configuration for more serious applications, much like the Amigas did. such a machine would compete against traditional consoles and PCs, creating a new market that appeals to everyone and is affordable to almost everyone with the exception of the budget gamer that can only afford $150 consoles. I would love to see such a machine emerge in the next few years, during the lifetimes of the new consoles. but alas, I am dreaming.


Anyone seen a remote control for PS3 yet? I hope they do one - does it even have IR built in? Maybe a bluetooth remote!!

X360 with a proper remote control shows they are more serious about home entertainment hub this time.

I'd like for PS3 to be as good, simply because if I use it for bluray, I'd like to use it for streaming too.

J2 Cool

I don't know if it's that big of an computer entertainment system but PS3 playing Blu-ray is absolutely huge. It'll be one of the first of em out there, and for a lot cheaper than any others. Hopefully the quality on it isn't any poorer than the best blu-ray players. I don't see why it would be. Just need a good HDTV for the bedroom and I'm set. A little food to survive and a calendar would be good too.


Kutaragi has a long way to go before he reaches Yamauchi levels...

But they promised so much that never materalized for the PS2, so I'm not holding my breath for all the new promises to come true.

I also don't get why he sees to hate the term "game machine"... cause in all fairness, that's axactly what it is, everything else is secondary.


DCharlie said:
apparently, there was a conference two days ago... and Ken was yet again spouting some crazy bat shit insane stuff ("I invented computer entertainment" being one of them)

Shit, that's all this world needs...a K. Diddy.


OmniGamer said:
Shit, that's all this world needs...a K. Diddy.

In all seriousness though, that kinda talk is just hyping up the faithfuls... ah, Ken you're turning into as much of a personality as Yamamuchi.
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