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The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC |OT| More Olivier Than Ever


Unconfirmed Member
The only permanent fix I found was to switch camera controls to L1 / R1 instead of analog sticks. Completely restarting the PC usually helped, but it would just come back later on.

You could try increasing the deadzone on the stick if whatever driver you are using allows that. The stick might be tilting in a very small way that the driver picks up but wouldn't affect it when you look at it. If that doesn't work then I got nothing. =(
Have you tried unplugging your controller and plugging it back in? Sounds more like an issue with the controller itself.

The only permanent fix I found was to switch camera controls to L1 / R1 instead of analog sticks. Completely restarting the PC usually helped, but it would just come back later on.

Hmm.. well I'm using a Dualshock4 with DS4Windows. I've unplugged the controller multiple times and restarting the computer. Nothing seems to fix it. It's just a little confusing because it seriously worked perfectly until like 20+ hours into the game... no idea what triggered the problems.


Damn. I only heard today that there was an Evo version for TITS and it got me excited. sucks we won't get a chance to play them :(
Personally, I think that despite all voice acting the Evo versions of the Trails games are the worst versions out there, a lot of changes they made are for the worse; the Steam versions are the best.


Would fans be remiss if Xseed were able to negotiate release of Evo versions in the west but sans VO? LIke, all of it? Is that something people would be happy with? Would it even be possible?

I think I might have asked something like this before, but I never got an answer.


Would fans be remiss if Xseed were able to negotiate release of Evo versions in the west but sans VO? LIke, all of it? Is that something people would be happy with? Would it even be possible?

I think I might have asked something like this before, but I never got an answer.
I mean, I'd happily repurchase the Evo versions without voices if it's something that could be ported quickly and cheaply for XSEED but I'm sure the true diehard fans out there would rather see Sora the 3rd, Ao or Zero get released instead.


Pretty sure Tom posted somewhere a while ago that they won't release anything that would have less content than their Japanese counterpart.
Finally beat the game yesterday! Clocked in around 75 hours by the time the credits rolled. Overall, I really enjoyed it quite a bit. My main complaints is just how much of the maps/areas were reused and how padded parts of the game felt. Yeah, I know it's the same world, but I still would have liked more new areas to explore (I did enjoy the final "area"; not the final dungeon, but the area before it). And parts of the game (in particular the first 5 or so chapters) felt soooo padded. The little stories in each of those chapters were not all that interesting except for the last 5 minutes or so when stuff actually happens to further the main story arc. From Chapter 6 and on, things got a lot better on that front. I didn't really care for Chapter 8 in terms of gameplay though... too much damn running around (especially if you were doing all the sidequests).

But yeah, great game. Pretty satisfying ending, but
I did notice they left some more questions unanswered. Nowhere near as bad as the cliffhanger from FC though lol

Also, I'm proud of myself for actually being able to (end game spoilers)
defeat Loewe. I almost gave up because I died like 6 times in a row. Such a hard fucking fight lol
Would fans be remiss if Xseed were able to negotiate release of Evo versions in the west but sans VO? LIke, all of it? Is that something people would be happy with? Would it even be possible?

I think I might have asked something like this before, but I never got an answer.

i would buy all Evo versions without VA. i never wait for VA to finish their line anyway. that would turn every Tits game into a 200 hour game.


But yeah, great game. Pretty satisfying ending, but
I did notice they left some more questions unanswered. Nowhere near as bad as the cliffhanger from FC though lol

This is rather normal for the series. Some of the games even setup more questions than they give answers, too.


Can't say I'm that surprised, I guess.

So does the 3rd chapter tie up any loose ends? Same cast of characters?

Depends on the characters, really. There are some loose ends tied up, but many many of them are left dangling, because the game is a bridge game to lead into later titles in the series.


Unconfirmed Member
Fingers crossed for an E3 announcement of The 3rd getting localized.

