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The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Review Thread


I was against Nintendo lack of voice chat in all cases but not this time. Do people want to have their puzzle totally spoiled?


I was against Nintendo lack of voice chat in all cases but not this time. Do people want to have their puzzle totally spoiled?

With strangers Voice Chat would ruin part of the fun. I love it when someone makes a mistake and you have to restart a level and instead of angry voices you get a cute sticker of Link bring dizzy or shouting No! Then you just post the same sticker, everybody laughs and then moves on. It's really friendly in that way.


I was against Nintendo lack of voice chat in all cases but not this time. Do people want to have their puzzle totally spoiled?

That's actually a good point, although it can break the flow depending on who you're playing with because as Otero says in the IGN review every player has to come up with the solution independently. There is no way to communicate what to do other than spam "here"


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
This seems pretty counterintuitive. Multiplayer should be rated higher than singleplayer, according to other reviews.
Multiplayer is more fun if it works, but online was a horrible experience during the review phase in particular due to heavy lag. Add in the unnecessarily restrictive rules on who can play, this just weighs down on the game. This is why this rating is preliminary, if it is just a case of bad luck due to only a small amount of players being available right now, it might change. For now, the few moments it is more fun in multiplayer (due to less tedium like having to constantly change through the characters) come at a too high price.


This seems pretty counterintuitive. Multiplayer should be rated higher than singleplayer, according to other reviews.

I reviewed it myself and didn't even bother to give it a score for now. Multiplayer servers were empty and I couldn't even finish half the dungeons online. Single player is terrible as I mentioned in my review but really, scoring a multiplayer I had next to no access to would be stupid.


I've just been playing it online for the past forty minutes or so, and THREE! times in a row the two other people in my lobby picked the Fire Temple level. I know it was in the demo but come on, I want to play the other volcano levels :mad:

I don't know how the level selection works, is it like the demo where each one chose a level and then a random one was selected? I imagine that would cause a lot of inconveniences since I guess some players would disconnect if their level isn't chosen, having to restart the whole process.
I don't know how the level selection works, is it like the demo where each one chose a level and then a random one was selected? I imagine that would cause a lot of inconveniences since I guess some players would disconnect if their level isn't chosen, having to restart the whole process.

Yup. This is exactly how it works.

I was wanting to farm for some items last night but the level I wanted never got picked. Very frustrating.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
You can also grind alone. But it's a mystery to me how nintendo couldn't realize that Zelda is not exactly a game where you want to play the same level several times in a row.


Does the full game allow a mix of local players and online players? Can I do Download Play with someone in the same room for example, and then pair up with a third person online as well?


Saw it at a store last night but I'm not feeling it. Almost feels like a smartphone game in a way. I liked what I saw from the gameplay trailers but online and dungeons only has me hesitating. Never was a fan of 4 swords adventure.


Does the full game allow a mix of local players and online players? Can I do Download Play with someone in the same room for example, and then pair up with a third person online as well?

Nope, you can't. Local and online are 2 completely different modes/way to connect. And Download play is limited to local.

Reading all the comments like "this crap", "this shitty undercooked game" and such condescending stuff coming from people who haven't played it and use only review scores and hive mind to judge something... I feel I must defend it at least a little.

What I think after playing the full game since monday :
This is not a shitty game. This is a fun multiplayer take on the 4 swords formula, with fun puzzles and an addictive crafting system to make amusing and useful and silly costumes. The online works well, I played last night with 2 friends and it was a blast. We didn't even use skype to voice chat, because a lot of the fun is trying to explain the puzzles by moving or with the icons. Yes you die sometimes because the other guy is doing stupid stuff, but even if you lose the 3 lives, the levels are not that big and re-doing them when you know the solution is a breeze and actually really satisfying.

On a side note, I'm really enjoying the really camp and fabulous setting of the game, which is almost Katamari-levels of silly sometimes. It's very queer / gay-friendly, and unabashedly so... you've got to save the Fashion, because people can't be fabulous with this horrible curse ! This is a plot out of Ru Paul's Drag race, and it makes me laugh.

It's certainly not for everybody, but 4 swords wasn't either and I don't feel like this is a rushed or shitty game, lots of littles touches, easter eggs and details makes it a nice little package.It is not Zelda U (NX or whatever) or a main entry in the series so if you want that, pass.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Does the full game allow a mix of local players and online players? Can I do Download Play with someone in the same room for example, and then pair up with a third person online as well?

