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The love of my life is dead

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My worst fears have come true GAF. The person I loved from the moment I saw him with his sparkling blue eyes, ready smile, and great personality is gone. I thought something was wrong when I didn't hear from him in a day or so but I just got word that the love of my life is dead. He was straight, so it wasn't a sexual thing, but he knew how I felt and he was very flattered and accepting of it. We've had a lot of ups and downs in our friendship, but more ups than downs, no hate, no bitterness.

I first met him on the first day of 6th grade, 3rd period band, around 10:15 in the morning. GAF, he was amazing. Sure he was cute, but I never really cared about that. What I always loved about him was his kindness, his good nature, his unbelievable friendliness. It took me years to even approach him. I know I talk a lot and in real life that's always been me too. I'm always so talkative, so argumentative, so passionate about things. But around him I was always reduced to a stuttering, stammering fool, somehow who could never say "no" to that smile, to that "look" in his eyes.

He was the first person that made me realize I was gay, but more importantly he was the person that taught me the most about humanity, about humanness. I had always read about people that met someone that became great, and how they said the moment they met them they just "knew" they had great things ahead of them. That's what I thought about Don. I saw the way that he treated people, from a waitress at Denny's he always slipped an extra 5 dollars to just because she was a nice person and probably needed the money to always knowing the littlest details about anyone he met, and always making you feel like he cared not because he was putting up a front, but because he did.

I knew fairly early on that he wouldn't want to be with me, I always knew that he was straight. For a long time I didn't even realize I liked him in that way, I just simply admired the hell out of him, his kind and generous spirit, his zest for life, his crazy side. He quickly grew from someone I "liked" on first meeting him to someone I "really" liked to someone I cannot imagine my life without.

Don and I talked many times about what I felt for him, and, less directly about what I meant to him. He told me recently that he considered me one of his few "true" friends, something I still hold close to my heart, because I will always consider him my first love and my best friend, even though he is gone. He supported me when I need it, as I tried to do for him. We laughed together, we cried together, we cared for each other very deeply.

He had a love for 70s music and dancing, he loved nothing more than to be out on the dance floor with a "hot Asian girl" and boogie. At Halloween he always wore a "space suit" which was a ridiculous shiny fake looking sparkly gray. Whenever he came to town for a visit we'd go to this local vietnamese food joint we liked, he'd get about 3 appetizers because he liked them more than anything. He was a vegan, he loved MSU but in general hated sports although he enjoyed basketball. He recently did a 10k run and was building up to eventually do a marathon. He was in the prime of his life and in tip top shape.

He was someone that I could trust with anything, and similarly he could and did trust me with things he would never have told another person. I feel like I should go on and say more, and I want to... but it just hurts so much right now. RIP my friend.


Banstick Emeritus
I'm sorry for your loss. Your tribute to him is proof enough how deeply you felt about him.

I am truly sorry.
Honestly I expected to come in to some cheesy stupid thread with a slightly on-topic but misleading title, really sorry to hear that though :(


Wow, sorry for your loss. I've never lost any of my close friends (not yet), so I can't imagine what it's like, but you (and his family/other friends) have my sympathy.
Holy shit, I wonder if I TAed any of the classes this guy was in. Small world.

Sorry to hear about your loss man. I'm in East Lansing still so if you need someone to talk to or buy you a beer, let me know. As far as I know, Spartans-age is pretty big so someone can help you out here.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I was expecting this to be a stupid thread about mcdonalds cancelling mcribs or something similar. :(

I'm very sorry for you Gaborn.
Do you know more than the news story?! It reads strange.

I hope you can come to terms and deal with it. Best of luck.


Hitokage said:
Wow, that really sucks. Still no idea what happened?

None, as the article says they're waiting on the tox report. I can't imagine though he'd have taken anything serious. I mean, he dabbled in a little marijuana but that wouldn't cause this. He was so healthy... I bet it was a heart abnormality or something similar to that, I can't imagine anything else. Also... thank you all. I'm still in total shock, I just heard about this an hour or so ago, I'm on the other side of the state.


I'm sorry for your loss. I find it inspiring that you managed to enjoy him for what you meant to each other, and not what you hoped you would one day mean. It takes a large heart and bright spirit to be able to enjoy people on their own terms, even if those terms aren't everything you'd like them to be.

Cherish your memories, and I wish you the best.


That was a really beautiful tribute you wrote.

If you care for him as much as you say you do, he won't leave your side as a friend and inspiration, even in death.

Rest in Peace


Just checked out a few different news articles. Seems like he was really well liked and loved guy. Really sad to see him go.

Once again, so sorry. Don't be too hard on yourself though.


Reading this made me think of my best friend, and it really tore me up.

I'm sorry for your loss, Gaborn. :(


Beautiful tribute. He sounds like an amazing person and I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to meet him. My condolences.


I got a little teary eyed reading your original post. Made me think of some of my friends, and especially 1 friend I share a special bond with...

So very sorry for your loss!
Those who change that chain of events that result in who we are today live on in the impressions they made on the living.

Cheers to those who have accomplished that.
Terrible news, Gaborn.

Honor his memory, and keep those times shared and thoughts forever within you, so that his generous and kind spirit may continue to proliferate here and now


massive bear, tiny salmon
He sounded like a really amazing person and will no doubt leave a hole in your life.


Fuck. I'm so sorry.

Thank you for sharing that tribute.

It made me think of my best friends... There are times when we become irritated or lose enthrallment with those that we love. Sure, those feelings are natural in any sort of relationship, but reading about this horrible situation of yours makes me want to cherish every moment of contact I have with those I care about most.

I hope time doesn't dull this vivid inspiration in me as it has dulled so many others. Life is just so precious...
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