XSEED probably wouldn't announce it at E3 since it would be guaranteed to be drowned out by basically everything else there (then again, I think they have done it before). And it's probably too soon anyway since Cold Steel 2 isn't even going to be out yet.

If we were to get 3rd anytime soon, it would probably be announced and released next year, especially if they won't be able to release Cold Steel 3 that soon (provided they pick it up at all). But honestly I doubt SC has done enough yet for them to make the decision to work on it at all.
XSEED probably wouldn't announce it at E3 since it would be guaranteed to be drowned out by basically everything else there (then again, I think they have done it before). And it's probably too soon anyway since Cold Steel 2 isn't even going to be out yet.

If we were to get 3rd anytime soon, it would probably be announced and released next year, especially if they won't be able to release Cold Steel 3 that soon (provided they pick it up at all). But honestly I doubt SC has done enough yet for them to make the decision to work on it at all.

Yeah, I wouldn't consider 3rd to be particularly time-sensitive at this point, heh. Better to release any other fancy new games they're working on, then pick this up later. The fans will still buy it.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Man I'm having a hard time staying in this game, I'm on Chapter 2 and I think I may drop out.

I forgot how slooooow paced this game is. I remember it being like that in FC, you spend a lot of time developing the characters- and the writing is fantastic. But man, I just get bored of the boring artstyle and the okay music. Is it just me, or does it seem like each track in the game is only a 30 seconds long and just loops from there? It's never bothered me in a game before, but I feel like the tracks are just so short and they're just looping the same 30 second tune. I dunno, and that's not to mention how slow paced battles are, especially the long boss battles where you have to take a long time to whittle down boss HP, they're mostly a war of attrition, which just goes on too long.

I dunno, I REALLY enjoyed First Chapter - but maybe its because I already spend 80 hours with this game, I'm not feeling super hyped about doing it again.

Maybe I'll comeback to it in the summer..


Man I'm having a hard time staying in this game, I'm on Chapter 2 and I think I may drop out.

I forgot how slooooow paced this game is. I remember it being like that in FC, you spend a lot of time developing the characters- and the writing is fantastic. But man, I just get bored of the boring artstyle and the okay music. Is it just me, or does it seem like each track in the game is only a 30 seconds long and just loops from there? It's never bothered me in a game before, but I feel like the tracks are just so short and they're just looping the same 30 second tune. I dunno, and that's not to mention how slow paced battles are, especially the long boss battles where you have to take a long time to whittle down boss HP, they're mostly a war of attrition, which just goes on too long.

I dunno, I REALLY enjoyed First Chapter - but maybe its because I already spend 80 hours with this game, I'm not feeling super hyped about doing it again.

Maybe I'll comeback to it in the summer..

For me at least, Chapter 2 was one of the weakest chapters in the game. I found Chapter 3 to be better, and I really liked Chapter 4. And the game's pace really starts picking up after that.

I'd recommend that you stick with it - if you're still not feeling by the end of Chapter 3 or 4, definitely take a break and come back in a bit.


Unconfirmed Member
Got half my post from a couple days ago right! Right about a possible 2017 release, totally wrong about an early announcement.

Man I'm having a hard time staying in this game, I'm on Chapter 2 and I think I may drop out.

I forgot how slooooow paced this game is. I remember it being like that in FC, you spend a lot of time developing the characters- and the writing is fantastic. But man, I just get bored of the boring artstyle and the okay music. Is it just me, or does it seem like each track in the game is only a 30 seconds long and just loops from there? It's never bothered me in a game before, but I feel like the tracks are just so short and they're just looping the same 30 second tune. I dunno, and that's not to mention how slow paced battles are, especially the long boss battles where you have to take a long time to whittle down boss HP, they're mostly a war of attrition, which just goes on too long.

I dunno, I REALLY enjoyed First Chapter - but maybe its because I already spend 80 hours with this game, I'm not feeling super hyped about doing it again.

Maybe I'll comeback to it in the summer..

