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The Sexy Brutale |OT| Masques and murder

Played through this game with a friend. We really enjoyed it. The characters are fun and the music pretty spectacular. Definitely agree with those saying the second half really ramps things up, with the ending being particularly gripping. I'd recommend the game.


After my initial impressions, i persevered and i'm glad i did because i like this game a lot (i'm currently in case 6).

It has great presentation: good graphics and design, polished and with attention to detail and an awesome soundtrack (would be quite interested in purchasing that soundtrack when available).

The gameplay is fascinating and interesting. The only downside is, as already mentioned, that actually solving a chapter only needs one particular action in most cases. The bulk of the gameplay is reconstructing what happened during the day by evesdropping and looking around but once you get a clue for a solution, it only involves one particular thing to do (as an example, i managed to solve case 2 purily by coincidence from doing one action of which i did not know it was the solution at that time). This also means that if you don't know how to perform that particular action, you're stuck with very little to do and experiment with, in order to find a solution (since you only need to solve that one puzzle). In that sense, i feel it could have been a bit more complex and with more puzzles to solve.

I can't wait to dive back in and finish the game. Glad i bought it. The developers are on my "to watch" list.


Just played through this in one 6-ish hour sitting. Really neat game! I honestly wish it went a little further in the puzzley aspects, especially for later portraits, but still, super cool. Three little nitpicks, though:

First, I really wish instead of the jump forward you could get at the clocks that you literally just had a fast forward button (especially since the clocks just speed up the gameplay anyway but only to specific times). I didn't really have use for the jump since any time I needed to wait for 60-90 seconds it wasn't exactly next to a clock, so I'd opt to just wait in real time.

Other two (spoilers):
Like others have said, the "same room but different level" rule. I really wish the game had told me that. I probably burned half an hour on Willow trying to futz with the candles or look for an item I missed when I had correctly figured out the idea (dousing the candle).

Also, for Thanos and Aurum, I again feel like I got it right, but the game didn't want me to do the slot machine right next to the furnace last for some reason. The arm would only spin twice, then it got stuck. So I had to just do it in a needlessly complicated order? Maybe the order they light up in on the furnacevator? I'm still not sure why that is.

Despite that, this game was great. Music, style, all of that.


Never heard of this game before, but based on these review and the style of the game it certainly picked my interest


this game aesthetics and general story plot catches my eye.

Is it a good one? How long does it take to complete?

6-10 for completion seems common, probably a fair bit more if you want to be a completionist. There are collectibles, but not going out of my way to get them, I got probably 85%.

Bought this for my fiance, hopefully it will run in a surface book, doesn't look that graphically intensive.

Honestly, "run", yeah. Not sure how well. I have a 980 and the game liked to hitch a bunch, between rooms or when loading anything in.


6-10 for completion seems common, probably a fair bit more if you want to be a completionist. There are collectibles, but not going out of my way to get them, I got probably 85%.

Honestly, "run", yeah. Not sure how well. I have a 980 and the game liked to hitch a bunch, between rooms or when loading anything in.

Think it nearly burned the surface book haha thing heated up really quick, I just have her playing on my PC right now. Maybe if I drop it down to 1080p or 720 on the surface book that would help.
Is the overall mystery intriguing? Thinking of buying this, seems a good game to take a short break from Persona.

edit: basically answered a massive one post before me. gj hitch ¬¬


'enry 'ollins
This game looks right up my alley. Clue with time travel? Sign me up.

...as soon as it supports GoG cloud saves. At least that's what I'm telling myself while staring at my backlog.


Just caught up with the GB Quick Look and man, this game looks amazing in terms of art and such. I'll definitely purchase it. The physical version mentioned above looks neat.

Any word on a Switch version by any chance? If not, I'll stick with PS4.


Just bought the physical Full House edition as a souvenir / birthday gift for myself today here in Stockholm (where I'm staying at the moment).

I'm impressed by the box art and especially by the booklet containing very cool (character) art and some background info on the game by the dev teams (Cavalier Game Studios & Tequila Works). They mention point and click adventures, Groundhog Day and Gregory Horror Show as inspirations, some of which were mentioned here and in the GB Quick Look (along with Ghost Trick, Skullgirls and Venetian mask culture, which I'd add myself).