It doesn't even allow a mix of download play and local play with two game cards. Every restriction imaginable was put on the multiplayer.


Saw it at a store last night but I'm not feeling it. Almost feels like a smartphone game in a way. I liked what I saw from the gameplay trailers but online and dungeons only has me hesitating. Never was a fan of 4 swords adventure.

That's what it reminded me of. Not too surprising to me


Sounds very much like Four Swords, which I did have a ton of fun (and anger) with when playing with friends way back when, but not my cup of tea right now.


What I think after playing the full game since monday :
This is not a shitty game. This is a fun multiplayer take on the 4 swords formula, with fun puzzles and an addictive crafting system to make amusing and useful and silly costumes. The online works well, I played last night with 2 friends and it was a blast. We didn't even use skype to voice chat, because a lot of the fun is trying to explain the puzzles by moving or with the icons. Yes you die sometimes because the other guy is doing stupid stuff, but even if you lose the 3 lives, the levels are not that big and re-doing them when you know the solution is a breeze and actually really satisfying.

On a side note, I'm really enjoying the really camp and fabulous setting of the game, which is almost Katamari-levels of silly sometimes. It's very queer / gay-friendly, and unabashedly so... you've got to save the Fashion, because people can't be fabulous with this horrible curse ! This is a plot out of Ru Paul's Drag race, and it makes me laugh.

It's certainly not for everybody, but 4 swords wasn't either and I don't feel like this is a rushed or shitty game, lots of littles touches, easter eggs and details makes it a nice little package.It is not Zelda U (NX or whatever) or a main entry in the series so if you want that, pass.

Thanks for the excellent impressions. After enjoying FSA and the beta test last weekend, I'm pretty sure I'm in for a good time.
Thanks for the excellent impressions. After enjoying FSA and the beta test last weekend, I'm pretty sure I'm in for a good time.

Basically this. The reviews are not tempering my expectations at all, especially when many of them focus on weird shit like how this is not as good as a traditional single player Zelda.


So, you can't do local download + online. Is it possible to do two local (who own the game) + online? Or do you need all three local for it to work?
Nope, you can't. Local and online are 2 completely different modes/way to connect. And Download play is limited to local.
Well that's an extremely terrible decision and made me lose all my enthusiasm for the game. So you cant play with one other friend if they don't have the game. That's ridiculous. Now I can't play with any of my friends since they don't have copies . I guess I should have expected this from Nintendo.


There is no way to communicate what to do other than spam "here"

Actually no. One guy didn't understand it was him (in the middle of a totem) who sould throw the one on top. I knew that. I said Throw! Second guy who knew what to do said Throw! too. So when Green Link and Blue Link icons says Throw!, the third guy found out it was him to do so.

Another time my team had only one guy (not me) with the Kokiri tunic (bow & arrows boost).
Level started with 2 bombs and one bow items. I've gone straight to the bow and spammed "No!". Althought hesitating the kokiri tunic guy eventually got it, rather than risking the other hero tunic guy took it instead.


I will say it does suck that having one local friend with a copy is as good as having zero local friends with a copy.

(but it's better than not having four GBAs and four link cables)
This comes out tomorrow, right? What's the consensus on length?

I tried to search and find info on that, but couldn't find much.

I'm not sure if I received a review copy because I haven't been home. It's something I'm a bit worried about, though, because I'll only be able to play it single player.


Actually no. One guy didn't understand it was him (in the middle of a totem) who sould throw the one on top. I knew that. I said Throw! Second guy who knew what to do said Throw! too. So when Green Link and Blue Link icons says Throw!, the third guy found out it was him to do so.

Another time my team had only one guy (not me) with the Kokiri tunic (bow & arrows boost).
Level started with 2 bombs and one bow items. I've gone straight to the bow and spammed "No!". Althought hesitating the kokiri tunic guy eventually got it, rather than risking the other hero tunic guy took it instead.