I agree that SC starts off on the wrong foot. Prologue is cool, chapter 1 is okay, chapter 2 feels like a retread of chapter 1. Chapter 3 is slightly better but still falls short of it's potential since everything is so telegraphed. Chapter 4 isn't very interesting until near the end.

That's roughly half the game. Fortunately, the second half is great, up there with last third or so of FC if not better.


What ARE the rewards for a perfect BP run in Trails in the Sky the 3rd versus a non-perfect one? Luck was damn useful for early in SC but I dunno if I feel like bothering if it's next to nothing.


I agree that SC starts off on the wrong foot. Prologue is cool, chapter 1 is okay, chapter 2 feels like a retread of chapter 1. Chapter 3 is slightly better but still falls short of it's potential since everything is so telegraphed. Chapter 4 isn't very interesting until near the end.

That's roughly half the game. Fortunately, the second half is great, up there with last third or so of FC if not better.
Chapter 2 is definitely a slog. I just finished my run through it and pretty much whittled away at that chapter for about a month. It doesn't help matters that I'm playing through Agate/Scherazard runs in tandem and running through certain cutscenes multiple times for optional dialogue. Four runs through that peeping tom hot springs quest just to see all of the variants for that scene with Agate-Olivier, Agate-Kloe, Scherazard-Olivier and Scherazard-Kloe... and, to my surprise, it was suitably different each time.

Thankfully most of the time it's clear when dialogue strings are simply being substituted regardless of who's saying them but I'll be damned if I'm not getting all of the optional exchanges through this run.

Glad to hear the pace picks up (albeit gradually) from here.
Honestly, multi-running SC like that is a sure-fire way to burn yourself out.
I would just pick one route and stick it out - the game is paced to be played through like that. Trying to do a multiroute playthrough will just slow the game to a caterpillar crawl.


Unconfirmed Member
I can't imagine trying to do that for the entire game. Especially from chapter 6 to the end. I feel like that would take months.


I can't imagine trying to do that for the entire game. Especially from chapter 6 to the end. I feel like that would take months.
I'll probably dial it back once I get deeper into the game. It's actually worse right now because I'm doing a completionist run with both playthroughs in addition to hitting the dialogue branches.
Is it just me, or does it seem like each track in the game is only a 30 seconds long and just loops from there? It's never bothered me in a game before, but I feel like the tracks are just so short and they're just looping the same 30 second tune.
They're not. I measure this kind of stuff because I used to review game music albums online with a usual criterion for critical success being how developed and lengthy tracks are before looping. Both FC and SC's tracks usually develop well and are only repetitive when compared to overly-long game music like C64 loader themes. Above all the musical style's consistent between games, verging towards ethereal rock in SC and then binging on that hard in 3rd.


What ARE the rewards for a perfect BP run in Trails in the Sky the 3rd versus a non-perfect one? Luck was damn useful for early in SC but I dunno if I feel like bothering if it's next to nothing.

The only rewards you get for 3rd is if you hit Bracer Rank B or higher, then another reward at A or higher.

If they keep the PSP changes, it'll be one accessory and 100 sepith of each type if you get B. If you get A, it'll be two accessories, and 200 sepith of each type.

Mikey Jr.

So the fucking beginning intro movie or whatever is not loading. It is stuck at some black screen. I hear music playing, but nothing. So yeah, thats great.

Man I hate PC gaming, lol. Anyone know how to fix this stupidness?


So the fucking beginning intro movie or whatever is not loading. It is stuck at some black screen. I hear music playing, but nothing. So yeah, thats great.

Man I hate PC gaming, lol. Anyone know how to fix this stupidness?
I ran into that issue on my old school laptop as well. Better off just skipping the movie; it's easily found on YouTube anyhow.


So I hope this wasn't answered previously, but I didn't see it. Does SC have the same retry offset that FC had?

I assume it does, but I don't want to be pulling my hair out for my first playthrough. It'd be nice if it wasn't a cakewalk either though I only died like 3 times in my entire playthrough of FC and that was on normal. So hard should be a good difficulty as long as retry offset is still a thing yea?