If Tequila Works delivers a similar quality on the soon to be upcoming Rime, both packaging wise and with regards to the game itself, than we are in for a treat I feel.


'enry 'ollins
I ended up buying the game. Having a ton of fun.

Need some help on the last guest.

I'm at the point where I need to power both sides of the elevator in the basement. One comes from that operating room. The other is the slot machine thing. I'm having a problem with the latter. I picked up the pinball from one side. Put it into the pinball machine and got the arm. Ran out of time before I could put the arm into the machine. Ok no problem, just gotta try again. No matter how many times I repeat it, the pinball machine will not spit out an arm. Is it glitched? I mean, I'm willing to try backtracking to OTHER arm hidden by the servants, but I feel like that wasn't the point... If it's not glitched, just say that without any other hints. Thanks.

Um.. The old arm worked. Not sure if that was supposed to happen...

Just refound the new arm in the basement kitchen. Clearly I'm going crazy.
Three little nitpicks, though:

Also, for Thanos and Aurum, I again feel like I got it right, but the game didn't want me to do the slot machine right next to the furnace last for some reason. The arm would only spin twice, then it got stuck. So I had to just do it in a needlessly complicated order? Maybe the order they light up in on the furnacevator? I'm still not sure why that is.

You ran out of time.
When the gate to the furnace opens, you can no longer pull the arm on that statue because the code is already locked-in and their fate is sealed. Getting that one last might be doable but I think it'd be very very tight, I only managed to pull the arm once before it locked when I tried the solution that way around.

Just refound the new arm in the basement kitchen. Clearly I'm going crazy.

I think this is my favourite solution in the game.
Remember earlier when you saw the guy stash the arm in that little cupboard in the dining room? Well that dumbwaiter sends things down into the kitchen, so the arm you get there is the same one that he broke from the statue upstairs that you used to save Aurum and Thanos! You can tell, because it only appears around 3-4pm or something when he hides it there upstairs. I didn't realise this until afterwards, I'd trekked all the way upstairs to get it from the same place I got it before, the dining room, but that worked too.

The pinball machine doesn't spit out an arm, by the way, it was a card, which is why it only appears once. I think you must have misread the text on screen in your expectation of seeing an arm!

Beaten everything now, and I loved it. The puzzles weren't ultimately complicated but I think that works in its favour, every death is just complicated enough that it doesn't outstay its welcome, anything more and I think you'd be tired way before saving a life.

Just some cards and invitations to find, and then I think all the mysteries of the mansion are done. Surprise top-10 game of the year for sure, this. Never even heard of it until the reviews suddenly hit.


'enry 'ollins
I think this is my favourite solution in the game.
Remember earlier when you saw the guy stash the arm in that little cupboard in the dining room? Well that dumbwaiter sends things down into the kitchen, so the arm you get there is the same one that he broke from the statue upstairs that you used to save Aurum and Thanos! You can tell, because it only appears around 3-4pm or something when he hides it there upstairs. I didn't realise this until afterwards, I'd trekked all the way upstairs to get it from the same place I got it before, the dining room, but that worked too.

The pinball machine doesn't spit out an arm, by the way, it was a card, which is why it only appears once. I think you must have misread the text on screen in your expectation of seeing an arm!
...dammit. Yeah, definitely misread because of how stressed for time I was in that whole section. (I don't like that time doesn't stop for text.)

I 100%ed game in one sitting.
Overall, I enjoyed it. The puzzles were easy, but if they were any harder/longer, then this would've become a multiday affair and the map/backtracking for collectibles is not entirely conducive to that (damn you cards hidden in fireplaces!). I loved how interconnected the map was. Near the end, I was starting to forget all the little shortcuts and whatnot from A to B because of how sprawling it all felt.

The ending didn't resonate strongly with me. It felt more like a last minute info dump than the culmination of a game's worth of foreshadowing. Like, there weren't enough clues sprinkled in for you to ever realize that you and the Gold Skull were just different versions of Lucas. At least not until the final act. The only foreshadowing I recall prior to that was really the demon angler telling you that his suicide coercion was the pillow for the "real" fall. I wish there were more of that to both instill more dread and mystery and to make the final payoff a little more satisfying. Despite that, excellent game. Great way to spend $20 on a Sunday.