One of my favorite moments from the demo was this:

I was playing Bomb Storage and was Green. Red and I picked up the gust jars and Blue picked up the bombs. When we got to the second switch, the one where the players have to cooperate to blow a bomb over to it, Red and I knew what to do, but Blue couldn't figure it out; he kept trying to toss the bombs across by himself. I kept picking him up and moving him to the spot where he should stand and hit "ITEM" but he would just stand there with the lit bomb. Finally I figured out standing in the right spot and hitting "THROW" and "ITEM" consecutively got the point across. Really made me appreciate the limited communication system as a form of puzzle. I got a big sense of joy from being able to get a player to figure out what would normally be a mundane puzzle.


Well that's an extremely terrible decision and made me lose all my enthusiasm for the game. So you cant play with one other friend if they don't have the game. That's ridiculous. Now I can't play with any of my friends since they don't have copies . I guess I should have expected this from Nintendo.
This is a limitation of the Nintendo 3DS system, not a deliberate exclusion for this game. The 3DS cannot use both online and local wireless connections at the same time. It's an impossible function for the system, so it should have never been expected in the first place.

Also, any world on this yet? =P
With reviews coming out now, have there been any hints towards a timeline placement for this game? (Yes, I'm aware that a Nintendo of Canada rep said that it's not a part of the timeline, but Nintendo reps say a lot of things and often times they end up being false.) The game's director has stated previously that they haven't decided on a timeline placement yet, so I hope they eventually did decide on one instead of just making it non-canon. That would be really odd, and it'd be the first case of a main series Zelda game (this is a main series game just as the Four Swords games are, despite popular belief) not being a part of the timeline.

Of course, the timeline and canon ultimately don't matter all that much, but it's serious business to me, lol. I'm a sucker for the Zelda timeline. =P
This is a limitation of the Nintendo 3DS system, not a deliberate exclusion for this game. The 3DS cannot use both online and local wireless connections at the same time. It's an impossible function for the system, so it should have never been expected in the first place.
That's still pretty terrible and is making me second guess purchasing the game. Can you download play with two people? Like, if youre the only one with a copy of the game, can you get two other people to download play with you? Or is it just one?

Big Brett

I'm a die-hard play-every-Zelda type of person, but I think I'm staying away from this one. Demo just wasn't very fun to me.


I will say it does suck that having one local friend with a copy is as good as having zero local friends with a copy.

But you CAN do download play with a third person. The only combination that's not possible is download play and online.

That's still pretty terrible and is making me second guess purchasing the game. Can you download play with two people? Like, if youre the only one with a copy of the game, can you get two other people to download play with you? Or is it just one?

Two players can join via download play.
In MH4U and Zelda:TFH, I think it's more a hardware issue. But there's no excuse for no voice chat in Splatoon.

It seems to be a hardware issue for Splatoon too… Well, rather a bandwidth one. Multiple reports of connection issues (people able to play all Wii U games online BUT Splatoon) indicate that the game requires a high upload speed, 0.65+ Mbps – probably due to the ink spread mechanic. Voice chat on top of this would cause issues to even more people.


Still, developers could have pointed that out instead of making silly excuses, and could have included a voice chat option for people with good upload speed. Then, you also have to wonder whether there's CPU resources left, considering the game already has short but noticeable slowdowns on Blackbelly Skatepark/ during Bomb Rushes.


That's still pretty terrible and is making me second guess purchasing the game. Can you download play with two people? Like, if youre the only one with a copy of the game, can you get two other people to download play with you? Or is it just one?
Download play, as far as I know, always works for as many people as you need.

Anyway, grabbing this for sure to play woth friends, looking forward to it!


Just had another session on this tonight, and once away I come back feeling 50/50 about it. The first 45 minutes was great fun as I got matched up with two other guys who wanted to do the four volcano levels in chronological order like I did. We did okay at this, apart from we got stuck on the boss on the mines level. That guy is seriously tough, and even harder to complete alone so I definitely need two other people to try him again.

After that for about another 45 minutes I thought I'd try the ice levels. What a nightmare. People just kept leaving midway through stages, only because either a) we might have died just once, or b) we failed to solve a puzzle as quickly as they'd have liked. After about three attempts I gave up and didn't even finish one ice level in the end. It's really disheartening having people leave because it's obvious they're impatient. We all have to start each level fresh at some point, so I hope people will give people time to figure the puzzles out instead of just giving up on them.

So yeah, playing online with randoms is either really good fun, or highly frustrating. I think I might just stick with single player, I don't care what the reviews say, I like playing alone.
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