If they keep the PSP changes, it'll be one accessory and 100 sepith of each type if you get B. If you get A, it'll be two accessories, and 200 sepith of each type.

I'm quoting myself because I stumbled onto info to say I was wrong. It's 200 sepith across the board so I'm correcting myself here. You'll also get 200 sepith if you import a save with C Rank or lower.

So I hope this wasn't answered previously, but I didn't see it. Does SC have the same retry offset that FC had?

Yes, it does. So will 3rd, if it has the PSP changes.


I already posted about this in the Steam thread, but I'm still in shock so I'll also post it here.

What the HELL is up with the prologue boss in Trails SC?

I know I'm playing on hard, but this isn't hard this is fucked up. I haven't had to work this hard to beat a boss in a JRPG in ages.
Well, I did ultimately beat him, but it was easily the most difficult fight I can remember in any JRPG I've played in the past 5+ years.

I needed to prepare for an hour, have a good strategy, use basically all my good items, and still get lucky in terms of RNG so he doesn't one-shot me at an inopportune moment.

So yeah, just be aware before making your difficulty choice that this game doesn't mean "hard" in the same way other JRPGs (or most games really) understand "hard", at least when it comes to the final prologue boss.


So yeah, just be aware before making your difficulty choice that this game doesn't mean "hard" in the same way other JRPGs (or most games really) understand "hard", at least when it comes to the final prologue boss.

The difficulty modes weren't entirely balanced for the game. They were added in to the PSP versions as a treat to people who had played the games on PC. A lot of time, playing on Hard or (god forbid lol) Nightmare usually requires knowing what's coming up ahead of you.

Make sure you save often if you're playing on Hard, and don't be afraid to reload a save and step back. Also, don't be afraid to run from random encounters if you get a situation you don't like. There's nothing to punish you for it, IIRC?

(At least, not until 3rd.)


I already posted about this in the Steam thread, but I'm still in shock so I'll also post it here.

So yeah, just be aware before making your difficulty choice that this game doesn't mean "hard" in the same way other JRPGs (or most games really) understand "hard", at least when it comes to the final prologue boss.

Actually this is exactly what I had found too, after about 3 hours I decided it was too much and went back to Normal difficulty. It might be because I got used to having more tools at my disposal at the end of FC and now I'm back to nothing, but SC feels a little bit harder even on normal.

So it feels about right, or it did until I ran into some shining poms which are way easier to kill and give way more xp than in FC. I only killed 3, kind of on accident too, and now I'm really over leveled. Either way I suppose I'm fine with a more boring difficulty if the alternative was going to continue being as hair pulling as what I plowed through.
Actually this is exactly what I had found too, after about 3 hours I decided it was too much and went back to Normal difficulty. It might be because I got used to having more tools at my disposal at the end of FC and now I'm back to nothing, but SC feels a little bit harder even on normal.

So it feels about right, or it did until I ran into some shining poms which are way easier to kill and give way more xp than in FC. I only killed 3, kind of on accident too, and now I'm really over leveled. Either way I suppose I'm fine with a more boring difficulty if the alternative was going to continue being as hair pulling as what I plowed through.
Final prologue boss is probably the worst of the bunch. You start getting better quartz and accessories and more party member soon after. Also, they make you lose access to buying ingredients, which sucks because the Surprise Cookie is SURPRISINGLY useful against that boss. Being able to make multiples would have been handy.

Ive only just started having major issues at that level of crazy on a boss in the endgame, and that's partially because I've been stubborn and not wanting to use a certain character that everyone uses on this boss.


Unconfirmed Member
Final prologue boss is probably the worst of the bunch. You start getting better quartz and accessories and more party member soon after. Also, they make you lose access to buying ingredients, which sucks because the Surprise Cookie is SURPRISINGLY useful against that boss. Being able to make multiples would have been handy.