The Wart

Fuck, never heard of this game but I love Groundhog Day type settings in games. But I have so many other fucking games to play. And also like, a job and shit.

Fuck this year, man.


Fuck, never heard of this game but I love Groundhog Day type settings in games. But I have so many other fucking games to play. And also like, a job and shit.

Fuck this year, man.

The games relatively shortly - you should be able to fit it in, and you absolutely should! I do know what you mean, though...

I completed the game just a couple of days ago, and loved it - platinum trophy and 100% of brochure entries unlocked. This game really is... superb, an absolute gem and one that deserves all the success that it can get. If you've not heard of the game, this is a puzzle game set in fictional casino mansion, tasking you with preventing the murders of nine guests, through the use of close observation and an innovative time-manipulation mechanic. The puzzle difficulty is nicely balanced throughout and intricately designed, but where the game really excels is in its world design and intriguing storyline, which compels you onwards to discover the secrets that the mansion hides. Topped off with a fantastic soundtrack, this really is a game not to be missed!


'enry 'ollins
Fuck, never heard of this game but I love Groundhog Day type settings in games. But I have so many other fucking games to play. And also like, a job and shit.

Fuck this year, man.
It's very reasonable to beat in one sitting/weekend. Especially if you don't care to find all the collectibles.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
If you're in Europe, the game is currently 50% off in the current PSN sale. Decided to bite and was glad I did. It's one of the rare times where the ending actually elevates the entire experience and makes you look at everything in a new light. I read this analysis which is very informative and shows there's a lot going on in this game, way more than you'd initially think. As it stands now, it's my favorite story in a game this year.
I actually picked this up the other day and got my platinum yesterday.

Absolutely wonderful game that is a lot of fun, well written and very well made. Would love to see a sequel down the line, they could do a lot more with a sequel.


I'm enjoying it so far, but I'm a little worried that it'll end really quick. So far the puzzles seem like they're building up to an added level of complexity, but I only have two portraits left.

Also the game deleted my save first go, so I'm a little worried... Apparently Steam is finicky regarding Sexy Brutale's cloud saves. I will say I'm definitely enjoying this more than I enjoyed Tequila Work's other 2017 release, RiME. This definitely has more interesting gameplay mechanics, and even though I may be near the "end," I feel like there's still plenty to find in way of collectibles and information regarding the story. Upon finishing RiME I felt no such desire to go back and learn more.


Ok, I 100%'ed it in about 7 hours. I'm not normally the type to clean up all the achievements and collectables, but after finishing the game in 5 hours, I saw I was already close enough to finish the game. There were a few little extra puzzles in there to get the last few cards/invitations, and I did really like the reward.

Overall the game is really charming. I think the thought put into the sound design should deserves particular praise. In fact, I recommend to incoming gamers to turn DOWN the sound effects and turn UP the music, because the music actually does a lot of the heavy lifting in regards to tone, atmosphere, and story telling.

The other highlight for me was the mansion itself. By the end of the game I had memorized most of its winding passageways, even despite its tremendous amount of doors. This speaks to how well the visual design of this game was, making even bare hallways discernable from one another. In a game where time keeping can be critical, being able to know exactly where I was in the large estate without having to keep referring to my map was a big timesaver, and a great success of the game overall.

Storywise, I was impressed in how much it tried to turn an off the wall concept into a coherent plot, although I'm not entirely sure they completely nailed it. There are still a few questions regarding the plot that don't seem to hold up to scrutiny.

Gameplaywise, I was happy with what we got. I just wanted MORE. A more reactive sandbox. More failure states. More intricacy. More puzzles. This game reminded me a whole lot of the Wii game Zack and Wiki, another niche and cute puzzler that just didn't throw enough at the player before the credits rolled.

As far as a proof of concept, I think The Sexy Brutale is strong, but I feel like a sequel would allow Tequila Works to really nail the ideas explored here. Unfortunately, the amount of discussion I've found online seems to suggest that this game wasn't too much of a success, so I have my doubts as to whether or not we'll be revisitng this Ghost Trick-esque gameplay soon.
Playing through sexy brutale right now and really enjoying it. I think im about halfway through the game so far but i love the mechanics. Kudos to whoever came up with the game. Its pretty unique.
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