Ive only just started having major issues at that level of crazy on a boss in the endgame, and that's partially because I've been stubborn and not wanting to use a certain character that everyone uses on this boss.

The Damaging Food is really useful throughout IMO. Naptime Cookies are amazing for keeping Groups of enemies out of your hair. The ones that cause faiting later are even better.


I probably gimped myself by not using food. I tried it one time against a boss and it did zero damage, never tried again.
My experience was somewhat similar. I did kill a couple of shining poms with food on the beach near Ruan during the first chapter. I tried to do the same a few chapters later and I guess I only had weak food because it did fuck all against them, so I didn't bother trying again. Some fully charged 200CP large AoE S-Craft did much better. :3
Correct me if I'm wrong, but food items have a set attack power that doesn't change based on your natural strength or weapons. So once your own natural strength+weapon power is higher than it, then they become almost useless (besides the AoE or status ailments).

So early on, the Surprise Cookie will do tremendous damage against enemies. Against the final Prologue boss on hard I believe it did 700-800 damage, which is TREMENDOUS compared to your more reliable damage options at this point.

I only had one cookie so I saved it for when he starts healing HP at low health and you have to suddenly go from very defensive to fighting all out, but with enough cookies baked it could probably make that boss a cake walk, even on hard.


Unconfirmed Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but food items have a set attack power that doesn't change based on your natural strength or weapons. So once your own natural strength+weapon power is higher than it, then they become almost useless (besides the AoE or status ailments).

So early on, the Surprise Cookie will do tremendous damage against enemies. Against the final Prologue boss on hard I believe it did 700-800 damage, which is TREMENDOUS compared to your more reliable damage options at this point.

I only had one cookie so I saved it for when he starts healing HP at low health and you have to suddenly go from very defensive to fighting all out, but with enough cookies baked it could probably make that boss a cake walk, even on hard.

Correct AFAIK. They do fixed damage. But the ones that have status effects seem to work 100% on stuff that can be affected by them (and have small AoEs to boot!). They are pretty useful if you aren't investing lots of time in griding out levels. Especially in fights with lots of enemies, putting a group to sleep or fainting them is pretty nice.


Man, that
fight at the end was some serious BS.
How the hell are you supposed to survive when he summons eight clones (and replaces every you are lucky enough to kill)?
Thankfully I played on normal, this fight must be a... well, nightmare on nightmare.

Anyway, great game, though probably over hyped in some places. Is Cold Steel as good, or should I set my expectations lower?

Nyoro SF

Man, that
fight at the end was some serious BS.
How the hell are you supposed to survive when he summons eight clones (and replaces every you are lucky enough to kill)?
Thankfully I played on normal, this fight must be a... well, nightmare on nightmare.

Anyway, great game, though probably over hyped in some places. Is Cold Steel as good, or should I set my expectations lower?

The clones deal fixed damage and don't have any arts / s-crafts, so I just ignored the one clone and kept wailing on the real Loewe.

Also Loewe is affected by debuffs making the fight kind of lolworthy


The clones deal fixed damage and don't have any arts / s-crafts, so I just ignored the one clone and kept wailing on the real Loewe.

Also Loewe is affected by debuffs making the fight kind of lolworthy

The clones can definitively use that special attack that cancel your arts though. And circle you, preventing you from moving. Both of which are quite annoying. And even if they "only" do fixed damage, when you have seven of them (+ the original) pounding on you, it does make the fight quite harder.
Didn't know stat debuff are working on him, I remember stopping trying them when I saw clock down not working on him.
Okay, I'm in the Finale chapter facing
Bleublanc again

Does his Mini debuff on the party ware off? because it isn't curable with items/curia. Poor Olivier is my only core arts user.


Unconfirmed Member
Finally made it to the Finale! This game is a wild ride, that's for sure. Can't wait to see the end!


Chapter 6 sidequest question:

Can I finish the sidequest about discovering the girl in the photo (presumably lailah the maid) after I get back from the sekrit base?
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